LOCAL NOTES. I Rill GROWERS IN (ONVINIION. ■ less of til«- C iiioii is hamllcd bv a Iliana ger who is paid » I mi per month during Quaker Herbs, three |xickagr> tor one tile tune fruit is living shlp|x-d. To meet dollar, at the Citv Drug Store. puking shipping, etc., cxp-iiscs«« charge Miss I"te McCully ami her nephew. of seven ]H-r cent is m id«' on all hint George Merritt, left Wednesday for handled, but it is likely al of that ass« ss Eug« lie, where Mr. Merritt will resume • meat will not I»«- required and a pait of hts studies Miss MeCullv returns t<> i it will I h - returned to the grower I'hc Eugene to keep house tot her nephew . I’liioii had uiorv otFers for (x-ars than she feeling that In- can od in stove- lengths <1 JU I ] k — load Enion had la-en the means of enabling the memlnrs to realize .’5 cents p« r box at sawmill — Iowa Lumber Co. higher tor apples than ever I h fore had. Mrs Dr. Gale gave- a birtlldav parte Al) trim was ship)» d I k -.«ring I Iwith the this Friday «fternoon in hoiieer e»f the I nion’s laliel and glowers name. eleventh birthday of her brothe r Wince. A rising, unanimous vote of thanks Quite a number of the young friends of was 1« nd< red Profs, Lak« and Co «II« v \ atie'e were- present anil a jolie time was for the helpful information that tliev sjH-nt m game' to which were added the1 had given the fruitmen attending the pleasure- so appreciate«! be little- folks meeting. Prof, Lak«- rts|x>nded an 1 and by big as well, e>f a generous lunch thanked the fruitnien and th«- citizens ,.f prepared by Mrs. Gale and her sister. Jacksonville for their sjil« mill hospital Miss Cedvig. ity and for their good interest in the meeting. Prof. I.akc father stated he All the latest magazines .«nd ¡Periodi­ found th«- pcopl«- of Rogue River live cals at the City Drag Store. and progress!ve ami as the Vail« v w as Applegate, that land of never failing one of th«- most favored on the PaCllii crops and record breaking ones at that, Coast lie should « xp et to find It it ill in a has contributed a pumpkin to the Senti­ very few years a place of higher ideals, nel e xhibit that W. uld make p cs e nough win re in addition to well k< pt orchards to feed two sc« re- of hungrv school - hivs and broad alfalfa ami grain fields would The ] util] kin weighs »>;’> ¡xnmds ami is as I k - found handsome farm houses sur smooth a* a Newtown apple. It was rounded bv beautiful grounds, school raised by Reuben Wright and was not grounds that wa re park' mste id of barren raise«! as prize pumpkins are. only one waste, roads th it were turn pikes ami tin- on a vine^ but with this specimen there rural in ill and tel« phone for « verv hi me. were several others on tile- '.«tile erne and l'he courtesy of Miss Amelia Britt was no fertilizers or irrigation was usetl. greatly appreciated ill i decorating tin- Miller at the l’osturtice- hardware store sjm akers desk with two verv large and carries all kinds < f miners toeds .«ml artistieallv arranged Iximpiets that ware fl< >w< rs to be supplies and his supplies and prices arc made up from the man« f‘ ha1 The marriage took place Tuesday at trade President Me»erv« invited the the- home of the- bride’s mother. Mrs C. fruitmen to meet am time that was their I. Corwin, tn Medfortl, of Miss Cente-nna convenience iii Jacksonville and that Rothe rtm-1 «nd Mr (twin W. Whitman, they wollht I h - given free hall r«H>lil and Rev. T. L. Crandall oflici iting. The iny other conveniences that would con young c«>U]de took the « veiling train for duce to the sue 'ess of their tin eting. Astoria, where Mr Whitman is in busi­ ness. Both Mr. ami Mrs. Whitman are ( Bov ’s H ild Ride I or I ife. Jacks n comity young people and thee With taniiS around exjn-ciing him to have many friends here- who give hem lie. ami a Mill ruling for life. IN miles. their bt st w ishes for a life- such as sh«>uld to get 1 >r. King’s New 1/is over' for come to a husban«! and wife who are tru­ Consumption. Coughs ami Cold* W II ly m «ted and who each do th« ir part to Brown, of Leesville. Ind. endure«! »leith’s make the home- the h «ven it should Ire. ag< nie fr m asthma; but this wonderful A few exjietienied teachers can secure medicine g iv«- instant relief anaiiy sotimllv everv night." ____ cures of Consumption. I’m iinionia. Bron at Jacksonville. chitis, Coughs. Colds .ami <’.rip pro.