Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, September 04, 1903, Image 6

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tending from here being Juilg«- Silas |.
Dav. Mrs Da«,
Mrs Dox, lion II E,
Ankeny, Mrs. J. S. Orth, J. 1>. Buiklvv,
Sheridan, a small town hi Yamhill E. E. Beekman and Mrs Betkman. Miss
county, will shortlv hold an election to Amelia Britt, Mr and Mrs. Davnl Linn,
vote «»it the quistion of issuing Ixmds to Mr. and Mrs T. Cam« roti, Win. Robinson
raise funds for putting in a gravity water Judge aud Mrs Chas Prim. Miss Emma
system tor the town. It is planned to lay Armstrong. Mr. am! Mrs. S. R Taylor.
4500 feet of five inch pipe to bring water Wm. Bybee, Miss Alice Hanley, ( It-orgc
from some springs in the hills to the Love, Mrs. M H.uilev, Pauline amlDciia
town to a reservoir having a capacity of Reuter. Mrs. E Kriiiiey, Mrs Augusta
2D0.000 gallons. The engineer miking Helm, Mrs. Alic«- Uiricii. Mrs BlhCook.
the estimate gives the total cost of the The reunion was equal!« as well attcml
ed from the other sections of Southern
pipeline and reservoir at JS.OOO.
Oregon and a most delightful tunc ««its
With this month the baseball season had flic | iotieers were th*' guests of
will cl«»se for Jacksonville and then the the citizens «>f Ashland ami the«- w« re
boys will at once organize ,t football treated royally ami given a dinner such
team. There is plenty of material in as that town is famous for. Owning to
Jacksonville for a first-class team, there Pres. B. F Mulkey being unable to reach
lieing among the young men here several Ashland. Hon. C. B Watson, oil invita­
««ho have seen service upon the gridiron tion of the Pioneers deliver»-«! the annual
and it is the intention ol the boys to put address. Though having but short notice
up a team that can successfully compete Mr. Watson gave an address that was
with an«- team in South« rn Oregon. The replete with historical facts and rem
baseball grounds are in excellent shape enisences and humorous sketches. Some
for a f«H>tball field and sport loving jk - o - fine singing was rendered by the Ash­
ple will be sure of witnessing soute rat­ land Quartette. The officers for this year
tling good games this ««inter if the other and who serve until the next annual
towns get teams in line for some hard meeting next year, ar«- G««»rgc Engle, of
S. I;. Dunninxton.
W. C. Bene«.
Ashlan«!, pres..lent JudgeS. J. Dav, Jack­
Kindling Wood—$1.00 a load at yard sonville secretary ami C. C. B<« km.in,
Jacksonville, treasurer. Tlie m xt reunion
or delivered. Iowa Lumber Company.
of tile Pioneers will I k - held in Jackson­
The march of improv« ment is ap|>arent ville on th«- first Thursday tn Sepumlxr
on every .tand in Jacksonville.
For the HMM.
l»etterment of the streets and sidewalks
I p Io Date Shop
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hater returned
of the town the council is taking some
last Friday to their home in Council
Three Hne Chairs
active measures to get them in the l>e-»t
Bluffs. Iowa, after having spent two
possible condition that the road and
(loud Uurkmen.
months in Jacksonville, while Mr. Hafer
street fund will permit and lrefore winter
assisted Ins brother Clarence in the man­
comeson some «lecidetl improvements
agement of the business of the Iowa
will be made.
The railroad crossings
Lumber Company. Mn. Hafer will re
loth sidewalk and street, having become
main in the East some time and look Two fine
badly out of repair. Chairman T. J. Ken
after their business there while his fath« r
ney of the street committee ami Street
Mr. E. Hafer comes to Jackson« ilk
Commissioner Chas. Dunford called on
best tubs cleanest towels, etc.
which he will do in about three weeks.
Manigtr Barnum of the r.«ilr<>a«l to re­
Mr. ami Mrs. Hafer made man« friends
quest that the conipany’scro-sings be put
here, who regret th« ir leaving Jackson­
in a passable condition. This Mr. Bar­
ville but wish them a pleasant home
num promised to do and thus one more
going and an early return to Oregon
inconvenience an«l a feature that has
given a l«ad impression of Jacksonville to
Board of Trade Meeting.
stranger-, is done away w>th.
A special Ixjard of trade me« ting was
V« ti will alwavs find til«-Ix-st
Anything nt-ede«l in the furniture line hel«l Thursday evening to consider the
of rich, flak« ieccriain in in«
can lie liad at C. W. Conklin's. I espec­ question of water service and fire pro­
store, LEMONAlii-, that is
ially solicit ordeos for fine gcaxls. Can tection for Jacksonville and also to con­
htn. •nail«'.
*a\e you money.
sider some other matters of imp >rtame.
