Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, September 11, 1903, Image 3

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    quin- th«- unit« «1 mid jMsrsistcnt efforts of
every |>ei»on ill tins town, and that can
I m - made the sitter and tin- easier In all
working as one body through the lx> «r«l
WEEK. of trade, for haphazzar«! work never ac­
complished anything. So it thus lie­
Hl>l row
hooves ev< rv «itiz.cn of Jai ksonvillc to I m -
pr«-s« nt at the board of trad«- meeting
next Monday evening and make a long
pull ami a strong pull to the end that
it may liecome one of tin- most prostier-
fl Ml ou* ami I m - s ) nil around town* in all
M) ( > regon.
<»ne year
St hs< Mtl-i io* H*ik*
si* month*
Three limilih*
TH E J AC K S( IN VI 1.1, E M F.I iFOR I)
fhe question of relocating that section
of the Jacksonville Medford mail that is
in th«- channel of Jackson creek will
Friday, September H, Z9f>.5 come at the Ixtard of trade meeting Mon-
<!ay evening. There arc Hire«- plans under
coiisnlcration. < me is to have the road
where it I* ami grade up a road I k -«1 out
At the hoard of trade meeting next of the gravel that would I k .- taken from a
Monday evening th« < hief topics for con­
channt 1 that would I m - excavated for the
sideration will I m - those of the hi « reasc of creek along the north side of th«- road.
the payroll of Jacksonville a::d the la tter- Another plan is move th«- roa«l «»ver run­
nieut am! extension of the public utilit­ ning it along ju*t inside of the present
ies of this town ami vicinity. Pertain­ road fence on the Duncan ami Karewski
ing to the ¡»uvroll pro|M>*ition, a tiling place*, the change being made from the
factory and brickear«!, granite works, forks of the road at C. M. Duncan's house
a « hair factory, a vim gar am! pres« rvmg and continuing to the west line of the
woikstola ciilaigr«! in to a cannery when Karewski place, from there the route
mor«- fruit is raised, a steam laundry and would run south-west through a piece of
a bakery, is of j resent mom« nt for they gravelly land, now coYl-red with willows,
arc «-a« h tangible, profitable ventures for to Thos. Smith's house ami there it run
which there is an o|ctnng lien- in Jack­ west the 20 rials on In* private r«>a«l loan
sonville. There is also an oja-nmg hrre intersection with the county r«»a I at N.
for .« tailor shop, a p w< Iry store, photo­ Fick's place.
graph gallery, a tin shop, ami possibly
The third route would have the Med-
some other v«K-ation in the commercial ford road turn south at the point
w here
it now turn* north-west to | xum through
In public utilit es the board should at C. M. Duncan's place ami continue to
once •ry hoo iiri a m< riling mail service the south line of the Karewski field ami
from Medf««rd in addition to the noon thence turn west and on that line con­
ami evciing service now had. Under tinue to an intersection with E. street,
presc- nt arrange inents Portland mail that passes along the north side of the
leaving that cite «>n the morning trainsis school house. If this route is adopted it
:ui hour* in reaching Jacksonville, for it would require that the Central Point
lays over 12 hours in Medford. Jackson r<M»«l lie changed at Mr' Duncan's and in­
villc business men receiving Portland stead of coming up direct to his house
correspondenc« by th«- n«H»n train, pro- and up Jackson creek it would turn south
vide«l it is <>n time have but two hours al Mr Duncan's east line ami thence to
an«! a half, counting out the noon hourin an intersection with the Medford roa«l at
which to make tip their return mail and the present turn of that road. The ad­
this ii during the busiest hours of tlieday vantages of this route for the Jacksonville
The Oreg« ni.m. which is the chief daily Medford-Central Point road is that it put
for this town, ha* la-en rea«l and forgot­ the road out of tile creek bed and onto
ten by the people out on the- main line ground where a permant road way could
la-fore H come* to the eyes of the Jack­ I k - maintained at little expense. As to dis­
sonville readers.
