Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, September 04, 1903, Image 5

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    t.rntrnl Point School Notice.
The Ci-utrul Point public wliool will
<>|H'ii Sept. II, J1MI3.
I'lic IxHiks required
I m tile pupils arc as follows;
Cilmi cliiss—slat«- and pencil.
Pirst year primer, slate ami pencil,
drawing book No. I, writing No. I.
Second xear
first reader, slate ano pen
ell. drawing No. 2, writing No. 2.
Third year—Writing No. 3, second
render, clententHry arithmetic, introduc­
tory language, drawing No. 3, tablet and
Fourth icar—eh mcntarv geography,
elrmentary arithmetic, third reader,
writing No. I, drawing No. I. pinner <>t
health, introductory language, iqieller,
tab et alld |a-ncll,
Fifth vcai- fourth reader, elementary
geogra|ihy. practical arithmetic, writing
No. |, drawing No I. intrraluctory lan­
guage, A Healthy Body, s|>cllcr, mental
Sixth year fourth reader, advanced
geography, writing No, 0, Graded lx-«
sons in English, A Healthv Body, ele­
mentary history, s|a-ller, mental arithme­
tic, practical aritlum tie.
Sr-vi nth year—fifth render, geography,
practical arithmetic, writing No. 7, I'. S.
Ilistoi v, s|M-llcr, m< ntai arithmetic. Grad­
ed lx-ssoiis in English.
Eighth year — practical arithmetic.
Higher Lessons in J nglish. mental arith­
metic. s | h Iler, wilting No. H, fifth reader,
civil government.
High School text liooks to la* an
nounced at u|>ening of school.
I will I m - nt the public school building
during the fort-noon of Sept IB amt II
for the pur|H,M- of examining ami class!
Ivmg new pupils
It is strongly urged
that all who must lie cl.issjfied or whose
work may need adjusting call at that
tune, as the preas of work on the day of
mc I kmi I interferes seriously
wtill examinations.
A. J. H anhv ,
last while enroute to Crook
county, where In- will make his future
He recently sold his interest in
th«- I>ecp Gravel Mining Co., whoac
projx-rtv is lo«ate«l near Wahlo, to A. E.
Prof. Robbins s|H-nt Thursday In-re.
Born - At Phoenix, Sept. 1st.. P.si.!.
to Mrs. C. W. Short, a daught* r
Henri Brown. of Guzcll«-, CuL. made a
business trip to Phoenix Thursday.
Mrs, <,. Anderson, of Ashland, visited
her mother Mr« John Coleman Thursday
Jeff. Ilarrol anti family started Wed
ncsrlay for Hay stack, where tin v will
In rcafter r< «id«-.
Prof. Bish, prim i|>al of the Phoenix
schords for tile ensuing year, tarried hi
town a short time Monday.
A jolly crowd COUIJrosed of Will and
Elmer Coleman. Jim Bruner ami Ix>yd
Colver start«<1 for Pelican Bay Wednes­
Mrs. I.avetiburg. a former resident of
Phoenix, but now at Klamath Falls, is
visiting relatives ami frtcmls in this sec
Mr. and Mr« R
T. Bluckwood who
have l<e< n visiting their daughter Mrs.
W. S. StandifT at Sisson, returned home
Mr ami Mrs. Henry Calhoun return«-«!
to Mi mil Tuesday, after n short visit
with relatives
Miss Ole Hughes ac-
conip.mi«-«! th« tn.
Mrs Ed Grizey, who was called home
by the dentil of her mother, Mrs. F.
T«iwne returned t<> her her home near
Montague Sunday.
Mrs. Carver ac­
companied her to Colestiti.
Geo. Werner, for many years a citizen
of Josephine county, visited friend« here
Office one block south of Courthouse
Filings anil finsi proof inaile on lioinestentls
unit timber claims Cortwte«l plats showing
ail vacant lands.
la-gut papers of all kind« made out Special
attention given to papers in settlement of
Most complete set of abstract tatoks in the
county. AisRracts mud«- promptly amt ac
Fine list of country and town propertv tor
«ale amt rent
Warrant* lamglit and «old. Collection» made
Tuxes paid Rents collected Prompt reply
Io alt letters. Charges reasonable.
John Clark of Ashlaml is s|>emling a
few «lay s in Central Point.
Aurthur Shields ma«!«- a
¡:t Talent Friday evening.
JI Fine Portrait
business call
R C Robnett will complete the work
on his store building next week.
Miss Mary Jiu'olis went to Dunsmuir
Monday, where she exfa-cts to sj>cn<l two
or three months.
A. M. Pate has sol«l his town projs-rty
to Mr
Merriman of Riddles, Oregon
Consideration £350.
Mrs .Geo. Messner aud Nellie Stoner
of Ashland visited Mrs. M ’s mother,
Mrs. D. J. Stiilham last week
Mr. ami Mrs. A. S. Jacobs returned
Saturday after a weeks visit with relat­
ives nt Hornbrook ami at Ashlaml.
( I m - ir Simpkins and family of Wood-
vi’le sjx-nt Sunday am! Monday visiting
Mr. Simpkins brother Phil and family.