Albany is to have the second tannery, The meeting was tip to the average in
the first tannery having been such a attendance, there being ,’W persons and
profitable business that other capitalists an active nitetest was manifested in the
were induced to go into the second vent­ work of board. After the minutes had
Jacksonville would I*-a fine loc­ Ixrin read the secretary pro t« m. Gus
ation for a tannery. This being the Newbury, read a letter from a California
centerof a great cattle district, hides farmer who wished information of this
could be had in quantitiesand ata reason­ section, and a communication from th<
able price. The immense oak forests of Rosel urg board of trade asking he Jack­
this section would furnish all the tanbark sonville Ixxtrd of trade to endorse their
that would be required and asoak tanned prutest agiinst the further c-tablishm< i.t
La her is the highest priced on the of forest reserves. The pr«»test caused a
participated tn by a
market, there would be a certainty that liveiy «liscussion
the venture would lx- a profitable one. number of niemtjers, those favoring the
Will find at til«-
The tannery proposition is one that the establishment of forest resev« s being led
Jacksonville board of trade will take up by Judge Hanna am! those opjx»se«l by
atan early «late ami a man. ««ho thorough­ A. E. Kearnes. On Ix-ing put to a vote
ly understands the trade and who wishes the adoption of th«- protest was carried
to take up the business in Jacksonville by a small majority.
St<>r<- tin lx st of
The question of water supply and fire
will lx- given substantial help.
protection for the town caused another
Chris Ulrich has place«! in the »«ntinel lively debate. The chairman, Gus New
exhibit several plum ati«l prune twigs bur« , of the sjecial committee apjjointed CARRIAGE,
that would ast«»nish Eastern people at the to l«x,k up the possibility of a large
prolificness of fruit trees in tin- Rogue water supply made a brief report as to
River Valley. The twigs were from trees the needs and the means of sc-tiring to
in his yard on South Thir«l street and the Jacksonville a better water service ami
fruit was very finely colored even though tire protection. A general «liscussion fol
not thinned a-, is usually done by fruit­ lowed hi which it was expressed that
First-class work guarantee«! an«!
mtn. One of the plum twigs 14 inches Jacksonville to attain a full measure of
at prices that are right.
l«»ng ha«l 4G large plums.
prosjxrrit« must securea water supply
The sudden death of John O. Wilson
which took place at .‘J o'clock Tuesday taken to endose any one scheme pending
morning was a sad shock to his family. the completion by Mr. Applegate of th«-
Mr. Wilson was in his usual health, tunnel work lie is now carrying on unlx-r
though rather feeble from his age, near­ Daisy creek channel to secure a, water
ly "II, and the effects of two paralytic supply.
After transacting some minor business
strokes that he had suffered in the past
year. Tuesday night, not feeling well, the board adjourned to the regular date
lie got ”.p ami ha«l hardly stepped to the of meeting on Monday, September. 14.
fl«x»r when lie fell dead from the effects
Buckle»'» Arnica Salve.
of a third stroke of the disease. Mrs.
Wilson hurried to his assistance but life
Has world wide fame for marvelous
was gone before she could reach him. cures. It surpasses
pasMsa any other salve, lotion
The funeral service was held Wednesday ointment or balm
for Cuts, Corns, Punis.
afternoon, the burial taking place in the Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt
(acksonville cemetery.
Simple but im­ Rheum. Fever Sores, Chapped Hands,
and general repair
pressive services were conducted bv Rev. Skin Eruptions; infallible for piles Cure
work dono promptly
E. B. Lockhart that were attended by a guaranteed. Only 25c at City Drugstore.
and at a reasonable
large number of the friends of the fami­
ly. Mrs. Wilson and eight children art­
Sour Stomach.
left to mourn the loss of husband and
When the quantity of food taken is too
father who was kind and generous to
large or the quality too rich, sour stomach
them and well respected by all who had
is likely to follow. and especially so if WEST
his acquaintance. Of the children three
the digestion has been weake ned by con- MEDFORD,
are living at 11«,me, John, who drives the
stipatiou. Eat slowly and not too fre< lv
Joes Bar stage, Essie and Ephraim, The
of easily digested food. Masticate the
other children reside in other places,
foo«l thoroughly. Let five hours « lapse
7 th St. Shop
William in San Feancisco, Peter in St«>ck-
between meals, and when von feel a full­
ton, Alfred in Tacoma, Elmer in Monett,
ness ami weight in the region of the
Mo., and Edward in Springfield, Illinois.
stomach after eating, take Ch imlx rlain’s
Home-cooked meals. 25 cents at Mrs.
Jacksonville was well represented at Stomach and Liver Tablets and sour
Flory's in the brick Ixiarding house
the Southern Oregon Pi«,fleers meeting stomach may ' »• avoided. For sale by
that met in Ashland Thursday those at- j City Drug store.
second block north of flit- Court House.
all kinds
First-class Groceries our Specialty
W. L ORR &, CO
0. K.
Win. Puhi, Prop.
Cigars, Tobaccos,
Fine Confectionery,
Fresh Fruits.
M c D aniels
Young People, Old People
and All the People
W. Coulter
Ice Cream
Summer Brinks
fresh fruits
Cdnned fruits
and Oysters
Stationery, Cigars and To­
COR. OREGON AND CALIFORNIA bacco. Fine Billiard Parlor
Special line of new Cookstoves
All Good Cookers and ¿it Bed­
rock prices.