tance it would decrease the distance
Th« sc« tiring of a Iwttcr route for the fr«>m Centra! Point to Jacksonville hv a
Jacksonville Medford-Central Point r«>a«l bout 12 rods while the Medford-Jackson­
is a matter of gnat importance to Jack­ ville roa«l would lie shortened almost
sonville, for a wagon road wandering half a mile. This change would take less
around in the channel of a creek that is of M. Duncan's land than the road now
rendered impassable many times during occupies and no more of the Karewski
the winter months by torrents is not con­ land than would lie required to pul the
ducive to drawing trade to this town road out of the creek on the north side
nor retaining for it the county scat.
« of the land.
A rural telephone system for this part
It hss la-en clearly proven that it is an
of Jackson countv is a matter of general im|««»ssibillty to keep up a |Mssab1e r«»a«l-
California, the Willamette way for the mile that the road is in the
Valiev. Eastern Oregon now have hund­ I h -<1 of Jackson creek. The road has been
reds of rural telephone systems ami the entirely rebuilt three times in the past i
time has come w hen the Rogue River nine years ami now there is nothing but
Valley should I m - supplied with this public a gravel bar with the creek channel
utility that has become a necessity to winding back and forth across it for
l>oth town mid country ja-ople. As con­ teams to travel on. To dig a big channel
ducted in most places under a Co-opera­ ami throw up a turn-pike would do were
tive plan these telephones cost the sub- there no II oim I s , but the first high water
si-rilH-rs from ."><» t<> 75 cents |M.-r month. in Jackson creek would bring down tail­
The Rogue River Fruitgrowers Union ings enough to fill up the channel and
have given the assurance that they will the water would cut away th«, gravel em­
heartily co-o|>crat«- to secure a rural tele­ bankment as it would do so much sand,
phone service and all the farmers ami for the terrific current would carry the
miners of Applegate have signified their tailings on down the creek like so much
willingness to go into a co-operative j «lust. As this road is to lie used for all
telephone company with the people of time and is the leading highway to the
Jacksonville and of th«- other towns and countyseat it should be on a route where
farming «listricts of this valley. By the it will I m - permanent and nut be torn up
board of trade orgmizing a co operative by fioods.
telephone company it would I m - less thana
Grants Pass will soon have a chair
year until Jacksonville would lie connect­
in operation. For the present
ed with almost every farm home ami
bottomed chairs will be
the residences in the other towns in
near future other styles !
Jackson county.
Heretofore most
But to secure all of the aliove helps to
in the Rogue I
the prosperity of Jacksonville will re-
River Valley have come from the Albany
chair factory. J icksonviil« hasexception-
ally good advantages forii « hair factory
as it is in the center of one of the largest
oak districts oji the
chair work could I m - made a commercial
|x>ssibility for liner material than mad­
ron«- ami manzanita could not I m - had.
Chairs and settees made from madrona
ami manzanita would I m - far handsomer
in apfM-arance than those made from
Eastern hickory or Oregon hazel. The
bark of Ixith is smooth ami highly polish­
ed and each has an attractive color, the
manzanita la-iiig of a rich mahogany,
while the madrona has a bright red. If
« til hi the fall of th«- year when the colors
are la-st ami projwrly seasoned ami
varnished th« re is little doubt but what
they would retain their color when made
into furniture. Chur* made of these
woods would la- so substantial ami <»f
so pleasing «p]-e.trance, for natural crooks
could I m - ha«i, that they would be readily
salable ami a good market could I m - had
in the cities of the North and East as
well as a profitable local trade. Theft- is
an immense quantity of lx«th madrona
and manzanita close by Jacksonville
and an energetic man would fin«! open­
ing for a rustic chair factory an<! be
would la.- given sulistantiai encourage-
im-nt hv th«- Jacksonville board of trade.
Rogue River Valley, the IxMs’ed
district of the- Pacific Co est.
