Hoard ol trade MrHimj. their ledge *a\ that it show* to be rich Th« B<> rta I after vour want».—C. W. Conklin. lion which c'onaiat» of T. J. Kenney, J no Earl Shi pherrl of Ashland sja-nt a por­ S. < >rth and Judge S. J Dav was instruct tion of ibis we« k in Jacksonville 111 the rd to g< t ii|> a ix-iitioii to the l'o»tofTi< «• inti n »1» of hi* father'» piano business. Di p it'.tm-iit a-king that a morning mail Mrs, Dr. Will Jackson of Baker City, service la-established in addition to the , nix n and evening service now bail la-- accompanied by her little (laughter Ruth, tween Jacksonville and Medford. A »|>v is in the city visiting old time friends. < i d committi < consisting of Chas. Dun­ Mr*. Jai kson is a former resident of this ford, | is. Croneniiller uml C. I* Briggs | >1 ace. was ap|»>llltcd to ascertain the rules nil Warner William* of Ashland county tier which co-operative telephone com- manager for t In­ Sunset Telephone (Minies were organized ami also to get C«»mpan v was in Jacksonville with a |>-dn«-san v. ther of Mrs. E. E Washbtirn and while It was 'lev ided to invite the Southern here he paid Prof and Mrs. Washburn a Oregon Soldii r» and Sailors Reunion As- brief visit. mm i itioii to hold their annual encamp T. If. Brown returned Wednesday nil nt which Is to la- ill S ptcnila-r of from the Mt. Pitl country where he hid next year, at Ja< ksonville ami a commit tor m - v < r.i' days looking over that tee consisting of C. W. Conklin, Chris I m - cii section. He reports that it is one of tin- t 'In« h ami T C. Norris was api>oint«-d to of Jackson county, «•onfri with the old soldic.s as to their I»e»t stock district» that being the only industry there, the accepting the hospitalities of Jackson­ high altitude making danger by frost* ville too likclv to make general farming pro­ The improvement of the Ja< ksonville fitable. Cattle and hog» are th«- principal Medford-Central Point road was fully stock and they each, though having no discuss«-d aii'l a committee ioti*i»ting of' feed but the outside range. look fine. lodge S. J. Day, George N. Iawis and Mr. Brown think* it will be a great dairv Chas. Dunford was ap|M>intrd to look up country in the near future and a fine the four routes that w«-r-- under consul- j locaton for a creamery. The easy, «-ration ami astertain the cost of making jirosjierou* life of the settlers greatly a |a rillHIlellt road of the present route pleased Mr. Brown. When those people and -ad». Point where Brown and Son* pay them It w as v ted t<> invite the authorities of at the pre*« nt time JIB |»er thousand, th«-State Agricultural College to hold a they buying for the California market. farmers institutv in Jacksonville aliout Captain Milo Caton came over Wed­ th«- first of February. Tliv bill» of the Jacksonville Sentinel ' nesday from Medford, where he is attend­ for fl 50 for lettv r head» and of Nunan- ing the G. A. R. encampment, to bid Tav lor Companv forty cent» for oecretarv good-by to his friend» in Jacksonville ami tr< asnrer’s lawks were ordered paid. preparatory to leaving next Monday for Roscpurg where he will enter the Sold­ Dr. W. It. < lit.< er of Eagle Point is ier'» Home. Captain is a veteran of three having i line even room cottage erected , wars, he having serve«! a year in the to la- <■ cupied bv his family. The con- 1 Mexican war and he was in the R«»giie strm ti<-n work is under the charge of H. River Indian war, though not regularly enlisted. During those wars he lived 1 \ in Vli< t of Ct t tral Point. just below Rock Point in the midst of When troubled with constipation try the Indian countrv ami he had hi* full Chamla rlain's Stomach and Liver share fighting to protect his home and Tablet*. Th< v are easy to take ami save his scalp. At the breaking out of prodm < no griping or other unpleasant the Civil War he went East and enlisted effect. For sale bv City l>riig »tore. in the Slat Ohio Volunteer Infantry in Henn C. Galev, cashier of the llouglas which he served four years as captain of Count« Bank at Roseburg who is »pend­ company II. At the battle of Chicka­ ing a I w dav s it the home of his mother mauga he and nine of his men were *ap- in Ashland, md Miss Rosa Dodge of the tured. Of the men four escaped and five latter plan were the guests of Prof, and died in prison. Capt. Caton w;«s first Mrs. E. E Washburn Tuesday afternoon. taken to Libby prison, but soon after was Miss (lodge, who is a cousin of Mrs. taken South being confine in the prisons Washburn, 1» a memlrer of the senior at Macon ami Madison, Georgia, and at class iii the University of Oregon and Columbia and Charlatan, South Carolina. will leave in a few day» for Eugene to He was three month* at Charleston at the time when the Union forces were laving take up