Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, October 02, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. I
Jacksonville, JacKaon County, Oregon. Friday, October 2, 1903.
No. 21
Mr. P. Britt has rented his fine farm at
the mouth of Butte creek to Thomas
Young, who lias an abjoining farm ami
C. L. Rcamcs is in Grant* Pass this Mill handle Ixith farms. Mr. Young is
we« k attending circuit court In- having oik - of the successful f irmer* of that lo­
a couple of im]H>rtaiit cases ill that court. cality and he Mill lx- quite »ure to make
some inonei on the Brit! farm which ha*
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Boussiim ami Miss alxilit I *•0 a< res in cultivation ID am s of
Abbie Henrv spent Sunday on Little m I iic I i is under irrigation, together with
Applegate, guests at tin home of Mr. and over 2tMl acres of pasture land.
Medford B»x«k Store, the leader in Jackson County for
Mrs. T. M. Arthur.
Supplies, will have ever* l»ook in stock required
Tin- marriage took place Wednesday
Rev. W. B. M<x>rc of Medford ami evening at the M E. parson.ige in Med­
in the grade and high school*. Pens, Pencils, Tablets,
Rev. E. H Lixklmrt of Central Point, ford, of Mr. Robert B. Dow ami Miss
Rulers, Combination Desk Boxes, Slates, Erasers,
left T iicm Iay lor .Salem to attend the an­ Amy Cantrall, Rev. James Kelso officia­
We make prices that makes the
nual conference of the M. E. church.
ting. Th< bndc is the daughter of Mrs.
| mx kvtbook hold out.
Win. M. Going has Ix-rn in (»rants
of the bright « m-rg< tic young ladle*
Pas* al! this week attending circuit court
of Jacksonville who has the training ami
in which he uml Ins partner, Geo. H.
aptitude to make a wile Mi ll worthy of
Mail Orders Filled Promptly
Durham, lune «cveral imjiortant caxe*.
the voting man who has pledged her his
Wc«l<liug stationery, the latest out, at love an«) <t< voti«ni for the years to come.
th«- Sentinel office.
The groom ¿i» at present deputy county
Ernest Farrington and Mi** Mary treasurer and he is a young man of good
Hard wick, both of Phoenix, were tnar- character, industrious ami he has a
ri«-<l Wednewlay morni-ig in the M. E. standing in the community that pres.iges
pirsonagc at Medford by Rev. James success to his business affairs and that he
will prove to lie the husband that ail
II. H. Stafford, who i* one of the far-
Rev W. F. Shicbls will leave Medford young men think inev are going to lx-
next Tuesday for Corvallis to lie gone ami which they should lx: to merit the tbrest settler* up Little Applegate, his
love of the girl that has risked her happi­ place lx-ing about 25 miles from Jackson­
until Saturdav while attending th«- Pres­
in hi* keeping. Mr. ami Mrs. I low ville, was tn town over Monday night,
bvtcrian Sym d of Oregon which con - will reside
in tile house on south third he being down after a loa«l of supplies
vcncs at Corvallis next Thursday.
street, vacated this Friday by Mrs. S. A. ami a spring wagon that be has hail dur­
E. L. Jones, glolx- trotter anil mine Cantrail, ami they will lx.- at home to ing the summer on Wagner creek.
dealer, who isint« rested in the Apple their friends after November 1st.
Stafford does mo*t of hi* trading at Tal­
gate copjx-r «listrict will leave this Fri-
The ladies of Jacksonvile will find just ent, going from his place by a trad
Having opened Steam Cleaning
«lay in coiii'ianv with George Nculx-r for what they want ami the latest and most act«»*» the hills to Wagixrcre« k. lit- ha«l
ami Pressing Works hi Medford,
Joes Bar to lx- gone about a week.
stylish millim ry
Mrs. C. L. Corwin's the spring wagon to haul his supplies
we are prepare«! to do anything
Frank Kirbv, cattle buyer for James store, Medford, successor to S ars X- Cor­ from Talent to the eml of the roa«l on
in our line w ith neatness and dis­
Wagner creek ami from there on to his
McDermott of San Francisco, whose an­ win.
