Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, August 28, 1903, Image 4

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    Board of trade Meeting.
evoked a lively discussion in which
Mondav evening’s meeting of the many of those present took |xirt. A
Jacksonville Board of Trade proves this motion to that effect having passed, Pres.
town ableto succeed with a Imard of trade Mescrve ap|x>intrd a s|M*cial committee
the saute as it has with other undertak­ composed of Lus Newbury.M. M. Taylor
ings that it assumes. There was a good and John S. Orth to thoroughly investig­
attendance, there being about 25 mem­ ate ami make a re|x>rt in writing us to the
bers present, among them beiug nearly findings as to wh.it is required to give
• |«ri
all the leading business men of the town. greater efficiency to the fire department
A livelv interest was manifested in the ami for a belter water service. The com
proceedings and in the debates on the niittee will report to .< s|H*cial meeting
various questions up for consideration, of the Board which is to lie held on
nearly every member present taking part. Thursday evening of next wick, when it
The first matter of importance before is ex]>ectrd that every tax|Hiyer of the
the board was the means of advertising town w ill I m - present and act ut*on the re­
the resources of Jacksonville ami vicinity. port which this committee will present to
This elicited a spirited discussion and the town council at their next meeting.
many valuable suggestions were given.
Roque River f ruitqrowers Inion.
It was decided to continue for the pre­
sent the system inaugurated by the ad­
The Rogue River Fruitgrowers Union
vertising committee of using the letter* has now taken up the principal object for
!. that of marketing
heads and envelopes each containing a which it was organized,
brief write up of the town and vicinity. 1 fruit. The Union has leased J A. Perry's
By way of preparing for future advertis­ big warehouse and tittc«l il up for a {Kick­
ing work the advertising committee was ing and -hipping room. A large numlier
instructed to secure photographs of the 1 of expert {xiekers arc employed and
new school house, court house, the acad­ shipping was commenced last week when
emy and a number of business blocks I a car load of apples and two car loads of
and residences together with views of the ! jx ars were sent East. Several car loads
town and of sections of the surrounding will I m ? sent away this week ami from
country. From these views will I m - made this on regular shipments will I m - made.
half-tone engravings to be used on various The Union is now the only buyer at
advertising matter that the Board may Medford handling fruit from small grow
hereafter get out. Chairman C. W. Con­ era, aid is tiaving a la?lter price than
klin, of the advertising committee, re- ' the commission men. The board of di­
ported that the envelopes and letterheads, rectors of the Union h is employed W. li.
bearing a brief write up of Jacksonville, Norcross, the secretary of the Union, to
gotten up for the use of the Board and of attend to the buying and the shipping of
strangers m the town, had met the approv­ the fruit, the {Kicking ami loading of the
al of the citizens of Jacksonville am! the cars lieing under the supervision of J. A.
scheme would, w hile an inexpensive one. Perry. A large percent of »he fruit of
prove to l>e a most efficient way to ad­ this section w ill l>c shipped this se ason
vertise what Jacksonville ami vicinity by the Union ami it is quite certain that
has to offer to the home-seeker ami the within a year or two the bulk of the
fruit of the Rogue River Valiev will I m -
The question of a la?tter water service handled by
the Union. The Union
ami fire protection for Jacksonville was fruit all having one standard of grading
brought up and as to new lite and grow th 1 and la?ing packed in the best manner
that has c< me to Jacksonville has made possible it will gain a reputation in the
the betterment of these public utilities a markets of world that will enable the
matter of serious moment to the prosper Union to secure better prices than can In­
itv and the safety of the town the question had l>v small shippers. The affairs of the
Union are handled on the strut st busi­
ness methods and fruit-men will find that
I they will have no occasion to find fault
with tlieir returns.
The Southern Pacific makes Medford
I its distributing point for refrigerator cars
; and all fruit shippers from Ashland to
Grants Pas* have to place their orders for
i cars with the Medford depot officials.
IVc can fill orders promptly for
fruit boxes in any quantity from
one hundred boxes to a carload.
Made from best quality seasoned
Retail and wholesale, rough or
dressed. Shipments made tc any
part of the United States.
Canned Goods of every kind
fresh and first-class stock
Groceries and Provisions
best quality and lowest price
Men’s Outing Suits, Shoes
and a complete line of
D ry
General Merchandise Store
Racycles, Ramblers and
other standard bicvcles.
Repairs made to bicycles
sewing machines, guns
and all kinds of small
Oates to Hemember.
' Saturday, August 2t>. — Regular meeting
of Rogue River Fruitgrowers Union at
J. A. Perry's oihce. Medford.
Tuesday, Sept. 1—Opening of fall term
of St. Mary's Academy, Jacksonville.
Wednesday, Sept. 2—Regular term of
County Court.
Wednesday, Sept. 2—Rigular meeting of
Jane Mason McCully Cabin. Native
Thursday, September 3—Annual Re­
union of Southern Oregon Pioneer at
Tnursdav, Septemla-r 3—Special meeting
of Boat 4 of Trade at Cit y Hall to hear
report of special committee on a l>ct-
ter weter service and fire protection for
Saturday, Sept. 5—Fruitgrowers con­
vention in Jacksonville under auspices
of Rogue River Fruitgrowers Union.
Program for all «lay ami exercises to I m -
held in Court House park. Address by
professors from State Agricultural col­
lege and bv prominent fruitmen of the
Monday, Sept."— Meeting in Medford
of all ministers in Jackson county to
organize a ministerial association for
the county.
Monday, Sept. 7—State Labor Day, a le­
gal holiday and court house am! banks
Tuesday, Sept. N—Circuit Court for Jack-
son county convened by Judge Hanna
at Jacksonville.
Wednesday, Sept. 10—Regular meeting
A flare 1 Chapter No. 3, O. E. S., at Ma­
sonic Hall.
Mondav, Sept. 14—Jacksonville High
School opens fall term.
Cholera lufantum.
This disease has lost its terrors since
Colic, Cholera
Diarrhoea Remedy came in general use.
The uniform success which attends the
use of this remedy in all cases of bowel
complaints in children has made it a
favorite wherever its value has Ixtcome
known. For sale by City Drug Store.
tor Sale.
Three new tnowers and one rake for
sale, cash or trade.
Going out of the
business and will sell cheap.
C hris U lrich , Jacksonville.
Wedding stationery, the latest out, at
OREGON the Sentinel office.
W hite & T rowbridge
We have the largest and best list in Southern Oregon 01
Fruit, Alfalfa. Dairy and Stock Lands, Timber Lands,
Mining Bargains and Town Pr<?pcrty.
healers in
Sewing Machines, Lime, Cement
We buy wool and mohair.
Special attention given to orders from a distance tor
Mining Camps and Mills Meats shipjtcd promptly and in
first-class conflition.