Clyde Ashworth of Denver Colora«io,
is here visiting his gran«! parents, Mr.
and Mrs. M il Welsh and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wimer of Josephine
Co., visited Mr. and Mr«. A. S. Jacobs
Inst week. Mr. Jacobs and Mrs. Wimer
nr«- brother ami sist«r.
The school Board has taken out the
black boar«!» from two of the school
rooms ami have put in their place the
hvloplats, which will la- a great impr«>ve
merit over tin- <»l«l Ixiards. Any school
districtin ne«-«! of black boards can secure
tin «dd boirds at a reasonable figure.
Cliffor«! Schindler is visiting at the
Kalev farm near Centra! Point for a few
Wa\m-Gil>son returne«! last week af­
ter ail aljsciic- of x-veral months in Port­
Will Bek her who has been visiting
Mr and Mrs. John Hair, returned to
(•rants Pass sundav.
C. A. Chirk ami family will leave next
week for Cottage Grove, where Mr. Clark
has rented a farm for tin- coniine year.
A telephone line is lieing crccU-d from
tin- Drv’iger Co.’s plant on Foots Creek
to tile main line alxuit two a’nd a half
tilth s east of Woodville.
A large numlier of fieople from Wood­
ville am! vicinity attended Ringling
Bro* circus last Saturday and re|»ort hav­
ing enjoyed themselves very much.
Howard ami Davis, from
How at«!'s station oil the Ashland Klamath
Falls stage road, wi re at the county seat
Monday to confer with Supt. P. H. Daily
about dividing the Wagner Springs
district. The district is very
large am! there areabout a dozen scholars
living near Howard’s station which is
over seven miles to the schcxd lions«- and
tlie greater part of tile dtstance is up the
Gn i n Springs hill making it impossible
in stormy weather t«> go to sch«x»l even
on horseback. Tlios«- living in that part
of the district wish to lie set off into a
district so that their chililren can have
school privileges. Tin- matter will be
brought before tile district boundary
Ixwrd in projx-r form at its next meeting.
40 inch mount vrrnon draper «luck,
wagon cover duck. 50 inch black enamel
carriage duck for salt- at Niman-Taylor
Co., Jacksonville.
A Bov's Wild Ride tor life.
With family around expecting him to
lie. and a «on rifling for life, IS miles,
to get Dr. King's New Discovery for
, Consumption. Coughs and Colds. W. H.
Brown, of Leesville. Ind.endured death's
agonies from asthma; but this wonderful
medicine gave instant relief and soon
cured him. Ik- writes: "1 now sleep
soundly every night.” Like marvelous
j cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bron­
chitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its
matchless merit for all Throat and Lung
troubles. Guaranteed liottles 50«- and
/I.00, Trial bottles incut City drug
■ store.
ItivKi W kni > t . Driver Leave, Jacksonville
daily except Sunday at 7 a. m.. arriving at Ap­
plegate at It a. m. Leave Applegate at II l’> ar­
riving at Jacksonville at 3 p. m Close connection
made with stage to Steamboat amt stage to Kubli
and Davidson.
j iihn R W ilson , Driver Leaves Jacksonville
.it 7 a. tn. Mondays. Wednesday» and Fridays for
lion II K. Hanna, judge of 1st judicial dis­ Ruch, t'lliontown, Pureel, Watkins and Joes Bar,
I returning on the following days.
trict. and any Jacksonville latsiness man.
Proportionate in price that has given you more
lasting satisfaction than
Central Point Items.
Down About Woodville.
Phorni* I ocals.
is it
The pleasure derived from most jsissessions is temporary
but a ¡»ortrait is a human document and is often the only
means bv which von are remembered.
BEALL makes 'em at the
3 Mile« Northeast of Jacksonville
Court House Park
Jacksonville, Oregon
September 5,1903
This convention is to he held under the auspices of the Rogue
River Fruitgrowers' Inion and the Jacksonville Board of Trade.
Best array of talent ever had at a Southern Oregon Fruitgrowers'
meet ing.
The leading speakers will be
Híkíl P I
Fres. State Board of Horti-
IIUII. L. U. Olili 111, culture, and Hood River F. F.
Prof. A. B. Cordley * cultural College.
iLrl. L.
I fllzA
Botanist and Horticulturist,
State Agricultural College.
HikiT A
H C dPCfHI Commisioner 3rd Bist., State
IIUI1. ria El.
Board of Horticulture.
The assurance is aslo given that if possible there will he present:
i,eit Fache
• l-x. f'nm.an
kzvFlIlClll, ern
H. E. Lounsbury, •
-^ « south-
Lines in Oregon.
F. Lines in Oregon.
At this Convention Fruitgrowers will have a rare op­
portunity to gain much valuableknowledge as to methods
and benefits to be had from a Fruitgrowers’Union: how to
recognize and fight fruit pests: how to select trees and grow
and care for an orchard and market fruit: the successes and
failures of orchards as influenced by soils and locations:
freight rates and transportation problems, and facts on many
other points of special interest to the orchardist.
Make Sept. “>tha day of recreation as well as
study for yourselves and families. Bring your
lunch baskets, your wives, and have a picnic
in the shady Court House park at Jacksonville