Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, September 18, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. 1
Jac Kaon vili«?, Jnckwon County, Oregon. Friday, September 18, 1903.
I vent* al the ( ourl House.
Owing to the coming on of some un­
exja-ctcd criminal case* am! tin de
i‘ lay*
and rehearing in some regular case*
Judge Hanna will not b- able to close
court this week as lie expected. . The
Judge lias crowded tin hearing of Canes
as fast as was consistent Willi justice to
litigants and their attorneys lor he is
mindful of the laxjMyers interests MS
well and strives Io ki i |i the cx|a-nscs in
i ident to the circuit court at the lowe*
jM>»«ilili-amount Having the jurx canes
all illslHised of < X< rpt that of Shafer Vs.
H ill, for which n sjH-i-inl Venin had to
la- drawn at the r< -Hearing ol the case,
judge I la-ilia di x-h irg <1 tile last of tile
Jurymen this Friday m -rn ng. he having
discharged a numlx-r of Jnrimi n Tlmr*
«lay. Court will probably coniium- for
ill«- grea <-r pirt of next w««-k but oni\
equity cu»«-* will I h - heard.
rile case <>f D. A. shafer of Wagner
Creek against P A. Hail of Medford for
jLVNkl damages for slander was taken up
Saturday atiern-xm, but the defendant
not living read) for trial il wa* contili-
ued until M n«lay, wh< n it Was heard
during tin .«ft«-*n<>on. Th«- plaintiff was
r« present*<1 by Win. M. Colvig and t In­
defendant by M G. H<x|ge and M Pur •
le va e _____________
was con estui ' st tibí»,rnl «
din. T ________
b\ the a'torm «s ami oil I m mg given the
jury they consider««! it al! that night and
until iumhi th* m xt day, when inform­
ing the Judge tbit they could not pissi
bly agree thev wire discharged. Ihc
jurv all held H ill guilty of slander but
toiild not agree on the amount of dama­
ges, some of th< ill wanting login- Nh if
er #5,IMMI while t ao would give only #1.99.
Tile cast was set for te hearing this Fn
«lav mid w is before tin court at the h« »ti i
the Sentinel went to press.
Dining the week ilivorccs have lx-i-n
granted in th«- cases of Emma Baker vs.
Janies H. I<ak«r. Grace M Hasty vs.
I'll s 1 Ibisll. Ros.1 S Wilson V s . fitto
-miUh ••tberwiM- John I T. Wilson.
In the ci « of Ida f,e< <>iitin*. a 15
vear-ol<i girl charged with burning a
school hoiiM oil l-.vaiis i ri ck . her atlor
nev Gu* Newbury made ■ such a good
showing in her behalf l>y reason of thl
w ho is an vr
manner in whit h th g
phail, ha I bei n r.UM il .it 1 t..at il was a
qmstiuiiH* to whether she Wils gtii.iy,
tnat 1 n* rict At oi tn y A. E. Rcaincs
withdrew the complaint and the girl wa-
inchirgi of Nt. Mary
-. ’s Home •»
Iti aver on. *iregon, until sin shou <1 lx-
of age. Tile girl was take n Saturday to
tin- Home l>i Miss 1. NlCkolls ol Eagle
C. B Ro'tcl in his suit against II. T.
Cox for J I.'Ml back rent Bui- oil a farm
ua* given #49 by the jury.
. I. Vaw
ter re| ri si-nteil Mr. C<>* nn-1 Gus Niw
bun wa* attornev for Mr. R<>stel
W hite \ Trowbridg-w.-iegivcn b. tile
jure >129 of the #2'i9 which lhev sought
to collect from G. F. Bashford as com
mission for selling his (atm. A E. and
C 1,. Reames wi_re «»torneis for While
Trowbridge ami W. I. Vawter repr«
'i-nted Mr. Bashford
On an information tiled bt District
xttorney A. K. Reames charging G. W.
Trefren, a real estate dealer of Ashland,
with forgery in connection with a re
lease of mortgage, Mr. Tri fren was
brought into coint Thursday and through
his attorney. E. D. Briggs, got his case
continued until the Decendier ti rm. In­
being unable to secun at once tin- pre
si-lice ol witnesses material to his inter-
i st*.
llv Old Soldier* in Comp.
Tin- annual encampment ln-ld bv th«-
Southern Oregon Soldiers and Sailors i
Reunion Association at Medford this I
week has lieen one of the most smeess- 1
ful ever held by the Assixd.ition. Th« I
camp muster roll was answer« d In I7N I
soldier* embracing Mexican, Civi’, Ind
1 hi and S|>anish war veterans, with the I
wives Hiid friends of the old soldiers
made almut 499 |>ersons who were in
camp. There was also a large attendance
of tile citizens of Medford and other
towns of the valley and the farming dis
tricts at the public exercises held on the
The encampment was in the Medford
park which ma le a very fine location for
a i amp, which consist« d of over 11Mt
tents. A lurge speakers platform mid
seat' for the audience were put up by the
citizens of Medford who also supplied
the campers with fuel, straw and hot
coffee. The speakers platform was hand
somi-lv decorated with flags and bunting.
