County Court Proceedings. ami nV, of lot M, blk 15, Central Point................................................ . I The Commissioner* court convened in 1 regular session at the court house in W C Leever el ux to W J F re« man; same .................................................... 220 for the student and the writer, Jacksonville, Wednesday, Octocer 7, 11X13, with the following officers present: Wilder Free! to Julia A O a < u ; lot 2, blk 15, Central Point ............... Ilo as an authoritative reference book 1 Judge Prim, County Clerk Orth. Sheriff Hailer. Commiasioners Rtlev ami Patter- W J Freeman, adm, to Wm C for schools, families and business Leever; und '/■, of lots 4. 5. <’>, 1 M>n. The fieptemlier journal was read men, there is one book which of­ and 7 and n’/j blk 15, and approved and the report« of the 95 Central Point ....................... .......... county ofli< «-rs were read and approve«!. fers superior advantages both in In the matter of the pro)*o«tef $50. Calcutta wheat bags, barlev or oat bags. The New and Enlarged Edition The county road ¡>etit ioned for by A. Shaw-sliet 11 linen bag twine, in lots to suit. E. Nicholson and others was ordered Nunan-Tay lor Co. recently issued has 25,000 new o|w-ncd Mr«. Jay Wade left Wednesdav for words and phrases, 2364 pages The county road petitioned for by W. If Sinison and others was ordered open Portland wlieie she will join her hu-band. and 5000 illustrations. rd and damage« were allowed to L E he having gone there a short time ago. Our name is on the title-page« of all the Coleman in III«- sum of$100, W. If. Stew­ Owing to not s«-i the pa’ronage art for and E. M. Cox and Susan that they expteted from the Jacksonville authentic dictionaries of the Webster aeries. business men th« y have closed their cigar Craim for <'_’ im >. LET US 8END YOU FREE In the matter of the advertisenit nt for factory in this plac«- ami thev will move “A Teat in Pronunciation” which affords a bif the count« tt to Portland and oj»eii there, tliev hav­ pleasant and Instructive evening's entertain­ road along the east «ide of the Applegate, ing a g«xxi opjA>rtunity for business ment. Illustrated pamphlet also free. contracts w re awarded for its construct­ offered them. Mr. and Mrs. Wade were ion. For the first section from the lately from Michigan to Jacksonville, but 0.4 C. MERRIAM CO., Pub«., Springfield. Maas Swayne ford to the three mile jx>«t on m their short residence here they made Newt Lewis’ ranch, th'- contract was many friend« who regret their leaving, awarded to E. G. l'erham of Gold Hill, but who hope that prosjierity mty tie1 for $281X1. Th«- contract to open up the theirs in their new location. o’her two sections, .‘I’, miles to Dews The death took place last Saturday 1 ford, ami 2S miles to the state line, was at midnight of Paul A Cirac, Jr. son of ’ Wm Puhi, Prop awarded io Geo. P Firman for $2050 an<1 Mr. and Mr». Paul Cirac, Sr. residing on 1 #1040. respectively. Upper Jackaon creek. The cause of the Both contractorshave furnished bonds death of the child was gorging on grapes ; which were accepted and they were given which beconu- impacted in his stoma h. L'p-to-Date Shop until July 1, 1904, to complete the con­ He was taken sick Saturday and that Three Fine Chairs tract. night Dr. Gale was summoned but tne , The following expense account was Ixiv died half an hour before the Doctor’s Good Workmen. approved and ordered paid: arrival. An older brother Gaberil was County Commissioners Court fl< (Ml also sick eating too many grapes ..<•45 50 but Dr. Gale succeeded in relieving him. I Circuit Court.1.... Justice Court...... .. 3 35 Hie funeral services were h< Id Monday Two fine Bathrooms with the office „359 4M J at 10 a. tn. in the Jacksonville cemeterv, ' Sheriff,a * « Clerk’s .252 70 the r« trains being attended to their last best tubs cleanest towels, etc « • „1M 14 resting place bv a number of friends of Recorder's t « ... 83 Treasurer's the family. No regular religotis service < * „101 KI) was held a s mple burial sendee living Coroner’s ... 87 28 read by Uudertaker C. W. Conklin. Superintendent'* « I 33 Assessor's Mr. ami Mrs. Daniel Cronemiller Tax Rebate.......... ..UM 11 Current Expenses.......... .. 14G 08 arrived Sunday from Fort Klamath and Court House Expenses „150 87 remained un'ii Tuesdav, guests at the Cronemiller's broth«.r, ..813 44 home of Mr. Cronemilier's Care of Indigent............ 