I SENTINEL JACKSONVILLE 6 I ’•* ?- * •• Vol. 1 -/ LOCAL Jachtonville, Jach*on County, Oregon. Friday, October 16, 1903. NOTES. Mr» George Brown and Mrs. J. T. Nash were in Jacksonville Thursday, guests of Mrs. C. W. Conklin. Qmik* r Herbs, three faickagi-« lor one dollar, nt th«- City Drug Store. Mi»* May Child« r» of Medford who is <»m- of th«- successful tea* her» of Jackson county, began th«- fall term of »chool in district N<> HI, Galls creek, Monday. Th«- S< iitui* I office has l»< en presented by Mr». Ella C«a»k with a rose that m<-a»>irc«i H'j inches in «liamrtcr. The rose is a Pau) Mcyron and il is as strik- mg in it» beauty a» it is in size. f 1'se th«»*«- fancy oilcloth rug» under your heating stove, f 75 and fl-iHt. at C. W. Conklin's. T. R. Wilhite of Ik-Hgle la-gai Mondav in the district adjoil home di»tnct. Mr. Wilhite is xoiing man, a graduate of the State No'mal, ami hi- will la­ te.icli a Micccftsful M'hu»< necoiid block n*»rth of the Court House. Superintendent and Mr*. P. H. Dailv have a boy, and a fin«- our at that, so Mr. D.*il« aver», that *rrtv< «l at their home la t Thursday. Thi- give* to their family circle a girl ami a Ixiy ami a* Mr». Daily »nd the bov are «bring nicely th«r«- is happli CM ill toe Daily home. Kindling W rich a» rejM»rt«-d. Win. M. Colvig went Io (»runt» Pus» Mombiv to la- ] r« »• nt at circuit couit a» i'll»- <»f th«- « ouncil f* r F. W. Chansse in th«- lila-l »nit <>f R. D. Hume against Mr. CliausM- who is publisher of the (‘»rail'» Pa»» < >!■*•« rver, and who made in hi» paper »«»in« comment» <>ti the meth««!» conducted in hi» business ns co mecte«! with the salmon fishery of the Rogue river. Why worry w ith that ol«l wornout mach­ ine when a small monthly outlav will put in it» place th«- l»e»t, lighte»t running machine made. The p-ivinent» are made I«» suit .ill. C. W. Conklin. T. C. M *yii«ld. wife and four children urrivefl in Jacksonville last Friday by team from Chalice, Idaho and th« « will s | k - ii «1 the winter here and are oc> up« ing a house in the • ast part <>f town, belong­ ing to Mr. R«an. Mr. Mayfiel«! came from the emt to Idaho but In- fotiml that •action to«» col«l ami disagreeable and hearing of th«- fin climate ami many ad­ vantages of Rogue River valley lie came here ami is so well plea»« <1 that lie w ill locate and engage in farming. One of tlu- b«-st selections <»f millinery grxxls to lx- seen in Medfor«! is at the stor«- of Maa«l K. Wilson it Co. in Med­ ford on F »treet west of the S P. depot ami her prices are satisfactory to custo­ mers. Henry Knbli was in town Thursday from his Applegate ranch. The «lay pre­ vious In- ami Jam« s Bnvkh y got in from tin- l'p| er Applegate r ing«- 13 head of beef cattle, tlu- l ist that thev will bring down. Th* y will h ave their stock on th* range until winter weather drives them out. Mr. Knbli and Mr. Buckley recoitlv placeil on their range B2 head of cattle that the« pnrchasi-d of J. G. Marlin ... Mr. and others of Antioch vicinity. Knbli stated that none of tin- Apph gate stockmen ha«l yet sold their lieeves, holding them in their tine alfalfa pastur­ es until a better price was offered. As the number of beef cattle held by himself and neighbors, Mr. Knbli gives th«-follow­ ing estimate: Janies Buckley, 63; Henry D. Knbli, ¡1.5; R. Catm-ron, 10; Miles Cantrall, 40; Andrew Cantrail,75; Arthur Kleiiihammer, 50 making a total of 305 head. There is nearly as many more held by other Applegate stockmen, mak­ ing a bunch of « attic that w ill be a good buy to some dealer, as the Applegate range has a long established reputation for turning off beef equalled by but few­ ranges in Oregon. Í RE=OPENED I I JACKSONVILLE • • • • • •• • • • • • MILLINERY STORE ■ : Í Complete Line of Pall and Winter Good», Pine Qual­ ity. Latest Effects and a very Complete Selection. I will be pleased to show you my g*x»ds whether you buy or not Store next do« »r to Postoffice. MISS E. HOOVER c- TELE P H 0 N CONFECTIONERY I I I V<>u w ill alwavs find the Iw-st of rich, flaky icecream in my sten LEMONADE that m lemonade. Cigars, Tobaccos, Fine Confectionery, Fresh Fruits. I VW. H. McDANIELSj I Many Mothers of a I.ike Opinion. Mrs. Pilmvr. of Cordova, Iowa, says: “(>m- of my children was subject to croup of a m vcrc type, ami the giving of Chamberlain'«* Cough R< inedy promptly, always brought relief. Many mothers in this nt ighbi-rhood think the name *s 1 do alxiut this remedy and want no other kind for tl.eir children.” For sale bv Citv I »rug Store. If you have any Timlx-r land you want to sell—Sec T. C. Norris. Pioneer« Visit Jacksonville. W. II. Gore manager of the big Ish farm two miles north east of jackson- i ville, and one of the finest in all .Southern ( fregon , was in Jacksonville Saturday afternoon with hi» father Emerson E. Gore, of Phoenix, ami hi» uncle Emory E. < »ore of Lawrence, Kan. Th*- twoold gentlemen are twins and so near alike tiiat stranger« cannot tell them apart. Both arc pione* r» of Jack*o;:ville and their trip Saturday was to greet the few jiersons yet in the old town who were here 50 years ago anti note th«- changes that have come to he town ami surround Ing country since the «lay* when Jackson