Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, September 25, 1903, Image 3

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    for fuel while tin- willow would make
possible another industry for Jackson-
-that of l»askct ami wicker work.
The more the willows arc cut the more
FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK. they stixil out am! cover the ground.
The exjx-nse of planting the willows
would not lx- so great as th«- building of
om- bri nk wall r ami it wotihl not have
Entered in (hr poatofKc«- of
»' Jacksonville,
‘ '
to lx- »lone over again every few years as
)u< kann County. Oregon •• Mt-cond c I um i matti i
will have to be the breakwater.
road as they may occupy with their rail-
Amonq lhe Prune Growers.
road that is not at all likely for they
Prune drying is now under full way in
w ill claim that they are under such tre- all the prune orcharrls in Rogue River
memlous expense and that their rail- Valley. Owing to the extraordinary
; dry season the yield is hardly up to the
road will lx- of such lx-nefit to the county I average, but the total crop will be larger
that the taxjiayers should starvl the coat than heretofore harvester! by rea-on of
of putting the road farther up the hill so I ■ the young orchards that are coming in.
that tin- railroad may have the water The dry weather has also affected the
size of the j runes for they are not quite
level grade. If pnqx-r care is taken the so large as usual The price promises to
wagon roail can l»e carried around the l»e higher than for si veral years past and
hills entirely alxive the rail-road route, the prune growers will find their crop
ami not have heavy grades that will unite as profitable as that of the other
fruit men. J. McPherson, who has a
lx- hard on team travel. By attemling to fine prune orchard on Griffin c-teek will
There is every ri axon to Ixrlieve that
this matter now a saving to the taxpay­ have about six car loads of drier! prunes
the problem of cheap fuel for Southern
ers can lx- had and one hindrance to the this year. He has a tunnel dryer that
The Nentincl xml thr Weekly Oregonian will Oregon will soon lx- solved ami from
Is- srnl to our ucliltr«« fui f.'a yr.it Tin- Meuli
building of a railroad up the Applegate will dry B,(MM) pounds every 24 hours.
It works to perfection and as he takes
nel gives the Jo» k«on comity newn i»u<l tin- ore several sources will come this relief.
can lx: eliminated ami thereby another great care in selecting the fruit the
goilMti gives thr «laic nullotml mid world new«,
thus u trailer 1» still III < over thr entile news
impetus be given to the up-building of prunes he sends out are of the best qual­
he hl at h I h . ui thr price ul lull one pa|>er
jxiwer of Rogue river ami its tributaries
ity. His dryer is connecterl by a track
Jackson county.
T miai . Hi nsi mo - iionm Thr Jacksonville Sentinel by supplying cheap power to all industri­
with a big warehouse where he stores
will i>r cent to any u>ldte»s. nt any post office in
The beef drive is n»»w under way on his prunes until such time as lie is ready
thr United States, lor four wrrlo for I** cent«
All mu I mk *» ipt ions. n gular or I rial, w ill lx prompt
of w<xx| bv tin- thousands of cords annu­ the ranges the cattle being brought down to market them. Mr. McPherson also
ly «ti>t>|a-i| at tlir date of expiration. unlt-M u ri
does some drying for those of his neigh­
nrwuf 1» received
ally and this great water power will from the mountains, where they have i bor« who have small prune orchards. On
cause a further decrease in the use Of fed on the luxuriant grass» s that grow on the Jacksonville-Medford road there are
Friday, Sept. 25, !9U5 w»xxl bv supply mg electric lights to all the high land« of Southern Oregon dur­ three large prune orchard«. Of tln-e
the towns of the valley putting out of ing the summer, and they will lx: placed grow«rs C. M. Pheister expects to have
THE JACKSON CREEK PROBLEM. o|M-ratioii all the ste nn plants. There is in alfalfa pastures anti held until market­ about 40 tons of dried prunes from h s
home am! about t>0 tons from an orcha »1
To restrain Jackson Creek to its origi­ a probability that electric jower will re­ ed. Notwithstanding that the summer he has at Willow Springs. Mr. Phe ster
nal channel is a problem that is up to the place steam within the next few months has txren unusually dry range cattle are in ! has a.fine dryer at one of his orchards and
town council to handle and the taxpay­ on the Ja< ksonvillr railroad, and should gixxl condition ami a very little feed will on each place he has built new an»’, larger
ers to meet. Years ago this stream hid as now ap|>ears probable that the road put them in prime condition for market. warehouses, the one at his home orcha »1
being 24x40 fetttwo stories high. A< -
a well-defined channel through Jackson will be extended in the near future to the The high prices of recent years has stim­ joining Mr. Pheiser is the orchard J. D.
