Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, September 25, 1903, Image 6

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The big Karvwski him near the school
house had a dose call Thursday night
from living burned. At 2 o’clock in the
morning Malcolm Johnson who lives
just across the street, hud occasion to lx-
up ami he notice«! a small light in tha
Imni which lie at first took to lie from c
lanturn but us it began to increase he
saw the Kirn was a tire. Calling his I kivs
and taking pails of water he ami they
succeeded in putting out the lire,
says he called for the neighliors,
could raise no one ami after putting
the fire he went back to lie«l without
notifying anyone. Tim tire was in th«*
she«! on the east side of th«- barn am! had
lx-en set hi some straw litter on the floor.
Tin- floor was almost burned through be­
fore Mr. Johnson extinguished the tire.
The barn had been set afire but whether
by the carelessness of some tramp, or
drunk man or was the malicious work
of some firebug is hard to tell. Th«- barn
is so large that with the lack of water in
that part of town the fire would have lx-en
quite sure to have sprea«l to some of the
adjoining buildings and caused a very
heay loss of property.
Miss Bessie Nickell left for Portland
last Friday where she will s|iend st'tne
time with friends.
Mrs. H. K. Hanna returned Thursdav
from Ashland where she had spent sever-
al «lays with her friends Mrs. Bish
‘ ami
Mrs. Jesse Houck.
Quaker Herbs, thnre packages for one
dollar, at the City Drug Store.
Clarence Robinson, of Junction City,
a brother of Raymond Robinson arrived
in Jacksonville Sunday and has taken a
position in the lumber yard of the Iowa
Lumber Company.
Mrs. Dora Faucett of this place ac
«.-ompanied by her sister Mrs. F. C. Mar­
low of Crescent City went to Ruch Fri­
day on Wendt’s stage on a visit to their
mother Mrs. W. P. Faucett.
Miss Juliet Slocum of Portland arrive«!
in Jacksonville Friday for a short visit
with her cousin. Miss Kate Ph male.
M iss Slocum is a college graduate, ami
an expert lxx»kkee|x-r. stenographer ami
Circuit Court Notes.
Dr. W. S. Holt, I>. D.. Svmxlical Miss­
of D. A. Shafer against P. A
ionary for the Presbyterian church in
Oregon, will preach in Jacksonville the Hall was brought to a close m short or­
first Sunday evening in October. He der last Friday evening when given to
preaches in Phoenix in the morning of thejurv. On the first Imllot the vote
was unanimous that Mr. Hall had slan­
the same day.
dered Mr. Shafer and his faintly and on
Miss Martha Robinson a teacher from fhe second liallot the vote was again un­
Canned Fruit Never
Junction City and a sister of the Robin­ animous that the full amount of damages
Spoil* In the
son boys of this place arrived Sundav sued for, ¿.’iiioii. should be awarde«! the
and Tuesday she went to
__r__ plaintiff.’ W. M. Colvig represented the
where she w ill probably teach the school interests of Mr. Shafer and Hoge it Pur
for the winter term.
<lin those of Mr. Hall.
The ladies of Jacksonvile will fiml just
Court was adjourned Friday by Judge No Jar on tin- mar­
what they want and the latest ami most Hanna until Tuesday when it was again ket can e<|iiul it.
stylish millinery of Mrs. C. L- Corwin’s convened and continned until Friday Easily scaled, never
store, Medford, successor to Sears & Cor­ when it adjourned for the term. During breaks, alrsolutelv
this week Judge Hanna grunted divorces
airtight, and sold at
Judge ami Mrs. S. J. Day spent Tues to Grace M Hasty from Chas. F. Hasty.
prices. < if
day evening in Medford to attend se rv­
the hundreds of jars
ices at the M E. South Church at which drews. Jr.. Samuel R. Barr from Ann I.
time Bishop Morris of Kentucky, w ho Barr. The case of Charles Pruett against
we sold last year no
is counte«! one of the ablest pulpit orators Mary Hanley tor possession of land un
has lieen
der widows dower right, on appeal from
in America, preached the sermon.
made that they
Mr. ami Mrs. David Linn left Monday
for Portland for a visit with their son Jacksonville, trier! without a jury, was broke easily or let
the fruit spoil.
