Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, August 28, 1903, Image 3

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    At the mr* ting «4 the U»ir»t ottrwk- « mi
l*r R G. (foie war. calfoi Thursday t«> This is a fine opening fora uaan ¿«>4« to.
Thnraday evening t»t next week the qtw-v Th*anpu hi creek to attend the I*» year-old carry on the varied lines, to be handled.
iKMi «4 getting up an exbilat of the pet» wMi ot Mr. and Mrs. Albert .•»h arvr. wb<> Th* iced and corn meal Ir.wie could be
«crulentally shot hitu-wlf with a H «.wit­ marie a profitable port of tlv business,
darts «4 this section fiw the imrnigrilion her Winchester nfle. Fite boy in ««m- while the pian ng mill would bring in
FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK. r<M*ms in the I’niou dep*t tn Portland pany with his mother was driving along c >usiderabie inc'.aiie In euamection with
will In- ronstdered. < hairman Emit »be naul neat Knut/eu's place on their this badness a line of agricultural im-
l»l»ln Mvwait
K m rue Britt ami the «»th«r mrmlicrs «>f the «*tn- way from their homc»1e«d to Medford, plrtnen' - and other tools could be earned
where tbrv reside. when he got out t*f an*I a profitable trade «Mild be built up.
mittre on maimfoctnrrs haws- taken the the wagon to look tor gnu«- and having fix there is no dealer in this line m Jack-
pcojMrsjtl*»n tn hand ami will pce-wnt ihe «arrasaun to k«y his gun down picked it Maiville and there is a big territory the
tuatter to the Gaol. It is their wh-a to up by the iiutzzle. when it wen' off. the trade of which « hi hl readily be coat rolled
hüll tearing away the fleshy port f-otn by this town. At present all the trade
«mlirare th«- mineral, tim^wr. farm ami th*
m w** »iri«os a >m
ttwde of his thntnb and then |»e>ned f.-om this se< tioti and the Applegate goes
Owr jm
tun rnannfortnrrd products of the* sectiou in entirely through ibe c-alf <»( bi» lett leg, to Medfor«). tinners having to go> to
H*« muwiB»
.* j the exhibit to that all «-lasers of pr«a»- just grazing tb>- bune. Ttw- doctor Medford for all their repairs as well. As
riwer MUMb*
{wctive M-ttlers mas l< arn of tin- varied dn s«-d his w«>u»ds and as they were not an ail vintage to the other business
rrsMiorves of thr «Mint« alxxit Jackson­ s*n«*u. ga«rv Mr. Sin-art r. who ha«l bouse s the board of tnvle should take ft
«»me from Stcrmboat. permission it* take up and s< cure an agrictTurd ituplemeut
ville. No other wetion of <>reg‘*n can bis boy to Medford, which he did Friday. house fur Jacksonville.
»bow a greater variety ot jcojiocts than
Heurv Wendt. Jr., and Elmer and
It you want to rent a firm or have land
can this cotintv and if there is a goori to rent see T. C. Noms, Jacktnrnville.
Thomas Lester gave an entertainment
showing made in thr immigritivn rooms
One by otiv the old landmark» of Jack­ Tne-aiay evening m the hall at Ruch.
in Portland it will tie liir means of bring­ sonville tb«t have long since passed The boys wer greeted with a go*«l i idi-
and were cred ted with giving a
2d, IWJ.5 ing mmy people lx re who will take up tbcir days <dusefulness and have larcoiue race
rattling good show.
Following the
manufacturing, fro it raising, stia-krai tug. disapj—a ring <» a result of the new «ntertaininent a dance was given, the
mining ami the dozen otic r vixalion» growth ih.it ha» come to the oldest trrwu nins.c for w hit h was furnished by Ray *s
North* -astern Oregon m all r *|M-vt.«tioii that are open to the energetic settler. > in Southern Oregon. The old liverv orchestra awl it wa» san* to have been a
very enjoyable affair.
