Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, October 23, 1903, Image 3

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lltAMIl* Ml-HIMVI-
of J h « k M/ii ville
Entered tn III«-
J h tk «Min c minty < *i« Kun, a« M*cond <ÌMH« tnnltet.
Hi nsi KirrioN Koo
<>nr yrur
Hi* ni</nth«*
Three month«
C m
T emmm .
Th« Hcitliiirl mih I th«- Weekly Oregonian will
l»r urtii io one gddrriMi lor
a year The Metin
nrl give* thr Jut -kwoii county new»» and the or«
gonnin give« tin «date, nutionul und wot Id new«»,
l Im« a trader i« h I»I<- to rover the « nttre mu»
held ut m I nmi I tile price of but one
NirrioNH The Jack MillVtllf Hrilttfirl
will I m * tent to any n<l<lrr«« ut any poMoffk'** in
th< « nited IM "* ”
i<xif week« mn IO cent«
All Milm*tiptiott«( r<*Kulur of litui, will I m -prompt
ly Mouiird at the <tr»le of rAptruftoil. tini«*»« u »«•
tirwul m received
Friday, October 23, 1903
Thi n- will lx- a meeting of the board of
trade Monday evening to consider a
nuinlx-r of matter* that are id importance
ill the upbuilding of Jai ksonville. The
s | m - i tai committee having in baud the
proposed improvement of the Jackson­
ville-.Mi-dford-Cciitral Point road will lx-
able to rcjxirt their recommendations as
to the most fiasiblc manner in which
this road can lx- made into a permanent
highway . The committee have carefully
consult ted the four pro|x»sed route* for
this road and tin V have decidui to
recommend tin- one that is tin- extension
of the Medford road direct west through
the Karewski place and which w**uld
intersect the pri sent road at the Fick
place al tile jx.int in East Jacksonvilh
w hen-the rmul now used leaves the high
ground and takes to the Led of Jackson
creek. The committee find Ilia’ tai*
route will lx- the lx-*t and the cheapest
in the end id ill the routes, for it will
shorten the distance nearly half a mile
and put the Jacksonville Medford road
on an airline thus making it one of lh<
finest driveways in the Rogue River
The shorter distance to build and
the less ex|x-ns<- to keep the road in re
tsiir on this route the committee figure
will more than make up for the right-of
way damages that will have to be paid.
As to the iujurv that tills route would l>e
to the Karvwski place, the committee
claim that while the road would divide
the place and make extra fencing neces­
sary, vet changing the road from its pres­
ent hx-ation would lx- such an advantage
to the land that it would largely offset
the damage the new route would entail.
By giving up the present roadway as a
channel for Jackson creek the adjoining
land owners would lx- aide to save their
land from lx-ing buried under the tail­
ings that each flixxl of the creek brings
down. The flood of last winter put tons
of rock on Ixith the Mylx-e and the Kar-
ewski places and the millions of tons of
tailings that arc gradually working down
Jackson creek will eventually bury
these farms if not chicked. t Mr. Bylx-e
last spring turned the creek off his land
and he will build bulkheads and keep it
off hereafter. The Karewski prop rty
will also have to lx- protected by bulk­
heads or 2’> or 3<( acres of fine alfalfa land
will be ruined.
But there bulkheads
would lx- little protection to the adjoin
ing land should a roadway be maintained
on the present route for should a high
embankment be thrown up for the road
it would force the creek out into the ad­
joining fields.
The citizens of Jacksonville with few­
exceptions arc anxious to have the road
removed from Jackson creek and placed
on a permanent route and they are will
ing to contribute their full share to this
improvement which is of benefit to a very-
large part of Jackson county.
The total destruction by fire of the
McKi nzie house proves how great is the
need of a la-tter water service for this
citv. The business ¡«art of town has a
water servici but it is so limited that it
would be of little value in a lug fire, whili
the resilience Mition* have no tire
protection at all. The fine Hew school
hoti-a is totally without fire protection and
it could I m * burned from near by dwelling
houses should a high wind be blowing
The loss bv on1 big fire in the business
part of town or by seve ral fires in the
reside lice district would more than equal
the inter.-st oa a bond iss-ie su iieien I y
After more than a year, work and the large to pav for the putting in of an
cx|x-nditure ol a vast sum of money one adequate water service for the tow n.
of tin biggest and most difficult feats of
engineering yet accomplished in Sou h-
The teachere of Ja> kson county will lx-
ern Oregon was finished last Tuesday in Jacksonville a hundred or more s'rong
when the last work was done on the big next week and to entertain them will Le­
Ray dam in Rogue river and the gate no small ta-.k in view of the fact that the
closed and the water turned over the hotel accom xlations are limited and that
dam. It took six hours for the p »nd to so great is the transient patronage that
till, which is now over a mile in length there is scarcely a vacant room in town.
and in places a quarter of a mile in Prof. Washburn and the other teachers of
width, and Rogue river lx-lou the dam the- school are making evi ry effort to
was almost dry stopping for •» v< ral hours secure rooms at the hotels, boarding
the electric light plants of at Gold Hill houses and residences and I they feel eer-
and Gr mts Pass. Work on the electric tain that they will lx- able to accommo-
power station will now lx- begun and date al) who may come, The institute
pushed with the greatest despatch, The bids fair to lx- the most l successful ever
machinery, which was ordere t in the held in Jackson county .
