Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, August 21, 1903, Image 1

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Vol. I
Jack»onville, Jackson County, Oregon. Friday, August 21, 1903
mg. The Sister Siqx-riorc»», Jacksonville,
< >r< gon.
The different line» of industry ami of
Mr«. Nunan returned libine Monday, but trade are steadily taring filled up in Jack- '
her daughter», Mrs Harrell and Miss Minvillc ami warn there w ill la- no occa-
Nunan will remain fora week or longer »ion for Jackxonville ja-ople having to go
at Colestin.
to other town» for goods ami skilled la-
County Clerk J. S. Orth has granted l»ir not to I m - bail In-re. The latest addi­
marriage license» to Luther J. Walls ami tion to Jacksonville enterprise» is a
Florence M Hughes, John Tuliev and plumbing ami tin »hop that has la-en
•Mary Foss.
o|» ned by G. 11. Elkerton.
Mr. Elker-
Mis» Hattie Bostwick aci-omimnied by a ton has his shop in a ¡»art of the Whipp
friend, Miss Mollie Font,
of Medford, building ami lie has his »hop fitted up in
In tin
left Friday for Ruch, where they will 1 good slia|»e for plumbing work.
visit for a week at the home ol Mi»» work fur the present he will only do re­
Mr. Hikerton is a young man
Bostwick's parents.
from Montana and has the ways of a
Chris l lrich had hi» gristmill running
Wednesday getting out a supply of corn hustler ami as Jacksonville is getting to
I h - nut- of the liveliest towns ill Oregon
meal for the merchants.
Mr. I'lrich
he should lie able to build tip a good bus­
uses onlv selected Rogue River Valiev
corn ami hi» brand of meal ha» a high
reputation among all who have used it.
Judqr Hanna s I all Corn.
George Lewis returned Wednesday
H. K. Hanna while holding tin
Irom a trip to tile head ■>! |-.lk creek in
the foothill* of the Cascade mountains, | well earned reputation of living one of
where he went to take Mark Applegate the ablest Jurist» on the Oregon bench is
and some mining men to the Applegate alto a florist ami agriculturist of much
experience ami his chief recreation is in
caring for the sph mild collection of flow­
Mi»» Cora Cameron of I'nionfown is
ering and ornamental plants ami »lirul»»
»(rending a few day» in Jacksonville visit­
ing friends, while here Irring the guest that adorn the handsome yard of his
home on Botanical Hill, for he ami his
of Mr». Ja». Wilson. Mi»» Cameron will
neighbor Mr. P. Britt have growing in
return early in Septemlrer to Eugene to
their yards alrout every tree ami shrub .
ror.nlcte her »turtle» nt tile State I'niver-
that will thrive in this climate, and in
working in the large vegetable garden 1
Alarut twent v-fi ve couple of the young he has on the rear of his lots. While ■
people of Jacksonville ami vicinity had a the Judge is an admirer of the lieautiful
very enjoyable dancing party Thursday as is to la- seen in his handsome front j
evening at < irtli's h.ill. The music was yard, yet Ins pride is the luxuriant rows '
furnished by Sig. Boffa's orchestra and it of In-ails, pea», tomatoes, carrots, cabbage j
was up to that high class for which that squashes, corn and other garden produce. '
orchestra is noted.
But tin- apple of the Judge's eye is his
Judge Hanna ami Ins sons,Herla-rt and (Hitch of corn, for he was raised back
la-on. rrturni d Frida} from a trip to East ami tin- tixithsome roasting ears ap­
Evans Creek, where they »¡a-nt four days peal mightily to his content with the
nt the Judge's farm, which is in charge ordinary varieties of sweet corn, but last
of a renter. The Judge found thing» in spring he s.iw in an Eastern wed house
good sha|M- on his place and he and the catalogue the advertisement of a new-
kind of corn that was said to lie 115 per
boys h id a very pleasant trip.