Each evening during tin- week exercises
w« ri- held on the grounds. Medford, Cen­
tral Point. Gold Hill ami Ashland each
having an ev« rung when talent from
those towns in ide up the program. Wed-
inalili tin annual business inciting was
held at which officer* for tin i nsuing
year werr eli ct« d. Tin-
The officers
officer* are.
arc. D.
R Andru*. Medford, colonel; W. II
Bradshaw, Brow lislairo. In lltenant col
orni. B B. Paul, Ashlund, major; Frank
Kasshafe r. Jai k M>n ville, quarter master;
<> J,. Evans, Grant* Pass, chi plain. The
officers for the past vear wen- W. If Pat-
risk. Central Point, colonel; Theo. Mott,
Grrinti Pass, lieutenant-colonel. J. P.
S.i\I« *, Ashland. major; W. If Moore,
Medford, quatti rm.istcr, B B. Paul, Ash
land, chaplain; S M Nialon. Rock
Point, adjiit.inl. F. M. Stewart was the
ollie« r of tin dai throughout the en­
campment and his untiring energi and
resourcefulness was in u large measure
dite tli< spl< ndid success that has attend
e<l all tin <l< tails ci niircti d with tin re­
Ja ksonvillc and Appli gutc was quitc
wcil repre entid at the encampment,
those alictiding from hen being Ali x
Tl.ompbi ti. Itili Iowa Inf, John it Ren
ault, looth N. V. Inf; Frank Mengog. 1st
.'do. Eng; R Benedict, Rogm Kiwr In­
dian War. J. II. Brantner. Ht'n \\ is luf.
A. A 1 horp. 12th Kin Cav; Frank
Kassliafer, '.fifth Pa. Inf. James Hart, 1st
Or. Cav; S S. jolly. 12 Ohio Inf: R. S.
bl lllap. 1st M < >. Inf. Mexican War, Win.
Eaton, 11th Hl. Inf; Owen Keegan, Kith
Minn. Inf.
A teamster with four good horse*
wishes work, inquire at the Sentinel
M. M.Taylor, junior menibi r of the
Nunan-Taylor Company, rude Olli to
Uellen Saturday and n tnained over Sun­
day. a guest at the hospitable V oii der
He.leu Home. Mr. Taylor hi- not Ix-en
« xactly sick since his return, but Ins
ta ll in equ«strian exetcise is somewhat
1 nken. eaf<eciaU« wimi it means a
t.o .ct avk roll of » miles to a counter-
jtini|a-r whose • vert bom is »hakin |oo*e
oy lite K-xere motions all at on e of an
unri gem rate (. ay iim horse.
Mrs C. I.. Corwin bas bought out Illi-
half interest ln-ld li­ Al *
J. Seat* in
the niiilimry store conducted by them
III Medford. This store ill the |>«st lias
had a large custom from Jn ksonville and
Mr*, toiwin will maintain the high
standing of In r store am! carry a 'lock of
goods ' » conil
compiete that all custom* rs
.. ay be pleased I She ha* now on display
a selec ion of millinerv goods n<>t excell-
e 1 in S utliern Oregon and on the trim-
mg of which she will be assisted bv one
of the Is >t trimmers in this section of
the state.
Jacksonville School Beqms.
Mondai tin Jackvmvill«- j nidi, s hool
lagan a term that is to continue for nim
months. Tin-enrollnn nt i. 129 but that
will tie inert used to about 175 with :i the
next two wieks as many children l«> h
town and eiamtiy yet remain out of
school to get f ill work done.
Prof. E.
E. Washburn i»in charge of the advanced
grades while S. P. Robbins has the
grammar grade, Miss Fannie Donegan
the inti nnc Hate and Mrs. Mary Peter
the prim ir« grade. This is Professor
Washburn'» third term i in the Jackson-
villi school and the high average attend­
ance togethi r with the splendid standing
that the »Chori h <* maintained during
hts principilship is a fine lompliment to
his ability as a teacher and a di?<iplih.i-
rian and to his jaqiularity with the
scholars and | atn.ns of the school. Mr.
Robbins come* to Jacksonville from tin
Phicnix sc I iih I where he had marked
success la- year and I emg an -ni-rgiti<-
voung man In ui i ben itain tobeeqnal-
ly as successful in the *ch< ol of this
town. Miss Jionegan is a Jacksonville
g rl but for the |»a*t two years she has
la-en teaching one of the grades in the
Hurns M-hool where 'hi- gave such <-.tis-
factioil that she was re elected for tl i-
vear but she • ho-»- t > ice -p' a position
in the "-I ho<d of which she is a gradmt-
This is Mrs Peters second term and if she
liandli sthi two »core and more of juve­
nile mischief and ri'tlessne" a* well as
she did last tear the *ch< ol patrons will
have no oci-I'ion for fault-finding.