Rev. W. F. Shields of Medford has re- place he took them on pack horses. Mr.
nual visit* to Jackson county are of so
We make a specialty of ladies'
much import mcc to stockmen of this reived word that Rev. W. S. Holt, of Stafford is a retired printer leaving Puget
work, and guarantee satisfaction
section, was in Jacksonville Thursday.
Portland, state synodical missionary for Sound to get away from the excessively • in every respect.
Oregon, is sick ann will lx- unable to wet climate of that section and seek re
All the latest in «ga/inea ami peritxli-
Work called for and delivered.
come to Jacksonville ami consequently bet from rheumatism in the balmy, dry
cals at the City Drug Store.
for our club rates for
there will lx- no services at the Presby­
Judge II. K. Hanna went to (»rants terian church in ’his place next Sunday. years Mr. Stafforrl was foreman for Lo-
Pass Sunday evening an«) Monday- he R« gulsr services w ill lx- hel«l Ix-ginniiig man & Hanaford, who conduct the larg
comm« need <-ir< mt court, for Josephine with Sunday October IHth wh« n Rev. F. e*t job printing house in Seattle. Mr.
county. 'Die <l«x-ket i* rather lengthy G. Strange will take charge of the Jack­ Stafford ami bis wife and children are
Upstair«, Opposite Postoffice.
and court will probably lx- in SCMIOtl sonville and Phoenix churches. Rev. taking things easy at their mountain re­
about two weeks.
Strange is at Marshfield, but the ’amp treat ami are living on tile fat of the 1 MEDFORD.
A cltatigv in pastors «»( the MedlM '.chmat-of the i-nnst not being ngrrribtr land literaTfv, f<rr they raise ample gar- X_______________________________ — J
M E Church, South, took place this to him he comes t<i Jacksonville with his <len ami fruit supplies, have plclltv of
Wild blacklxrr-
week. Rev. M. L. Darby, the ret ring family to again ctijov the delightful cli­ blitter eggs ami meats
pastor going to Southern California to mate of Rogue River Valley. Rev. ries, rasplx-rrie* and plums are for tile the winter fatten on the acorns and other
assume a churg« there soasto lie near his Strange has been in Marshfield for about picking ami Ixre trees many number sup food in the woods. These range fattened
ply all the honey they may require. Last hogs will attain a weight of from 140 to
father who is aged and quite feeble. Rev. a year, irevious to that lie
year Mr. Stafford cut seven lx-e trees and I7<> pound*.
If. C. Brown, the incoming pastor, arriv­ Ash lan for 17 years where
this year has cut two and lias seve rffl
ed Monday from McComb, Miss., and charge of tile Presbyterian
w ill conduct the regular services of his that place, taking it when it was but a more located to cut when wanted. Fish
Dates to Remember.
A Sunday. Octolx-r 4—Meeting of Gohl Rav
feeble organization and leaving it one of ami game are to lx: had in plenty.
church this Sunday.
the most pros|x.-rous churches in South­ band of h<-gs of which he will have 40
Rod and Gun Club at Gold Ray.
Kindling W«xx!—<1 ’Mla load at yard
ern Oregon. Rev. Strange is a sjx-aker for sale tin* winter, afford the money to Monday, Oct. 5. — Regular meeting of
or delivered. Iowa Lurntxtr Company.
Hi* hogs
of much ability ami force and the Jack­ buy clothing and groceries.
Jacksonville Fire Department.
