JACKSONVILLE r L JacKaon ville, JncK»on County, Oregon. Friday, November G, 1903. Vol. I CHY SENTINEL COUNCIL IN SESSION. LOCAL NOTES No. 26 « Bill* Audited and Matters Important Io the Mr John Bolilc, of Ruch, who lias town D im usseri Breakwater Keported l»een quite sick is now recovering ami Complete and Bill Ordered raid. Com will k««»n I m - in his usual good health. mrltee of firemen Confer with Council. Miss Stella Pleasant of < .old Hill and The Jacksonville council met Tu«-»«lay Miss Ethel Nelson of Klamath Falls The best stock ever brought to Med­ evening with Mayor E. Britt. Cotinciliiicn have entered St. Marys Academy for tin J. S. Orth, J II Ifuffi r. Sr . T.J. Kenney winter term. ford and the cheapest to be had in «nd Recorder II. Dox, Marshal W G D H. Stover who with Henry Mc­ Kctitu-v ami Cha*. Dunford ¡«resent. Comb i* op rating a placer mine on Ster­ Jackson County for the quality is at I'll«- following bill* wen- ordered pud: ling mountain, was in Jnckeonville Mon J. If. Duller, St, *upt. work on day laying in supplies. breakwater........................................ f|N HO \V G Kenney made a business trip to Jas Fielder hauling brush for br«-ak waatr.................................................. .. 9 20 Portland th«- first of the week, returning Monday. El Hviirv Dox recorder's fees ............. Hon. W. I Vnwter an attorney of Furman Crump wood for Citv hull.. H on The Charter Oak and the Acorn both Medford ami president of the Jackson Chas Dunfonl hauling lumber County Bank, was in Jac ksonville Mon­ posts etc for break water................ ft 25 day on business at the court house both heavy steel heaters, guaranteed airtight S J Bonssu111 ¡lost*............................... 7 50 Miss Nellie Reaiucs, who has been and to last a dozen years. Sheet planished Jacksonville <'•«* Co light for Oct 2B 1*7 visiting with In raunt, Mrs. <) Harbaugh, G H Elkerton erecting lamp at Steel Heaters of our own make, the best low- bridge....................... ............................ » (15 for tile past two weeks, will I return to Bill of Jacksonville Gas Compuiy for her home at Phoenix the last of this priced airtight stove on the market. fixtures amounting to £ll.3r correction. A Bible Institute and Evangelistic Councilman J. II. Hutfi-r, who ha«l Conference will lx- held in the Presby- Anything in the Hardware Eine. siijierintemled th«- construction of tenan Church, Ashland, Nov. Bth, 7i«i, the lack son err« k bieakwaier, rejx«rteb finished ami that it was don«* in address th«- meeting Satuiday evening first-clasdshajx-. Their bills amounting ami Sunday. to FWL.'IB w as audited and or«ler<-«l paid Ernest Ingram ami Henry Orth left river and is one of the leading stockmen file young couple left immediately after at a special meeting of th«- council h«-ld last Fridav. Of this amount ¡»aid the Monday morning bright ami early on a of that section. tile ceremony for Walla Walla, Wash., contractors was on the original ti-njlay hunting trip to Pelt, an Bav* and where they are to mike their future Chas. Human, who has a ranch near Crater lake. They went with a light contra« t ami $21 ..'IB for putting in br< ak home. water by Chajunan projxrnv and #2 o*»for wagon well loaderl with guns and amuni Ruch and who like alxiut all the Ap| ’ l< gate ranchers are adding each year i George Beavcnuv, who is managing lion ami expect to return with it us well work on Jackson « reek bri«lgc. a goodly amount J.o their wealth, was in the Bartxre vineyard for his sister, Mrs Councilman lliilfer mentioned that as loaded with game. Jacksonville Saturday with a load of pro­ Delia Barlae. of Alton, California. com­ the town finances were getting low. a Win. M. Colv.g left Monday tor Ogden. Mr Human practices diversified pleted last we« k tin- ¡licking of the table debt of sevi ral hundn <1 dollars having I tali, when he g«»es to attend an execut­ duce. farming and along with other crops he grap.