Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, August 28, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. I
JacKaonville, Jackion County, Oregon. Friday, Auguit 28, 1903.
No. 16
the lx? st work possible from the teachers, I about their school house one of the hano-
Death of a Native Son.
liave provided each with a fine revolving . somest in all Southern Oregon.
Another of the persons whose names
Contractor Harmon Snook is rushing are linked with the early history of Jack­
I hr Stately Edifice Nearing Completioi* chair. The necessary glolies, ma}», ami
charts have lieen provided so that there the finishing work as fast as is consistent sonville an 1 the Rogue River valley has
and Will Br One of the Handsomest and will l»e no hindrance to Jacksonville with good workmanship and has from 9
Beat Appointed Iducational Structures doing as gr>od work a» any school in the ■ to 12 men at work. Tne carpenter» un­ passed away. James Cluggage McCully
whose death took (dace Monday at Ft.
In the Stale. Recilallons Begin Sept. 14 state. The floors of the rooms and the der Foreman L. M. Lvon will in another Klamath was a representative of i family
hallway and stairs are thoroughly oiled, ' week have all the woodwork completed who were well known in the pioneer days
The new school house is nearly com which adds >x»tfi to the appearance and , on the first floor and then will finish the of Southern Oregon. His father. Dr.
Dieted and Jacksonville can Ixiast of keeping down of the dust. Adjoining assembly ruotn in short order. The plas­ James W. McCully, and mother, Jane
having one of the lx-st school buildings each room is a cloak room of good tering which is living done under con- Mavm McCully. came to Jacksonville in
hi the state.
On the site of the old width and extending the entire length j tract by D. H. Brown of Grants Pass, is June, 1852. Dr. McCully at once identified
historic building, which was destroyed bv of the »< bool. The teachers desks are so ! completed on the lower story and the himself w.th the progress of the town
the lire fiend last winter, where so many situated that the teacher can readily see 1 upper story will lx- finished this week. and in 1 >$.'►»> bu It the two story brick
of the prominent men and women of what is going on in the cloak r«xnn and . Mr. Brown is an expert finisher and is building on Oregon street which is no a
Oregon receiver! their early training, u the hallway. Tile school rooms open into this week putting on the cement orna­ owned by the Odd Fellow-.. He afterward
I>vait11f ii 1 school building, modern in its a large hallway, from which stairs de­ mental work atx»ut the outside of the went to the Willamette vdley where he
architecture and equipment, has lx-cn scend to the school grounds and to the building. W. P. Sharman of Grants became prominent is operating steamboat ’
Pass has the (minting contract and he lim s ami 'lied in Salem several years ago.
erected. The locution is a model one and laisement.
the school officers of pioneer «lays deserve ' The second story will for the present and his men are well uj> with the carpen­ Mrs. McCull v was prominent in the social
the gratitude of the present and future la- fitted up as an assembly r kiiii , but ters in their work. School is to lx?gin life and activities of this place from the
generations for the wise selection of should occasion require it could be made September 14th and Contractor Snook early days to her death in June, 1M!»9,
•chixzl grounds. A slightly elevated into school r<H>ms. A large rostrum is exfiects to have the building all complete, her life was comment »rated by many acts
mound with a gentle slope in all dire tions provided ami the room will m ike a suit by that date. He planned to h ive it off of generosity an 1 hercharitable disposit­
covered with many sturdt oaks contain­ able place for the holding of various his hands by the 1st, but the .ndless de ion and by tne native daughters in the
lavs in securing material and the scarcity J me McCully Cabin No. 1 Native Daugh­
ing over four acres wus their choice. On school gatherings.
As the well is sonic .'JIM feet from the of skilled mechanics has be n a serious i ters of Oregon. J tmes Cluggage McCullv
the highest part of this eminence the old
building stood and the new structure has building, the directors to provide ample handicap to him and cause ! much extra is s ud to have been the first white child
been erected in the same place. Tile base» water for the school use have purchased ex|x-nse. That Mr. Snook is doing 'a ' Ixirn in Jacksonville. He was n imed for
ment walls of concrete st md on the x»lid a large force pump and the pija- line used first-class job on Jacksonville's school Janies Cluggage, who with James P<x>l
l>cd rock which at this point is only a by Contractor Snook in forcing water to building is fully proven when one com !' discovered gold in Rich Gulch in IS.'» I
few feet I h -I ow the surface. The building the building during his construction pares the terms ot his contract with the near the present crossing of Oregon St.
its<-lf is made of buck surmounted bv a work and a water service will be installed work and the material used.’ He has put . which caused the rush of miners to this
fire proof roof(of dipped tiles. The old in the basement where it will lie most on a heavier roofing and heavier doors I section and who afterward took up a don­
ami windows than was required of him ation claim embra-ing a great part of
time severeness which was considered ne­ convenient.
