Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, October 16, 1903, Image 6

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    A Suicide al Cinnabar Spring*.
Chas. J. Crump, who is stopping at
Cinnabar Springs «rites the Sentint 1
that Jasper Kennedy committed suicide
at that place on Momday, October ."»th.
Mr. Kennedy was a young man whose
home was near Roseburg and he had
l»een stopping for Ins health all summer
at the Springs, In SeptendaT he went
to Roseburg to attend to some land busi­
He arrived back on Sunday and
took dinner with Joseph Garretson.
Complaining of living tired and not well
Mr. Garreson invited him to remain, but
he went to his own cabin, coming back
Monday for dinner. Mr. Kennedy was
given a letter by Mr. Garretson while he
was eating his dinner and after reading
it he got up from the table and went into
Mrs. Garretson's l»edroom ami taking a
revolver from under the pillow shot him­
self through the head. Mr. Garretson
hearing the report of the revolver rushed
into the bedroom ami found Kennedy
dead on the floor. The coroner at Yreka
was notified but he was awav holding an
inquest on a logger who had been acci­
dently killed ami the Justice of tin
tieace at Oak Bar came and held an in­
quest. the verdict of the jury was that it
«as a clear case of suicide. Mr. Kennedy
was about 30 years old and he was liked
bv all who knew him. An incurable
disease is supposed to have prompted
him to eml his life.
The Gibson trial so delayed circuit
court at Grants Pass that Judge Hanna
will be unable to close the term this
week. He will adjourn though Tuesday,
if he cannot close, as he is to hold court
here Wednesday.
Rev. F. G. Strange arrived in Jackson­
ville this Friday from Marshfield, wnich
he left two weeks ago and since has been
in Portland and Willamitte Valley towns.
He will hold his first service at the Pres­
byterian church Sunday evening ami at
Phoenix in the morning.
District Attorney A. E. Reames re­
turned Thursday from Grants Pass
where he had ix-en attending circuit
court. He got a verdict in the Gibson
murder trial of second degree ami Judge
Hanna sentenced Gibson to the peniten­
tiary for life. He got a sentence of five
rears each for the three hol«»s who were
convicted of l»eing in a hold up.
Deputy Sheriff M. N. Long brought
to Jacksonville Wednesday P. Daley ami
J. Simmons, who had Ix-en sentenced by
Justice Berrv of Ashland to serve 15 days
in the county Jail for stealing a ride on a
train. The arrest was made under the
new law which permits train men to
arrest without warn nt any person found
on a train unlawfully.
Young People, Old People
and All the People
Will find at the
Store the best of
ke Cream
Summer Drinks
Fresh Fruits
Canned Fruits
and Oysters
Stationery, Cigars and To­
bacco. Fine Billiard Parlor
Made Like New
Having opened Steam Cleaning
and Pressing Works in Medford.
*we are prepared to do anything
in our line with neatness and dis
We make a specialty of ladies'
work, and guarantee satisfaction
in every respect.
Work called for and delivered.
Apply for our club rates for
Upstairs, Opposite Postoffice.
George Brown, of Browiislxim was in
i Jacksonville Frida), not on business at
the clerk's office but there is every likeli-
hixxl that he will have [xrsomd business
with County Clerk Orth one of thc«e
Mildred Kitto, daughter of W. C.
Kitto, su|»crintrmlent ot the Oregon Bell
mine on Forest Creek, is tn Jacksonville
this week a guest at the home ot Mr.
ami Mrs. Wm. Puhi
Thomas Dcisch a son of Nicholas
Deisch ami a brother of Peter Ih-isch,
bookkceix-r and stenographer in A E.
Reames office arrived in Jacksonville
Wednesdax from Alta Iowa, to s|>etld the
winter here.
Hon. Henry E. Ank< ny. w ho is in
Klamath county looking after his exten­
sive ranch interests in that county, has
fullv recovered from his recent illness
ami he and Mrs. Ankcnv ate expected
home next Monday.
Jacksonville has its first power wood
saw. George and John Schumpf having
fitted up a saw operated bv a gasoline
engine. The work of setting up the
maehinerv was done by B II Harris ami
the machine was started Thursday, it
working to perfection.
John Louden was in Jacksonville Thurs­
day from L’ppvr Applegate with a lot of
wool for Nunan-Taylor Co<n|»any. the
wool twing the fall clip from his sheep.