Fletcher Linn w ho is manager of the
fruit Jar
Oregor Funiture Company of that citv, In the case of Geo. H. Garnett against C.
Through Pullman standard and Tourist
and it is possible that they may decide to W. Willett on which a motion for judg
sleeping car* daih to Omaha, Chicago.
Stx>k ane, tourist sleeping cars dully to
make Portland their home hereafter, Mr. ment on report of referee was argue«! am!
Kamtas City; ; through Pullman tourist
Linn having a Very desirable offer made submitted to the court, it was held for
to him to become a tnetnlxr of the Ore- 1 further proceedings.
cars (jiersoiially comlucted i
I”1 ■
__ ic.lv __
gon Furniture Company.
to _____
Kansas _ City, rt-clin-
Phoenix locals.
mg chair cars (seats (reel to • th«- East
Miller at the Postoffice hardware store
Handmade ami soldered without
James Morton returned from Klamath
carries all kinds of miners trxds and
acid ,so fruit cannot l>e |N>i*oned.
supplies and bis supplies ami prices are |
George Birdseye of Jacksonville spent
D epart T ime Sent. pi i . es A rrivi
in Phoenix.
Eminett Beeson of Talent and one of
From Portland.
Hon. E. D. Foudrav and J. Trast were
the leading stockmen of Jackson county,
was in Jacksonville, Friday forenoon. I Ashland visitors Wednesday.
Portland Ft. Worth, I hnaha.
Mr. Beeson has l»een spending much of
Mesdames McGowan ami Hargrave
Kansas City, St. 4:.'Mi p in
his time in Medford of late to be with visited their mother, Mrs. Weeks Sunday. Medford,
p. ni. Ixtiiis, Chicago am!
his wife who has been quite sick ami un­
via Hunt­ East.
Mrs. Acree ami children retnrneil Fri­
der treatment at the Medford hospital. day from the hopvards near Grants Pass.
Mrs. Beeson, th«- Sentinel is pleased to ,
Salt Lake. iM-nver,
Rev. E. B. Luckhart, of Centra! Point,
report, is improving with gtxxl prospects
visited friends in this section Wednesday.
In th«- Circuit Court of th«- State of Or­ ■4:1.*» «> ni. Ft. Worth. < hnaha.
of recovery.
Kansas City. St.
J. I) Mercer, who has hail rente«! a
Mr. ami Mrs. McCollum of Dunsmuir egon, for the County of Jackson.
via Hunt­ Louis. Chicago ami JO .'Ul a III
farm on lower Butte creek lx-longing to Cal., are visiting their daughter, Mrs.
Wisoti, defendant.
P. Britt, was in Jacksonville Friday set­ James Morton.
tling up with Mr. Britt preparatory to
Walla Walla, la-W-
Miss Julia Acree, who has lx-en at
In the Nam«- of the Stat«- of Oregon: St. Paul iston.
moving to the Willamette valley near Hornbr«x>k for several months, returned
You are hereby require«! to ap|>ear Fast Mail Wallace, Pullman,
Albany, where he will take charge of a home the first of the week.
and answer th«- complaint filed against 0 p. tn. Minnea|xdia,
large farm belonging to an uncle of his.
St. 7 :.'!•*» a in
Mrs. Hughes was called to Ashland re­ you in the iilxive entitle«! ‘»nit within ten
Mr. Mercer has proven himself to lx- a
Paul, Duluth, Mil­
live hustling fellow ami he will attain cently by the illness of her son E. P. «lavs from the «late of the service of this S|M>kanc waukee.
Hughes, who has Ixxm sufferihg with Summons upon you, if served within
success in any venture he takesup.
ami East.
this County, or if serve«! within any
The young people of Jacksonville will
Rev. Myers, who has lx-en assisting other County of this State, then within
have a social dance this Friday evening
twenty «lays from the «late of the service
70 Hours
in Orth's hall. The music is to lx- by the Free Metho«list iu their spacial meet­ of this Summons upon you; and if by
Sig. Boffa’s orchestra ami those attending ings returne«! to Grants Pass th«- first of publication, then on or before th«- expir­ PORTLAND to CHICAGO
will lie sure to have a most enjoyable the week.
