LOCAL NOTES If von want to rent a farm or have land to rent see T. C. Norris, Jacksonville. The (all term of school in the In«le- ix-iideiiiX district, Eden precinct, will t«egiu oil Monday. Octolx-r 2t>. with Miss Eiina Wells as teacher. Arthur Smith returned Tuesday from See those odd jxirlor pieces. nothing Butte Creek, where he hud been to attend the funeral of his brother George nicer for a wetlding ora birthdav present. Smith, who was killed by a tree falling C. W. Conklin’s. upon him while at work in the w « hm ! s . J. I*. Lilly arrive«! Wednesday from A. W. Sturges the Forest creek miner, Forest Grove on a visit to his son I, is having a substantial dwelling house Lilly of Sterling. erected on his place, the work is lx-ing C. F. Shepherd the piano dealer of done by Samuel Kauffman. The house Ashland, accompanied by his son Earl, will lx- ready for «x'cupancv nialsmt two spent Saturday in Jacksonville on busi­ weeks. ness. David and Thomas Tucker, cattlemen Slabwotxi in stove lengths fl .00 per load of Harney county are spending a week at saw mill—Iowa Lumber Co. with their mother, Mrs. 1,. Tucker of There will lx* a Spiritualist meeting at Euslv sick fore the supreme court and he a-’quitted with pneumonia, is steadily regaining himself with credit, so state others who The attornevs for Mrs. his health and he is now able to walk were present. Kubli are Judge E. B. Watson of Port- about his house. land and Judge Chas. Print. The case Rev. F. G. Strange the new pastor of involves a widow's dower right and the the Presbyterian church, will arrive this point at issue is whether Mrs. Hanley IS Friday or Saturday from Marshfield and entitled to a third interest, as provided Sunday evening he will conduct services by the old law, m the estate of her late in Jacksonville Presbyterian church. At husband. John A. Hanley, or to a half 11 a. m. he will hold services at Phoenix. interest as allowed by the new law. A person who has not tried rubber heels to their shoes have no idea of the ease and comfort they afford in walking. Are as neat looking and last as long as a leather heel. T. C. Norris has a supply and will put them on your shoes on short notice. Terry Byrne of Upper Applegate rived in Jacksonvslle Sunday with a load of farm pnxluce and Monday not taring able to dispose of it satisfactory in Jack­ sonville h«- drove to Medford where he sold his pnxluce and Ixtught a load of supplies of the merchants of that place. Dr. Emil Kirchgessner is back in Med­ ford and may again practice in that citv The Doctor has been absent from Jack- son county for several months, a part of the tune l>eing in San Francisco and re­ cently he has been tn Klamath county where he has a fine stock ranch. The Southen Pacific company has in­ augurated a system for the convenience of shippers from the east, which will no doubt lx- appreciated bv them. Here­ after kx-al ag« nts of the Southern Pacific will lx- advised daily by postal card of shipments in carload lots coming over the Union Pacific, O. S. L. and <>. R. it N. lines, passing Council Bluffs, Kansas City, Grainger, Pocatello and Hunting­ ton. Parti« s to wh<>ni these shipments are consigned will lx- immediately noli tied by the agent, so that they will lx- kept jxrsted as to the movements of their shipments. The advantag- to the con­ signee of this system arc apparent. In­ stead of a shipment of ger Company’s mill. The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Presbyterian church will give a social entertainment in the church assembly room on Saturday evening. October 31st. A program«- of pleasing exercises will lx- given and light refreshments will lx- served and there is every assurance thst it will be an enjoyable evening to all who attend. Fred O. Hurd, who is superintendent for the Ore Grande Mining Company on the Carbury and who had been at Med­ ford for several days, was a passenger on Wendt’s stage Tuesday returning to the mines. He states that they are making good progress installing their hydraulic plant an4 he came to Jackson county anti tk up a fine place on Apple­ gate on which he with ins family has since resided. Mr. Benedict is still hale and strong and gets about as well as a young man. Recently he sold 21III acres of land that he had on the west side of the Applegate and across the river from his home farm to J. G. Grubb for a price close to #50lil>. Mr. and Mrs. Benedict expect Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Jackson and Mrs. Jennie Bagley on a visit to them next week from Chicago. Mrs. Bagley is tlieir daughter and Mr. Jackson a nephew of theirs. Dr. Bagley is unable to accompany Mrs. Bagley on this trip as he is unable to leave his practice. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. LADIES You will timi nt Ryan's Jacksonville, < trefoli, the best varici \ of Corsets, Hosiery and Underwear RYAN’S JACKSONVILLE STEEL DAVENPORT LOUNGES The latest thing in the Bed and Lounge line. Gune and inspect. I also take orders for Harness and Saddles Timber Land Wanted T. C. NORRIS Cali and see my Stock. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO MEDFORD BRANCH I). T. LAWTON. Mgr. largest Stock of farm Machinery in South­ ern Oregon. Complete Line of Vehicles, embracing farm and freight Wagons, Spring Wagons, Car­ riages, Buggies, Etc. » Haying and Harvesting Machinery. Horse­ forks and Wire Hope. A FULL LINE OF H. C. MACKEY Photo Gallery No one who is aquainted w ith its g»x>d qualities can lx- surprised at the great popularity of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­ edy. It not only cures colds and grip effectually and permanently, but prevents these diseases from resulting in pneumo­ nia. It is also a certain cure for croup. Second Flwr, Adkins Block, Whooping cough is not dangerous when opposite Postoffice. this remedy is given. It contains no opium or other harmitil substance and Medford Ore may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. It is also pleasant to take. When all of these facts are taken into consideration it is not surprising that people in foreign lands, as well as at Fine Photography a Specialty. home, esteem this remedy very highly and very few are willing to take any Special attention given to posing other after having once used it, For of children. Jill work guaran­ sale by City Drug Store. teed. Prices reasonable. CENERAL SUPPLIES FOR SALE, From the oldest, finest wooled Oregon bred flock. Thirty head of MERINO RAMS One to four years old, medium sized, short jointed. Bred for crossing with hggy, loose wooled ewes. Best gleaners of orchard, hop-yard or field; and most self-helpful of wool and mutton sheep. Care taken to fill orders by mail. Correspondence wanted with young farmers who are thinking of engaging in sheep raising, who will bi- given pointers that will be to their interest. Minto & Wain, Salem, - - Oregon