JACKSONVILLE SENTINE ■ Vol. I Jacksonville, JacKaon County, Oregon. Friday, October 2, 1903. No. 21 Mr. P. Britt has rented his fine farm at the mouth of Butte creek to Thomas Young, who lias an abjoining farm ami C. L. Rcamcs is in Grant* Pass this Mill handle Ixith farms. Mr. Young is we« k attending circuit court In- having oik - of the successful f irmer* of that lo­ a couple of im]H>rtaiit cases ill that court. cality and he Mill lx- quite »ure to make some inonei on the Brit! farm which ha* Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Boussiim ami Miss alxilit I *•0 a< res in cultivation ID am s of Abbie Henrv spent Sunday on Little m I iic I i is under irrigation, together with Applegate, guests at tin home of Mr. and over 2tMl acres of pasture land. Medford B»x«k Store, the leader in Jackson County for Mrs. T. M. Arthur. School Supplies, will have ever* l»ook in stock required Tin- marriage took place Wednesday Rev. W. B. Mrc of Medford ami evening at the M E. parson.ige in Med­ in the grade and high school*. Pens, Pencils, Tablets, Rev. E. H Lixklmrt of Central Point, ford, of Mr. Robert B. Dow ami Miss Rulers, Combination Desk Boxes, Slates, Erasers, left T iicm Iay lor .Salem to attend the an­ Amy Cantrall, Rev. James Kelso officia­ Sjxniges. Etc. We make prices that makes the nual conference of the M. E. church. ting. Th< bndc is the daughter of Mrs. I | mx kvtbook hold out. S. A. Cantrall of this place ami she is Win. M. Going has Ix-rn in (»rants om- of the bright « m-rg< tic young ladle* Pas* al! this week attending circuit court of Jacksonville who has the training ami in which he uml Ins partner, Geo. H. aptitude to make a wile Mi ll worthy of Mail Orders Filled Promptly Durham, lune «cveral imjiortant caxe*. the voting man who has pledged her his Wc«l pound*. If. C. Brown, the incoming pastor, arriv­ Ash lan for 17 years where this year has cut two and lias seve rffl ed Monday from McComb, Miss., and charge of tile Presbyterian w ill conduct the regular services of his that place, taking it when it was but a more located to cut when wanted. Fish Dates to Remember. A Sunday. Octolx-r 4—Meeting of Gohl Rav feeble organization and leaving it one of ami game are to lx: had in plenty. church this Sunday. the most pros|x.-rous churches in South­ band of h<-gs of which he will have 40 Rod and Gun Club at Gold Ray. Kindling W«xx!—<1 ’Mla load at yard ern Oregon. Rev. Strange is a sjx-aker for sale tin* winter, afford the money to Monday, Oct. 5. — Regular meeting of or delivered. Iowa Lurntxtr Company. Hi* hogs of much ability ami force and the Jack­ buy clothing and groceries. Jacksonville Fire Department. John Cantrall arriveil Tuesday from sonville Pre »lit t< rían* are to lx- congrat­ run on tile range during the entire year Tuesday, Oct., ♦’>. — Meeting for October Klamath County where In- has sjx-nt the ulated on securing so aide a pastor for and cost nothing for tied, for they live o* Jacksonville town council. off the grass in the summer time and in Tuesday, Octolx-r t>, — Regular meeting summer with his brother, Rose.x- Cantrall their church. on the latter's big hay ami grain farm of Medford city council. near Klamath Palls. This Friday John Wednesday, October?.— County court ami Ins mother, Mrs. S. A. Cantrall will convenes for Sepember term. move to their farm on Applegate where Saturday. October 10, — Grand ball and tliev will lien after reside. While but a oyster supper at Gold Rav under the bov in yi ars. Johnnie Cantrall hasa man's auspices of Gold Ray Ro feet. The ore so far is showing up finely and there ap]x*ars to lx- plenty Better Than Pills. of it which gives the assurance that the Millionaire is to lx* one of the profitable The question has been asked—In what mines of J ickson county. wav are Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets superior to the ordinary­ If you have any Timlx-r land you want cathartic and liver pills? Our answer to sell—See T. C. Norris. is—They are easier ami more pleasant to John Minto of Salem, now KI years old take and their effect is so gentle and a- and known to most of the pioneers of greeable that one hardly realizes that it On-gon, is now engaged in raising fine j is produced by a medicine. Then they M< lino sheep as the advertisement in an­ Onr line of Ladies’ and Children's Wool and Cotton Knit not only move the Ixiwels but improve other column shows. Of the prospect of the appetite and aid the digestion. For Underwear, also Hosiery, are EXCELLENT VALUES. No Southern Oregon becoming celebrated sale at 25 cents j>er bottle by City Drug for producing fine wool Mr. .Minto says: trouble for us to show our (ioods ar submit samples. store. “From samples of wool seen at the wool­ en mills of this city I ant satisfied that Treasurer’s lenth Call. the time is nearing when w«x»l of the The StocK is the largest and the Prices always the Lowest. Office ot the County Treasurer of finest quality will lx- a staple product of Respectfully soliciting your patronage, Jackson County. Oregon. South-western Oregon for reasons of Jacksonville, Sept. 22. lltO.'L climate, soil and natural productions and Notice is hereby given that there are the broken nature of the surrounding* of funds in the county treasury for the re­ vu'ir beautiful valley. I do not expect demption of all outstanding county war­ to see the realization of this, being about rants protested from May 2, 15*01, to June the oldest living pioneer of this city, hav­ 5, 11*01. both dates inclusive. Interest on ing seen antelope hi large flrx-ks in the same will cease after the alxtve date. Rogue River Valley before a white man’s 1). II. M iller , County Treasurer. home was located there, 1H4H.” LOCAL NOTES. X* Boys, Girls School Begins Soon MEDFORD BOOK Ì STORE ^Clothes Made Like New Ladies Vicugna Cloth Teazle Down Daisy Flannels Percales Amoskeag Ginghams Simpson Novelties THE HUNAN-TAYLOR CO JACKSONVILLE, - OREGON