Never bi f. re in the history of Oregon
has there lx-« n such a demand f- r s< hool
supplii ' as there has lieen this fall and
it lias caused a si nous delay in rec< iving
.he various article* orderer! by the latard
for the m 'I hmi I. The <-11, whi-'li is to lx-
the largest and fine st in Southern Oreg­
on will not be In re for another w . ek as
will also lie the di sk for the princqul's
room and some other articles. Water
faucet* have bet n placed ill tile base
tn« nt and when tin i rushed granite ftoi r
is put in tin- basement i lav room* and
all the other matter' complet'd that the
>oard and tile teachers and sell- Firs have
in hand then will be nothing wanting in
th*- ap|M.untments alxmt Ja k • nv.lie’-»
#12.ism s, hool house
M i ri Peter ha* the position of janitor
and he. while keeping well up with his
i lasses i* kcepii'g evervthing about the
building in the best of ordi r.
Prof. Washburn and tile other teachers
request that the patrons and othi r* int­
erested in the schi ol visit tile school
fieijueltlv and note th- work being
done. Tin presence of visitors is heir •
fill to both teacher.' and scholarsand it is
ex| ccted tiiat the visitors roll w ill show
a long list of names this year.
We offer you for inspection our Fall
line of WOOL and COTTON Fabrics
consistingin part of
Vicugna Cloth
Feazle Down
Daisy •* Flannels
Simpson Novelties
Our line of Ladies’ and Children's Wool and Cotton Knit
Underwear, also Hosiery, are EXCELLENT VALUES. No
trouble for us io show our Goods ar submit samples.
The StocK is the largest and the Prices always the Lowest.
Respectfully soliciting your patronage.
No. 19
Will conduct a gene­
ral Blacksmith btifi-
Wagon and Plow Work,
Horseshoeing and Ma­
chinery a Specialty.
Contractor Snook being delated with
Ins work, had in* n doing '<me finishing
work the two first «lavs of school and lie
j aid Prof. Washburn the compliment
that the-ciioi rs were the most orderly
an<l can ful in n- t marring the 1 milling
or interfering with .lie worktmn of any
schi ol with which he had a similar
expi-rience, ami he has had several for
contracts are not always let that allow
ample t-ni«- for the contracror to leave
• lie building lx for«- the school lx-gins.
Mrs S. C. O’Brien and daughter Maud
were in Ja ksonvibe iast Saturday and
Sunday from Apple gale, guests of Mrs.
E. J Kubli.
Jacksonville can now lx- said to lie one
ot the best lighted towns in Southern
trrcguii tor Marshal Kenney in compli­
ance wi.h orders from the council lias put
on ihv waiter light service and now the
resilience stic«ts ate «piite as well lighte«l
is ate the business streets.
Sujx-rintendent and Mrs. P. If. Daily
returned Tuesday from Trail creek w here
they have spent tile summer on tin ir
homes cad. Supt. Daily will al’one«-
vompiete the «ictail* for the annual leach
ers institute which he will hold tn Jack­
sonville tor three days Ixiginuing alxmt
(Iclo’oer 21st.
K. K. Kubli left Monday for Portland
wliete he will enter the law office of
Judge E. B. Watson.
Mrs. Kubli will
join Mr. Kubli in about two weeks when
they will take up their permanent resi­
dence in Portland.
Mr. amt Mrs. Kubli
ere both raised in Jacksonville and
have a host of friends who wish th«lit
well in their tn w Lome. Mr. Kubli is a
graduate of the Jacksonville high school
and of the State I'niversitv amt he took
a course «t the Harvard Law School,
ami living a studious industrious young
man he lias every prospect of attaining
success in his profession.
Mr. H. Snook, who has had the con­
tract. put the last finishing touches on
Jacksonville's new brick school house
and turned it over to the board, perfect
;n every detail ami up to the specifica­
tions ot the contract in every jiarticul.ir.
Jacksonville can now truly boast of hav­
ing one of the liest built ami lx-st fur-
nisiied school houses in S«>uthern Oregon
and when the fine four-acre grounds on
the knoll upon which the building
stands have been properly improved the
Jacksonvilk high school will lx- in build­
ing and grounds equalled by few in the
state. Mr. Snook went from here to
Grants Pass where he is erecting an
eight-room school building for that
Monday afternoon a jiariv of juntm ti
x C.
-. McNeil.
consisting of J. Caturron. " H.
W. R. Dickerson, Theo. ('.lass, Henry
Mvers ami Henry D. Kubli, not being
called for that afternoon, made a trip to
Gohl Ray to see the big dam ami eletric
power station that is being put in by the
company of which Dr. Ray is the- nun-
ager. Dr. Ray showed them all alx»ut his
works ami ex|»laine«l the details of tin­
construction work on the dam and tile
electric station. Henry Kubli tested tin­
bar, that has lieeti expose«! I h -1 ow tile
dam, for gold and in one h«»ur got t over
taken on the
trip by
#*- ^ The party
r was
George Lewis in one of his large hack'
and it was 10 o’clock at night before- he
succeeded in getting them home, thev
returning by way of Medford and sjieml-
ing the evening .it the G. A. R. encamp­