Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, October 23, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. I
JncRionville, JacKion County, Oregon. Friday, October 23, 1903.
While looking for present» don't over
look these hamisoin«- rugs. Over «•> dif­
ferent design». C. W. Conklin*».
A. Andrews a Griffin creek farmer i»
one <d th« many farmers who an- prov­
ing tliut the hill land of this locality i»
the liest <»f fruit land. He has a small
orchard on hill land at an elevation .‘JOO
feet above the valley that is producing
apple» in quality and quantity th it is not
excelled by the l»est valley orchard.
From a number of young Newton tree»
he has picked from eight to ten Iroxes of
apples t<r eacn tree, his orchard yielding
linn 323 Imxc» of apples that graded as
high as any liamllerl by th«- Rogue River
Fruitgrowers Union.
No. 24
County Treasurer J. T. Taylor of Jose
ph inc county gives notice tiiat lie will
puv all warrant» protested to Sept. I,
Mi»» Jennie Kitto came in from her
home on Forest Creek last Saturday anil
i» a guest at the home of Mr. und Mrs.
Win. Puhi. Miss Jennie is a winsome
The announcement is made that the
young lady and she a» well as her sister marriage of Mr Harry Luy and Mi»» Isa
Mis» Mildred have Income )»>pular with Cook will take place on Wednesday '
the Jacksonville young people.
<•1 next week
at tile home of th«-
the Pioneer Hardware Dealer.
Tre»|»ass notices on cloth sent by mail brute’» mother, Mrs. Elia Cook. The
wedding will la- private, only the immedi­
to any address for Jtl .<MI a dozen.
ate relatives of the parties I m mg present.
George and John Schutiipf arc doing a Mr. Luy is a Jacksonville l»>y ami one of
Charter Oak
big business with their gasoline wood the most
men in
saw, it running like a clock for a wholi­ the town ami
Miss Cook is equal- |
day, which in more than was predicted Iv as fiopular ami the young ja-ople have
for it bv some, but it ha» proved the cor a host ol friemls in Jacksonville and in
rcctness and »kill of its builder B. N.I other |>art» of the county who give them
Harris, for it <loe» the work and much their la-st wishes for a long and happy
chi aj>er and with less bother than a steam Ilf« . Mr Luy has rented Mrs. Cook'»
piwrr woodaaw.
house ami he and his bride will make it
The Christian church at Medford has a their home.
regular pistor, Rev. E. A. Childs having
Anything in the Hardware Line.
Mr. Bellinger a real estat«- dealer of
accepted a call to that church am! here­ M« dford was in Jacksonville Wednesday.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
after he will hold the regular Sunrlav Speaking of the effort of Jacksonville
services morning ami evening, together board of trade to g< t th«- «ounty road
w ith the midday pr lyermci ting Rev now wandering aiouml in the la-d of
Child» is from Prineville, and he i» a Ja« kson creek placed on a 1» iter route
line s|ieaker and has the reputation ui Mr. Bellinger stated that that stetion of valley, where there are twelve months in
Irving a hard church wokcr.
road w.i one of the w orst nd vertisnn-nts the year of weather free from excess.ve
Rev. Sanford Snyder, the new pastor that Jacksonville could have, for strang­ heat or cold, hurricane» and thunder­
<d th«- Methodist churches hi Jacksoville ers judged by the condition of tile roads storms and the half a score of other un­
and Central Point lias arranged his pro the public enterprise of a community. pleasantnesses of the East, they came
Dr. Tadlock is a
gram of services similar to that carried , He ha«l heard so tnanv adverse criticisms west to investigate.
out bv R< v. E. B. IxM'khart, bolding of that road that when In- was out driv­ veteran of the Union army, hiving
services one Sunday in Jacksonville ami ing with prospective land buyers he served as a surgeon in tin- Fourth Tenn
the follow mg Sunday in Central Point. ■ avoided th« Jackson creek road when* es ee Infantry ami he was a close ¡rer-
This Sunday Rev. Snyder will I m - in Cen ' ver p .MUble and <li<l n >t bring strangers sonal friend of the famous Parson Brown­
tral Point hold tig scrvicesat 11 a. m und to Jacksonville as often as he wouhl were low and of President Andrew- Johnson,
the road tn a creditable condition.
Ixrtli of whom ware Tennesseeans. Mrs.
7:3d p. in.
E. E. Bagley of Wtaalstock, Illinois, I See those odd qwrlor piece», nothing Tadlock i» a literary woman of consider­
and I. A. Kelsey of Millbatik, South nicer for a wedding ora birthday present. able attainments and should she and the
Doctor locate in Jacksonville they will l>e
Dakota, were in Jacksonville Wedues C. W. Conklin’s.
Re-opened in the Palm-Bodge
appreciated additions to the society of
day looking up the title to some lots tn
Dr. A. B. Tadlock ami Mrs. Tadlock of Jacksonville.
with the latest in Ladies
W<Mxlville which they are thinking of
Knoxville, Tenn., were in Jacksonville
Articles, Perfumes,
ptiich.tsing of Win Bybee. Aaat this «ca­ Wednesday while l<M>king over this part
Presbvterian Church.
non of the year it i» stormy weather in
Sabbath school at IB a. in. Endeavor
their home towns in the East they think of Rogue River Valley with a j»>s,ible
view of locating here. The« w< re great­ meeting at H.30 p. m.