East st vi ral months ago, is on hand and
Jacksonville has the bad reputation of
is stored awaiting the completion of the
the roughest, ill kept sidewa ks
building. The completion of tins great
in the Rogue River Valley,
powi r station will mark the la-ginning of
the residents can lx-
the industrial developmi nt of Southern
visit other town-
Oregon and the coming of ail era of pros
they lx-ing
jh rity such as the valley has not previ
oiisly hail, for it will be tile precursor of
other jhiwi r plants along Rogue river
that will make tills one of the great m tn- of the tr town.
have i onie to la- considered hr homi seek
er* one of the Ix-at criterion* of a coun­
try's enterprise and Jacksonville does
not pro|M>se to I m - longer handicap|x-d by
having its principal road traversing a
creek bed.
The committee on rural telephone will
l»<- able to rejMirt on the data they have
received relative to the cost of installing
a telephone system to conili cl Jackson
ville with the adjacent farming districts.
The matter of s< curing a morning mail
service from Medford will also la- acted
ufucturing districts of the Pacific. Along
with this industrial development will
Come a greater agricultural pr< sjx-rity to
the valley that will double the farming
Workman & Gore will ship this week
jxipu ation anil lx- a factor in the build­ five carloads of cattle to S m Francisco.
ing up of a half dozen fair sized cities.
Their sto k shipments have been greadv
restricted by inability to secure cirs and
The time honored custom held in many­ they an fearful of a car famine for some
towns by those on mischief lx-nt could la­ time yi t.
ttimi d to g> oil account here in Jackson­
All the latest magazines and [xriodi-
ville if, instead of tearing flown signs, cals at the city Drug Store.
carrying off gates, piling wood in door­
W. K. Finney and son will leave to-
ways, placing vehicles on top of build­ morrow-for Steamlxiat to do assessment
ings and the hundreds of other malicious, work fora week on a mine they have in
that district. Ernest Nute of Roxvaiin
useless pranks indulged in on Hallow­ will accompany them and enjoy a hunt
een, this annual visitation iron Hoodlum- inb trip.
dom couln lx- utilized in the removal of
District Attorney A. E. Reames re­
some of the worst of the awnings along turned Wednesday from Salem when lie
the business streets that are now on the made an argument l'uesday before the
supreme court in the cast- of Lake Coun­
verge of falling to the sidewalk.
ty against the bondsmen of ex-Shenff A.
numlx-r of di lapidated sheds and fences J. Ncilon of Lake county.
th it give an ancient, has-been apjx-arance
Street Commissioner Charles Dunford
to the tow n could also lx- considered out­ had a man remove the loose rocks from
side the ) tile of [silice protection. The the Medford road to the Duncan place
which is as far as his district extends.
numerous abandoned articles that now­ It put the toad in gixxl shape for teams
litter the streets would not I n - amiss to blit it will last only a sliott time as the
the Hallowc n prank that would spirit heavy lumlx-r wagons will roll more
them away to a place where they would rocks t<> the surface in that section of
the road that is on the gravel bars of
lx- less conspicuous.
There is a tine
Jackson creek.
chance, too, for Halloween to lx- redi-eni-
The dwelling house on South Third
ed from the ill repute that it is now under
street owned by Mrs. Reliekah McKen
in Jacksonville and make it a time of zie was totally destroyed bv fire at 2
pride to persons who Ix-lieve in clean o'clock this afternoon. The fire origin­
ated from a deft olive fine and w hen dis
strict* and a handsome town.
covered the roof was all ablaze. Tin fire­
Ilixxl River never misses a lick to ' ad- men quickly responded to the alarm but
as the house was bevond the reach of the
vertise their valley and their fruit as the water service they did not take out the
following from the (»laciershows: "G. . M. engine and they could only make an ef­
McKinney, gem ral immigration agi nt of fort to save some of the household ef-
the Harriman system of railroads, with fects but nothing could be saved as the
fire was all over the house lx-fore the
headquarters at Chicago, s]x-nt Sundav min arrived. The house was occupied
in Hood River. Mr. McKinney took a by the family of R. G. Hart, an employe
drive through the valley to see Hood of the Iowa Lumber Co., w ho recentl y ar­
River's famous “big red apples.” He rived in Jacksonville. Mrs. Hart was in
the house at the time but having a young
says the half has not been told about baby to look after she could do nothing
our fame as a fruit grow ing section."
toward saving their effects, they losing
everything, even their extra clothing,
The Oregon Dairymen Association will which makes the loss very severe on 1
meet in Corvallis on December 15,-ind Hi. them. Mrs. McKenzie lives in Klamath
Leading dairymen from all jiarts of the Falls and is a widow woman of limited
meat’s and the burning of her house is a
state will be prisent and questions of in­ severe loss to her and it is possible that
terest to the trade presented. Dairy­ she will not lx’ able to rebuild. The
ing has proven to be otic of the most house is one of the oldest in Jacksonville
profitable industries of this county and and Judge Day, who is Mrs. Kenzie’s
agent, recently had it fully repaired and
with the building of more creameries it a new roof put on it advancing the !
will become one of the leading indus­ money himself exjiecting to get his
tries of Rogue River Valley.
money from the rent.
Needed in Every Home
WfMTF.lt S
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waukee. Chicago
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