CHAS. H. BASYE LOCAL NOTES 4<10 but he has the assurance of se­ curing plenty of water for his huuw, barn and var«l and to have a better fire protection than he now has. If yon have anv Timlier land you want to sell—Sec T. C. Norris. A. Hutsinpilh-r of Phillipsburg Granite Attention, fverybody. i coiintv, Montana, was in Jacksonville In connection with my hue of furni- Wednesday looking over the advantages niture you iiiuy find: | of this section with a view of locating Carpet» here. Mr. Hulsinjnller was formely from Straw Matting the fiast and the nigh winds and hard Bugs and Mats winters of Montana ar«- not to his liking. C<>C0 Poor Mats He was on his way to California to take Wire and Canvas Cots a look at that state, but hearing of the Cotton felt and silk floss Mattresses Rogue river valley he stopped <»fF to t ike Pillows a look at it. lie is a retired business Ingram and Granite Art Square* man who has become interested in Portiere» English walnut culture and is looking Couch Covers for suitable land am) climate and if finds Oil Cloth nnd Linoleum a place that suits him he will plant out a Haaaocka large orchard. While here he visited Sham Holder» Mr. Britt's place to see the fine walnut Clothes Bars trees growing there awl he took with Step Ladders him a sample of the nuts which he pro­ Hangings for Sishand I.ace Curtains nounced as large tn size and perfect tn Carjict Sweeper» flavor as any he had ever seen in the Mirrors East, or from England. He has several Window Glass and Putty friends in Montana who are planing to Curtains locate wherever lie may select a place. L>ipls>nrart of Tuesday. Now that the mine is theirs and having £10,000 in­ isiisoning. When Pain Balm is kept at vested in it they do not propose to to let hand a sprain may la- treated la-fore inflammiition sets in, which insures a it lie undevelojied long awl it is their in­ tention this winter to put in a large quick recovery. For sale by City l>rug quartz mill, the jxiwer to l»e electrical store. and from the Ray «lain if arningtnents can he mmle, and a large force of men Jreasurer's fenth Call. will la- put at work. The development ofiicc ot the County Treasurer off work «lone under Supt. Kitto has proven Jackson County, Oregon. that the Oregon Bell has an immense Jacksonville, Sept. 22, 1003. quartz ledge of high grade ore an«l as it is Notice is hereby given that there are easily mined and tn a location conveni­ funds in the county treasury for the re­ ent to transixirtation the mine should In­ demption of all outstanding county war come one of the most profitable in South­ rants protested from May 2. 11101, to June ern Oregon. 5, 11101, both dates inclusive. Interest on Mr. E. J*. R«xlgers, of Portland, was same will cense after the alxive date. in Jacksonville Tuesday calling upon his D. If. Mll.LKR, County Treasurer. pioneer friends. Mr. Rodgers is one of W. JI. Shoemake w ho has a fine farm the pioneer railroad men of Oregon atul <>n Williams creek where he has resided he has the honor of lx-ing the only man who was in the service of »he first rail­ for the past 30 years was in Jacksonville road company in this state and who has Wednesday laying in supplies. remained continuously in the s«-rvice since Mr. R«x!gers entered the employ of the Oregon & California Railroad Company at the time ill was formed and he was in the general passenger ami freight office of the Company when on Septemlier 1. I (Mike one block south of Courthouse 1X70, the first train that ever left l’ortland , JACKSONVILLE. • • OREGON pulled out for Oregon City, then the! ♦ terminus of the road. Mr. Rogers was s«x>n made general passenger and freight UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER agent for the Company awl he held that Filings nnd final proof made on homesteads position for over 25 years and until his mid unifier claims. Corrected plats showing all vacant lands. comnany had become merged into the Southern Pacific system, when the duties NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER of his office were divided and he was put ; Legal papers of all kinds made out. Special attention given to papers in settlement ol in charge of a division of the freight ■ estates. traffic. Mr. Rogers will I m - retired next I spring under the pension system of the ' ABSTRACTER OF TITLES. Company and there is every probability i Most complete set of abstract book* in the county, Abstracts made promptly ami no that he will make Rogue River his place curately. of residence thereafter. Mr. Rogers has j led an active life and to give up all work ! REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. is not to his liking and lu- is considering Fine list ot country mid town property for sate and rent. buying a fruit farm in this valley, and ' while enjoying, as he himself so states. 1 MONEY LOANED. the liest climate on the Pacific Coast, In­ Warrants Ixmght mid sold. Collections made can sit under his own vine and tree atul j Tuxes paid Rents collected. Prompt reply to nil letters. Charges reasonable. have at hand all the exercise he may I want in superintending the (lacking of the red and golden Rogue River apples | and in counting the twenties that the Eastern people are so anxious toexchange lion. H. K. Htuina, judge of 1st judicial trict, and any Jacksonville business man. FRUIT BOXES We can fill orders promptly for fruit boxes in any quantity from one hundred boxes to a carload. Made from best quality seasoned timber. Wagon and Plow Work, Horseshoeing and Ma­ chinery a Specialty. SATISFACTION LUMBER GUARANTEED SILAS J. DAY Retail and wholesale, rough or dressed. Shipments made tc any part of the United States. IOWA The Saw LUMBER Mill, Planing - Jacksonville, COMPANY Mill and Box Factory, - Oregon \\c have the largest and best list in Southern Oregon 01 Fruit, Alfalfa, Dairy and Stock f^arids, Timber l^nds. Mining Bargains and Town Property. Dealers in Sewing Machines, Lime, Cement and REFERENCES: Shingles. We buy wool and mohair. I MEAT HENRY W. ORTH, MARKET PROP ALL KINDS OF FRESH MEATS :: WHOLESALE and RETAIL :: Special attention given to orders from a distance for Mining Camps and Mills. Meats shipped promptly and in tirst-class condition.