Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, September 04, 1903, Image 1

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J«*ck»onville. Jackton County, Oregon. Friday, September 4, 1903.
Vo** *
No. 17
hi» wife hardly knew him and on com­
ing down town to get a shave lie passed
several of his friend» unrecognized. III»
County Recorder Peter Applegate bid» long whisker» mi changing hi» apfiear-
He l'xiks the picture of health
fair to m .I vc the water problem for Jack slice
MXivilh- and yet lie aide to supply a uml the catarrhal trouble which he con
quantity urn tile for nil town purpose» of traded while residing in Portland and
has M-riouslv endangered his
aa pure, cold water unyver was had fora which
water »yateni. From the »haft or large health for the past vear, has about disap­
Medford B<xik Store, the leader in Jackson Countv for
well that Mr. Apph-galt- had sunk on peared and he think» that in the drv
Sch'xil Supplies, will have everi book in st<x-k required
lilt ground» to the lard-rock, a distance climate of Southern Oregon it will
of H fret, lie has had a tunnel drifted eventually get well.
in the grade and high schools. Pens. Pencils, Tablets.
weat a diitanee of mine .'HI ami eaat 7<>
Arthur Howland who during the | »1st
Rulers. Combination
la-sk Boxes. Slate», Erasers,
feet, making a total of KM) feet of tunnel­ winter and »pring wa» on Jump-o ffj <»■ in
pri< e» that make» the •
ing now done. The <lip of the liedrock the employ of tin
the Hydraulic Mining
|xx-ketlxxik hold out.
»how» that the old channel of l)ai»y Comtxiuy as iii|M-rintcti<lent, wa» in Jack­
creek 11 far to the east of where it now sonville Wednesday a guest of AA’. JI.
i» on the surface of the ground, but how- Miller, who was foreman at the same
far Mr Applegate liar, not found out ai mine with Mr. Howland. Mr Howland
the bedrock »till falli where they are ha» been itwav for the |>ast month on an
II 11 the plan to continue the ext' nded pleasure trip to Portland and to
tunnel e nt until it is well acron the old San Francisco. While North he officiated
creek channel which n expect'd to I m - as la-st man at the wedding of hi» college
wilhiti tin- next loo feet, then the tunnel chum Mr. B. F. Adam» at Oregon City
will I m - ext« tided west until it ii under and bis friends here state that Mr. How­
the preient channel of Duisv Creek. The land had i narrow cmchim - himself from
flow of wati r has been stca'lly increasing living not the la-st man lait the leading
notwithstanding that the dry «caiwin is man at a wedding while aw iv 011 his
(own Council Meets.
plan Mr. Huffer was authorized to have
1 becking all the surface»Iream»and from trip Hi declares he is yet heart-free but
a surveyor m t the required stake». So
msi gallon» an hour the flow had when hi» frii nd» have hojie for him. Mr. How­
soon as this is done the street committee
but half of the jm-M-nt tunnel wa» ojm tied land in a business way has had more with Mayor Britt, Councilmen firth.
will advertise for bid» to do the work,
it 11 now above Ooo gallon» an hour. It 11 varied experience than most young men. Hutter. Kenney and N’euber, Recorder
the town furnishing all the material, it
thought that when the old channel is in­ For two year» he tried life in the East
being now on the ground to lx- placed in
tersected and the « ntire vallrv cross-cut Indies, where he was mining exjivrt for the minutes had lieen read a general dis­
p isition. The plan is to build the break
by the tunnel that a flow oi water of a Dutch »indicate that wa» ojierating a
water from a point below the brewery
possibly I ,.Vio gallon» or more an hour big hvdraulic mining plant on the island
down the Miuth bank of toe creek to lie-
will I m - »ecured, which would furniih an of Sumatra. The salarv wa» a big induce­ toward requiring property owners to put
low the baseball grounds, a distance of
ample »apply for tin- present needs of ment for Mr. Howland to remain with
about 2,(NM) feet. About 75 feet of break­
JackMUiville. To keep down the water the Dutch coni|>any but the climate was
water will lie built on the north side of
while work tan I m earned on Mr. Apple »0 trying that hi» health failed and he at the next meeting of the council that
the creek opposite the bridge to protect
gate he» a large double action force ptimp was com | a-1 led to resign and return to
oil to get their walk» in good »h.qie for the property of John Chapmin. The
operated by a gasoline engine. For r ears America.
