9 QOLVIG& DURHAM LAWYERS HNMÌK4M I0R WHIRS Mil TING. Mr. C lliifcr mid E E Hurt having Completed line Proqram taught out tlic interest» of the other stockholder» in th< low i Lnnitar Comp­ lor Annual Institute to He Held nt Jai k- any, they hive incorporat'd it under the Mtnulle Beqinmaq October 2Sth- Prom­ name id the Iowa l.umtar mid Box Com Stipi. Det'll Hets Will practice m al! the Courts of the State. Plans ol the Iowa lumber A But Co. City Drug .... Store puny. Mr. Hafer remains presidin’ ol the reorganized eoin|iany a» docs Mr ¿7 I County Sujierintcndent of Schools P. Hart treasurer. Till »< ciet ir v of tile new H. Daily has completed the arrangement company is II J. Forsythe. Tile head of the program for the coming annual i quarters of flu- Couipniv will continue at LS DENTIST teachers institute for Jackson county Council Bluffs with tin- princi|ml pine "I All work equal to the be»t to be had in which will la- hidd at Jacksonville lx-gin ! business at Jacksonville for tin-present. All the book» required Portland mug t Iclolier ’-'Sth amt which promises to { The Company have undi r consideration Crowns, Bridge work and Artificial Teeth in theCommonand High I the proposition of moving their box fact lie even tatter than the very excellent on either rubber or celluloid plater. ones which have proceeded it during Ills I orv and planing mill and pos»ib|v the mw School«. Tablet«, Pen« Jacksonville • - Oregon administration. The list of insiructots null to Medford. The matter will I m - d< cil«, InM, Pen«, State« comprises some of the ta-st educators *»f finitely settled when President Hafir and sponge«. Price« that and Trras. Hart arrive here from Coun the state. cil Bluffs which will In- in ii I mhi I a month. vv edn i sd v v M>RKNix»N. will save you money. The removal of the I mix factori and plan VN1TKD STATES LAN D COM M ISSloNER Opening Exercise» o'clock. mg mill and lumlH-r vard to Medford i» Organization. /•'inc grade of Chi IA‘S Filings and filial proofs fur homesteads Civics..................................... B. F. Mulkey. contingent on that town giving u cash Ismiis <>f JLUMk 1 mid the n moval of the and timber claims made. bundled Arithmetic........................ E. E. Washburn. Language............................. P !.. Cumpbcll. saw mill will lx- made il sat.«tai-tori ar­ J acKson ville Oregon Rural School Programs..J. h . Ackerman. rangements can be made with Mr Bar Special attention given to num of the Medford Javkso'iville railroad WEDNESDAY afternoon . Prescription» tor transport itioii of l<>g». tlici hauling Opening Exercises , I. |5 o'clock the logs by team from the woods to the .1-’. L. N.irrigan railroad at this place, where thi i would Music.................... m T • LAWYER ...P. !.. Campbell. lie loaded u | h » ii cir» and taken to Mid- ' Reading............. . J. W, ROBINSON M. D. ,.N. I.. Narregan. fo'd. If no arrangement» can I m made I Physiology......... Proprietor, Office opposite Court House. Charles H Jones. with Mr. Barnum thin tin- mill will la- I Geography........... Jacktunville, - Ore ...... IL F. Mulkey . left in the w i xls and the lumfx-r hauled Í His ory.................. I How to Improve tile Teacher* Pro- by team dinct to Medford. ..... Bv Institute. tession........... The reason given for their pro|siM-d re­ A. E. Reiraes I C. L. It ciao moval to Mi-df rd i» to have their entire f*The sort that fits^ VW D.NE.sDAY FAK.NING. plant on one plat of ground and to have s o'clock. ample spier for tin lumlH-r yard .idpiin- ! Address of Welcome ...E. E. Washburn. ATTORNKV.AT.IAV* 1 1 * * ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , Resjiousc............................................................ ing it. To secure a |smd for holding The sort that wears ................ J. C. Barn »rd; A. J. Hanby. logs 1» al»o another r> ason for their re­ A. E. Reames, district attorney. moval, thev planning ..i locale their mill Short Program by J.ick»->nvilli- High.. 1st Judicial District. The sort that gives School......................................................... on Bearcreek and put in a dam in that Oregon Jack son i lile. Lecture................... „..Hull. B. F. Mulkey. stream. Thev also wish to get where thev can gel I m tier car service, they THl'RSHAY FORKNOON. But never tears.” claiming that Mr. Barnum is too Carrie»» Opening Exercise. !• o'clock in handling tln-.r car». »ometim> »leaving Music m S hool............. N F. Narregan. them for 24 hours in Medford lieforc 1 ' • 1'HVsll'llX .nil slur. PHYSICIAN and SIRGEON Recitation (tn inner of conducting). ....... bringing them over and th< ii when he ,.H. F. Mulkiy does bring them often delaying them bv Office in Orth s Building Vrim-'l.i Kaiser not placing them at once on their load­ Nature Work Hours 2 to 5 and ‘ to * p ni Primary Work ing »witch. The Medford people arc stirring themselves to raise tin- |LU««i Jacksonville - - Oregon THIKSDAV AFTERNOON. I miiius but if they fail the Cooi|Mny will Opening Exercises. I !5 o'clock. Higln r Meaning ot Teachers’ Work......... remain in Jacksonville as it would i<>»t \ ................................... _..P. L. Campliell. them over fL'i’i’ki to remove their build­ I Geography ............. .......... Chas. H Jours. ings. machinery- and luinla-r card, with ATT< rtt m X’L s Y -AT-Î —•* XTTi 11 '. AW i a S]>eUing................................- B. I-'. Mulkey- with an additional ¿I'l.ikMi t<> Imild a d un Will practice in all courts of the iu*n>ss B- ar creek and to pm in three Vertical Writing of Today.............. ........ state. fourths >>f a mile of railroad to coiini ct ...................................... J. H. Ackerman. Office on California street one their null with rhe Southern Pacific tra< k Tilt RSDAY F.VKNING. block south of the court house. and with the Jacksonville railroad. Jack son I ille. • • Oregon H o'clin k. Program by Medford High School Ihe leadinq Ori-qon Agricultural Paper and High Scln-ol Band......................... free. Lecture, file Development of the The Oregon Agriculturist ami Rural Child............. Dr. Wtaxis Hutchinson. Northwest, ami the Jacksonville S ntitie! JEWEI.ER FRIDAY FORENOON. both for f 1.511 .« vear. and Ixitli pa|« r» Watches and clocks repaired stopfx-d at end of year if suliscriptioii not Opening Exercises, !• o ’ _'lr. Woods Hutchinson. agricultural pepers of the Pacific Coast. It Ila» departin' lit» devoted to < a< Il d iss FRIDAY VFTERN'XIN. of farm work and it is an allarotmd pafa-r (I'x-nuig Exercises. 1:14 o'clock, for the farm and the house. #1.50 gets ta-cturetsubject to be selected)............... the Jacksonville Scntineland the Oregon ........................................P. L. Campliell. Agriculturist Veterinary Surgeon. Aildress................................Lincoln Savage. Lecture1 subject to lx: selected)............... Wanted, to rent, a small farm A