her studies. siege to that place and the shells from Herman King, who for the past year General Gilmore’s guns frequently fell in has been sawyer in the Jackson County close proximity to hi* prison. Altogether I.umber Company’s mill, ha» taken the he served IM month* in Confederate position of sawyer in 'he mill of the prisons. At the close of the war Captain Iowa Lumber Companv. For the capaci- Caton returned to Southern Oregon ami tv of the mill no other sawmill in South­ took up hi* residence in Jackson county. ern Oregon has made a Iretter cut this He server! as deputy sheriff under Wm. summer than has the Jacksonville mill, Bybee from 1H“K to IH k I. Hi* w ife died a fact that is a fine compliment to Mr. several year* ago ami his three daughter* King and it is especially creditable to are married. One of them Mrs Fred Fur­ him as he had never handled a saw lever ry living near Phoenix. Captain Caton is until he la-gan work in the Jacksonville well known all over Jackson county ami mill. Mr. King is a steady, industrious he has ninny friend» who are glad to voting man and that he will have con­ know that he is yet hale and well and tinued success in his new vacation is giMxl for many years yet before he is matter easy to prophesy. mustered ont of this life's service. W. II. Dvzcng. who with Fred Chamier Big sales and small profits will make has a promising quartz. claim on Black more monev to the merchant than little Bear erv k not far from Mt. Sterling was sales and big profitsand lx- vastly better in Jacksonville Tuesday and Wednesday for the business prosperity of the town. buying a lot of supplies and Thursday he for it will draw trade from other sections. left for his camp in company with A. B. That is my way of figuring out this trade saltmarsh, who is doing his packing. proposition for Jacksonville and to carry Mr. Dezeng ami his partner are working it out I will sell a good, brass-trimmed, on a ditch, winch they expect to have iron Ix-dstead for f3.50. A comfortable completed before the heavy snows inter­ sewing rocking chair fl.B5. A good grade fere with their work, to bring in water of straw matting 15 cents. A mirror 35 for power and mining use. Early in the | cents, sash rod* 1(1 cents. Good ingrain spring they will put in a small quartz rugs 50 cents, C. W. Conklin, Jackson­ null and commence to take out ore. ; ville. Messrs. Dezeng and Chamier are making . no statements as to the richness of their ■ Has Sold a Pile of Chamberlain's Cough mine but other» who have seen orc from Remedy. JACKSONVILLE AI'I'I.EGATE STACK H inhv Wiser, iiriv-i-r Leaves Jacksonville daily except Sunday at "a in arriving at Ap- plcgiite al 11 11 HI Leave Apple gate at llt>ar- tiving III Jacksonville at 3 p. in. t. lose connection made with stage to Steamtroat and stage to Knlili ami Davidson JACKSONVILLE COPPER MINES STAGE I OHS R W11.SON. I »river Leaves Jacksonville at 7 a 111 Mondays Wednesdays ami 1-ridays for Much, t'niontown. Parcel, Watkins and Joes liar, returning on the tollowing days. I > ; ; | I have sold Chtnnberlain's Cough Remedy for more than twenty years ami it has given entire satisfaction. I have sold a pile of it and can recommend it highly. —Joseph McElhiney, Linton, Iowa. You will find this remedy a good friend when troubled with a cough or cold. It alway s affords quick relief and is pleasant to take. For sale by City- Drug store. FRUIT BOXES We can fill orders promptly for fruit boxes in any quantity from one hundred boxes to a carload. Made from best quality seasoned timber. LUM Retail and wholesale, rough or dressed. Shipments made tc any part of the United States. The IOWA LUMBER COMPANY Saw Mill, Planing - - Jacksonville, »Steam Cleaned Mill and Box Factory, • Oregon • Clothes them. No matter how dirt» we can clean Cleans, pair* ami press your clothing in the latest style. skirt* and jackets made to look like and deliver promptly. The Fashion new. We call Cleaning J. R. Luc By S Geo. Bingenheimer, re­ Ladies for Co. ASHLAND Jacksonville Agency at Learned*» Bo»» Confectionery Union Livery vS tabi es Rigs on short notice for timber cruisers, com­ mercial men, mining men. sawmill men, all kinds of men or parties. Horses fed at rca- so nab le rates. Geo. N. Lewis, Prop., Jacksonville W hite & T rowbridge THE BIG LAND AGENTS MEDFORD. - OREGON We have the largest and best list in Southern Oregon 01 Fruit, /Alfalfa, Dairy and Stock I .a nds. Timber Lands, Mining Bargains and Town Property. Dealers in Sewing Machines, Lime, Cement and Shingles We buy wool and mohair. I MEAT HENRY W. ORTH, MARKET PROP ALL KINDS OF FRESH MEATS • • WHOLESALE and RETAIL :: Sftecial attention given to orders from a distance for Mining Camps and Mills. Meats shipped promptly and in tirst-class condition.