pOLVIGÄ DURHAM Prunes Broonu urn muf Sorqfiuni a Nut < vxx Harr) Mill« r will attive h * iiic this Jacksonville I. represented ill the Sittirdav I *r a short visit with In s molli I.AWV I Rs \ppligate hop v mis In ubimi tn p * ki r. ci Mis M iri Mlllvi ami Ins l*r* >1 Iler Most ol the pickers fiotti her* went t.i Postmaster I I Miller ami sister, Mrs U ill practice m all tin Courts ot the I W York’s yard it Missouri Elat Mr K K Kubli. Mr Mill« r is residing at state York ha. ls.icrvsanl h has iilxiut so Sin Jos« Calif . whir« In- is the beati " H loh ig. J i A mmim II c . (icu. N. Durham, tirants pick* rs. The yield ot his yard will In- tliuggist m a large drug sl«»r. rather above the average tin. war and of Matt l alhoUtl, a r* al estate a tine quality. As the puce for new crop Phoenix, was in Jacksonville X2 hops has iqiviied at 22 I’eiits w th a teas Whlle here II* in ul* c * • rut. tin- <*iiabh-certaintv i*f going t*> 25 c« nts iter K Itcwskl oll'lliol. oil« of tile •—* in ntis r .111*1 pound, Mt \* tk will * * *t i iiainl i>iin l*est pivitig ill |a ksoii counit, (of All work equal to tlu- 1« -I to l>< had hi sum this season for it cost alxait * *VVC«I the sale of John \\ . White’s Portland Uli cents t*> grow the hop«. Mr York L IlHH Apph gati AH the booKx required Crow ns linilxe work and truin ist T« « ill and liven growing hops on the \]’t*leg it« lot will niaki on either rul*t*er or celluloid plat« « in the Common and High .1 quick s tic of pro’ < ,J-t c H s o rv v 111 «• • * Ove*tlrk Air Surprise I gg whips. best on cil», Inh, Pent, Mate» \ i*rk is not a one idea man but is an all around farmer tor in addition t** his line ki t at Boulen . hardware 'tore. «vnd »pongee. Price* that h *p yard In ha. an alfalfa meadow th it will tur'j you money. Em I Britt It is added two unions lotl.e C NITEI» s T ATI s I KN I■ C* *M M ISsli iN I R this sc is >n will vivid Inin in alxait .'¡Htl Sentinel exhibit ill it for si/a md I la II* I tons of h iy II*- s*-1 Is non«- of this h tv b it sonic ap|>earalii'c arc II ird to l*ca fill Filing* and final proof* for hointMt-ad teed.lt all to stock, he having our a I ine gratle ot Chi I A’S onions arc from the II itt laruis on Butti and timber claim* made. hundred head of cat’le. creek, ami were grown bi J | |i grow ii i«v 11 .*ha*i handled Mr York is an experiment il as w. 1! as Jacksonville O rego r» < >iic ol the a practical igriiultur.st .«nd hi- his tested who has the |*i.ice rented. «Ine oil nil-* ne. ami tin *t.ir all crops th it «lo well tn this s eti >tt unions wt ighvd 27 oti S prêtai attention jftu ’n to f-.acli viar he has a line field of corn and 21 ounces ami tlu largest w is III*, mi In s Prescriptions in * ircumferenic. 1 It s< wen nt*x cpt finding that it ma tir. «I p rice Iv Ii c hi lolla 1\ large «inions select* «I I.mil tin ­ • r I.AWYIK i k 1 i ■ chide«! to tri hr xnn corn an I sorghum pitch blit w re all ak« ta^< of tile «Hiys Qli- bro tn c *r i grew an-l tn it ire I that Mr Brit brought in for it >• at his Office opj.sitc Court House th«*r**ugh!v pr «hi i ng i. g •«> I ari le of Proprietor, Mr M«-r er ii . is an a r • *1 1*11 n >' s brush as is pr.xlu'i-i in the E is . bit home ( J .fi H s ivry v i II«-, w I . 1 average Jacksonville » O re a O rep.o n there I ell g no market for th« brush b* ami the gre it r lllllllbet as large ,i as til *si on vxhibiti ■ Il lit tin reason of there be ng no Ii omn f.u- . rv Mr Mercer is a*. e steli" ri -ni Sentinel otti.a C. E. Keames C. !.. Kearnes in Southern < >rvg. hi hegiv« tinta« ivc ami sm ces s|u! m irk* t g irik-m r. h tv- corn venture Di sorghum vent re p «>v ing more tangibli hr took that up oi l ii g HI ac cs plan cd io vegetables pumi»- t / kills. S.|U Isllt S. Ill loll etc *ml I*< Illg oil grew the c me f >r sev r d i -.- *r. in I .eti t *' ATTORNEY ' . ■ \ w the r i'll Itiltte creek Inittoill land irng.it ing East for i mill md ev

