Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, October 16, 1903, Image 4

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Mr. ami Mrs. W. T. Bostwick, who
reside on Forest Creek, were Mr. Bost­
wick carries on mininig each winter,
w« re in Jacksonville Monday buy ing sup­
Deputy Postmaster Lin Purden of Me«!-
ford was in Jacksonville Sunday after­
noon with party of Medford young ladies,
they being Mi»» Osenbrugge, Mi«» Hazel
anil Miss Ella Hoover.
Mr. ami Mrs. W. C. Sparks were in
Jacksonville Tuesday from Tompkins
Crick laying in their fall supplies.
Sjxirks is a stock raiser ami rancher who
is a hustler and he is making money.
Mr. ami Mrs. Emmett (»’Brien of
Applegate are reported bv Stage Driver
Henry Wendt to have a tine girl at their
home and that I mi II i the mother and
b.ibv arc doing finely.
E. M. Rhoteti, one of the pioneer min­
ers on Jackson creek is again tri ing his
luck on that stream and on a ledge from
which lie took out a pocket ami »unir
rich ore many y ears ago. Hi- lia» fine
prospects ami thinks that he will again
strike it rich.
Mr. and Mrs. George D. I.inn ami
child arrived last Friday from Eugene,
where Mr. Linn conducts a large drug­
store, to sjieiid a couple of wet-k a with
Mr. Lilin’s jsirents, Mr. and Mr». David
I.inn. Mr. and Mis. I.inn are here for an
outing and thev are putting in full time
in thi o|»eii air enjoying the delightful
weather that is now on the calendar, and
they are uniting industry with pleasure
for they are assisting Mr. I.inn’s father
in picking his big apple crop and he «ays
thev do th«- work as rapid!v and well as
professional pickers.
Rogue River or­
chards are new to Mrs. Linn ami she is
surprised at the beauty am! perfection of
the apples that are grown here.
In the Circuit Court (or the State f«>
Oregon, County of Jackson.
James Helm», i'ltf,
Geo. I,- Helm». I >cft, I
To Geo. I,- Helm», the al«ovv named
in the name of the State of Oregon,
you arc hercbv n- |iur«-«l to apjM-ar in the
aliove entitled court and answer to the
complaint filed against you therein with
in »ix week» from the date of th«- first
publication of tin» summon», which d««tc
of first publication thereof is Fridav , <»«t
ota-r 9, A. D. 1993, and von ar«- hereby
ilotitied that it vou fall «o to ap|K-ar ami
answer said complaint within »aid time.
«>r otherwise plead thereto, the plaintiff
will apply to sai«l court for the relief de
mandril in said complaint, to wit: For a
judgment again»t you for sixteen Imml
re«' mid fifty «lollnrs. with interest tiler«
on at the rate of 10 t>et cent |« r annum
and for his costs ami disbursement» here
in. This summons is published pursuant
to an ortler made by Hoti Chari« s Prim,
Counlv Judge <>t Jackson Counti, State
of Oregon, made at chambers in Jackson­
ville. Oregon, on the •'»th «lai of (>« tol-er.
19t>3, which or«!« r requires that this sum
inons I m - published hi the Jacksonvdl«-
Seiitiiiel, a newsp.q er of gem ral circula­
tion published in Jacksonville, Origon,
for a peritMl ot six consecutive week».
KM» 11-17.
Attorn«-v for Plaintiff
Vllltcd States Lau«! Office,
Roseburg, Ongon, Sept. 12. 1903.