Ville anti the Ixittorns on each side were Applegate copper district the motive ulated the industry until there is now a Gray. who is just star ing in the prune
He has a well built drvtr
occupied by gardens anti orchards, but power w ill be certain to be electric. greater ntimlx-r of cattle here than ever business,
a ton each 24 hours.
now the creek wanders around through With the steady advance in thr science before. Tin- recent drop in prices is rath­
L. F. Ixizier has rebuilt his drver and
vast depisits of tailings that have come of electricity it will not lie long until the er discouraging to the cattle men, yet I enlarge«! it this summer making it tv o
»low n from placer mines above and which electric heater will lx- so decrease»! in there is a reasonable certainty that beef j story and capable of handling - kmk )
have buried the garth ns under a dcjxmit cxjxmse that it will liecome of general will not be down long. This »ledine in pounds each 24 hours. Back of the drv-
er he has a large two-slory warehouse
of loose gravel and filled up alxiut the use in house heating. Gasoline gas lias prices is caused by a shortage of feed on
connected by an elevated track. He will
fruit trees until they are in u rock pile. already entered the field for h< atihg the ranges of the West, caused by an un­ have alxiut 30 tons of prunes all of fii e
These tailings have raised the Jackson purposes in addition tolightiug an»l sev- favorable season and not by a decrease quality.
creek I>»>ttom up to a level with the era! houses in Jacksonville are now fitteil in demand that is now greaier than ever
Dates to Remember.
prairie upon which the lower |M»rt of with gas cooking ranges ami heating in the history of the country. So soon as
5. — Regular meeting of
Jacksonville is built ami the creek now stoves, the gas Ix-ing supplied by the the present rush is over beef will come
Jacksonville Fire Department.
threatens at any flootl to make a new Jacksonville Gas Company.
up again and the stockman, who has Tuesday, Oct., 6. — Meeting for October
channel down the streets.
To prevent
The use of coal, which has heretofore gixxl pastute and plenty of feed and who | o* Jacksonville town council.
this |M>ssible «lisast .-r the town built a ! lx-en prohibitive by reason of » xorbitant can liohl his cattle for a while will get Tuesday, October 6, — Regular meeting
plank fence breakwater for several hund- fri ight charges, now ajqjeara | ossible for gixxl prices. As to future prices for cattle , of .Medford city council.
Wednesday, October 7.— County court
retl feet along the flanger line, wnich there is a liklilnxxl that this section will there is no possibility of permant decline
convenes for Sepember term.
worked alright until the big flood of last won lx- producing its own coal. J. C. for the ranges are all alxiut to their limit Monday, October 12. — Regular meeting
of Jacksoville board of trade and elect­
winter tore it ups»» badly that it now his Smith of Griftin Creek has received word ami there is no new ranges to be opened
ion of officers.
to lx- rebuilt. The breakwater held the that the Siskiyou Mining & Developing up. To raise cattle now costs money and
Thursday, Oct. 22.—Annual teachers in­
creek to its channel though it is claimed C»»m|»aiiy, of which he is one of the the »lay of cheap lx-ef is past except that
stitute for Jackson county at Jackson­
by some that had the flood continued at heavy st<x-k holders, has struck two fine 1 a general panic would come that would
ville High School for three days.
Thursday, Nov. 2B—Grand Thanksgiv­
its height for six bouts longer the creek veins of coal, one of four ami the other I wreck all prices.
ing ball in Jacksonville under auspices
would have brok< n through and made a of five feet on their property near Ager
of Native Daughters.
The Salt Lake Mining Review has
new channel by the railroad track down on the line of the Southern Pacific 5t)
i Ixten added to the exchange list of the
What is Life.
C street, The breakwater is now living milts south of Jacksonville. The coal
It is a 4H page weekly publi-
rebuilt in n stronger manner xml its has been tested in stoves and furnaces
In the last analysis nobody knows, but
- cation, well edited and contains the com­ we do know that it is under strict law.
advocates claim that it will withstand ami found to lx- equal to the lw*t coal of
plete news of all mining events in the Abnse that law even slightly, pain results.
any fined, but there are others who sav this coast.
Tin- Company own 1,100 I Enited States and a synopsis of the news Irregular living means derangement of
that it will only stand until the next big acres of this coal land and having ample
of the world which is of sjiecial interest the organs, resulting in Constipation,
fiooil wht n it will go along w ith the £500 capital at their command will continue
Headache or Liver trouble.
