4 JACKSONVILLE SENTINEL Issi >• l> o,\ FRIDAY OF EACH IIIAPIIS SI I SIHCI WEEK. 1*1.1 lo» Kilt«•»••«I tn th« /fli< • tri fuc k Mill vilh fin k»oii < «unity, Of « ’gon, «• •»<< mid < bi miti hr hi lese till-* io» K» i *** ,1/4) .7*5 Mi * lue yrxr Hi» mollili» .... three monili» .... Cl.' HMIX*< Tl H M» Tilt’ SrntlfH 1 1111*1 Ihr U<«kl> (>r< uill I h - m f,t io «»in ib I i I d a » i<>r ti ymr Th« bruti- uri givr« th< | m < k-«»li < <»iiiily lirw»» fiiid Im Orr g«»lltfill givr thr AtHl«'. iiiilidilMl itlid World nrw « llmn £, trii Mtldrr««. ut Hiiy |N»«»t<>fflCC Iti th«’ (‘nitrii Stilli * itit fiMir wrrkw htr Ih « flit 4 \Il tubaciiptioli»» fi tfiiliir ot iri.il witl !»r prompi !y *l<»p|»t'l ni th«- II lx etl«s placed in the- orchard bv Prof, Conile», a week previou*-, "Jii'w* r* found last Sun «lay by Mr and Mrs. C W. I euiklni ami Cha*. Mescrvc < >f lit*- other lo no truce could lx- found, ex«« |>t tile- remain* of a dead beetle, which may have been one of th- two ilea*! one, i that wen- thrown out of tile- txix at th* time that the live one* were- liberal**!. Those fourni apjx-ar * *1 to lx- do ig finely ami growing fat aii*l sk< k Ix-eth n u|x>n the great epianti- tic» of Smi J om - tie with which the tree-» ar* infested That th se- Asi etic lady bugs fee*! * gclusiv* lv up -n the San | .se M-a1*- ha* Ix-en conclusive!» pr*>v* n by the Agricultural Department ento­ mologists mid it ha« lx-< n also move n that th«- native ad» hues. < f which there arc »lie.:*- than 20 varieties in tile- t'mted St ites, feed ve ry little on this most dia- trui'tive of all of tile »calc As these- im- |M>rlef at the theory of the* entomologists of the- Agricultural *-olleg* s that way to light tile insect pest* now so distructivc to many farm crofts, is to employ other inse cts that arc their natural enemies, t*> kill them off. Get ting these Ix-etlcs introduced into Rogue rive r v.-tlk-» was .'> .'41. make- one- «lay of th*- encampment e spec­ ial to th*- Indian War Ve tennis. These old me n arc not long to lx- with us ami it is but a just recognition to their wotk in o]H-niiig this valley to civilization and to humanity that they lx- gi»en al) honor (Missibh-, Rogue River Valley was the "Dark ami Bl*xxly (»round” of the- Pacific Coast, for more white- |x-op!e w* re killed lie-re by the Indians than ill all other sec­ tions of ilie- Pacific ( oest together. Ami while we-arc honoring th* pion* er lathers we should not forget tile pioneer mothers f* r to them is du» even more creelit for the- courage- they showed and the- self- sierifices they mad*. The reinion of next (all will lx- the last to many of tin- old soldie rs ami their wives ami jacksoil ville will se*- to it that it shall lx- one of their most pleasant am! enjoyable. 'flu Sentinel is in r* i« ipt of a mimlx-r of catalogue« of the S ate Agricultural College at Corvallis, which will x- given to any jxrson wishing a copy. The State Agricultural College is essentially the jx-op *"» college for it teaches lx»ys ami girls to fit th* niselvi-s for the opp*>r- tunitn s in life- for which there is a de mand. The world now wants skilled talent .-ml not professional talent, as is proven by situations hunting the skill* <1 men ami wome n while the professional ]«-<>ple are- hunting situations The- day is |«e>>sed for any kind of an ignoramus to make « «uccess ot farming, neithe r can a mechanic succeed who is not thoroughly skilled in bis trade, To ni ike m* ney on a farm it now requires th.it the fanner should know his soil, climate, market conditions, and the c*.*st of the various products of his land, 1 f he raise* fruit In- must lx? a scientific oichardist; if handling stex-k know stock and if growing creeps lie must know- how to pr*>- ducc the great« s' yield at the le ast ex- jx-nse. Ami he must have a know ledge-of lx> >xk< e-ping that he- may know wlieth* r he-is m iking or losing money. At the Agricultni.il College, on a big model firm every thing is taught that |x-rtains to agriculture in its branches, ami in the- shops several of the- trades are taught. The tuition is free- ami die stud» n s arc |Mtid for a par. of their work so that their expe-nces are very small. Many of the students work tor all or a pari of their board ami get through college with no expense? other than for clothing and lxxiks. The accidental shooting of Mr. Woody by his companion while out hunting last week is another warning against the UM* of the long range rifns by hunters. The Savage rifle with which Mr. Woody- was killed will easily carry a ball three miles and the improved Winchester, Krug-Jor­ gensen and several other guns will carry as far, while the new arm» Springfield rille will kill a man at live miles. With one of these long-range ritli-s a hunter on n hillside could shoot at a deer and kill a person tn the valley below three or four miles away. At such a distance thejxr- soii hit would have no knowledge as to when- the bullet came from or who shot it. for