Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, October 30, 1903, Image 8

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    Iht* leathers Institute.
he net forth th- gain to la- had in teach­
The annual teachers institute for Jack ing vocal music in the schools.
son county convened W ednesday morn­ Mulkey gave a short talk on "\’«x «1 Cui
ing in the Jacksonville High School as­ ture" that contained many helpful hints.
sembly room The exercises were ««fiened Language study was taken up by Pr< s.
by singing under tin- direction of Prof. Caiuplwll who impressed on the teacheis
X I. Xarregan, principal of the Medford the m ed of making that one of the strong
school. Pres B. F. Mulkev of the \sh- recitations of th«* «lav.
Thiirsi.av evening another public meet­
land Xoruial then took up the ques
turn of civics and in bis talk gave a most ing was hehl at th« court house that was
utlim- of the various quite as well attcmlv«! as the «»lie of the
branches and dull« s of our national, previous evening. The first part of the
state, county ami municipal government. evening was taken up by a concert,
Be gave some excellent points on how to it I k ing given bv the Molionl High
l'on it ill finti nt Hinn's
teach civil government. State Su|»eriii School Baml under the direction of Prof.
tendentJ. 11. Ackerman sjoke on sum. Xarregan. I'll« selections were of a high
Jacksonville. > itvi>>>n.
rural school problems that are now to order of music ami the Ixivs plavetl with
the best varíete ot
I k - met.
Be advocated that evert effort
should I k - made to raise the standard ot | them and to their teacher. Pu s. B. F.
the rural school to that of the town Mulkev delivered an address on the in-
school. C«msolidating districts when vention ami nchiev« tnents of the am icuts
possible and making the course of study that was highlv inter« sting au«l which
the more fully follow the trend of the greatly pha-td the audien -e.
Friday forenoon was made interesting
times and make it more industrial, for
the Twentieth century is to be the in by sev< ral new features. Prof. Narregan
«lustrial age. Prof. E. E. Washburn, gave his method of teaching arithmetic.
principal of the Jacksonville High School Pres. Cainpliell s|x>k«- on rv<i«liug ami lit­
gave some practical ideas on methods of erature for he school rcHitn. Mi«s Case,
teaching arithmetic that were wed re teacher ot elocution in the Ashland Nor­
mal, give a reading that won a hearty
ceived by the teachers
Miss Kaiser,
The afternoon program ojx n«-<! bv j encore from the teachers.
Prof. X. L. Narregm. principal of the of the X< rm al gave some h< Ipful hints as
Medford Big«i School, giving a practical how Ix'st to carry on'. nature study.
outline on how physiology should I k - Th«- afternoon program was short« net!
taught and the needs of its being made and only embraced a talk on arithmetic
----- ------ , a t ilk by Pr« s.
more prominent m school work, The by Prof. Washburn.
health of the child is essential tint it Campiteli on sch«*<»l and -«»lieges ami a
may grow- into a healthy adult ami a short address bv Pres \V. If Deaister of
strong body ami mind are the founda til« Central Oregon State N< miai at
tions for a success in life Supt. Acker Drain on tra« hing as « profess.on R«s-
man gave a talk that w is ofs|x*cial inter­ olutions of th inks were |»assed for th«
est to the teachers in charge of the coun­ excellent ln-lructious hul from 'he prof
try sell«Mil on how to l»est arrmge their fessors and the ho-pi ta i t. of Jackson­
daily clars programs, I>r. Woods Hutch ville.
The following teacher* * were enrolled;
inson, secretary of the Oregon State
B >ard of Braith, spoke on the need of Bertha Peachey, A. II Peachey, G. II.
l»etter car. l»e ng exer is« d bv teachers Samuels, Mrs. (1 II Samuels. Anna lk-e-
ami school boards in looking to the pr« • I son, Chas. H. K ng. Frances Itonegan,
st rvation of the health of the «cliol.irs. Josephine Donegan, Mr* S P. Robbins.
Light, ventilation. an«l heat shoubl be Myrtle E. Johnson, M. E Griffith . Edith
carefullv adjusted that no ill effects on Dungev, Mae Curry. M irtini '1 hiele.
the children may l»e produced.
Pupil- Bernice Cameron. D«»ra Hurlev. Julia
each term shoubl hive their sight, ami X ash. Kate Hr :«<1. Tillie B< «iks, X« ttie
hearing tested and if faulty lx- r< ported Thompson, p. H Daily; Co. Supt . S P.
Miirphv. Filie
to their parents that they may have med­ Robbins. Ambrozme
ical treatment. T«achers should watch Weiss, Corta Master-on Bertha Corum,
the habits of their pupils «nd -heck any­ J. A Bish, J. C. Barnard. C. F. Tarrash.
Zu«la Owen«, Marv Foslniv. Gerttude
thing that might bring ill effects.
Wedtiesdav evening a public meeting Engle. Julia Fielder. Mari«- E. Gray.
was hel«l in the circuit court ro nt in the Clara P »lev. I lolite Badger, Iiorothv Day.
court house that was well attended, so Mary Chibb. rs. Eda Dodge, I larriet <lan­
iere, Eva S ««rev, Mr- M Pet«r, Marv
many being present hit standing room
was taken. The opening part of I the B Cli-ierwoi.d, Minnie i {<>< ken vos. David
program was given by the scholars of Mathews, Ja-j -r X. Miller, Mrs. A. J
■the Jacksonville school, which was as Hanby, A. J. ifaiiby. Fannie Bevve-,
Viola pheister. Lilli«- llcw« s. T A. Enk.