Notiic i» hi tcby givi n that in compii
alice witli the provision» ot Ilie nct of
Congies-<«t June 3, IM7M, entitlefl "An
act for Ihr sale of titilla t liuids in lln
Stateof CRliforiiiu. Oregon, Ni-vud», nini
Washington Territory," Rs cxtendcd
to all the Public Land Stal« s by act of
August I. IN92,
of Maiden Rock, County «>i Pu r««-, Stute
of Wisconsin ha» lln» da« tile«! in thi» o|
tice bis »worn »tut« incut N«> .">702. for Ihr
purchase «<f the West 1 > ot ihr HS of
uslilp N«i
Scctioii No Ul in Township
No _
II ________
Runge No | We»t, am I will oit« r proof to
»h««w that ihe lami sought is more val­
uablc for it» tiiiila-t <»r »tour ili.in for
ugrictilttiial pur|a«»cs. and to establish
Ins clumi to ».«ul land fs-for« J. (> ll«H>(h.
County judge, at hi» otti«-«- nt Grant»
Pa»». (hrgon, oli Saturday the 12th «luv
ot Dicemt'cr 1933,
He il une« a» witness«-»
Binjumiu R Studding of Ihn- Citv,
Wis. <>i fii . it.«: <i» I Spa ding • t W nor
lv, Wisconsin; A. W. Silsby of Grants
Pa»». Oregon; Steri Wal»ingn<«iii of Bra»
ingt' n, Wis«on» it.
Anv and ail persoli» claiming adver­
se ly llic abolì «le»« til»«-«l lami» «ire re
i|ii« »t< «I t<> tile tin ir cl uni» in thi» office
on or tartare ».«id I2th «Ini of Ikcemlier
10 2. 12-11
J. W. Miller from Little Applegate
was ip Jacksonville Tuesday getting sup­
plies. Mr. Miller has a small Itami of
cattle and s|x-nt the summer on the
Little Applegate range, but he is now
living in a house on Frank Crump’s
place, for whom he will work this winter.
Next spring he exptrets to buy a piece of
land where there is range ami go into
the cattle business.
Miss Annie Lyden, of this place, la­
Dates to Remember.
gan a fall term of school at Applegate
Sunday, ()cl«»l>cr IS.— Services morning
postoffice district on Monday of last we« k
«nd evening at Presbyterian church by
and the patron» of the school pav her
new pastor, Rev. F. G. Strang«-.
the compliment of of making a go«»!
Lvden is _ a Wednesday, Oct 2s—Annual teach« rs in­
start with her school. Miss
?Z. Z...
stitute for Jackson county at Jackson­
graduate of the Bay City Michigan State
ville High School fur three «lavs.
Normal school an«! she is a young woman
of the industry and perseverance that Thursiiav . Nov. 2H—Grand I’llmksgiv-
ing ball in Jack»onv llc under auspices
makes it certain that she will make a
-?t Native Daughter».
successful teacher.
Saturday. October 31—Y. P. S. C. E. so­
In the Justie'e» Court in the State of
To get perfect rest use one of these
cial at Presbyterian church assemble Oregon for the County of Jackson, D:s
•ilk floss or cotton felt mattresses, They
trict of Jacksonville.
are the best. C. W. Conklin.
Saturdav, Octolier 31 — Regular meeting Chris Ulrich, Phf, t
Vili ed State» Limi < liber.
O. P. Hoff, of S.«letn. statecommission­
Action to recover
of the Rogue River Fruitgrow« r»‘ Un
Roseburg. Oregon. Sept 12. 199,1.
er of labor for Oregon was in Jacksonville i«»n at Medford at 2 j>. m.
C F. Webb, Deft, I
Notice ia h< rebv given that in compii
Monday, looking up the industrial con­
To C. F. Webb, Ihe
ance with the provision» of the act of
Better fhan Pills.
ditions of this section ami gathering data
Congress of June 3. I k 7 h . entitle«! “An
for his next rep«»rt.