the distance would lx* so great that no report could be heard. The only way to secure, safety to the towns and farms in the valleys of Southern Oregon where game and hunters are so numerous each fall is to have the law prohibit tin use of guns carrying a ball over two thousand yards. This is as far as game can ordi­ narily In- seen in the hills and the bulle ts would not go tearing oil into the ad- joining township killing whoever 1:1111c and door factories on the- Coast, several smalle r ones, and the Push e lub of that in its path city has M-cured tin loc ition of a big Th* success of the Medford creamery liarrel (Jictory that employs altout 50 has demonstrated that th*- Rogue river hands. Be fore Astoria s*-i nr* d a stead»- valley is a g«x,d dair» district as well as a pay-roll it was practically dta»l but for fine fruit distrai am! now- Grants Pass is the time of the summer fi-hing se ason, making an effort with g*xxl prosjiects of when a little life was infused into the since ss of securing a creamery. Tin old ’own. Now it isa ive, bust ing town • in*»- will come within a v< rv few year*» that has double*! its pipulattoii in eight when th* re will be creameries all over years with a Irett« r growth certain tor Rogue- river valley. Ja ksonville will the near future. Jacksonville can take- have- a creamery, Apple gate whi* h is on new life as Astoria did if but the effort distinctly a cattle country will afford is made. business for at least two. Eagle Point Mamie E. Wilson & Co. will have is another centra! kx-.etion for a creamer»- where a ere aniery would pay this com­ the ir uiiilinerv opening on Friday and Saturday of this week at th<-i* store on F ing » ear, and th*-time is not far off when stre et, west of the elejot in Medford, there- will lx- one-at Central Point. Alfal­ when the ladies will lx- shown a selection fa is the lx-st cow food known to dairy­ of heaeiwear that wiU lx the latest out in the- rpiaht*. and pleasing designs. tile n and with the gnat acreage that is J. Haetman, th*- w* if known bridge b* ing sown to that grass in this country it will be but a few ye- ers until the Rogue contractor, lias made an offer for the block of ground ownt-d by Win. Broad River Valley will lx? *|uit* as noted for on S .uth Third street and if the deal is its dairie s as for its orchards mid* Mr. Ha-tmaii ».ill this wtntere ect six cottages upon the block to lie for It looks as though the alleged ‘•Jack­ rent. Hui he them complete now he sonville Dcnnx-ratic Times" would lie re­ could secure tenants at once so gnat is tired fr- tn cir* illation, as the- jxestmaster the demand for houses in Jacksonville. at that place has received orders from There is not a vacant house in town, even the olel shacks have lee* n repaired Wash tigt.>n to bar the sheet from the ami are occupied. Dwelling houses are a mails until it is issiie-d in accordance go*xl investment in Ja* ksonv.lle ami Mr. w i*h tile j.ot al laws. Publishing a paper Hartman by putting tn modern cottages in one town amt issuing it fr-.ni the [*>st- will have no diffi. uhy in renting them at a go*xi rental. • oflice of another town. as a product of said other town, in order to steal patron­ A Bov’s Wild Ride tor life. age from an established h eal publication With family around expecting him to Is a neat little- trick of journalistic lie. and a **on riding for life. IK miles, lege-rdermain which reejuires great ilex- to ge l Dr. King’s N. w Discovery for Consumption, Coughs ami Colds. W. H. te nty in the- jx-rforniance, and we advise Brown, of Leesville. Ind.endured death’s against the practise, esjie* iallv as it is not .eg nies from asthma; but this wonderful ill accordance w ith uewspajx-r ethics and medicine gave- instant relief anil soon refl-, ct« seriously upon the * har *ct*-r of : cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous the |x -Hornier, when the public catches cures of Consumption. Pneumonia. Bron­ on. — Oregon Mining Journal, (’»rants chitis, Coughs. Colds and Grip prove its mat hies* m rit for all Throat and Lung Pass. troub’es. Guaranteed bottles t5ric and Astoria with'n the last year has added JI. iki . Trial bottles free at City drug two big sawmill», one of the largest sash store. » Boys, Girls School Begins Soon Medford Book Store, the leader in Jackson County for S c I khi I Supplies, w ill have ever» lrook in stock requireel in the grade and high schools. Pens. Pencils, Tablets. Rulers, Combination Desk Boxes, Slates, Erasers. Sponges, Etc. We make prices that makes the p*x-ketb*x»k hold out. Mail Orders Filled Promptly MEDFORD BOOK STORE C. W. Conklin’s FOR BARGAINS Coiicliees from $5.50, $6.00 and Hockers from $1.75 and up, good ues; Iron Peds cheap, ornamental; Reds, Canvas Cots and Pillows, Pressers, Suits and Sideboards. up: val­ Crib Odd Also agent for the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE C. W. CONKLIN UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMEF^J