Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, October 02, 1903, Image 3

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ion to a great quantity of fn ight traffic Oregon when they see a news article in a Ledge Dr. J. F. Reddy ami his associate»
j that it would bring to the Company, the Portland juijm r la-aring a Crania Pass > appear to have gained a point that will
I Crater Lake tonri»t traffic is an item that • late line set it down as a padded state­ enable them to secure that string of
Issili» ON
I within a few year» will I m - close to that ment not to la- relied upon. Stovall's claim». Their purchase of th«- interest
WEEK. of the Yellowstone and V«>M-mit«- in the misleading statements are realh a detri­ of one of tin- six owners of the Blue
railrpad revenue that it would yield. ment to Southern Oregon for strangers Ix-dge practically blocks the sale or the
C ha m ,r.» M immv *
>'.i>i row
When Crater Lake becomes as well k nown brought here bv his glowing reports la- development of that projxzrtv by those
ami i» a» accessible a» Yellowstone mil come disgusted and discouraged and on parties. Should these owner» undertake to
Eulrrnl in ihr po«lofflc« of Jacksonville.
Yosemite it will be visited bv thousands leaving give the country a trad name. develop or work tin- claims against the
Jin k win County Otrgoii «« «M onil e Im»» miitlrf
of tourists each season. Portland will la-
It is in mining news that Stovall es- wish of the Reddv people they would
ht h*KMl>*rION kAllrai
back of this Rogue river railroad for pccially shines ami a three-color prospect have to pav al) the expenses themselves
Onr yr«r
fl Ml ' without this railroad that city will lose
hole under his fertile imagination will ami then to share any profit that there
Hix month»
llif ' month*
Pi every dollar of trade that it now has with la-r-ome a veritable (lolconda mine.
His might I m - with the other parties. Should
Klamath, Lake an«J the <>ther com t-es of facile jx-n has caused many a sucker's they desire to incorporate thev could
Cl.' hhini . T>.» m »
i South-eastern Oregon.
Th«- raiL'oads dollar to be dropped in Southern Oregon take in but their five-sixths interest,
Thr Mentiari uik I U h - Weekly Oregonian will
I m - »rill to onr mlilrra« lor n yexr Th< Henti- now building into that section from Lairds mining stock, the di vidends of which are which would handicap that venture.
nel give« the Ju< k«on county n<-w« un*l the < Hr
over in California is ul ready diverting yet to lx- declared. As a boomer for This division of ownership would In­
KOIII'III give« the alntr. nutionnl ulxl world new«.
Ihu« u trailer 1» ablr to cover the entire new* the greater part of th«- Portland tr.iffi«- that ('.rants Pass he has the gall of a Kansas sure to work against a sale of th«- claims
held ut «(«out I hr price of but our paper.
went by wav of Medford and Ashland to lightning rod peddler for every improve­ to outside parties, tor no company plan
T miai . m um hii - tion » The Jackaoavifle fwutlael San Fran« isco. A» Lairds 1» on the ment. transaction or event that trans­ ing to put in a smelter would take up
will I m - «rut tunny n<l<lf<«« nt any poal office m
thr t'nilnl State«, (or lour week* lor HI cent« California division of the Southern Pacific pires within 2IM) miles of (»rants Pass is the proposition unless full control could-
Alt »mMcriptlon». tegular or trial, will br prompt
Dr. Reddv is one of the most
ly «loupril nt the <latr ol expiration utile«« u re­ bright am! passengt r rates arc cheaper so w ritten up as to appear in the immed­ i be had.
