Jacksons die's Gcoloqa Past. THE PILL BOX Re-opencd in the Palm-Hodge block with the latest in Ladies Toilet Articles, Perfumes, Drugs, Etc. IVAN HUMASON, MGR. CHAS. H. BASYE Will conduct a gene­ ral Blacksmith busi­ ness at the old CRONEMILLER STAND Wagon and Plow Work. Horseshoeing and Ma­ chinery a Specialty. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Paul Cirac who is sinking a well for Mr Nunan has added to tile Seiitim I ex hibit some queer s|>ceiiiietiH of nick for­ mation lh.it he blast«*«! out of the blue siiiidstom formation .'to fret lx-low the surf.ise of the ground. One of tile sjieci- mens is.« granite bouhler. round «nd th«- size and sliatie of .« goos« egg with the piece of saii'istotie hi which it was i m­ bedded. The otlnr specimen is a grmite round la»ull samlstonc tiuit giv«* it tin- exact apjiearanve of a bullet cast for an old fashioned muzzle loading ntiv. The lxnilder has the scam around it as though the moulds had not been p< rf«ctlv closed aud it has a prutula-rance at the point whet«- th«- lead hail Iwcii |M>tirvd into the mould giving th«- rock a most striking resemblance to the bullets moulded bv our grandfafhers for their squirrel ntl«s. These rock* are a pr«s>t of the time mens ured by millions of years since the lull side west of Jacksonville «a. the I m aeh <>l the east shore of Siskiyou island oil whic h the waves laat of an ocean that extended eastward to the Aihghaii) mountain» with but two islands protruding iii all the intervening waste of waters, on«- was the land now known as the B’ite mount ains in Eastern Oregon and the otlur the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. This Sis- kisou island embrace«! the present Siski­ you mountains ami geologists slate that they were the first lam! on the Pacific coast. The lionlders that Mr. Cirac found were fragment* « f granite that were brok­ en from tin high mountains that once towered up luck of this town and then rolled on the Ix-acll of that ancient ocean bv the titles and storm waves until th«-) were worn round. In succeeding age* the boulde'S I m came «-tnlwdd« d in the sand and tin n convul* on* of the earth produced a sulisitience of the lieach anti buried it Iteiu-utli otlur formation* when the heat ami pressure turn««! th«- sand in­ to lianl rock. FRUIT BOXES We can HU orders promptly for fruit boxes in any quantity from one hundred boxes to a carload. Made from best quality seasoned timber. LUMBER I Retail and wholesale, rough or dressed. Shipments made tc any part of the United States. The IOWA Sow Mill, Jacksonville. COMPANY LUMBER Planing Mill - Box and Factory. - Oregon Redmen On the Warpath. BICYCLE d STORE REPAIR0SHOP Racycles, Ramblers and other standard bicycles. Repairs made to bicycles sewing machines, guns and all kinds of small machines. The first meeting of the executive committee of the order of ked Aten oi Oregon wa* held in Astoria Saturday. The executive committe* comprises the hea«l officer* of the order, namely George Orton, great sachem; Dr. If. Henderson, great senior sagamore; Judge W. 11 Conyers of Clatskanie, great junior saga more. The meeting was hehl in the office of Dr. H< nderson ami the purpo*« was to «1« vise a menus <>f extending th«- orm- will I m - sent t«> eastern <>r • gon, one to the Willamette «alley ami per­ haps one to other oortions oi the state. The committee also decided to adopt a system of offering cash prizes for tnem- la-r* bringing in the greatest numlier of applications formeml* r*hip.—Asturian. If you have any Timber land you want to sell—See T. C. Norris. With Sunday of this week closes the trout fishing season. it being unlawful to MEDFORD, - OREGON catch trout from Novemlier 1st to March 1 st of each year. s. p. R. R. TIME CARD. H. I.. Hill who has a farm creek and who for 41 years has ___ ■wjuth-B’ nd North-B nd Station*. mg much of his trailing in Jacksonville Train». Train*. was here Monday with a loa«l of farm No 12 No 16 No 15 No 11 produce an«! took home with him a loaf! of supplies. pill p.m TED lox: - I.v. 11no 11 :.-l.'> a.m 1:15 4 KELSO Portland............... Ar. 7iJI> 4:34 7:4.i 5:14» p.m 12.:«» ...Albany......................... a 1«. 1:40 2X* •Eugene ....................... 1 12 5:5» 111 111 11 11 11 .:»< 11 : V. .. Roseburg.................. ..Orant« Pa*-.............. ..Gold Hill................... ..Central Point Mcdft rd ............ 10:4O .•'2-. 4 5» 1:29 4P.» p.m 11:45 «là ...;ai 5.04 1 52 The Odd Fellow* are preparing fora family reunion as they call it to lie held at their hall this Saturday evening, when they « xpect all their members present as some important business is to be transac ted. As th«- work may lie fatiguing re­ freshments will I m - served. The Sentinel woulit like some selected ears of corn to add to its exhibit of Jack- son county products. The corn can I m : left either at this office, or at th«- Med­ ford Book Store. Other sjiecimens of ..Phoenix..................... 4:10 4:41 11 2* 12 A! farm products are wanted as well as sam­ li»; I::»' ’ ..Talent.......................... 1'2:12 11::« ples of. the various minerals and rocks of p.m this section. Not a day |Misses but what 1:21 ' 12:5*» 32C> ..Ashland ..................... 12:5'» strangers call at this office to see tilt­ 4/JM .. Montague.................. 12.-ÌKI 12:3) ; 1 -25 exhibit of the various products of Jack­ am p.m noil count)' for the)' want proof as to pm am 5:10 ..Sacramento ............ 10:‘>0 11 :5h 5J0 the prixluctions and capabilities of this M.O5 M:55 7:55 Ar.. ..San Francisco. I.v 2 1 22 country. Tickets sold to all points in the United States. The dance at Ruch last Friday even­ Sleeping car reservation* made on application Freight house opens at S a. tn. and closes at 4:20 ing to raise funds to assist William p >11 w V LIPPINCOTT Agent Wright in building a new house to re­ place the one burned some time since Better Than Pills. was a success both financially and social­ The question has been asked—In what ly and the persons under whose auspices wav are Chamberlain’s Stomach and it was given proved themselves generous Liver Tablets superior to the ordinary neighbors and good entertainers. The cathartic ami liver pills? Our answer affair yielded quite a snug sum for Mr. is—They are easier and more pleasant to Wright's lienefit, there living 54 tickets take and their effect is so gentle and a- sol«l at fl .00 each. There were no greeable that one hardly realizes that it , expenses at all the hall Ix-ing donated by is produced by a medicine. Then they ! Casper Ruch and the music by John Mat­ not only move the bowels but improve ney, Mrs. S. Cleveland, Birt Clute and the appetite and aid the digestion. For William Ray, The floor managers were sale at 25 cents per bottle by City Drug James Buckley and Frank McLaughlin I and Henry Kubli sold the tickets. store. KH k : 10:54 l<»:.'>7 11 111 W hite & T rowbridge THE BIG LAND AGENTS MEDFORD. - OREGON lie have the largest and best list in Southern Oregon 01 Fruit, Alfalfa, Dairy and Stock Lands, Timber Lands, Mining Bargains and Town Property. Dealers in Sewing Machines, Unie, Cement and Shingles We buy wool and mohair.