Mr. Hoff is a well
The question has lern asked—In what fcmlaiit:
In the name of the state of Oregon u< t for th«- »-il«- of timlier lands in the
posted, broadm’nde«! man an 1 he will do wav are Chamberlain's Stomach ami
the duties of labor comini»sisner. which Liver Table-.» superior to the ordinari- You are hereby summoned ami H-quireil Stales i t California < fregoli N< vada, and
consist principally of collecting statistics cathartic and liver pills? (>ur answer to ippear ami answer the complaint tile«! Washington Territory,” a» cxicmled to
of the industries of Oregon an«i of seeing is—They are easier am! more pleasant to against you in the above named court all the Public Lami St ites by act of Aug
that the state laws controlling child lalx»r take and their effect is so gentle and a- ami cause within six week« from th«- dat« ust 4. 1*92,
ami of the hours and manner for women greeable that one hardly realizes that it of the first publication of this summons
w «nt • >f Bay City. Cotintv of Pierce. State ot
workers in factories are enforced.
is produced by a medicine. Then thev ami if you fail so to answer, for
thereof the plaintiff will apjieal I to »aid Wisconsin has thi» «lav tiled in this office
Arthur Lewis and Chris Keegan re- not only move the- bowels but improve
for the relief prayei! for in suid Ili» »worn siutemcnt No *>"«>■'>, tor t lit-
turne«! Sunday from Upper Rogu« river the appetite and aiil the digestion. For complaint, to-wit:
purchase of the NF'* of Sc tion No »
where they had been on a week’s hunt­
For R judgment agmist you for the in Township No II South, Rang« No I
ing tr.p. They report killing four fine
sum of J2H.7'>aml his costs and disbur«e West, ami will offer pr«H>f to show til'll
bucks an«! of having a fine time except
mi-nts to I m - taxed. Thissuinnion»is pub­ the land sought is more valuable tor it»
for the inconvenience of being out iu a
once each week in the Jackwn timber or stone than for ig-icultural pur
heavy rain Friday afternoon .«nd Satur­ |!^| LEGAL NOTICES.J
• | lished
ville St-ntin« 1 tot six consecutiv« weeks |M«»cs. ami to < stablish hi» claim to sai«l
day. They state that a Central Point
by ordi r of W. J. Plvina)«-, Justice <»f the lami Is for«- J. < >. Booth, County Judge, nt
party of which Henry M mry was on«-
Peace for Jacksonville District. Jackson hi» offi« a' (»rants Pass, Oregon, on Sat
got twelve deer. Deer are quite plenti­
Count«, Oregon, dull made at hi« ofiic« urda- the 12th «lav of I h««-mlx-r 1903.
ful in the ranges of Upper Rogue river
In the Circuit Court of the State of < >r in said district on the 9 h «lav of Septem­
He n um » as witnesses
but owing to the number of hunters they egon, tar Jackson County
ber. 1903.
Francis J. Spalding of Waverly, Wis
are quite shv, Mr. Keegan returned to Weston F. Shields, plaintiff
Said «late of first publication of this «-«•usili. Steri Walsingltam of Hra»-ngton
Ashland when- he is employed in U h pp
Wisconsin; A. W. Silsbv <>f Grants Pass,
summon» la-ing Septemlx-r 11. 1993.
Ac Wright’s marble works.
Lillian Shields, defendant.
Oregon; George Culi-v of («rants Pass,
All the latest magazines ami periodi­
To Lillian Shields, Ik-fendant:
( Iregon ;
Attornev for Plaintiff.
cals at the City Drug Store.
In the name of the State of Oregon:
Any and all perso is claiming adverse
ly the above <!<-scri!x-d lands are rripu t
H. P. Galarneau, leading contractor You are hereby required to appear and TIMBER LAND
F or I'l lIf.K A Tf'iN
rd to tile their cl linn in this offi«-«- <>n or
and builder of Klamath Falls, came answer the Complaint filer! against you
Cnited States kamt Office
lieforr said 12th «lav of Iteccndxr, 11*13
down Sunday from Ashland with Hon. in the above entitled suit within ten riavs
Roseburg Oregon Sept 12 !W3
T. Catjieroii, whose gu«-«t he was. remain­ from the date of the service of this Sum­
Notice is hereliy given that in compliance witli
Regi -ter.