newal in received
to that place from San Francisco than iate vicinity of that place. Instances astute mining men on this Coast ami he
from Portland. With a railroad from without number can I m -given of this style i» working early and late to bring alrout
Friday, October 2, 190.5 Gold Ray up Rogue river and on into of
misleading news The Opp mines, i the development of the Applegate dis­
Klamath county, for which there is a two miles from Jacksonville, has been trict an«l present event» indicate that he
natural route through the Cascade moun­ written up correctly and incorrectly, will eventually succeed. There are near­
There is a liklilxxxl of there l>eing
tains, ami thence on through Lake coun­ more often rankly incorrectly, a dozen ly 500 other claim» in the district ami
considerable going on in railroad build­
ty fcith a terminus at Burn» or some times by this Sinbadand each time it is the holders are keeping up their assess­
ing and im prove m< nt» in this valley
other town in Southeastern Oregon located "just south of (.rants Pass.” The ment work ami have every exjxctation
w ithin the next vearor two. The South­
Portland would have tin- trade advantage copper mines on the Applegate south of of yet realizing a g«xxl price for them.
ern Pacific having made Medford the dis
over San Francisco in that region for Jacksonville have lieen drawn up by his There is every hkelik«xxl that when the
triLuting |x»int for Rogue River Valley
Gold Ray i» on the Oregon division of telescopic jam from 75 miles to within a present flurry is over in the Eastern
for refrigerator car» will Ire quite certain
th«- Southern Pacific with lower freight dozen miles of "the mining center of money market that the Applegate copper
to put in an additional siding at that
rate* than to San Francisco. Portland Southern On gon", the town that has district will Ix-come one of the chief in­
place next spring. Fruit shipments have
will have to move mx > ii in securing the | less mines in its immediate vicinity than dustrial centers of Southern Oregon.
increased to such an extent that more
building of this Rogue river railroad has (»old Hill or Jacksonville. The big
yard room is needed troth for storage of
or that city will lose for al) time to come «lain at (’»old Ray has been bv him placed
Ashland and Grants Pass each have a
cars as well a« for switching trains. It
their trade of a section of Oregon double s< near Grants Pass that it is no longer a library containing several hundred vol­
is also given out that the Coni|»inv will
the size of the Willamette Valley ami a Jackson County industral enterprise.
umes and now Medford has organized a
put hi a switch next summer at the |*oint
section that will yield quite as much
As a sjiace writer in the Portland Tele- library a-wxnation. The Medfosd associ­
where the wagon road from the Voorhies
trad«- a» that famous valley, With all gram Stovall works it for all it is worth ation starts off with a membership of (Ml
and Lwi»orchard* cross«-» the railroad
these varied interests bark of it it is and his string amounts to a gcxxl sized and has ordered 100 books as a beginning
midway between Medford ami
«¡uite «eftaiii that the Rogue river rail- salary each month. It matters little to which for the present will be kept in
Phot-nix. There will I k - alxmt 175 car
road will lx- built within the very near him whether the news are stale or fresh Haskins' drug store with Leon Haskins
load* of fruit »hipped from that locality
or what is the source of his information, as librarian. The directors are, Dr. E.
this season and w ith the immense acreage
Another railroad that is not so main it all goes. A new event a month old B. Pickel, Judge W. S. Crowell and F. E.
that is being planted to fruit in that sec­
tears off is an Electric line from G«»l«1 ami of some insignificant affair will be Payne.
Jacksonville could support a
tion it will I m - but a few years until there
Ray along the («xrtlnils 011 the west side by him revainfied and enlarged until it library and should have one. Most of
will I m - slnp|M-«l from MOO to 1,(M») cars of
of the Valiev through Jacksonville and ' will fill half a column in the Telegram. I the popular books of the day are of little
fruit each year. This switch Mould save
to W agner creek ami possibly on to Ash- 1 Idle rumors are made into fact's and real­ value after they have been read an«! to
a wagon haul of from two to four miles
' land. At the rate that fruit trees are lx-- ities perverted by this frothy space writer buy them only to be laid aside is quite a
to these lr .it m< n.
i mg planted on the hill land it will l>c but until no one here in Southern Oregon tax on a:: individual. The library asso­
Railroad rumors of changes and new
a few year* until the f<x»lhills about believes anything lie states and Dennis ciation would enable th«- members to
railroads to I k - built arc out in plenty of
Jacksonville- will lx- one great orchard, Stovall has become the jest of the public have access to all popular b<x>ks at
lute. There is a probability that the
that will yield hundred-« of carloads of and a handicap to the best interests of little exjMznse. Jacksonville is getting to
Jacksonville-Medford r<Mul will discon­
fruit each season.