No Change of Cars.
John Mast has sol«l his forty acre farm ation of six weeks from the commence­
evening. Last Friday evening a dance
ment <>f such publication ami if you fail Ticket* Eaet via all rail, or I mm I and rail
was at Ruch that was attended by several
sotoanswer for want thereof, the plain­
via Portland.
of the young people of Jacksonville an«l to James McDonough, the price j>ai<l tiff will take a default against
you. anil
they report having had a jolly time, as being Jii.iMMi.
will ai pply to the Court for the relief
do all who atteml the Ruch «lances.
F. P. Roper and family will soon leave prayed d for in her complaint, viz:
For | Ocean and River Schedule
A large farm on Rogue river seven for Dunsmuir, where he has already the dissolution of the marriage contract
miles from Central Point suitable for shipped his st«x-k of merchandise ami now existing lietween the plaintiff an«k
general farming ami st«x-kraising, 10
defendant, ami for the award to plaintiff
Hon. E. I). Foudrey ami wife. R. T. of the care and custtxly of the minor
acres under irrigation. Call on or address
All sailing dates
Blackman ami wife, Mr. F. Towne and cliihl <»f sai«l parties, ami such further N p. HI. subject to change. 4 p. in.
P. Britt. Jacksonville.
For San Francisco-
The host of friends that Sergeant S. R. «laughters. Misses Annie and Mollie, and relief as to the Court may seem eipiitable.
This Summons is published pursuant
sail every five days
Dunlap has in Jacksonville and vicinity­ Mrs. W. Coleman ami children drove to
will regret that he is to leave the ohl Gobi Ray Friday to see the dam ami to an order made by Hon. IL K. Hanna,
town that for nearly- .">0 years has been electric jx>wer plant now under construct­ Circuit Judge of the First Judical Dis
trict at Chambers in Jacksonville, ( Ire- Daily ex. C oi . i miiia R iver .
his home and g«> to Roseburg where he ion at that place.
gen, on the 21st day of August, Hm
4 p. in.
will spend his remaining days in quiet
Sour Stomach.
which order requires that this summons K p. m. To Astoria and
comfort at the Soldiers Home. Sergeant
When the quantity of f«xxl taken iatoo lx- published in the Jacksonville Sentinel, Satorda y
waylandings Sunday
Dunlap has made his application for en­
try to the Home am! it will probably lx- large or the quality too rich, sour stomach a newspaper of general circulation pub­ 10 p. ill.
three or four weeks before he receives is likely to follow, and especially so if lished in Jacksonville, Oregon, for a
A. I CRAIG, Gen. Pas. Agt.,
his permit, it having to be acte«l upon by the digestion has been weakened by con- ]x-riod of six weeks.
Portland, Oregon
The date of th«- first publication of I
the Governor and the Commandant of the stipatiou. Eat slowly and not too freely
Home. The sergeant has no family ami of easily digested food. Masticate the
H. H. Harris and Jake Wetzel returned
living by himself at his age is a serious food thoroughly. Ix:t five hours elapse
Thursday from a IDdaystrip to Big Butte,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
matter ami he is wise in going to the between meals, and when you feel a full­
where each have land.
Mr. Wetzel
Soldiers Home, though no doubt it will ness an<l weight in the region of the
prove«! himself to be a bold hunter for
learns Wanted.
lx- lonesome at first to him, but the stomach after eating, take Chamberlain's
he killed a .'«111 pound bear on his home
campfire stories of the ol«l veterans will Stomach and Liver Tablets and sour
Teamsters having heavy teams can stead ami to prove his story brought a
make him young again in spirits ami he stomach may lie avoided. For sale by have a good paying job logging for the lot of th«- steak to his Jacksonville
City Drug store.
Iowa Lumber Company.
will forget that he is among strangers.
O regon
S hort L ine
ano union P acific
D. H. Miller