ville was a s irring mining town am! the adjacent hills ami valley» alive with hundreds of mines. The Mvs*rs. Gore arrive«! at Jacob Wagner's place oil the creek now known as Wagner creek from Illinois Scptemtx-r 20, 1652, coming by­ way of California, and they camped tlier«-a few days taking a look at the valley. They worked one «lay for Mr. Wagner ami put a flo r in hiscabin made of sla>»s that Mr. Wagner had gotten a: a little sawmill ju-t started near where Ashland now is. Mr. Wagner hid occu­ pier! Ins cabin with only an earth floor. The only pay taken from Mr. Wagner was a big srpiash that he had grown «>n his place. They arrived in Jacksonville a few day s later. The «lay prove«! to be Satuida« Put they did not know it hav­ ing lost tin ir calender reckonings, inrl that aft« rnoon they b irrowed a saw and frame ami early next morning they went on the hill Imck of where St. Mary's Ac ademv now is and cut a large tree and Ire^an to make shakes with which to bull«! a cabin. S »on they noticed people on the str« els a* though going to church and Ireing goo«l Presbyterians they ceased their work and came down ami found that a traveling preacher was hold ng services They resumed th* ir cabin building Monday and soon ha«l it « ncted on land north of the present U. S. hotel when Emerson Gore moved into it with his family, Emory Go«e boarding with him, he not then being married. In February F iji « rson Gore took up as a donation claim the land tq on which he now lives ami to which he soon moved his family. The Gores wen- carpenters and among other houses upon which tliev worked was the present Metlimlist churdh in Jacksonville. They put up a carpenter .hop and did all kinds of wood work. Etnurv remained a year in Jack­ sonville whi n he left ami worked at va­ rious places in the valley until ' -MIO when he went to Kansas and has lived in that state- since, residing first at Atchison anil later at Lawrer.ee. To Mr, and Mr*. Emerson E. Gore is <’ue the honor of being the parents of the FALL LINE » OF MEN’S, BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S C OTHINC Men’s Suits from ■ ■ $5 to $20 a suit Boys’ Suits, 12 to 19 years. ■ $5 to $_! 0 a suit Children’s Suits, 5 to 12 years, $2 to $5 per suit Men’s Beaver Overcoats, • *7.50 to * 15 each Men’s Irish frieze Ulsters. • *7.50 to $ 10 each Boys’ Overcoats *5 each Blanket lined Coats and Vests. Leather and Corduroy Coats Strauss Overalls, best make on the Coast, for Men and Boys. Our stock of Gentlemens Staple Furnishings is the largest in Seuthern Oregon. lie are a young concern, always ready to do business or quote prices. Will be pleased to show our goods. No. 23 firs’ white baby boy born within the lim­ its of the present town of Jacksonville, m , far as record*» now to be h «1 show, their s hi Walter Gore, now residing near Phoenix, having be« il born !>•■«■■ m!»er 3, 1S52, while th*-y weie rts.ding in the lit­ tle shake house in the north part of town. Ashland Normal Notes. The new atudents this week are Agnes Hare, Nellu Hare, Ashland; Grover M irksb'iry. Bellview. The Boarding Hall on the campus al­ ready has fifty regular boarders who room in the dormitories, besides, ten or fifteen who take dinners there. Chapel exercises an- from S:'.V> to !• o'clock each morning. Following the music, • rioture reading ami prayer each member of the faculty takes a turn in giving a short address to the students on some live topic. The old No’-mal bus has been made almost new again and the new bus will Ire cour 1 ted alxrut til- first of Novem­ ber. 1-or the present a light covered wagon is being used along with the bus to carry students w ho board in town. Five young ladies are aiding them selves in carrying th.- scho -1 expenses by doing light work for fx»ard in families and seven young men are also doing work to I ic I d thein-elves. Three work in drug stores Satardiys and evening*, one does chores it a hotel, two do some work at the Normal and one does odd jobs about town. These are excellent students. The sixteen graduates of last year are all doing well. Raymond Bates is a stu­ dent .it Whitman college. Clyde Briggs is principal of the schools at St. Johns, Washington, Lucie George and Lou Grubb are both teaching in the Grants Pass schools, Olah Mickey is a grade teacher at Cottage Grove. G. W. Milan is principal of East school Ashland and Docia Willetts is one of his assistants, D. C. Math« ws is vice-principal of the Hert­ ford schools, Delta Tibbetts is critic teacher at the Normal. Loleto Norton is a grade teacher in the Junction City schools, Lillian Perci ful is teacher in the Milton schools. Eva Storey teaches in the Phoenix schools, Aura Thompson is teacher in ti e Ros«-burg schools, George Mark b. rv and Walter McIntire are arranging for lu-ir post-g adua e work in the Nonnal and Floy Catnlx-rs continues her music. Golden Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Bowman cele­ brate«! their gold« n wedding at the r house in Medford Tuesday evening, th« y having been married October. 1653. n Lowell, Mass. A large number n and George Lane started this Friday for the Waldo country on a hunting trip and incidentlv to do a little prospecting.