Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, September 18, 1903, Image 8

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    wood and the shortage ot cutters Mr.
York was unable to make a contract lie
states that the Medford city council an
Kindling Wood—$1.00 a load at card contemplating either -«curing electric
light and power from some of the elec­
or elclivcred. Iowa Lumlier Compinv .
tric Couqiallies or to install oil furnaces
Miss Corinne Cameron will leave this in their |*iwer station, as woed is getting
Friday for Eugene to again take up her to«« high priced for economical use in
studies in the State Vniversity.
Mrs Beil Whitman of Medford was a
Mr- Mamie l>ox has engaged Fred
passenger Thursday on Wendt's stage tor Fick to build an addition to her house
\pphgate where she goes to join her The new pert will lx- tile same size mid
hu-band Mr. W hitman, who is at his height as the main part and will replace
mini s on Carbury creek.
the small addition now used Io her as a
All the latest magazines ami pi nodi­ kitclu n.
cal» at the City Drug Store.
Miss Marguerite Krause will leave
Sunday for Klamath Falls going In wav
of the Ashland stage where she will visit
her brother. Olis Krar.se. who is engaged
in the conf«ctionerv business in that
Mrs. A. 1). Flory is planning should
business justify it to have an addition
built to her lioarding house next spring,
her prese nt house not taring large«nmigii
to accommodate ail the persona who ap­
ply for lodging
Wai. Voting came tn from Steamboat
Thursday bv Wendt's stage where he had
I m - vii on a visit w ith friends and Fridav
he left for his h *nn- at Fort Jolies wht re
he is working in the Scott mine, which
is one of the profitable quartz mines of
that s.ction.
B« rt Hanney. who«has liten -[»eneliug
the past three months in Jacksonville
with Ins parents Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Han-
ney and his grandparents. Papa and
Mamm.i S hmidt, has returned to Taco­
ma where lie again takes up his work as
a finisher in a casket factory
Owing to Father E P. Murphy Ix-ing
Called to take charge if tile Catholic
church in Salem the Ashland church is
left without a local pastor For the pre­
sent Father J. D. Murphv of this place
has charge of lioth the Jacksonville and
Ashland churches.
For this Siindav
Father Mtnphy will hohl solemn ser­
vices in Jacksonville at S::lll a. in and at
7:.‘lll p. ni. ami in Medford at |ll:.‘J0 a
On the following Sunday . S< ptemler
Father Murphv will hold s» rvices
Ashland at S and 10 .'III a. in. There-
af er he w ill alternate in his s< rvice . lie-
tween Jacksonville, Medford and Ash-
David Linn returned Thurwluy from
I’pper Rogue river where » he ha«l lie« n
since Tin s lav as a viewer in c nip my
with S. G. Van Dyke- an 1 County Sur
vevor Garl T Jones in relocating a sec-
tion of the Rogue Riv« r toad that runs
J. H. Stewart's land
Th«- new
se tion of road is alx»ut a mil« in length
and give- a shutter distance ami a much
better grade than was lia<1 on the old
route. Mr. Linn -ays that th«- Bl acres
of young ]>e.ir tree- <>n Mr. Stewart's
place are as fine as ar« to be -e« n in Ore
gon, while the corn ««n the -am«- ground
if .*.s thrifts ami well < ar d a- any ever
grown in the Rogue River vallev.
Dr. ami Mrs. J. W. Robinson. Mr.
an! Mrs. J. F. Miller, the Misse-Jo-i
phine and Ella Orth amt Harrv Miller
drove to Gold Ray th s Friel o to sir the
Cha-. Basye n«»t having fully recove red
dam and the eletric powi r station now un­
the II-«- of is lirokrll leg has « llgagv'i C.
dercourse of construction bv the Condor
H. l*ainr of Medford to help him in hi-
Powe- & Wat« r Company at that place.
black-mith and wagon -hop. M*. Paine
Mr. ami Mrs O. E. Rose came in is an e.xt»rrt hor-e-hoer ami a blacksmith
Thursday from Applegate ami remained able to handle any thing in iron
over until Friday making purchase- and Basye w«ll for the present «!«» tin w < » ><1
visiting at the home of Mr. ami Mrs S. working iml the light intricate rc-jiair
R Tay lor. Mr Rose runs th«- stag« be­ work. Mr. Ba-ve has ael'h-d the t«>««l- lie
tween Applegate ami Stc «inbo.it ami formerly p s-essed to those in the Crone-
Mrs. R«*se conducts the Applegate hotel. miller-hop ami now he ha- a complete
outfit m«l i- dde to do an« r pair work
Surprise egg whips, best on th«- mar­
from the lightest to the heaviest.
ket at Boyden’s hardware store. Medford.
toon is he can have it «lone Mr. Ilasve
Hall Hohman has pres, nt-d the Sen­ will have the Cronemiller building re
tinel office with a sample lot of Jx-aclle- paired ami re|>ainted that it may l»e in
grow n on his place. Though the |x «ch keeping with the general improvement
crop is short in S «ntliera Oregon this now Ix-ing carried on in Jacksonville.