«- its Boliver Hull returned Wednesday from mat bless merit for all Throat ami I.ting a month's trip 'o Dunsmuir where he h.nl troubles, Guarnite« »I Ixittk-s .'«Oc ami f»een on a visit to his nephews. C. W. fl.m. Trial Ixittles fne.it Lit« 'hug Savage and W. R. Hull. l»>th former store. Jacksonville boys. Mr. Savage is.in th« S. I’, boiler shop and Mr. Hui) is tiring Poormans (reek Items. on a yard engine at Dunsmuir. Mr Hull B. C. Bostwick and R Ray of Ri was at Redding a few «lay s. Business is wen- ill Jacksonville Sund tv evening. loom ng tn that section but Mr. Hull Mi's Edith King <-f Medford has I h -« n fouml the climate not to bis lit ing the sudden changes of from (Ki i<> 11»» degrees visiting relatives living at th«- mill. caused by the wild blowing either off R H S. J lon ddson-Selbv of Sterling Mt. ■'hast« <>r from th« hot Sacramento w «s in Jai'ksunville Saturday and Sun vallev being too productive of colds to »lay. agrte with one u-ed to Jacksonville's Mr. and Mrs. C. N’< • rt< in <>f I )r< w equable climate. have been visiting relatives st ivilig oil lersv cow, fresh and fine milker, for Poorm in’s Cre« k. sale. Enquire of J.F. Miller. Frank Vocom ami «laughter Mary ar«- Mrs. T. J. Butler and tier son. I.ieut. s]x-nding a few wacks at their former C. M. Butler, of Albany, arrived in Ja< k- home on Poornian’s Creek. sonville Siturday on a visi’ to Mrs. But­ John Crump, who has lx-en in Klamath ler’s sister, Mrs. Paul ne A. Hines. Lieutenant Butler is an Or«gon boy who conntv forth«- past six month', is sjx-n»l- was apjxiinted to West Point by the late ing a few weeks at his old hoim . Congressman Tongue and he graduate»! Mrs. A. J. Stevens and «laughters wlfo with honors this June and is now on his have 1 h -< n staving on P«x>rman’s Crerk wav to the Philippines, having been as­ returned to their home in Ashland Sat­ signed to Company K, 11th Infantry, urday. now statione«! in the Moro country. I.t. Piter Deniff. who has been staving in Butler left Tuesday for San Francisco to Jacksonville for s< me time jiast is now take a transport for Manila. He is a employed at the Jackson Co. Lnmlier bright manly appearing voung man and Company’s mill. gives on the impression that he will make a soldier who will l>e a pride to his Hunters, Attention. state and well worthy of the uniform of Loaded shells for shot guns ami for Encie Sam. rifles, ill makes and ail sizes. All other requisites for tin- hunter anil the fisher Men Manted. Iti woodsmen at the mill of the Iowa man at Millers hardware store. I.umber Company. -,gi< sm - o . m *- LADIES l ot/ w ill lìmi at Kean's Jack st > ii \ tile, I ,te^i»ii, t lie best I arit tv <>t Corsets, Hosiery and Underwear I RYAN’S JACKSONVILLE, Come . |,'».«II>>.M|IM|U ra>> Second Floor. Adkins Block. op|Hisit< J’ostoHice. Med ford Ore MEDFORD SHOE SHOP E. F. WINKLER l‘ine Shoe Work and R«'pairing a Specialty . Work for Jacksoiivill« patrons rteeived nevi veil In bv morning train tram and finished to I h - returned on the « veiling train. Shop on I slreet. opp. S. I*. Depot. Mrs. A. 1. PEACHEY Professional Carpet Weaver Fino Photography a Specialty. Illis II IK w l-'lyiiiK Slliitll« 1,00111 ........... Special attention %iven to posing iiiul is pi > pure,I todoHtri« tlv In st cb«ss work on carp« is ami tugs of children. Jilt u>ork xuaran’ teed. Prices reasonable. EAGLE POINT OREGON