I)r. King’s
to mining men. The publishers appear New Life Pills quickly readjusts this. It’s
that it will cost.
their development work ami get the to comprehend the scope of a legitimate gentle, yet thorough. Only 25c at City
There are two other methods that could coal veins o|x-ne«l up ami demonstrate
trade paper and its pages are not fille»! Drug Store.
l>e used to restrain Jackson creek. One that they can supply the trade with
w ith roseate write-ups of wild cat mining
is to bull»! pier« at points along the bank c»ml at a price that will bring it into gen­
Thanksgiving will lx- celebrated in
ventures and all statements made in its
Jacksonville by a grand l>all which will
to deflect theiush of water during floods. eral use. Th» re are also fine coal pro-
j colum« are based on the l»est information be under the auspices of Jane Mason
These piers could lx- marie »»f log crib­ spects in this valley that some »lay will
to l»e had. In Oregon mining news it is McCully Cabin, Native Daughters of
work filled with rocks or concrete. This lx: »»pened up and which give promise
i quite complete and it is doing a fine work i Oregon. The ladies are beginning early
plan has I>een proven a success in many of producing a gixxl quality of coal ami
. with their arrangements and they pro-
in bringing the mineral wealth of this , pose to make their Rill one of the best
other places w here it has been trie»! ami in large quantities. It is reasonably cer­
section t»> the notice of investors.
I ami most enjoyable ever given in Jack-
it has lx-en proven to Ire far cheaper than tain that wood fuel in Rogue River
I sonville.
There is quite as big a lxx»tn in alfalfa
a continuous breakwati r.
The other valley will by another year begin to de­
plan is to plant the entire s|xice covererl cline as tile big demand begins to slack as in fruit in the Rogue River Valley and
by the tailings to trees which with their up as other cheajx-r fuel takes its place. it is estimated by persons in a position
to know that there will lx- between 3,HIM) South-B' nil
mat of roots would hold the gronn<l in
With the certainty that a railroad will ami 4,(MM) acres sown to alfalfa this fall
place. As placer mining is no longer
No 15 No 11
X’n r» Xn 16
carried on tip the creek there will be no lx- built up the Applegate the county and next spring in this valley, Nursen -
additional tailings poured into tile creek court should have the new wagon road men estimate that there will l>e above p in a. in I.v..... Portland............... Ar. p.m
acres planted to fruit trees this -
........... Salem ........................
and were the present flow of gravel that they propose to build up that stream
checked the trouble would lie ended. so located as to not interfere with the winter. The time is not distant when .......... p.m
But if the flow of tailings is not stopped railroad route. On the level Ixittoms the Rogue River Valley will be one success­ 1145 12:31) ........... Allmny....................... 8:16 4:40
....................................... .......... ...........
it is but a question of time when the route of the wagon road could lx- chang­ ion of orchards and alfalfa fields ami the am ........... ...................................................
2.-OK .......... Eugene....................... 1:42
channel of the creek will be higher than ed at little expense should it lx- in the garden spot ami the richest section of the
the streets ami »luring a flood the creek way of the railroad, but around the Pacific Coast.
5:5») ........... Roseburg................... 10:40 11:45
10:03 10:13 ........... (.rants Pass............. 5:25
• I •
will make a new channel down one of rix’ky points where the road way is to be
Buy your Sewing Machine supplies of 10:34 11:14 ........... »'.old Hill .................. 4:.5O 5:30
the streets.
With a basket willow, blasted out of the rock the roadway- C. \V. Conklin.
11:3l> ........... Central Point.........
11:10 11:45 ........... Medford....................
alder or cottonwixxl cuttings could be should be placed high enough up the
E. R. Armstrong anil Mr. and Mrs. C.
planted ami as the gravel is moist during face of the hill to permit the railroad to J. Armstrong returned Wednesday from .......... a. m
11:» 12:02 ............ Phoenix ...................
the dry season they would all grow anil have the level route down at the river an outing of 10 »lavs down on Rogue 11:3.« 12:12 .......... Talent......................... 4:06 4:36
in two or three years would make a tan- j bank. As this wagon road will cost
Jennev creek where they had tine fishing p.m ...........
gle of brush and roots that would hold £10,(MM) to £15,000 it is a matter of serious but no hunting as the forest fires had 12:35 12:5.5 ............ Ashland ................... 3:35 4:24
4:» ........... Montague................. 12.-08 12:-..)
the gravel in place.
The planting concern to the taxpayers that it lx? built driven the deer out of the country. They
am 1 pin
should lie made from the head of the where it is to be permanent ami not visited the two lime kills that are in op­ am
5:10 ........... Sacramento .............- 10:50 ( 11:M>
7:55 Ar San Francisco....I.v II
gravel flow a mile above town to its end where it is certain to lx* destroyed by a
by an Ashland couqmny and the other
below town. It would be more profita­
by local parties and each re; nt that they Tickets sold to all points in the United States.
car reservations made on application.
ble to put out basket willows, for cotton­ ever they may be, rebuilding at their get more orders for lime than they can Sleeping
Freight house opens at S a. m. and closes at 4.1'0
wood and alder would only be of value