*u!*l I sC.I'fi­ 1st Judicial I'.strict. syrup that was as clear in . p ear.m •• lieileve Ills i \* s were he to sec lli«- s.ze Jacksons ille. Oregon am! smooth flavor«-*! i. ever mil« m all! the quality of vtgela ,k s th t Kalis is nr Missouri. B t lie giv*- tr> 'In­ pr>> Iti ed oil tills lami l\ <>plc wh<> rcnai h.i* c< »ntrib i vecim« II f i ** i ; la- irmg r»K k" «•/» /s being shown in our Mis., .un 1- ; at 1 tile imprints of ieives .«ml tw gs of Appli gatt where ti imlow \ ihis week ami plants that flourished O rep,on addition to th*- s in the ages pa-t wh n arc 'hr -e other v a tropical ehm « e her. . H *17 Iho talon f nilkti in oil acres ami W. 1 to the exh I*: a pietttr« <1 r«x k Poraian and othor from m «rkiiig s ii | h m it ' h.i1 h ne a fain I fnl res* m >1 in e to various «>bj«-it-, the Orirnlat pattern«. ATTORNEY at law forest Growth Intrciisinq w< re s«em U|*oii it with hills III til- back state. ground ami a I«ir vr of rush« s m |. >r«- here f ’ hu s I iv m i-k- som*' statem n 's a . in mat latso silk in Oftice on California street one to the flora of this county fortv t«. fifty ground along the e«lge of tile lak« . 1 Ills Irlock south of the court house. tho PINNACLE ot PER- y ears ago that w ii! stirpris. m im Th ■ rock is a s. dun« nt.tri t riiiit nn !«> *n Jacksonville. Orc g<>n FECStiiN in t all tlvti. i «i'orge savthatth re is m -re >ri- titnlx- tmilx- md brash up in tin Siskivoii tnuunta n Merritt h * l Ohstr.Lute«! a s; e* Illi* fl of now than then mil the an t of wi1*! y . get ation is i. i uallv gre ite Die co mtn ieri I» aiitiful cinnal ir < re that < atm- back of Pnot-nix vh i'll C. T. J'avi'lson now larg ! i from Cum d.ar Spring • j I . w I r. 1 i< cover« <1 with brush an l pl i g s of .t brought in a urn ']•«• nn-n gobi bea'ing go*,*l s z.e f r fuel, is sai* to h I ve !»♦*• n quartz from the Miilioni ire tn nc in .hi- Watclie and docks repaired <>;x.-n and pirklike with r<- * til ii k w*'lI d.str et. s x mile, north of ; romptly ami all work g tiara n- 11:* ] h i mu n w« igl.s si « On most all the foot s.1 v Ja ksonvill« Is th* v tt e<1. th« re is more v-g-1 «twin ainl was taken from the •w thin when crai punì*!, and Office opposite I'. S. Hotel. they came to tile valli Ti>* y think leilge it a depth * f 7b feet. Jacksonville. ... Oregon there is a bette' II Itur. conditi «n t«i S >ur Stomach. conserve tile water thai hen Hi'l do not look ution extvU'iv« When tlie quantity <>f f «od t iken i. '*«*■ «rest r* -erva- tion as *1« sirable, or at II tim-s.a't large or tin qualit y too ri* h. .our si, nn.n h 1 li.it is th’ opinion w* re* eived I mn wo is iikelv to follow . md « s| m ia Iv so if or three very inte!lig--i t old gentleme i the digestion h ts I m -« n w« ak in «1 bi * on s'tpittou J .at «low A .m«l not t «•> fn-t.lv who c mie hi re tiftv years ig«* an I ar .Mas icate tlie am*>ng our foremost citizen today —Ash of easily <1 gested food Veterinary Surgeon. laid Tribune. fo**«l thoroughly . I et five ho r. clat .