JACKSONVILLE SENTINEL ; Ihhl KI» ON FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK. ' El>l tOK Entered In the pnMoMer ot Jacksonville, Jix kM.n County, Oregon, ns second class mailer. 11 o 1 .75 i 10 I Mr. Carné« succeeded ill gelt -ng some fine negative which with some fine pic- tures contributed by Mr. P. Britt will show Eastern |H-o|ile what Jacksonville, its leading buildings ami the orcliatd and industrial scenes of this vicinity are like. It can lie said that Jacksonville will have a*creditable a |sige l»oth in illustrations ami write-up as any town in Oregon ami that it will la- the means of bringing many settler* and investor* to this *ec- tion of Jackson county. AND JACKSONVILLE PART. Tin- fiction of a Medford new*|>u|M.-r Is-ing mailed at the Jacksonville |x»*t- I office is at an end for Postmaster Miller bus received order* from the |>o*t«»ffice Friday, September 4,19U3 department at Washington to cease admit­ ting the Medford Democratic Time* to JACKSONVILLE ADVERTISES ITS the mails until the publisher conforms ADVANTAGES ; to the |x>stal laws. This will force Mr The Harriman railroad* of which the Nickell to enter his pa|>er at the Medford Southern Pacific is one have been for the |MM>toffice where it is published. Itoing past year currying on a systematic work that will prevent him from legally pub­ uf securing immigrant* and investor* for lishing lan«l notices from this part of the the West ami especially for the Pacific county and as that was the reason for hi* <- >ast These railroad* have a bureau of running a two-headed pajierhe will prob­ immigration in Chicago and from it dis­ ably cease publishing the Tillies and con­ town will I m - about a* small is the gocrs that he carries under helpful in many different ways to Jack engrossment of their business, that with a kinrto*« <>|ie for giving moving his arm has Irecn made up exclusively of sonville and vicinity. The 'ert polyscope operator who with intended to suspend the Times. In solict- ers convention Saturd iy. The trenches | business during the busy hour* of the W. E. Coman, general passenger agent < ing subscriptions of newcomers he always are made with three inch slats and the I day, but each citizen of Jacksonville of the Oregon S. P. line*, marie a trip mentions the Oregonian ami his Times supports, which were cut out by Chris > should make it a froint to spend at least in « special car over the Oregon roiul lust subscriber* arc encouraged to change Ulrich on the Imnd saw in his planing a few minutes during the day at the week. In addition to the*« moving pic- over to the Oregonian. mill, are given a curve so that the seat cvnv»-ntian and thus give the fruitmen to tun s humlrerls of views have I kcii taken The susjx-iisioti of the Medford Henio- will fit a person’s body thus making of scene* of interest to Eastern |x-«>ple cratic Times will cause no regrets in them comfortable to sit on. fliese seats feel that their meeting here is appreci­ ated and th >t they will Ire welcome from which half tom- cuts will I m - made Jacksonville tor Nickell after making will lie kept for public meetings in the whenever they see fit to meet in Jackson­ to lie used hi advertising'ni.’ittcr. thousand* of «lollars in Jacksonville left the park and will lie free to any organ­ For tin* sear's immigration campaign the place when lie thought that it wa* ization or gatlit ring that wishes to use ville again. the Harriman bureau will not use so dead and he has never made one effort People who have been appropriating them Heretofore whenever there was a : many fiamphiets but will use more news- |K-rsonall* or through his paper to help celebration or other public gathering ladders and other property belonging to |N*|x-r*. For Western Oregon the bureau the town. No Jacksonville resident can held in Jacksonville a considerable ex- the town fire company as well as through Mr. Coman have made a coil- recall the time when lie ever ha«l an editor- pensc was had in procuring plank from things from the town hall for a shorter or tract with the Salem Statesman to Hay half the Cost ment to any of its interests. Mr. Nick anil then to return the plank and pay for any or the convenience of the town offici­ .«nd it isexpecte«! that the town* will cd's metlnxl of conducting a paper is on broken ones. This useless expense will als, will have to cease their borrowing |*iy the other half. Each town desiring the jug li indie order, ad for himself and now be obviate«! as the board of trade unless they have an order from the mayor. to have space in this edition will pay at give nothing in return for the business seats and those from tne town hall will Complaint having been made that the rate of one dollar an inch. A write­ that the community giveshim. Butthat seat anv or linarv sized audience that may borrowed tow n property was not being up of the state and of each COUlitv will returned promptly Mayor Britt h is order­ scheme will no longer work on the |x-o- lie gathered in the park. also be given the expense for this being ed Marshal Kenney to enforce the ordi­ ple of Jacksonville and the patronage met by the railroad company. Jacksonville has a record of years nance covering that matter anil here after Medford Deimx-ratic During the |>a*t week D. F. Carnes for this I standing for its hospitality and its public when one wants a ladder or other article the Harriman Bureau has Ivren in South­ they will have to get an order for it and ern Oregon soliciting the cooperation of then a prompt return will have to lie the various towns in their immigration made or there will be trouble to the bor­ work Monday lie was in Jacksonville rower. ami met the boanl of trade at a special The effect of the fruitgrowers’ conven­ meeting at 9 o’clock in the morning. tion. to lie held in this place this Satur­ There was a full attendance nearly all day, will be to arouse a greater interest the business men ami leading -ilizens of I in fruit growing about Jacksonville with the town making it « point to I m - present. the result that the hundreds of acres of After Mr. Carnes had made a statement FOR hill land now lying vacant will lie plant­ of his proposition the boaril by a unani­ ed to fruit within the next few years. mous vote, there being not one objec­ Then will it lie possible for Jacksonville tion raised, decided to take a full page to have a cannery with its big addition in the paper for which #125 is to be paid. to the pay roll of the town. The time is To raise this money a special committee Couehees from $5.50, $6.00 and up; not far distant, if but the effort lie made, was appointed made up of A. E. Kearnes, Rockers from $1.75 and up, good val­ when Jacksonville will l»e one of the <'.us Newbury ami John S. Orth to solicit ues; Iron Beds cheap, ornamental; Crib large fruit shipping points of Southern contributions from all who arc interested Beds, Canvas Cots and Pillows, Odd Oregon. hi the upbuilding of Jacksonville and vi­ cinity. From Ashland Mr. Carnes se- [ Dressers, Suits and Sideboards, Cur­ It would add greatly to the appearance cured #2ixt and from Medford #125 and i tains from 36 to 60 inches wide, Re- of the streets of Jacksonville if the from the fruitmen in vicinity of Medford I shade trees and telephone poles were member I trim and fit your windows. and Jacksonville #100 more. At the close ’ kept free from all manner of posters and of the board meeting Mr. Carnes put in signboards. In all well regulated towns his time until the afternoon train visit- bill posters are absolutely prohibited from ing various points of interest nbout defacing the trees and poles with their Jacksonville, taking views for the illllS- signs, which soon become torn and di­ trations in the Jacksonville page, being lapidated by the weather, giving the streets a very untidy and unsightly ap­ assisted in his work by Emil Britt ami by pearance. Chas. Meserve, president of th«- Imard. NICKELL rsiAi. sirriox* The Jaikoonvlllr s< utlnrl will lw sent |o any addtrso. al any poatotnee III the I'nit rd htHtr*. for four wrrk» for 10 Kilt» All « u I mmî iptiori«, fvgubtr or (rial, wilt I m prompt Iy Mop|>c