-s from the vineyard, ami the re­ lx-«-n incurred by reason of the breakwater ive meeting of the supreme grand omet rs, ami other expense*, that it wa* inennib of which In is on«-, of the Workmen, has raised three acres of potatoes this mainder of the grapes lie sold to Albert ent upon the town to draw upon every ' which has Isen i nlled to m«-rt in that season that have yielded well and he is Gangwisch. who is making them into selling them ata good pncc. wine, he expecting to have about 15 bar­ soiirc- of n venue at its comm «ml. As city on Friday Mr. Colvig «-xjx-cts to there .ip|M-Hi«d to lx-mon than the usual get back to Jacksonville by Momlav next. C. M. Adams, an employe of the Jack rels. This vineyard has 15 acres in it quota of 'logs roaming the str« els he re- son Count) Lumber Company, a short and it is on«- of the large-t and liest vine­ Michael Sidley and his sister. Miss time ago was hit up.n the head bv a fall­ yards in the Jacksonville hills. ««•niniemle'l that the «log tax be enforve«l is it would ytel«l from $50 to JIHH, unless Minnie, were in Jacksonville over Mon- ing tree. He rallied for a time but an Hon. lh nry E. Ankeny came Tuesday then- wasa sudden mortality or emigra­ «lav night, guest-at the Keegan home. abscess forming, it was found necessary from Eugene, where his family is now tion of «log* about town. Coiitii-ilinaii Tuesday they returned to their home at to operate U| m > ii Inin and Mondav Hr. residing while his daughters attend the Kenney favoreil enforcing the license, Lake t reek. Miss Annie Keegan, who Gale assisted by l>r. Robinson took out a State L'uiversity. and was met by his son. while Councilman O'tli thought that it had lx-en visiting with Miss Sidley for piece of his skull and remover! the abscess. Frank, am! taken to the Sterling mine, would cau»e more expense ami uproai the past t« n day», returned to her home Mr Adams suavd lhe operation well and where he will spend a week looking than the lew dollars that could lx- raised with Mr. and Miss Sidley. he is rapidly recovering from his injure. after work that is being d«>n<- upon the wotihl warrant. Marshal Kenney was mine to g«-t it in re idiness for piping Mr. and Air*. Frank Olxmchain. who Rev. F. G. strange Jeft Mond ty for so soon as the rains begin. Mr. Ankenv not anxious for the job of rounding up ha1 tables. Previous or«lin- 1 Mr. ()lx-nchaiii has a big ram It on Sprague ter of a prominent merchant of Eugene. that the Eastern stock flurry will hurt ances and the charter wire lass«-«l tn control the Ixiys. year and the honey from the colonies The firemen at their tn« < ting Monday that he had more than pa-.d the purchase night ha«l apjx'int« <1 a s,iec!i«l committee price for the bees and for the« xpense of consisting ol t has. Basye, Cllas Dull his apiary. His bees this season, though f««rd and Win. Puhi t«» bring tx foie th«* the unusual dry weather diminished the OF council the need «»flatter fire protection quantity of Howers, have made a fine lot for the '.own. Messrs. Basye and Dun of honev ami have brought him g«xxl re­ f«ir«i wire present ami adtlressed the turns on his investment. Mr. Reynolds council <«n the nec«l of cisterns for the finds that the idea that some people have residence ¡wirt of tile town ami for more that bees are poisoned that feed Upon h«>s«-. The« also advocated th«* creation fruit trees that have been sprayed is er­ <>f th«- office of tin- wa*ar«l of trade. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy with my Thursday, Nov. 2B—Grand i'hanksgiv- children for several years and can truth­ ing ball in Jacksonville under auspice« fully say it is tile best preparation of the of Native Daughters. kind 1 know of. The children like to Otir stock of Gentlemens Staple Furnishings is the Momlav, Dec. I t — Decent lx*r term of take it and it has no injuriousaftereffect. largest in Seuthern Oregon. circuit court for Jackson county convenes For sale by City Drug Store. at Jacksonville. Saturdav, Dec. lit—Farmers institute at Candy. H e arc a young concern, always ready to do business Jacksonville under auspices of Jack­ Tile largrst assortment ever in Jackson­ or quote prices. Will be pleased to show our goods. sonville board of trade with forenoon, ville. Hand made and factory made. afternoon and evening sessions con­ The Model, Max Muller's old stand. ducted by professors from the Oregon W. I.. Nelson, a prosperous Elk Creek stat« Agriculture! Colby«-. tanner, was in Jacksonville Wednesday, All the latest magazines and periixli- on business connected with the Elk Creek cals at the City Drug Store. school district, of which he is clerk. D. fi. MILLER’S FALL LINE MEN’S, BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOTHINC Men’s Suits from $5 to $20