«• Iietwien tn«.ds. and when ton feel a full Hess ami weight 111 th«- region of the rr ■* stomach ifter i-.i'ing. tala ( li milx r! tin 's ■& LOCAL NOTES, z? S Olli ich ami Liver 'labh ts ami sour : J R Brown, a form« r Jacksonville stoni e ll mu lx- avo dcd. Eorsil* fix risident but for some years past residing City I 'rug store. Exdushe Men’s I i;rnishcrs. in Nvvidaand Eastern Oregon, arrived back Saturday and will sjiend th* winter Ml DI-ORI), OREGON here. s.-a*f|M>sMls w ill t.. r*'. • r. I>v th«-I'oiiuly _______ / Kindling Wood—JI .on a ]oa«l at v.ird Court of J hi U vui ( iiiuti «H g >ii tor th. o < ii «traction of il Contiti r .all as f..tl>.w • II, glint ng or delivered. Iowa Limit,er Cotnpim. at th«- Swayne Jord on Applrgat« and following I Illi' Itti«* of survey of .0'1 road along Im I a.t R«»berts Br*.’hers, who hive a fine si«lv of Applrgat«-Crei k «otilhvtly to th. inter market garden at Ph x-nix h*v<- pr sen s«« tioii ot III«'sauf propos.’d roatf with th« pres ed the Sentinal exhibit with a pair of • nt traveled Contiti i oad a hi *«' tin ... ««nd « , onions and a (Kiir of carrots that while ing *jf «ani stream a «totani « of six mil« . mor« ot les. ne ther ar rec' r*l breakers as to sizi- y« t VI.., 1.* ginning at th. t. « mimi, ,,t m, ptvaeiM thi-v arc close to it and ars proof of the County Koa«l at W atkin. ford on Appt« gate Creek (hence along th« west «id«- ol Appli-gat« fertility of Rogue River Y illi-v following the line of survey to IJt> stat* line l>« Bred I.m . a Jacks*,m ill« b«,i whort ns t w • • it I alitornla ami * >o g* > ii road to l>< con.trm o-<| In | < t wi«l« armimi a barb« r-shop tn .Medford that is one of tin said r*« k )H»int where swaym flume is Mtmm'd th*- fim st in «-«piipnient ami appe ira’it e amt at all oth« r | h > iii I s wm*o In aiy grafting is mm in all Oregon, is having a line dwelling r« «|iuri il at least '• t wnl« .«nd to | h - < 1« ari-il at all faillit« al h ast 1«. f. «-t w id* * xen* al loti, into I haying and heavy house erected on lots he has on South E. solid »'arili to In not les. than «i-ven (« « t at Htiy street tn that town. The building i, now laiiiit w iier« grading is «Ion« team work fight Hut« will I m - «'lltertaitled fot all til* loud Of ioi enclose*! and it will be rea Iv f >r o hi - < \/tress transferred «■ai'lt «it tin- following .«-ition. Where the best and the jki U'- v in ab*>ut a month. 1st section tw-guis at tin- < ost to tin in ti-isi-ction of said ptopow«l road witli tile pre.i tit traveled road tt« ai tin l>.w, ford on \|«pli gut« atiout 11*4 mill s 3rd section I m gins at tin end of tin pu sent i on nt y r«ia«t ami extends to tile stat« Inn al «out 2', mil« s All Imldi is will I h - ri <|uu< «I tog«* , g«,o«l ami -uf In u lit I ioik I s lotti« full .«mount of tlieit lolltrnct (fiat tfu-road will In- completi «! in accordait« <- with spi i ilii ations ami within tin- intu- spi-i Hi. ,| ill tin i out * .i< I Work to lie « impleted by fall nary l«*th I'K'I 'rhe County teseli«*, tlx tight to reject any ami all bids Ail Imi. must l>< .ul, milted Io th« County Court at its m x* s< ««ion W ednesday 1 1* t 7 I' m »:: [signedl JOJIN s ORTH County Clerk ¡‘rompi deli vi r\ to all part s of t he cit t Charges Bucklcn's Reasonable Arnica Salve. Ills world W iile faille for lll.'irvelmis cures. It surpass« s am nther salve, lotion ointment or balm lor Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Eelotis, l lcers, 'fetter. Salt Rheum. I'ever Sores, Chapjied Hands, Skin Eruptions; infallible for piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 2.‘>cat C it i I'rug Store.