cent sweet and the ears so large that six
Prof. E. E. Washburn after Irring in of them would make a man a meal and
Jacksonville a few day» <m business, re­ as for earliness, that was it» strong fea­
turned Friday to Ashland, where Mrs. ture. for it matured with such rapidity
Washburn i» with relatives,
Monday that it practically annihilated that ted­
they will return to Jacksonville to get ious,anxious waiting time la-tween plant-1
their home »hatred up by the time that ing ami harvesting, and he ordered a
the proffessor lias to la-gin hit whool generous quantity of the seed ami planter!
it to the exclusion of the older varieties. |
Misses Charlotte nn<l Kate* Reed arriv- In due time the corn came up ami in
ed home Thursday from a two weeks resiHinsc to the Judge's vigorous hoeing
outing at Colestin. Mrs. Reed remained ami generous irrigating it Ins grow n like
ami will return home next week. Miss Jonah's gourd in fact it ha» grown like
Charlotte will leave the last of next week two gourds and it has lieen going sky- |
for Portland where she will resume her ward until it» tops are lost in the blue of
position as teacher, she having a ¡«»»ition the heavens and the Judge is lost in am- !
in the Stephens school, one the largest in azemeiit and disappointment at the pro-1
digous height of the stalk and at the
the city.
the non-appearance of the golden tassels that 1
St. Mary» Academy will
...... ........
m-xt school year on Tuesday Septemlrer presage the coming of the succulent ears
1st. Pupils will be received for boarding of corn. The Judge is ho|>cfnl that lie
or by the day. A full course in the may yet have a mess of green corn this
grammar grades and the .academic courses year, but he is not sure of it ami thinks ■
will Ire given as will also instruction in that he may have to hold his corn (Mitch i
music ami the artistic accomplishments. over until another year to give it time to ,
Full particulars can Ire had by address- mature.
Riddance Sale
of Summer Hats
Your pick from the
window display of
Crash and Straw
W. Conklin’s
Couehces from $5.50, $6.00 and tip;
Rockers from $ 1.75 and up, good val­
ues; Iron Reds cheap; Ornamental Crib
Reds, Canvas Cots and Pillows, (hid
Dressers, Suits and Sidehoards, Cur­
tains from 36 to 60 inches wide. A’ e-
member I trim and fit your windows.
In his tree collection Judge Hanna has
an English walnut that is but nine years
old and loaded with nuts this season. It
bore a few nuts when seven years old
and last year had quite a crop. He has
several fig trees six to eight inches
in diameter and which are loaded with
figs. He has an olive tree now five years
old that is fully six feet high, and though
grown in the garden is as thrifty and
healthy as if growing in its native South.
It blossomed this year and will probably
la-ar fruit next year. One of the Judge's
almond trees is probably as large as an v
in Southern Oregon for it is 21 inches in
circumference and has a top like a big
old apple tree. He also has a bamboo
thicket so thrifty that lie can cut some
fine fishing rods from the stalks.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Or­
egon, for the County of Jackson.
Ida L. Wilson, plaintiff vs. Charles F.
Wison, defendant.
To Charles F. Wilson, defendant.
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled Suit within ten
days from the date of the service of this
Suminons upon you, if served within
this County, or if served within any
other County of this State, then withiii
twenty days from the date of the service
of this Summons upon you; and if bv
publication, then on or before the expir­
ation of six weeks from the commence­
ment of such publication and if you fail
so to answer for want thereof, the plain­
tiff will take a default against you, ami
will apply to the Court for tile relief
prayed for in her complaint, viz: For
the dissolution of the marriage contract
now existing between the plaintiff and
defendant, and for the award to plaintiff
of the care and custody of the minor
child of said parties, and such further
relief as to the Court may seetn equitable.
This Summons is published pursuant
to ati order made by Hon. H. K. Hanna,
Circuit Judge of the First Judical Dis­
trict at Chambers in Jacksonville, Ore-
gen, on the 21st day of August, lkO.3.
which order requires that this summons
be published in tile Jacksonville Sentinel,
a newspaper of general circulation puli-
lished in Jacksonville, Oregon, for a
period of six weeks.
The date of the first publication of
this summons is August 21, 11MI3.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.