breakwater will lie built out of two-inch
winter travel.
the problem of a gravity water system
The Jacksonville school Ixiard receiver!
The bond of Charles Dunford as street plank spiked to eight-foot jiosts that are
for the town ha»l>ccn under consideration a check Tuesday from the State Land
commissioner for /I ,<NN> with Geo. N. toI h - set four feet in the ground. Th<-
by the citizens of Jacksonville ami it may Board at S dem for JW,5i)tl in pavmciit for
surities planking will lie six feet high, four feet
I m - that Mr. Appleg.it» will I m - able to the I mi H'I s to that amount recently Mild I<ewis. James Crout-tniller as
above the ground and tw-o feet below the
solve it and supply the need that mean» by the district to the state Ixiarrl. The was accepted and ordered tiled.
Councilmen Neulnr brought up the ground. The estim ited cost of the break
so rnucli to the ¡M-rmanent firosptrity of interest as fixed by law will lie five l*r
question of tin- city water service. Mr. water is about <4* * I.
the town.
cent ami the bonds are to run from two Neuber favored »•tilting off water supply
The bills were allowed of T. J. Kenney
In or ler to enconrage the new Jack­ to thirteen vears. This now gives the to private customers and use all the for $5.15 for supplies, Jacksonville Ga»
sonville furniture store Nunun Tay lor board fund» with which to pay off their water for street sprinkling Said that lie Company gas for August anil for install
Company have decid'd to give Up the obligations incurred in the construction was tired of the continued dispute over mg light service in the town hall, a total
handling trf i urjM-t* and wall jmprr and I of the new brick school house
water rightsand it the matter could not of $22.21, and to Henry Dox, recorder
will turn over that business to Mr. C. AA’.
All the latest magazines and periodi­ be adjusted more satisfactorly that he fees of $3.(15.
Conklin who is now adding a tine line of cal» at the City Drug Store.
Marshal AA’. J. Kenuey reported that
would rerign as memtier of the water
those giMxIs to his furniture stock
(>. Harbaugh after a residence of agixxl committee. Mayor Britt opposed the plan lie wa» having much trouble in enforcing
Nun in-Taylor Co., w hile oondneting mam years in Rogue River Valley, has of using all the water for strict sprink­ the sidewalk ordinance against bicyclists
practic.dk a depirtniem store, for they
decided to again try life in California, ling ami thought it liest to let the pre­ as they all plead that they did not know
have 111 stock nearly everything that may and having sold all his real estate will sent arrangement stand for this year and where the town limits were and some
I m called for bv a customer. h ive decitied now sell all his farm tools, stock and councilmen Keiiqey. Huffer and Orth I claiming that thev did not know that
that they can Ircttcr assist in pushing the hotiM-hold effect» at public auction, coinciding with his
view the water they were prohibited from riding on the
commercial pro»|>crity • f Jacksonville by wlncn will lie held at the Kilgore place question w is drop]>ed for the time and sidewalks and lie requested that large
dropping such lines as do not justify
«me mile north of JackM.nvdle on Satur­ the building of the Jackson creek break printed notices lie furnished him that he
their earning a large stock and thus
water was brought up by Councilman 1 could post them on the various stre-ts at
day of next week.
conqietr with mine other merchant who
Mr. Hutfir favored h iving grade the city limits. The council declined to
A few exficrieneed teachers cun secure
is making a s|x-cialty of that line.
