pOLVIGft DURHAM LAWYERS BOARD OI I KADI IN SESSION. Propositions Importimi to Jack son ville D im ussrd nnd Special Committees Ap- pointed to ( arry out Work ot Board. X* LOCAL NOTES, x? E. W. Allen, a Medford young man well known in Jacksonville, is now at McKittrick. California, where he is em­ ployed with an oil pio-|M.-cting company. The Jacksonville Iss-iril of trade held a There vs i11 services at St. Josephs met ting Monday evening at the town a. in. hull that was well attended by the busi Catholic chon h Smulav at and ":3o p. in and Rev. Father Murphy­ lie»» men of the town. The first matter up for con»ideration will hold s< rvices at Medford al I02J0 a. was the re|»>rt of the s|x-cial committee nt. All work rtjiml to the I m ’»I to I m - had if« Port I m nd that hud been investigating the feasabil- Ex-Assessor I. C Pendleton and Mrs. Crown», llndtf« work Mild Artificial Teeth ity of improving the Jacksonville Med­ Pendleton of Taba- Rock wete in Jack­ on t idier rubber or celluloid pluter ford road. Judge Day chairman of the Jackionvill* • • Oregon committee and G'-orgc la wis and Chart« » sonville Monday to attend the funeral service al the burial of the late Miss .Aria Diiiiiotd each stated that they 'lid not Cook, of Hybee Bridge. Mr. and Mr», think it possible to make a jiermanent Pendleton »topped in tow n until after road down Jackson creek and after hav- stip|M-r and wete guests of Mr. and Mr». l mg investigated the various proposed James Wilson. v e i *. ri l/l. .riusi • V NITRI» STATES I. ANU COM MISSION EK routes to wliii h to change the rou>! that E. L. Parra ha» sold his farm of .'IX they had decided that the l>est route and Filing» mui final proof* for homratrad* the one that would I m - <-hea|M-»t ill the acres near Central Point to F. W. South­ unii liinta-t duini« inaile long run would I m - to extend the Medford ard of Chicago for $40011 the deal taring J ichionvill« Oregon r 1st Judicial District. The marriage I mii was announced followed tile committee** re|M,rt. the Oregon tenor of which was to agree with the last Sunday at St. Josephs church of JacksiHt. Illr. committee in the »election of the direct Timothy Dugan of Eagle Point and Miss route for the new road. The need for Minnie Sidlev of latke Creek. This Sun­ I the bcttcrnient of the Central Point road dae the marriage ban of Jaqer BePinger ! was also brought up and it wa« fully agr of Portland and Miss Mary Dickey of 1 I ' • I'lIVSICIAN ntid HFKGF.ON ecd that a change of route for that road Sams Valley will l»e announced. The ; from Hanlev Butte to the Midford road wedding ot Mr. Dugan and Miss Sidley liftier lu Orth» HiilldinK should lie sectire'l. Jackson creek has will take place within about a week, that Hour» tn 5 and 7 to h p m taken possession of this road tut the 15th. of Jackaonvill» Oregon few flixxl* will so wash out the road that it will lie imtiHssible to travel Tite November. plan that met the approval of the board J. C. Stratford who was formerly tn- was to relocate the road from Hanley gaged tn the photogralipic business in Butte along the east side of the present Jacksonville has returned and will open 's—J ATT o HNHVAT-I.AW road to the dividing line lietwcen the i gallery for a time. For the |»ast three Will practice in all court* of tile Hanley and the Duncan farms and then months he has Isen at Vreka. His si it«- go direct south along this hue to an in’er- brother. Rev. J. I,. Stratford, who with 1 Other on California street one section with the Medford road. This their mother Mrs Sarah Stratford, «re block south of the court house. would not increase the distance at all lie­ Itoth residents of Canby, in Clackamas I Oregon tween Central Point mid Jacksonville, Jack »on vWle, • • county, where he has charge of the, while the change in the Medford-Jac k- Methodist church. For the j»ast two sonvilie route would shorten that road years R< v. Stratford has lieeti ¡»astor of nearly half a mile, Bv a vote it was de- 1 the Methodist church in Orland, Calif­ ciderl to adopt the proposed changes in ornia. < J • JEWELER these roads and a special committee of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bostwick wire in Watches and clinks rc|xiired five was appointed by President Mem-rve, promptly ami all work gttaran- consisting <»f Gus Newbury, J Nunan, Jacksonville Monday buying supplies. teed. S. J. Day, S.J. Dav. George Lewis ami Henry They were on their way to their home Wendt to jerepare the necessary j* tition, on Forest creek from Anderson creek, Office op|M»»ite I’. S. Hotel. secure the signatures, ami present the where thev had spent a week with Mrs. Oregon petition to the county court the intention Bostwick's mother Mrs. Elizalieth Sny­ Jacksonville. ... lieing to lay the ]« tition la fore the court der. Mr. Bostwick has quite a band of cattle and he isone stockman who is not at the December term. The need of a morning mail service lie- frightened at the drop in prices, he feel­ tween Jacksonville ami Medford was con- ing cofident that so soon as this shortage suit-reft and a sjwcial committee consist-- of feed is |x«st that prices will come up ing of Jas. Cronemiller. M. M. Tayiorand to what they have l»een for some time C. P. Brigg* was appointed to get up a past, and he will hold his stock cattle Veterinary Surgeon. petition and secure the indorsement of over even though feed is expensive. Congressman Hetmanti ami then forward Deputy County Treasurer Robert iJow the ja tition to the postoffice department. and Mrs. Dow went to Uniontown Satur­ The matter of securing a more satisfact­ day and returned Monday, spending the | ory arrangements of the precinct bound- time at the home Janies Cantrail, a broth­ aries was also considered and a sjiecial er of Mrs. Dow. While on the Applegate committee consisting of John S. Orth. Mr. Dow participated in a l»ear encount- , Gus Newbury and C. L. Realties wa* ap- er, which lacked but little of l»eing as pointed to present the matter at the Nov­ dangerous and exciting as were his brush­ ember term of county court. es with the Filipinos when he was with ' the Second Oregon inthe Philippine cam- , Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy. paign. Mr. Cantrall had built a log pen Noone who is aquainted with its good trap tn which to catch a l»ear that had qualities can lie surprised at the great been too familiar about his place. Sun­ popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ day morning Mr. Cantrall and Mr. Dow- edy. It not only cures colds ami grip found the bear in the trapand while stand- ■ effectually and permanently, but prevents mg by the trap admiring the plump form these diseases from resulting in pneumo* and black shining coat of Bruin the latter nia. It is also a certain cure for croup. didn't see so much to admire in them and Whooping cough is not dangerous when made a bolt for liberty and crowding up I this remedy is given. It contains no the r