G. R. Carlock. E. E \\ a-liburn. Annetta
Chorus. “There's a Lonely Cottage
Burch, X. L. Xarregm. 1.« la Stinson, Ila
bv the Seaside " . ................................
. .................... Jacksonville High School M. Mur». Hattie Gleason, A^m-s Mo* re.
Instrumental Duet—Mary ami Ruth Anna Jeffrey, Lizzie Firguson, A. Ad« I
aide Beebe, G. W. Metalli,
Milam, W. T
Concert Recitation—Eight little girls Cameron, Giace Barr« tt, Docia Willett»,
Mayinie McWilli.ini-, B Bhtach, Elina
from Mrs. P< ter.s room.
Instrumental Solo—Frances Kenney. W. Bulini.tn. Etheiyn Hurlev, Lida Lott­
Concert Recitation — Thirty pupils ridge, C. K. Bentley, jilo. R. TyrielL
Mae Mu'.itt,
from Miss Doneg.ill’s room
Instrumental Solo—Mamie Newburv.
Chas. Crump wa- in Ja< ksonville th«
Instrumental Solo—Marion X« il.
fore part of last we« k from Cinnabar
Chorus, “Sailing’*...................................
........................Jacksonville High S hool buying a large nunilxr of traps of various
The scholars acquitted themselves -iz.es ami lay ing in a winter s supply of
Larqest .Stock of form Machinery in South­
with credit ;«n«l their s-.-'.ections were well grub for himse lf ami Alex Hubbard of
rec« ived by the audience. A short ami Medford, wh > with him will spend tin
ern Oregon.
well worded a«l«lress of welcome to the winter in the Si-kivoti mountains mar
for bear,
visiting teachers by Prof. Washburn on Cinnabar Springs trapping
Complete line of Vehicles, embracing Idrm
behalf of
re­ ami other wild animats. Th« -v hauled
sponds toby Prof. A. J. Banby. princi­ their supplies to Little Applegitc ami
dnd I reiqhl Wagons. Spring Wagons, Car-
pal of the Central Point schutd, who from there packed them on horses on
s; <»ke of the courteous welcome that
ridges, Huqqies, He.
Jacksonville ha«l ever extended to the
The death took place last Sunday of
teachers of Jackson county whenever Miss Ada Cook at the home of her |xir
llayinq and Harvesting Machinery. Horse
they ha«l had occasion to hold their insti­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, at the
tute at the couutyseat. The chief feature Bybee farm on Rogue river. Bv her re­
forks dnd Wire Rope.
of the evening was the lecture of Dr. quest her remains were laid at r< st in
Wo«jds Hutchinson, of Portland, whose the Jacksonville cemetery where the
topic, “The Development of the Cnild," funeral services were held Momlat after­
m ide a decided Ilit with the audience. noon. Then were present a largi number
The Doctor's talk was along original line- of the friends of the family to show their
ami it contained many helpful hints to respect to the memory of the young wo­
both parent and teacher.
man whom all counted as their friend,
The program for Thursday morning file burial service was most touchingly
opene«! by l’res. B. F. Mulkey who out- conducted by Rev. T. M. Jonts «if
line«l the points in United States historv Central Point. flic floral off-rings were
that should have a leading place in that many and Ix-auifiil in design ami color
-tudv. And while teaching history Pres. ing. Mi-s Co«,k was 211 years of age at
From the oldest, finest wook-d Oregon
Mulkev advocatefl that the teacher the time of her death and she was known
bred llo« k. Thirty In ad of
should make the most <>f the opportunity as a most exemplary, industrious young
to teach patriotism and political honesty woman, who had the friendship of all
that the voters of the future may have a who had her acquaintance. She was a
Second Fl«»«»r, Adkins Block.
(Inc to four years old, im-dium sizi-«l.
high conception of theirdutics as citizens strong, healthy girl until a couple of
op|*»site Postoffn’i .
short jointed. Bn «1 for crossing with
and of the honor an«l preservation of the years ago when she took a very seven
leggy, loosc-wooled ew< s. Hi st glcxners
nation. A general discussion on “Bow cold which developed into consumption,
orchard, hop var.l or li< |«|; ami most
to Improve the Teaching Profession'' which was the cause of her death. The
self-liclpfnl of w«x»l ami mutton sheep
closed the forenoon session. First on family circle consist« d of the father and
Can taken to fill orders l«v mail.
the afternoon program was an address mother and ten children and this is the
Corn-s|H,mk lice wanted with voting
on the value of kindergarten work by first death and the loss of their «laughter
Fine Photography a Specialty. farmers who are thinking of engiiging in
Pres. P. L- Catnpliell of the State Uuiver- is a s« vere blow to Mr. and Mrs. Cook
sity, Eugene. Pres. Campbell urged the and her death brings a keen sorrow to Special attention given to posing sheep raising, win« will I.« giv« n p.,int< r-
extension of the kindergarten to all the her sisters and brothers. The brothers of children. Jilt work guaran- that will I h to their int< n-st.
schools and especially to the towns are young ami yet at home, but the four teed. Prices reasonable.
where classes separate from the higher sisters are grown ami married they be­
grades could be maintained. Prof. Xar- ing Mrs. Lee Edmondson of Big Butte, Thomas <’.rigsb., all of Applegate vi-
reg in gave an instructive talk in which ami Mrs. Lee Grigsby, Magnus Hall, I cinitv.
Salem, - - Oregon
Hosiery and
Ilie latest thin«) in the Bed and
Lounge line Come <ind inspect
I «liso t«ike orders for
Harness and Saddles
Timber Land
Photo Gallery
Minto & Wahi,