John Cantrall arriveil Tuesday from sonville Pre »lit t< rían* are to lx- congrat­ run on tile range during the entire year Tuesday, Oct., ♦’>. — Meeting for October
Klamath County where In- has sjx-nt the ulated on securing so aide a pastor for and cost nothing for tied, for they live
o* Jacksonville town council.
off the grass in the summer time and in Tuesday, Octolx-r t>, — Regular meeting
summer with his brother, Rose.x- Cantrall their church.
on the latter's big hay ami grain farm
of Medford city council.
near Klamath Palls. This Friday John
Wednesday, October?.— County court
ami Ins mother, Mrs. S. A. Cantrall will
convenes for Sepember term.
move to their farm on Applegate where
Saturday. October 10, — Grand ball and
tliev will lien after reside. While but a
oyster supper at Gold Rav under the
bov in yi ars. Johnnie Cantrall hasa man's
auspices of Gold Ray Ro<l & Gun Club.
aptitude for business and he will make a
Sunday, October II. — Joint W. C. T. I',
farmer whose work ami management
meeting at Phoenix of Medford, Ash­
will lx- to his credit and to his profit.
land ami Eagle Point unions.
Monday, Octolx-r 12. — Regular meeting
W. M. Milk-rand C. T. Davidson were
We offer you for inspection our Fall
of Jacksoville board of trade and elect­
home Sunday from the Blackwell dis­
line of WOOL and COTTON Fabrics
ion of officers.
trict, where they an- employed on the
Thursday, Oct. 22.—Annual teachers in­
Millionaire mine. This compiny is hav­
consisting in part of
stitute for Jackson county at Jackson­
ing two shafts put down to the 100-fuot
ville High School for three days.
level when drifts will lie run to test the
Thursday, Nov. 2ti—Gram! Thanksgiv­
extent of the ledge. One of the shafts
ing ball in Jacksonville under auspices
is now down over HO feet ami the oth~r
ot Native Daughters.
over 4<> feet. The ore so far is showing
up finely and there ap]x*ars to lx- plenty
Better Than Pills.
of it which gives the assurance that the
Millionaire is to lx* one of the profitable
The question has been asked—In what
mines of J ickson county.
wav are Chamberlain’s Stomach and
Liver Tablets superior to the ordinary­
If you have any Timlx-r land you want
and liver pills? Our answer
to sell—See T. C. Norris.
is—They are easier ami more pleasant to
John Minto of Salem, now KI years old
take and their effect is so gentle and a-
and known to most of the pioneers of
greeable that one hardly realizes that it
On-gon, is now engaged in raising fine j
is produced by a medicine. Then they
M< lino sheep as the advertisement in an­
Onr line of Ladies’ and Children's Wool and Cotton Knit
not only move the Ixiwels but improve
other column shows. Of the prospect of
the appetite and aid the digestion. For
Southern Oregon becoming celebrated
sale at 25 cents j>er bottle by City Drug
for producing fine wool Mr. .Minto says:
trouble for us to show our (ioods ar submit samples.
“From samples of wool seen at the wool­
en mills of this city I ant satisfied that
Treasurer’s lenth Call.
the time is nearing when w«x»l of the
The StocK is the largest and the Prices always the Lowest.
ot the County Treasurer of
finest quality will lx- a staple product of
Respectfully soliciting your patronage,
Jackson County. Oregon.
South-western Oregon for reasons of
Jacksonville, Sept. 22. lltO.'L
climate, soil and natural productions and
Notice is hereby given that there are
the broken nature of the surrounding* of
funds in the county treasury for the re­
vu'ir beautiful valley. I do not expect
demption of all outstanding county war­
to see the realization of this, being about
rants protested from May 2, 15*01, to June
the oldest living pioneer of this city, hav­
5, 11*01. both dates inclusive. Interest on
ing seen antelope hi large flrx-ks in the
same will cease after the alxtve date.
Rogue River Valley before a white man’s
1). II. M iller , County Treasurer.
home was located there, 1H4H.”
Boys, Girls
School Begins Soon
Made Like New
Vicugna Cloth
Teazle Down
Daisy Flannels
Simpson Novelties