stakes »et that the Ixittom of the ditch furnish the notices giving as a rea-on
having to give space to carpets and wall
should la.- oil a true grade. The other that it wa» known to all bicyclists that
pi|x-r will enable the Nunan-Taylor Co. addressing Siqx-rintemlent P. II. iLiily memliers of tile council agreeing to the sidewalk riding was not allowed in any
to add to their other stock, while Mr.
town in Southern Oregon and futhennore
Conklin having practically the carpet
that previous notices had not «topped
and wall iM|>er trade of the town along
bicycilists from riding on the sidewalks
with hi» furniture business will be justi­
when ever they thought that they were
fied in putting 111 a stock of caria-ts ami
not living watched. Marshal Kenney wa»
wall pita-r that will lx- the equal of any
instructed to arrest every bicvcilist found
in Sontlieni Oregon, ami to that end he
on the sidewalks
now has a fine assortment of those goods
whether it was their first offence or the
on the way to Jacksonville.
In Men’s and Boys’-
Boys, Girls
School Begins Soon
Mail Orders Filled Promptly
The death took place al the faintly ■
residence in (»old Hill last Saturday of
John E. Harvey, aged 71 year». The
funeral service was held tn the M. E.
church at Gold Hill Mondai at Ilf a. tn,
Rev. E. B. Lockhart officiating. The in­
terment took place in the Jacksonville
ci nieterv that day. the remains living ac­
companied to their last resting place by
a huge concourse of friends, there living
some twenty vehicles in the procession.
Mr. Harvyv was a well known resident
of Jackson county , years ago living on
the prairie east of Central Point where
he had a fine farm. He then moved to
Central Point where he conducted a hard­
ware store. About seven years ago he
moved to Gold Hill when- he has been
engaged in the hardware business. Mr.
Harvey was a quiet, unassuming man of
sterling integrity ami he leaves a large
number of friends ami a devoted wife
and children to mourn the death of a
man who did his part for the happiness
of those about him ami for the better
nienl of tile world.
K. K.
Kubli returned Wednesday
evening from his summers outing at Cin­
nabar Spring«.
Saltmarsh brought
him atul his camp equipment over the
trail from Cinnabar to Little Applegate
with pick horses. Henry Kubli met his
brother at Mr. Saltmarsh’s place with his
spring wagon ami brought him to Jack­
sonville. As Mr. Kubli had not shaved
since he left Jacksonville two months ago
All Wool Men’s Sweaters
• •
• •
* *
t «
Boys' Sweaters
60c and 75c each
Largest and most complete stock of
Gents’ Furnishings in »Southern Oregon
Prices always the lowest.
Quality guaranteed
An Applegate Residence Burned.
The dwelling of AA’. F. Wright, whose
place i» a mile west of the Applegate
postoffice, was destroy ed by fire Tuesday
evening at X o'clock entailing a tot d los»
with no insurance. Mr. and Mr». AA’right
were away at the time being at the home
of Henry Rehkopf, whose wife is their
daughter, and who has been ill for the
past two weeks. The onlv person at the
house was a young man named James,
recently from the East, and it was by
his thoughtlessness that the fire originat­
ed. He had occasion for a light and
used a candle setting it on a table with
out a holder. He then went out to the
barn and soon after he saw that the
house was afire. He endeavored to save
some of the things but in his excite
ment saved nothing, and by the time he
got the neighbors notified the house was
a mass of Hames. Even the fruit house
was burned which contained a liberal
supply of canned fruit recently put up bv
Mrs. Wright. The loss is a severe blow
to Mr. ami Mrs. AA’right who are not in a
position to readily replaee their home
ami it is probable that the settler» of Ap
plegate will extend them a helping hand
in their time of trouble.
Hunters, Attention.
Loaded shells for shot guns ami for
rifles, all makes and all sizes. All othi r
requisites for the hunter and the fisher­
man at Millers hardware store.