Mr. H. Williams arrived Thursday ami
remained in Jacksonville until Wednes­
day on a visit to his daughter and son-in-
law Mrs. an 1 Prof. E. E. Washburn
Mrs. Williams, who had l>een with her
daughter since last week, returned with
Mr. Williams to their home in Ashland.
A rv|»ort was current during the week
that two older children of Paul A. Cirac
had died from eating poisoned grapes.
The rumor wa. without foundation for
the children were not sick ami would
have been in school again but they were
kept for com|siny for their mother since
the death of their youngest brother.
C. W. Coulter has returned from Kla­
math Falls where he lias l»een for the
past six weeks doing carriage ami house
He had all the work he could
do, but the first coldfains ami winds re­
minded him of ih«f balmy climate of
Rogue River and hertood not u|x»n the
order of his going, but went and he is
here to Slav for a while at lea q
He has
taken the contract to paint Gus New­
bury’s house ami will Ix-gin work Mon­
Walter Wy land who had the shooting
scrape last Sundav at the Nash hot« I
saloon in Medford, w as arrested Wednes­
day by Sheriff J. M. Rader at the home
of his uncle. Aaron Wy lan I, on Anteiope
creek. Wylaml. the night of the shoot­
ing, went to Wagner creek and from there
to his uncle’s place on Antelojx-. Sheriff
Rader had no difficulty in taking him,
he walking out of the house ami surr nd-
ering so soon as the sheriff appeared.
Thursday he had his exam nation before
Justice M. Purdin in Medford who bound
him over in £2»**» bonds to atqiear before
the circuit court for trial and be is now­
in the county jail in default of bonds..
Wvland got one shot in the thigh from
Gay’s pistol but it is not serious.
Real Estate Dealer.
I li.iw in tin hands at the present time a large num-
her <»l Bargains in FARM, FRUIT ami GARDEN
LANDS, am! TOWN 1‘ROI’ERTV, of uliicli the
following is a partial list
No. I In >»' icrcn im -r< ot less, .NN) «-res
Rogue River Ixittom land, all fenced,
good house. Itarn and other buildings.
The Imlancr. alsiut 2"»0 acres, good for
timber and ixisturv. This place is sit­
uated on Rogue River, near town.
The land is of tine quality. Pncej>er
acre................................~.................... SIS
No. 2 is a trad of l-VJII acr« ». all fenced,
I21*’ acres good alfalfa land, <» stream
running through it of 150 miner«'
inches of water with which tin- whole
12i*i acres can I m - irrigated. The other
.320 acres is Ingin r ground, which i«
well situated for reservoirs and feed
This tract is situated in
Klamath county, about 20 miles from
Klamath Fall«, a county r<»ad running
bv it ami a railroad now within alioiit
50 miles and building rapidly towards
it ami is certain to [Miss mar by it, or
cross it in the near future. A good
farm house and Imrii and corrals oil
the place. One of the lest Ixirgainsin
all Southern Oregon. Price |a-r acre
No. 3 — House and -I lots in P! i < m - iiix .
No. U—An .so
re farm seven miles
from railriMid, It vel laml. good soil, 15
acres cleared ami fenced. 20 acres in
remainder e.isili
Dwelling house well finished, cost ov­
er $•'**>. Bearing orchard; tine well
am! springs, is sub irrigated, ami can
la- made one of the t<st small farms of
Jackson county. Is owned bv a non­
resident who wilt give u bargain in or­
der to sell quick
No. 33 -l5'-> acres,
all in cultivation,
house, barn. etc., near Phoenix; will
I n - sold all together or divided.
I2*M> acres all improved
Fine Ixittom laml, Rogue River run
mug through it. aiNI acres under irriga
tlon amt Istlance easily watered. Gutwl
building« ami other improvements, six
miles from railro.nl. near [»ustoifice ami
school. Fine alfalfa, fruit or garden
laml. Is the chea|K-st laml in Jackson
county. Price per acre.................... 510
No. 34.
17 43 acres ot pasture laml on
Rogue River. Will be sold at a bar
No. 36
No. 39.— 2D acres, three fourths of a
No. 8—55 acres, bouse and 2 barns. 12
mile from Medford.