The general apjx-arance ot the building and on the foundation he sp nt m »re than Jacksonville
cessary in a school building a few years
In 1B52 Mr. Cmggage, N.
His ' C.
- —
ago has l>ecn replaced by a charming is improved by an ojien belfry in which fl<M> in extra labor and material.
Dean and Abel George w< re appointed
irregularity of outline which gives it an will lie placed before school opens one ot contract called for foundation walls to go commissioners by the Legislature to or­
attractive comm Hiding aj»|x a rance. The the largest liells in Smthern Oregon, a certain depth, which would reach the ganize Jackson county.
luiscniciit with its smoothly cemented carefully selected for its rich, heavy supposed top of tile bird rock, but when j
Mr. Me Cuilv was born in Jackson­
walls is high, airy, and well lighted by tone. A flagstaff has been placed on the the excavation for the biseinent was j ville August 27, 1H52, and died at Fort
many windows which swing from hinges building from which a flag will float each made it was found that the bedrock at Klamath, Monday, August 24, 19uB l»eing
ami are protected by heavy wire netting, school dav, the directors having ordered tile northeast corner dipped two feet and 49 years,-11 months and 27 days old. He
'flic floor of solid l>e<lrock is covered with a fine 12 foot bunting flag ami their or­ at the southwest corner nearly three feet. was a graduate of the Jacksonville High
a coating of well (sicked granite and the ders to the principal of the school will lie To obviate the possibility of the building School and Willamette University and
sloping of the liedrock in all directions to use it as a daily object lesson in teach­ settling Mr. Snook had the foundation was noted for his generous disposition
insures against dampness. The large floor ing ¡»atriotistn to the young Americans sunk to the lx?drock at these low places, and native wit and humor. For the past
sjaice is sc|sirated by the (x>sts support­ under his charge and not to keep it though he will ask no extra pay for it. four years lie has been a forest ranger,
" f for ceremonious occa- The building when completed and fully this year having ch irge of the Fort
tile upiier floor ami the air shafts, into stowed away only
furnished will represent an outlay of Klamath district. A month ago he was
four playrooms ami two lunch ami toilet •ions.
In the burning of the building last nearly $12,l)*)0, but it will lx? money well found at his camp in an unconscious
rooms. These latter rooms will I k - finished
up by the Ixmrd and lie supplied with year the library, maj». chart», chemical spent for the good of Jacksonville, for it condition by his packer and was taken to
seats, towels, mirrors, washlaisins, and laboratory, organ, and many other such will bring returns that will mid to the the hotel at Ft. Klamath. His sister. Miss
lockers. Pupils cun then furnish individu­ aids were lost, but the most necessary of prosjx-rity of the town in more wavs Issie Me Cully, went to his bedside upon
al towls if they wish and perfect sanitary these have been furnished by the direc­ than one. The school board, composed receipt of the news, but neither the
conditions will prevail. The two furnaces tors, and the citizens of the town will aid of J. H. H offer. Sr., T. J. Williamson ami loving attention of a sister nor the skill
are in the basement and these will furnish in building the library up to its former Peter Applegate, have given their closest of the physician could save him. His
heat ami vent’’ation to all rooms of the size ami in supplying other needed appli­ attention to all the details connected illness proved to lie appendicitis which
ances and aids for the school.
with the construction of the building with other complications caused his
Many of the grand old oak trees that and to their go<xi judgment it is due death. His death took place Monday fore­
All of the air. Ix>th heating and cooling
the rixitns, is brought from outd<x»rs added so much to the beauty of the largely that Jacksonville has a brick noon at 10 o'clock anil at 4 o’lock that
through air shafts thus securing pure air grounds ami are remembered by former school building in style, finish and ap­ afternoon Mr. M. F. McGowan of Med­
and avoiding the vitiated air ot the Ixisc- students as landmarks under whose shade pointments that will compare well with ford, a personal friend of Mr. Me Cully’s
they studied and played were injured by any other school building of Oregon.