<»vrr the |M»*»ilNhty of having a »croud The [wixltM ts «»f a country shown to n torn ilia ha» stood on Oregon street
Frank A. Huff, r arrive«! in Jackonville
Butte. A rich cuppur district ha» been stranger «re m>»n convincing than all tlx-
and is no long- r in unsightly wri ck for WediH-sdai. from California when- he
uprned in Wallow i count» on tin- limn drscnjitive matter tliat he «»uid lw in­ stringers to view a» they get ott the had las n for the past six months for his
lia near wlx-rr licit »’ r\mi <mjKi«-» into duced tu read. So many glowing, over train at th«- detait. Th'- liurn Ind become health. F'»r some time past he has been
tin Snake riier. and a < huago conquany I draw n statements ar« sent out bv over- su h ti fin- til' B ice Io the drp>t and the at I^dte Tahoe camping out ami h<- now
feels quite fully restored to his health.
lias unrlcrtakin its development. The aeakiQs towns regarding the advantage» carson*the »iding that \V. S. Barnum, Mr. Hurter is a son of Mr. ami Mrs. J.
president of >he Rogue River Valiev riil-
mine« arc tn a frightfully mount tinuus and itiducvmctils of their wetioos that ruad, pun-hasi d it of Mr. Nun in and the H. Huffer Sr. and held the honor at th«-
section and tlx- work of instilling tin- immigrants are I m coining she of all lots on wliK-h it stood. Tile lot» will lie time of his graduation of being one of
»UM-Itrr is very «x(a*n->ivv. A nuinxvl printed immigration mat'er. I»ut they nciud«! in the depotgrcxinTs so as lo af- the brightest students in Jacksonville
High School. Mr. Hafer is now a suc­
10 miles long flail to I m built through the will glee clo»«- he <1 to an exhibit of tlx- fonl more nmiii for extending switche» cessful attorney at Tacoma.
and for the handling of teams in loading
gorge to connect the mines with the (troilncts ot a district, for then they can cars.
Violent tttack at uiarrhoes Cared bv Cham-
Snake river and a large steamlxjut was judge fur themselves as to the ail vantages
Pro-pi ctors, campers, timlrerland cruis­
bcrlali's Calk, Chakra and Diarrhoea
built to continue the Iran «ixirtition ser­ and op)M»rtuiiittcs and draw a conclusion ers will find our stir k of staple and
ReJKdy and Perhaps a Life Saved.
vice on to Ix’wision wlietc connection is .is to whether it would lie a suitable place ‘ fancy groceries qu te complete, and ‘
short time ago 1 was taken with a
pr.cr-s alwai »the lowest at Nunan-Taylur
I um I with the O. R. A N. railiotd. Th«- or not for them to locate.
violent attack of diarrhoea and believe I
concentrator and smelter has two »aw
would have died if 1 h»d not gotten re­
Chris L’lrich h is lately added several lief.” says John J. Patton, a leading
mill» cutting the lutn x-r f >r their u se I A movement is un k-r way among the
and for the town, whit h is named Eureka iHisini-sN nu n of Jackson rille to establish line» to the st x-k that he carries in con­ ci turn of Patton. Ala. “A friend recom­
nection with Ins i«nrcreiui and confect- mended Chamberlain's Cholera and
and which though but a few weeks old an early closing hour t »r all t»u si i n-ss lom rv gr»rl» .«nd ther ■ i» a prohnbilitv Diarrhoea Remedy. 1 bought a twenty-
contains a I ill room hotel, two merch­
tliat he will yet |>ut in a full line of five cent hnttie and after taking three
1 con­
andise »tons, a drug store, a blacksmith up for consideration at the next nur-.-ting general m«^i handisc. Hiving too much doses of it was entirely cured.
shop aurl a large nuiiliH-r of dwelling of the tioard of trade. The plan is to l»usiiiess to look after he has decided to sider it the l>est remedy in the world
-ell hi» gri» in I fe»-d in 11. pl mi ig mill for towel complaints. For sale by City
house» and 11.1» a population of «»vet Illi uiake the hour K o'clock for the fall m<l implement w m-hou»r at a bargain. Drug Store
There is a lug rush on mid soon a bust­
winter months. Now that the long sum­
ling city will I m built up there.