Evening sermon
th«- balmy sunshine weather of Rogm-
ly pleased with the grand .-<• nery, the at 7.30 p. m.
Subject; “The Ideal
River Valley truly delightful.
varied productions ami the climate. The Church.” F. G. Strange, Pastor.
Slabwood in stove length» *1.00 per load latt< r es|>ecially interested them as the
doctor is n<>t seeking a business location,
Ri-v w. E Oowte. of th«- Medford
at mw mill—Iowa l.umln-r Co.
having all the money he needs; am! they Free Mv-thmlist church will conduct a
Halloween Pleasures.
Th«- m image took place Tuesday at want a place where th« re is a healthful, scries of meetings at Phoenix on Friday
The. entertainment committee of the
the home of the bride of Mr. James John­
equable climate in which to reside. For ami Saturday evening» and Sundav Presbyterian Y. P. S. C. E., which is
son ami Mrs Helen Thurman. Rev. A. P.
several wars jiast tliev have qriit their morning ami evening of next week to made up of Maude Prim. Anna Wendt.
Gillette officiating. Following the« ert--
in Florida, but having heard of which the public is cordially invited to Mrs. E. E. Washburn and George R.
mony a fine dmm r was served t > which a
Coast ami the Rogue River attend.
Birdseye, have their plans all completed
a nuiiil» r of guests as well as the family
for an entertainment to I k - given on Hal­
were seated. Mr. ami Mrs Johnson are
loween at the Presbyterian church that
each wall known in Jacksonville and have
promises to be well worth attending. In
many friends to give them wellwishes:
addition to a fine lunch the following
for their matrimonial venture that has ■
program will lie carried out:
started so auspiciously.
Chorus—“Blue Bells of Scotland.”...........
G. W. Stevens of Brownsboro was tn
Violin Solo................................ Lean Hanna
Jacksonville Tuesday. Mr. Stevens in
Recitation, “Hallow e'en Sprights
|s<rtnership with I. L. Bradshaw is quite
and Spooks”......... Genevieve Ecclison
«•xtensivly engaged in the fruit business.
Chorus—“Cornin’ Through the Rve".......
Thvv will' have about 3,000 Iroxes of
Recitation................................ Helen Lyden
apples this fall which they arc now haul­
Solo. “Lullaby”........... Mrs. Helen Gale
ing to market and selling through the
Recitation, “The Ghost”...Della Wilson
Rogue River Fruitgrower» Union. They
Solo. “Loch Lonioml ’...Mamie E. Pritn
w ill add odd trees to their orchan! this
Chorus— “Bonnie Doon.“............................
winter, planting Newtown» and Spitzen-
Saves Two From Death.
M. I). Jone», who for the |M»t two
“Our little daughter had an almost fa­
years has lieen in the employ of the
tal attack of whooping cough and bron­
Sterling Mining Coni|Mtny, was in Jack­
chitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of
sonville Tuesday. The miners at that
Armonk, N. V., “but, when all other
camp arc now on a vacation, work being
remedies failed, we saved her life with
dosed down on the 14th w hen this sea­
Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece,
sons cleanup was finished. Mr. Ankeny
who had Consumption hi an advanced
will have work resumed again in about
stage, also used this wonderful medicine
two weeks making repairs on the ditch
and to-day she is perfectly well.” Des­
ami getting things in readiness about the
perate throat and lung diseases yield to
mine for piping so soon as the rains lie
Dr. King’s New Discovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs
and Cohls. 50c and fl.OO bottles guar­
Ivan Humason, whose advertisement '
Blanket lined Coats and Vests.
Leather and Corduroy Coats.
anteed by City Drug Store.
Trial bottle
appears in another coluni of the Sentinel
«Strauss Overalls, best make on the Coast, for Men and Boys.
has o|x ned up a drug store in the Palm- '
Bodge block in Medford, which lie calls j
To get perfect rest use one of these
the Pill Box. The shelving, countersand
Our stock of Gentlemens Staple Furnishings is the
silk floss or cotton felt mattresses. They
largest in Seuthern Oregon.
other woodwork is finished in oil in the
are the best. C. W. Conklin.
natural color of the wood ami is from the
furniture factory of Weeks & Baker, and
Prof. R. Burnham, now of Portland,
lie arc a young concern, always ready to do business
the workmanship ami design would tie a
but who previous to this year was princi­
or quote prices. Will he pleased to show our goods.
pal of the East school in Ashland, was in
credit to a city factory. Mr. Huimison
Jacksonville Monday on insurance busi­
will keep all the latest and the best in
ness, he now being connected with the
the drug line, as also a complete line of
New York Life Insurance Combanv.
rubber goods ami toilet articles.
Lunch consisting of Halloween daint­
If you want to rent a farm or have land
ies, 25 cents.
to rent sec T. C. Norris, Jacksonville.
The best stock ever brought to Med­
ford and the cheapest to be had in
Jackson County for the quality is at
and the
both heavy steel heaters, guaranteed airtight
and to last a dozen years. Sheet planished
Steel Heaters of our own make, the best low-
priced airtight stove on the market.
Men's Suits from
$5 to $20 a suit
Boys' Suits. 12 to 19 years, ■ $5 to $10 a suit
Children's Suits, 5 to 12 years. $2 to $5 per suit
Men's Beaver Overcoats. ■ $7.50 to $I5 each
Men’s Irish Frieze Ulsters. - $7.50 to $IO each
Boys' Overcoats
$5 each