ing over until Monday afternoon in Jack­ mons U|x>n you, if served within this ■he provisions ot the act ot Cutigress of June -Ird 10 2, 12 II
sonville. when lie returned to Klamath County, or if served within any other IST» entitled An Act for the Sale of Titulier
l.snd» in the state» of California Oregon. TIMBER LAND, ACT JENE.'!, 1*7*—NOTICE
Mr Galarneau states that County of this State, then within twenty Nevada
an«! Washington Territory
»s ext« nd-
Klamath Fall» is growing rapidly and
ed to all the public laml sale» liy act of August I
prices of all kinds are very high and I as you; and if by publication th« n within UW2,
United Stat«-« Laml Office,
a consequence every bodv is making six we- ks from the date of the first A Waverly county of Pierce state of Wisconsin
money. He
I' says there is a great boom publication thereof: and if you fail so to ha» till« day filed in tin» »ffice hi» sworn state­
Roseburg, Oregon, Sept. 12. I9o3
Notice 1« h« reby given that in compli
in alfalfa and that every acre of land that answer for want thereof, the plaintiff ment No '"i for th' pu- h..~ of the NWij of
ion No. Sin Township No II South Range
can lx- irrigated is lieing sown to alfalfa. will take a default against you, and will •»«-c
No I west and will offer pro«,f Io show that the an«-«- with the provisions of the iu-t of
The alfalfa growers are coining money apply to the Court for the relief demanded land sought is moo- valuable for its timber ot Congress of June 3. I m 7K, entitled “An
at flO to J12 per ton for their hay. Mr. in his complaint, viz: First, for a decree stone han for agricultural purpose» and to es| act for th«- «al<- of timlier land» in the
lis claim Io said land before I O Booth
State» of California. Oregon, Nevada and
and Mrs Otis Krause, former resid-nts for ever dissolving, and holding for atilish
County Ju«ige, «t his office at «■rant, I’asS Ore-
of this place who are now conducting a naught, the marriage contract now­ g<>n on Saturday, the 12th •lay of Dtvcmfier. Washington Territorv,” a» extended to
confectionery and notion store in existing between plaintiff and defendant; n»«.
all the public land state» bv act of Aug­
Hr names as witnesses
ust 4, IH92,
Klamath Falls, Mr. Galarneau states Second, for a further decree awarding to
A W silaby. of Granta Pas». Oregon George
are building up a fine trade and are plaintiff the care and custody of the three Culey, of Grants Pass Oregon Benjamin R
minor children of plaintiff and defendant, Spalding of Bay City Wisconsin Sterl Walsing of Brasington. countv of Pierce, state of
making money.
ham. of Brasiligtoll Wisconsin
Wi»< onsin, has this day filed in this of
Mr. Theo. Cameron returned Sunday and for a judgment against the defend­
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
his «worn statement No. ,'»7lMl f««r the
from Ashland where he attended Satur­
.-laitns in this office on or liefore said 12th day of purchase of tlu- SE'+ of Section No. 2 tn
day as one of the reception committee herein to lx- taxed.
j. r Bridges
This Summons is published in th«-Jack­ vugiist itHt;
Fownsliip No 41 South. Range No I West
the special session of AlKader Temple of
10-2 12-11
ami will offer proof to show that th«- laml
Mvstic Shriners of Oregon.