ment ami hall ways.
who had assisted in caring for him dur­
Leading to the first story of the build­ the fire and were cut down and removed.
ing the last days of his illness, with his
ing is a flight of easy stairs w ith a land­ The Board of Trade will take up the mat­
brought Miss Issie McCully and
ing midway to make the ascent still easier ter of lieautifying the grounds in the near can lx? had at C. W. Conklin's. I espec­ Mrs. I.. C. Sisemore, formerly Miss
The main entrance to the first story is future and assist the teachers and the
Anna Orth of this place and a warm friend
from the west and is wide and roomy scholars in making the spacious yard save you money.
of Miss McCully, to Jacksonville, ar­
with low broad stejm which makes the
riving the following day.
little stair-climbing to I m ? done neither
The remains were brought to Jackson­
tiresome nor harmful.
ville by Mr Ed Hoyt, he being accompan­
On the first fhx>r arc four school rooms.
ied by Prof. J. Percy Wells of Ashland who
These r<x»nis are large enough to comfort­
kindly volunteered to assist in making
ably seat .'Hl scholars, all that should
the drive, which was a very trying and
be in one room, and allow ample space
dangerous one, as they had to drive all
for movement of classes and blacklxiard
night and while they were crossing the
work. They are well lighted, the windows
mountains a heavy rain storm prevailed
living groujx-d no that all light will come
rendering it extremely dark. They made
to the scholars from the left, ami the
the hundred mile drive to Jacksonville
ceiling is high giving a light, airy appear­
without a mishap, or delay, arriving here
ance to the r<x*ms as well as to give more
at six o’clock Tuesday afternoon.
air sisiie to make the ventilation all that
A brief funeral service was held at the
can Tie for the health of the little ones.
family residence at 2 o'clock Wednesday
The walls are plastered, rough finished
afternoon, being conducted by Rev. S H.
and tinted to prevent a glare, the south
Jones. A large number of the business
r<x>ms, where the light is the strongest
houses of the town were closed during the
being softened by a (link tint,while in the
services which were attended by a large
north rooms where the light is not so ’
concourse of friends of the deceased.
strong a light French gray is the tint I
The interment was made in the Masonic
used. The walls of the hallway ure tinted
cemetery, the remains being laid to rest
a cheerful golden ochre. The* windows j
beside those of his mother. The simple
are fitted with sliding blinds, giving full
but impressive ceremony of the Independ­
control of all the light to lx? had. Each
ent Order of Red Men was performed, by
room has blackboards on three sides, and
the members of the Oregonian - Poclia-
these boards will have the best of surface j
hontis Tribe No. 1 led by W. H. Mc­
and the directors, bearing in mind that j
Daniels. sachem, and J. C. Whipp Drophet.
a schoolroom, the air of which isladened
Largest and most complete stock of The closing rite of their service was the
with the dust from the old time chalk
releasing of a white dove, symbolic of
sticks, is a patent cause for much of the ' Gents* Furnishings in «Southern Oregon
the passing of the spirit of the deceased
catarrluil troubles ami weak eyes that .
brave to the hunting grounds beyond,
effect school children, have ordered a j
and the dropping of a twig of evergreen
generous quantity of dustless crayons
Prices always the lowest.
by each brave into the open grave indi­
and dustless erasers. Recognizing the ,
cative of the tender and imperishable re­
Quality* guaranteed
fact that first-class teachers always seek ,
membrance that he would retain of the
positions in the best equipped schools, '
good deeds of his departed comrade.
the directors have ordered for each room '
McCully was unmarried and
leaves a sister. Miss Issie McCully, who
a fine desk, not a cheap table affair, j
had a touching devotion for her brother
but a desk such as would be in place in [
and his best interests were always upper­
a well furnished office of a business man j
most in her mind. His other sister, Mollie
and containing ample compart incuts and i
was married to Hon. J. W. Merritt and
drawers for the teachers' books, papers
died several years since. She left a son.
and other Ixflongitigs. Asa tired teacher
George, who is at present with his aunt.
is a ]x>or teacher the directors, wishing |
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