LOCAL NOTES. W. K. Hinkle, who bought h»ts oí IN t er Applegate oti South Third street mid commenced the erection of a dwelling house 20x30 teet. two stories high, ex­ pects to have it couinleted this week and to move his family into it at once. It is a neat appearing house and is quite an addition to that |M*rt of tow n. If you have anv Timber land you w mt ell See T. C Noiria Chris Ulrich has blood in liiseye and it will be an evil day to the fellow who Imrrowed his big pipe wrench, when he interviews him if the aforesaid wrench is not returned instanter. To the borrow ing fraternity Mr. Ulrich is quite un reasonable for it is held bv tile guild that to go get an article Is quite effort enough anld mid clear. As a souvenir to send to Eastern friend- this view ot the valley would tie just the thing for it would give them a comprehensive un­ derstanding of the topograph« of this section of Rogue river valley and of the lieautiful apjiearance of th« Valley and its grand scenery. Report comes from Upper Applegate that William Hacker had a narrow call from l>eing used as a lunch bv un old lx-ar and her two half-grown cub- last Saturday. Hacker who is a pocket hunter and one of the most successful in South­ ern Oregon hud gone out for a supply of venison tor the camp larder ami having killed i! tine ?eer and dressed it was trudging along with it through the woods, when suddenly the growl of a bear ar- roused his thought- from anticipation of a tine supper and his hair from a recuiii bent to an erect |x>sition and without a moments delay he dropped the «leer and shinned up a sapling, while the bear and her cub- pro?ee«le«l to enjoy a big feast on venison. The smell of the fresh bl ( mm I had evidently aroused the appt- tites of the bears to such a pitch a- to put them in a fighting mood and Hacker found it prudent to stay up in the tree until the I war- were through with their meal when they scumbled off through the woods and he was then free tog” to his camp empty-handed. Attention, I«er«bod«. Chris Ulrich Manufacturer of CORN MEAL and GRAHAM Each made of the best selected grain and guaranteed the purest on the market Dealer in SASH, DOORS and GLASS Ground Barley, Cracked Wheat and Other Feed. __________________________________________________________________ MATT CALHOUN In connection with my line of furni­ ture you may find: Carpets PHOENIX, - - - OREGON Straw Matting Rugs and Mat- I have in mv hand- al the present time a large num­ Coco Door Mat- Wire and Canvas Cot- ber <»f Bargains m FARM, FRl’IT ami GARDEN Cotton felt ami -ilk fl >— mattresses LANDS, am! TOWN PROPERTY, of uliicli the Pillows Ingrain and Granite Art Squares following is a paitial list. Portiervs Couch Covers So. |—| res more o 10 acres No. II \n so •. (.»till M-ti-ii milt-s Oil Cloth and Linoleum Rogue River bottom hind, nil fenced, from railroad, level land, g«xxl soil. 15 Hassocks gixxl hou-c, barn .iml other building-. Shim Holders acre* cleared and fenced. 2 well finished. cost ov uate«! «>n Rogue River, near town. Hangings for Sash and I.acc Curta ns er #5lNL Bearing orchard; fin«- well The land is of tin« quality. Pn«v tier am! springs; is »ul> irrigated, and «-an Carpet Sweepers S25 be m.ide one of the lx--l -mall farms of Mirrors No. 2 ■ -1- a i r.«1 t > 'i |521f icres all fenced, Window Gia— «ml Putty Jackson county. I- owned bv a non­ 1210. gathering up lieef cattle. Miles Cantrail brought out quite a ni«e bunch of fat No. 1 — Hoti-e and I lot- ill Pliix-nix. No. 36 1713 acres of pasture land on Rogue River Will lx Mild at a bar l>eef last week. Price..................... $600 gain. Benton Pool is hauling lumber from the Pursell sawmill to the Cantrall place No. 8—55 acres, house ami 2 barn-. 12 No. 37— 1560 acr«--. 800 acres of It fine acres Ixtttom land, the balance, 43 ac­ on Little Applegate Mr. Cantrail is one plow laml; all well watered by fine re-. all gixxl land, ■¿-mile from de[x>t, of the farmers who believes in improving. creek and springs. lairge jxtrt under 12 acr« - under ditch at the head of the cultivation ami all under fence. Will Miss Myrtle Bishop, w ho has been stay­ ditch. Price..................................... $5000 lie -old in tracts to suit purchasers. ing with her aunt, Mr-. A. S. Kleinham- Convenient to market ami in gtxxl No. 10 — 23 acre- all fenced ami iti mer, during the summer, has gone to the neighlxirhixxl. cultivation. A house and barn, atxiut home of her grandparents near Phixnix 50 fruit trees just coming into (tearing. and will attend schrxd there. 1 miles from town. Price $1,000. No. 39.— 2'/ acres, three fourth- of a mile from Medford. Goart of to teach a fall term of school. Legal papers of all kinds made out. Special the Rogue River valley. attention given to papers in settlement ot No. 14 — 400 acres. (> mile- from Medford, estates Emergency Medicines. a good house, 2 barns list acres in No. 41.— 10 acr« - of unimproved land It is a great convenience to have at ABSTRACTER OF TITLES. cultivation Phoenix. Has some gixxl fir, pirn and oak. Most hand reliable remedies for use in cases of , Most complete set of abstract lx>oks in the of laml can be easily cleared; good county, Abstracts made promptly and ac­ accident and fur slight injuries ami ail- i No. 15— 13M acres on Rogue River, 100 acres of as good land as any man could soil, plenty of water; half a mile from curately. merits. A good liniment and one that is wish for. No improvements. Thirty sch«x>l and church. Six miles from fast becoming a favorite if not a house REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE acres of it could be made ready for the Bybee bridge. Price jx-r acre........ #10. hold necessity is Chamberlain ’ s Pain Fine list of country ami town property for plow with 15 day s labor. Price ..1500 Balm. By applying it promptly to a cut, i sale and rent. No. 45.— Over MO acres of gixxl alfalfa bruise orburn it allays the pain and causes No 25— II Ottse and 3 lots in Phoenix, lots MONEY LOANED land; 50 acres Bear creek bottom land the injury to heal in about one-third the (10x120 each; good house will finished. Warrants bought and sold. Collections made with a larg« irrigation ditch. Two time usually required, and as it is an anti­ Taxes paid Rents collected. Prompt reply first-class houses, two good bari.s and septic it prevents any danger of bkxxl I No 26— House and 2 lot- in Phixnix, lots to all letters Charges reasonable. a fine spring house. Adjoining land sell poisoning. When Pain Balm is kept at j 110x120 feet each. ing for #200.in acre. Price |x i acr< $110 hand a sprain may be treated liefore No. 30 -18 acre- well improved, house, REFERENCES: inflammation sets in, which insures a . barn ami other out buildings; one-half No, 47.— City proix rty, 2 acres, fine new in voting orchard; near Phoeniv Hon. H. K. Hanna, judge of 1st judicial dis­ quick recovery. For sale by City Drug . house, good well and barn. Gixxl land. i store. Price.................................................. >1200. 4 blocks from central school.. $750. trict. and any Jacksonville business man. SILAS J. DAY Real Estate Dealer.