An institution that is deserving of sup-
port of « very citizen of jm kson mull y is
the Medford Busin« ss College, It is the
only institution of the kind in Southern
Oregon ami it is better that we jiatroiiize
home schiads ami accomplish a double
purpose in k« eping tin- mom y with our-
st Ives and of having .« *ch«x»l wh-re the
student* w ill not I«- expo-ed to the tempt­
ations of a great c tv and where they will
la.- near enough to their homes to I m ? in
touch with their |>arei:t*. Prof. Rittler
and his daughter, Miss Ritner are both
thoroughly comja-tent teacher* and fully
Up-to-<late. They are lately from St
Louis, where they each held positions in
one of the leadibg business colleges of
that city, tile Professor teaching l>ouk-
kceping and commercial law ami .Miss
Ritner teaching shorthan I and type­
writing. The College began the fall
term Monday of th«* week, but students
may enter at any tint . Full information
of this school as to rates and expenses
may lie had by addressing Prof. P. Rit­
ner, Medford.
Some people in the Ea*t have rather
hazy ideas of orcharding in the West es-
(M-cially as to the size of the orchaids
grown here. An Illinois man has sent
circulars to the manager of the fruit
growers convention in Jacksonville des­
cribing the effective work that a machine
he has for sale will do in lighting fruit
tree pests. His machine is carried upon a
man's back. A little hand sprayer in one
of the great Rogue River Valley orchards
would be a sight fur one of our orchard-
ists. After that Eastern man had seen one
of the big Rogue River sprayers at work
that is monnted upon a wagon drawn by
a team of horses and the power for which
is supplied by a gasoline engine with two
men on the wagon to operate the nozzles
he would conclude that his little hand
sprayer would be some what «»nt of its
' element here in Southern Oregon.
Rogue River Valley could lead the
Pacific Coast on strawberr es as it <'oes
on apples, but it don't and while apple
orchards of one and two hundred acres
are not uncommon straw-la rry patches of
one ami two acres are about as large as
ar«- found her«-
Strawberries grow to
perfection in this section ami are prortfiic
ami everb« anng to a degree hardly e«|U-
a)e«l in any other vallet in Ottgon. A
pr<M»f of this statement is to l»e seen on
the farm of Mr. Z. Cameron, one of the
successful farm« rs of Applegate. Mr.
Cameron lias lia«l fine, luscious herriea in
«piantities «officii nt for his family use
and to give to friends from May, when
the first lierru s rij>«-ne«l, to ttie present
time. It was only last week that
There is an irrigation scheme being
sent to Mr. ami Mrs. Jas. A. Wilson
considered by some parties that though
this place a gallon of as fine l»erries a* requiring a big lot of money to handle
ever were brought to Jacksonville. it would prove a money maker if put in
There are him Ireds of acres of land simil­ operation, and that is to put in an irriga­
ar to that of Mr. Cameron's that coulr! be tion ditch beginning at Wagner creek and
had for lierrx growing ami it is certain skirting the foothill to Jacksonville or
that at the price that straw berries sell possibly further. The plan is to take the
for each season would I k - more profitable water of Wagner creek, Anderson creek
than most any other crop. As to a and Griffin creek, together with that to
market there i* not a year but what there lie ha«l from great storage reservors to be
is not
local strawberries located in the headwaters of these
to supply the markets of Jacksonville, streams an«l in the large ravines along
Medfur«l ami the other valley towns and the line of the ditch to supply the farms
California and Willamette Valley berries of the valley. The scheme is feasable ami
are shipped in here by the hundreds of will l»e carried out so soon as land gets
crates. A veritable carrying coals to more valuable in this section so that in­
Newcastle is this bringing of fruit t«. tensified farming is more the rule.
W. Conklin’s
Couchees from $5.50, $6.00 and u;
Rockers from $1.75 and n , good val­
ues; Iron Beds cheap, ornamental; Crib
Beds, Canvas Cots and Pillows. Odd
Dressers, Suits and Sideboards, Cur-
tains from 36 to 60 inches wide, Re-
member I trim ami fit your windows.