48 David Cronemiller ami of his nephew, Bridgesand Roads.......... James Cron« miller, when they started on the return tnpto thvir home. Accom­ panying Mr. ami Mrs. Cronemiller was Real Estate Activities and general repair Mis» Kate Cronemiller, who had lie« n work done promptly making them a visit for the past month. Timothy Kelly et ux to Lawrence and at a reasonable Mr. and Mrs. Cronemiller were from resi­ Kelly; ne'a *« c 20, tp 33 s, r 4 w.$ dents of Jacksonville and moved to Kla ­ price Lawrence Kelly to W BSherman; math county 20 years ago where Mr. ne % sec 20, tp 33 s, r 4 w........... Cronemiller engaged in the stock busi­ Geo C McDough to T I. Farlow; ness. He started in with 110 capital but e 'i «>1 sw '4 ami w'» of se '« , sec with lots of energy and sticktoitiveness 12, tp 37 a, r 2 e.............................. ami now he has a fine ranch, a big herd Titos L Farlow et ux to Jno A of cattle and is rated at $25,(XX). Just lie- Miller; same........................,............ fJre starting for Jacksonville he sold 70 J N Rinehart et ux to Dora Con­ 7 th St. Shop Med fort! head of beeves and he will sell 30 more ard; lot 5K. Pracht»' add, Ash­ on his return. He has 200 more cattle land ..................................................... that could go as beef but owing to the Derilla Calvy to Ernest V roman; Calling cards, the latest in style and present low price of cattle he thinks it n 'i of sc '4 sec 10. tp 35 a, r 4 w. more profitable to hold them over for printed so neatly as to resemble copper­ Ja« L Wilson et ux to Jno J Seal; plate work at the Sentinel office. another vear. prop in Ashland.............................. Geo \V 1 a - cs < iii et ux Chas Wika- trum; water right on Pleasant creek.................................................... Geo \V Imeson et tix to ChasWiks- trutn; K4 acres along Pleasant Creek.................... ,............................ Geo W Leeson et ux to Chas Wiks- trum; placer mining claim e'i of Proportionate in price that has given you more se '4 ami w % of sw of se '4 , sec lasting satisfaction than I 15 tp 34 s, r 4 w................................ Rial Benidict et ux to J C Grubb; prop on Thompson Creek........... Rial Benidict et ux to J C Grubb; interest in Benidict, Rose, Lay- ton water ditch State of < )regon The pleasure derived from most possessions is temporary nwX °f neK but a portrait is a human document and is often the only tp 38 s, r 2 w. means by which you are remembered. State of Oregon to Heirs of F L Whitman; n'2 of ne1^ and ne’y BEALL makes ’em at the of nw'4 sec lb, tp 39 a, r 1 w....... T D Conklin et ux to G F Vase; lot «, Idk 31, Gold Hill............ Thus Lovesee to VV M Lindsy al; prop on Milion d 1 c no 53 Mary Welch and hush to W 3 Miles Northeast of JacKsonville Eachns; prop Jackson co....... Margery E Magruder to Wm C Leever; und of lots 4, 5, 6, 7, AS A WORKING TOOL 0. K. Barber Shop COOD HOUSEKEEPING i llonirv Maguxinc each month helpful prActicfil and itiwpiring Fu.lui fa II oi kxk xKi'ixo want« a subscrip­ tion representative in every city ami town in the west To those who will give all or a portion of their time it offer« attractive work ami pay» esdeedlngly litn-ral com mission« It will pay you to nvestigate. A postal cnrd will bring iiartlcular« Write at once s> aa to be the first in your field THE PHELPS PUBLISHING CO Pacific Coast office <9 Columbian lluilciiig. San Francisco, Cal. ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE FOR ALL FAMILY SILAS J. DAY Office one block south of Courthouse JACKSONVILLE. • OREOON t'NITED STATES COMMISSIONER. Filing« and final proof made on honieatend* and timber claim« Corrected pint« showing nil vacant land«. NOTARY I'l IH.IC ANO CONVEYANCER l.< gal papers of all kind« made ont Special attention given to papers in settlement of «•«lutes ABSTRACTER OF TITLES, Moat complete set of abstract book« in the county. Abstracts made promptly and at curately. REAL ESTATE AND 1NSFRANCE Fine list of country anil town property for sale and rent. MONEY LOANED. Warrants bought and sold. Collection« made Tuxes [mill Rents collected Prompt reply to all letters. Charges reasonable. REFERENCES: Hon. H. K Hanna, judge ni 1st judicial (tin* trict, and any Jacksonville business man. Mrs. A. L. PEACHEY Professional Carpet Weaver Has a new Flying Shuttle Loom and is prepared to do strictly first- class work ou enrpets anti rugs EAGLE POINT OREGON PLUMBING TINNING 11 E. S. WOLFER ^fhat is it JI Fine Portrait The WAYSIDE STUDIO • y