AC I JfNE.L 1»7s NOTICE sought
more valuable for its
Cameron report» that they ha«l a large weeks by order of the Hon. II. K. Hanna TIMBER l,ANI>
timber or stone thin for agricultural pur
attendance from all parts of the state ami
txises, and to establish his claim to said
had over 50 candidates for the camel the 1st. Judicial District of Oregon made
Roseburg, Oregon, Sept 12. BMB
October H, 191)3.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with land lieforc J. (>. Booth, Count« Judge,
ride to Mecca. Jackson county was well
Date of first publication. Oct. IG, 1903. the , rovisions of the act of Congress of June 3, at his oflice at Grant« Pa«s, Oregon, Sat­
represented in the band of pilgrims who
!»<», entitled
An Act f««r th«- Sale of Timlier
urday, the 12th ilay of December, 1903,
crossed the burning sand of the desert to
i.ands in the State» of California. Or« gon. Neva
He flames as witnesses:
Territory," an extrnd«-«! to
the oasis AlKader. their names being as
ill tile public land sale» by act of Augusl I. IM92.
W Silsbv, of Grants Puss, Oregon;
follows: Jacksonville. William Robinson
Margaret E Spalding, of Bay l ily county of
Culey, of Grants Pass, Oregon,
ami George M. Love; Eagle Point, S. F.
Pierer, slate of Wisconsin. lias this day filrd in
Department of ihe Interior
this officr her «worn stalrment No. ii'KI lor the William Spaiiling. of Maiden Rock, \\ is-
Morine; Medford, W. I. Vawter, Chas.
Land Office at Roseburg Oregon, Sept. 2», l!»KI. purchase of the SW«4 of Section No. Ill in Town cons n; Benjamin R. Spalding, of Bav
Strang. H. W. Lumsden, W. S. Jones.
Notice is hereby giv»n that the following ship No. II South, Range No I. West, and will
C. A. Hutchinson anti J. E. Enyart; Ash­ named settler has filed notice of his intention to offer »roof to show that the land soiight is mor«- City, Wisconsin.
to make final proof in support of his claim, and vain «ble for its timber or stone than for agricul­
Any and all persons claiming adverse
land, J. J. Cambers, G, S. Butler, L. E. that said proof will is- made before Silas J. Day,
:»urj»o»e». and to e»tab1i«h her claim to said ly the above «1« scribed lands an request
Bernier, R. L. Burdic, C. W. Barber, E. f. S Commissioner at Jacksonville Oregon, on tural
lan«l before J. O Booth, County Judge, at ills
H. Bristow. Benton Bowers, George W. November 14. I'.«"3. viz H E No. 11S12, William office at Grant» Pas», Oregon, on Saturday, the cd to file their claims in this office on or
Vf swartzfager. for the SWJjj NW%, NWW SW'/ I it h day of Ilecemtier, 19113.
before said 12th «lay of Decemlx-r, 1903,
Dunn. Gust Edlund, Heaton Fox, D. B. Section IS. Tp Ml S R I W
She names as witnesses
J. T. BR11 KIES,
Grant, D. H. Jackson, William McGrath.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
Amy M Chapman of River Falta, Wisconsin
C. W. Martyn, I). McCarthy, G. C. Mor­ continuous residence upon anil cultivation of Francis Spalding of Waverly. Wisconsin, Wil­ 10-2. 12 11
land, viz
George C. Ctily of steamlioat. liam Spalding of Maiden Rock, Wisconsin, Ben­
ris, John J. Neal. E. B. Shaw, C. F. said
Jackson county Oregon: Jacob C. Knutzen, of jamin R Spalding of llayCity, Wisconsin
The ladies of Jacksonvile will find just
Shepherd, C. II. Thomas. E. P- Tynan, Steaml»oat Jackson county, Oregon: Charles
Any and all persons claiming adversely the what they want and the latest ami most
" H.
J. K. Van Sant. C. H. Vaupel, C.
atxive described lands are requested to file their
tlbert W Shearer, of Steaml»oat. Jack- claims in this office on or tiefore said 12th «lay of stylish millim-ry of Mrs. C. L. Corwin's
Veght. A. W. Wakefield, F. D. Wagner Oregon:
son county, Oregon.
store, Medford, successor to Sears & Cor
December, 19U3
10-2 11-13
and G. A. White.
10-2, 12-11.