Good garden
acres bottom land, the balance, 4.3 ac­
land. < hmm 1 I m » x house
Deputy Sheriff Frank Kasshafer was
res, all good land, 5i-mile from depot;
sent last Friday to Sams Valley to bring
12 acres under ditch at the head of the
in J. G. Brown of that place who was re­
ditch. Price......... ........................... 55000
G< km 1 house, barn ami other building«.
ported to be insane. Saturday Mr. Kas­
10 — 23 acres all fenced and in
30 acres under cultivation, balance
shafer assisted by James Bris -oe and G.
cultivation. A house ami barn, aliout
timber. Fine springs for gravity water
W. Stacy of Sams Valley brought Mr.
541 fruit trees just coming into bearing.
and irrigation. Is the making of a
Brown and placed him in jail. Mr.
1 ti miles from town. Price..... 51,000.
fine fruit or s(<x*k farm.
Has good
Brown is an adopted brother of Chas.
placer ami quart/. pros|x-ct». Will be
Brown of this place and at his request No.ll—145 acres on Butte creek. 25 acres
sold at a txirgain..........................................
the prisoner was held until a sister could
in cultivation, 25 acres more to put in;
lx- communicated with in Cal., it being
all fenced, fair buildings, Jackson No. 40 —.30 acres, on a creek affording
expected that she would want to place
county, Oregon. A bargain.
plenty of good water; goorl soil am)
Mr. Brown in a sanitarium in California.
tine fruit land. Three acres in alfalfa,
Owing to sickness in her family no reply
buildings; near good si'hool ami
5-room house, good spring, water con­
was received from her until Thursday,
other advantages. JdotM), one-halt cash
veyed to house by pipe, 2 good barns,
which was to place him hi the Oregon
balance on turn-. Is a big bargain.
215 acres of choice laml in cultivation,
asylum. Judge Prim having left Mon
good for all kinds of grain. 30 or 40 No. 41.— 4000 acres of choice laml select
day on a hunting trip to the mountains
acres would produce good alfalfa. This
ed in an early dav. Will lie sold in
the commitment for the sheriff to take
is one of the best farms iu the valley,
tracts to suit. Will make a dozen or
the insane man to the asylum was made
2'j miles from Phoenix. Price [x-r
20 fine farms. This is an opportunity
out Friday by Justice W. J. Ply-male and
acre........................................................... >35
to secure a home in tile liest [»art of
that afternoon Sheriff Rader took him to
the Rogue River valley.
Salem. He is rational at short intervals No. 14 — 400 acres, ti miles from Medford,
and is rather quiet. He is a young man
a gr»od house. 2 liarns 100 acres in No. 43.— 40 acres of unimproved laml.
about 30 and has been batching on a
cultivation Phoenix.
Has some goorl fir, [»inc and oak. Most
farm in Sams Valley for some months
of laml can l»e easily cleared; gorxl
15—I3K acres on Rogue River, 100
past. He came from California ami he
soil, plenty of water; half a mile from
acres of as goorl laml as any man could
was insane once before his affliction be­
school an<l church.
Six miles from
wish for. No improvements. Thirty­
ing caused by a severe attack of brain
Bybee bridge. Price |>er acre......... flO.
acres of it could l»e made ready for the
fever. He imagines that tin re are spirits
plow with 15 days lalior.
Price.. >500
after him.
No. 45.— Over NO acres of grxal alfalfa
No 25— House ami 3 lots in Phoenix, lots
laml; 50 acres Bear creek bottom land
Broke Into Mis House.
00x120 each; good house well finished.
with a large irrigation ditch.
S. Le Quinn of Cavendish, Vt., was ;
first-class houses, two good barns ami
No 26— House and 2 lots in Phoenix, lots
roblred of his customary health by in
a fine spring house. Adjoining laml sell
vasion of Chronic Constipation. When I 00x120 feet each.
ing for >200 an acre. Price jieracrc 5130
Dr. King’s New Life Pills broke into his No. 30 -IK acres well improved, house,
house, his trouble was arrested and now
barn and other out bnihtings; one-half No. 47.— City protx-rty, 2 acres, tine new
house, good well amt Irani. Good land.
he’s entirly cured. They 're guaranteed .
in young orchard; near Phoenix.
I blocks from c< ntral school....... >750.
to cure, 25c at City Drug Store.
Price.................................................... >1200.