To haul this fruit the Rogue River Valley.
the front in other lines an«! the town
tinue »team |>ower and put on electric
from lour to twelve mills by wagon to
should have a library.
cars next year, at which time an increas­
the South« rn Pacific main line is too ex- ; COPPER DISTRICT OUTLOOK.
ed train service will la- put on. As the
Broke Into His House.
Events in the Applegate copper district
pensive and then it is injurious to tin
Medford Butte Crcek-Mt. Pitt railroad
S. Le Quinn of Cavendish. Vt.. was
fruit, it bruising it considerably. This
scheme apjiears to have la-t n let drop for
railroad would develop many other sourc . tile various claim holders ami investors roblMttl of his customary health by in­
vasion of Chronic Constipation. When
the time being there is a rumor that
es of traffiic, one of which would lx- the appear to be waiting to see w hat moves Dr. King's New Life Pills broke into his
powerfi 1 interests are at work on a plan
granite industry at the great quarries of will I m - next made by either ¡xirtv. All house, his trouble was arrested and now­
to change the line of the Jacksonville
that rock in the hills to the north of deals are off fertile present,but interest in lie’s entirlv cured. They’re guaranteed
railroad from Medford to Central Point
the district has not waned a bit by claim to cure, 25c at City Drug Store.
ami to extend it to Eagle Point and up
An electric line to Applegate is also 1 holders or investors, ami there is liable to
Calling cards, the latest in style and
to the big timber district on Butte creek.
sure to come and it will go in by way of be some new deals proposed at any time. printed so neatly as to resemble copper­
A big sawmill and 1 m > x factory would lie
Jacksonville as the Applegate river in the In the efforts to control the famous Blue plate work at the Sentinel office.
built at Central Point ami the logs be
great Ixrml that it makes .winds to with- |
hauled there to I m - ent into lumlwr. The
in nine miles of Jacksonville and the
Butte « reek section is one of the best
route is through the lowest pass that
f ruit ami dairy districts of Jackson county
that there is in that divide. Should the
ami the traffic from that source alone
copper claim holders and smelter compan­
would soon make the road a profitable
ies a«yusl their differen«.-cs in prices and
the Applegate cojqxr district I m - develop­
There is every certainty that next ed this railroad would go through with a
year will witness the la-ginning of work
rush. There will be big things in rail­
«> ii a railroad up Rogue river from Gold road building in the Rogue River Valley
Ray, where the big power plant is now in the next five years.
Ix-itig installed on Rogue river at the
¡»lint where that river intersects the
Couchees from $5.50, $6.00 mid up;
Southern Pacific.
There are several
¡xiwerful factors that are backing this and whose cognomen is Stovall, of Grants
Rockers from $1.75 mid up, good val­
project. The Condor Power it Water Pass, has gotten himself into serious
ues; Iron Beds cheap, ornamental; Crib
Company want the railroad to bring the complications with the papers of Ash­
Beds, Canvas Cots mid Pillows, Odd
sugar ami yellow pine ami fir tiinlxT, of land, Medford. Roseburg ami all along
Suits mid Sideboards.
which there is on the Upper Rogue river
«me of the finest bodies on the Coast, to
their mills ami factories at (»old Ray. Grant» Pass has more than twice as many
Also agent for the
It has I k - cii demonstrate«! that the UjqM-r scholars enrolle«! in its schools as has
Rogue river valley is a remarkably fine either Ashland, Medford or Roseburg
fruit district and already fruit growers,
attracted bv the cheap laml ami the cer­ town south of Salem, except Eugene,
tainty of railroad transportation, arc set­ which it equals. The figures given by
tling there and planning out orchards, the other papers prove Stovall to have
some of them of a htindre«! acres in ex­ padded his totals by about 50 percent.
tent. Th«- Southern Pacific is interested This Stovall has done so much "rain
in this Rogue river railroml for in addit- bow” work that persons here in Southern
W. Conklin’s