evenings w.ll soon be by tbvre is no
The Applegate cop|a*t dulr.ct will lie
for stores to keep open Htoltii
a rejM-tition of the liunaha distric t and
<lay. There is »o little trade
s*> mm » ii as the English syndicate tiegin
hours that the prolit
active operation then* will I m - a rush tor
light ami fuel used,
that district th it will eclipse any former
clerks should hive
rush ever known in Southern Oregon.
a little tunc at least to rest ami recruit
A good sized town will I m - built up with­
their vigor for the next day’s work, as
Medford Book Store, the leafier in Jackson County for
in a month, that will likely grow into a
well as to have the evening's to spend
School Supplies, will have every book in stock required
city that will lie one of tin* largest in
with their families ami to enjoy needed
in the grade and high schools. Pens, Pencils, Tablets.
.Southern ()n -gun.
Rulers, Combination Desk Boxes, Slates, Erasers,
Sponges, Etc.
We make prices that makes the
There will I».- a special meeting of the
While no deals that are yet to lie made
pocketbook hold out.
Iwiaidof trade next Thursday evening at
jMiblic have transpired in connection with
which tune there will I m - several import
the Blue {.edge cop|x r claims, yet the
ant mutters up for consideration. The
Mail Orders Filled Promptly
Sentinel can say that affairs are shaping
leading topic will I m - the water service
into a ven’ satisfactory condition in the
and fire [rrotection for Jacksonville. The
Applegate copper district and that the
special committie, composed of Gus
time is not far distant when the |>eiiod of
Newbury, M. M. Taylor and John S. Orth,
sus|wnse will be over and there will lie
appointed at the last meeting of the
big developments that will mean much
Iroard of trade, are at work gathering
to the prosperity of Jacksonville-
data for their report,which will lx-in writ­
ing, and which will ciii I mm I v all the facts
and figures that they can secure relative
to the proposition. Then* will I m * a full
Dr. Gale was called to Central Point
discussion of the question anil each
member of the iMiarii will I m - ex|x.*cte«l Friday morning to consult with Dr.
Pleasants on theca.se of Mrs. Greer, who
to give his views as to what plan he is seriously ill.
thinks Iwst for securing a lietterment of
Mrs. James A Wilson and her little
these public utilities. Il is a fact that can granddaughter, Grace Wilson, returned
not be gainsaid that the most serious Friday front Uniontown, where they had
handicap to Jacksonville's growth is the spent the week at the home of Mr. and
lack of a larger water supply and under Mrs. Z. Cameron.
gravity pressure. The present supply of
water is as pure as to be hud in any
Couchees from $5.50, $6.00 and up;
plate work at the Sentinel office.
country, but is mostly from wells and
Rockers from $1.75 and up, good val­
Mrs. Dr. J. S. Parson, Mrs. I). L. Rice
the small gravity system now in use sup­
and Mrs. Otila Caldwell, of Ashland and |
ues; Iron Beds cheap, ornamental; Crib
plies so little water as to lie of lame- nil members of pioneer families of this
Beds, Canvas Cots and Pillows, Odd
fit to but a small portion of the town. county, were in Jacksonville Wednesday ;
One of the first questions a stranger asks to attend the funeral of James McCully- !
Dressers, Suits and Sideboards, Cur­
Tents, camp stoves and camping uten- ,
alxiut ii town in which he contemplates
tains from 36 to 60 inches wide, Ä'f-
at Boyden’s hardware store, Med- 1
locating is what is its water service. If
I trim and fit your windows.
he finds that unsatisfactory he is likely
Through a letter received by a Jack­
to seek another location. If tile home­ sonville friend from Augustine Schmid-
seeker is a moneyed man he is the more line, it is learned that lie ami Miss Nellie
likely to travel until he finds a town that Bell of San Rafael, California, were re- i
Mr. and i
inerts all his requirements. It is investors cently married at that place.
Mrs. Schtnidline were both former resi-
that Jacksonville most needs and to get dents of Jacksonville ami they have
them the town must offer them such in­ many friends here who wish them a long !
, and happy life.
ducement as will attract them here.
Boys, Girls
School Bargains Soon
C. W. Conklin’s