year Mr. Hoffman's tree- have h <<i a full
J. H. Downing <«f Central Point was
cron as ’ hev do each year, proving that
in Jacksonville Thursday s eking in­
Jacksonville vicinity is one of the Ixst
formation as to tile feasibility of grow
I ta h districts in Oregon.
ing English walnuts for tin- market. He
With nt-x. Sunday will close the con- calk-don Mr. Britt and Jugde Hano i who
feieme . ve
ir for th«
Methodist church each have fine walnut trees in their yards
__ ________
in this pla< e and on that day Rev Edwin that lie l»cariiig to learn wh- tiler the
B. I.o kiiart will pr*. ach morning ami trie-bore regularity or not amt if the
evening. At the morning service lie nuts ripen jx-rfv« tiv. Mr Britt's tr< e.
will speak the last wont- of th« church whi« h is th.- obtest in Jacksonville. has
and rec« ive new member- into fellow­ Ixirin- nut- for several v< ar- that are
ship. At the evening service hi* them«- fun- quality and m abundance each I sea-
will l«e “The Best Atte-s’e'l Fact it His- son. Judge Hanna'- trees ar- «cedling-
torv” All are cordia ly invited t<> at tend from nut- from Mr. Brit-'s tree and they
the services.
commenced liearing at seven years. Mr.
iJowning has 'Ju a«-res of hill land north
I.. M. Lyons, who ha- luen foreman
i <>f Jacksonville that he is planing to set
on the new school but.se umb-r Contr *c-
to walnuts «n«l «hemes. Dm- of the rea­
tor Harmon Snook, left this Frielay for
his home on Dry Creek east of .1« -elf »rd. sons for hi- selecting the-c- tr< es i- that
neither require- spriving and In- d«x-s not
Mr. Lyon will begin the erection of a
wish trees for w hich he h is to wage
new dwelling house on h - fa-m to re­
a ceaseless warfare with th« insect |>ests
place the one there when he bought it.
in order to secure a crop. Mr. Downing's
Mr. Lyon is having the lumber hauled
from Jacksonville and Thursday David venture will i»e the fir-t walnut orchar«!
in Rogue river valley ami the success of
Close with two team- left for Mr. Lyon's
it will lx- watched with interest by
place. Charles Lyon who has been a
others who have hill land that is not
carpenter >n the new >ch«x»l house, ac­
firstclnss farming laml.
companied Mr. Close
Calling cards, the latest in style and
printed so neatly a- to resemble copjier-
plate work at the Sentinel office.
Councilman W. T. York of the Med­
ford council committee on fire and water,
was in Jacksonville Wednesday inter­
viewing wood dealers in regard to tak­
ing a contract to supply the Medford light
ami pumping station with 500 cords of
woo«l Owing to the big demand for
10 woodsmell at
Lumber Company.
Genuine Diverpool
salt, fine dairy salt,
stock salt and the best
of table salt in any
quantity and at the
lowest prices.
Hosiery and
The Idlest thing in the Bed and
Lounge line. Come and inspect.
I also take orders for
Harness and Saddles
Call and see my Stock.
Largest Stock of farm Machinery in South­
ern Oregon.
Complete Line ot Vehicles, embracing form
and freight Wagons, Spring Wagons, (dr­
ridges. Buggies, tic.
tidying and Harvesting Machinery. Horse
forks and Wire Hope.
the mill of the Iowa
Hunters, Attention.
Loaeled shells for shot guns and for
rifle-, all makes and all sizes. All oth< r
requisites for the hunter ami the fishi r-
man at Millers hard ware store.
Photo üallery
of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy.
‘•Allow me to give you a few words in
Second Floor. Adkins Block,
praise of C handier Iain’s Colic, Cholera
opposite Postofliee.
and Diarrhoea Remedy/' savs Mr. John
Hamlett, of Eagle Pass, Texas. “I suffer­
ed one week with bowel trouble and took
all kinds of medicine without getting
any relief, win n my friend, Mr. C. John­
son, a merchant her« . advised me to take
this remedy. After taking one «lose I felt
greatly relieved and when I had taken
Fine Photography a Specialty.
the third dose was entirely cured. I thank
attention given to posing
yon from the bottom of m v heart for put­
ting this great remedy in the hands of of children. Jill work guaran’
mankind.” For sale by City Drug store. teed. Prices reasonable.
In Praise
You will find ¿it k’ytin's
Jack sone il le. t hcii<* //,
tlic best writ tv of
Firn- Sh«x- Work and Repairing
a Specialty.
Work for Jacksonville patrons
received by morning train and
finished to be returned on tlx
evening train.
Shop on I street. opp. S. P. Depot.
Mrs. A. L
Professional Carpet Weaver
llRKHiirw Vivili« Shuttli l.oom
nti«l is |»r«-|>»rr<l to<l<» strictly fii-t
cltiss work on carprts nini ru«-