the possibilities and advantages of this section ot Oregon; Manufacturing, to Organization Completed tn Adoption ot increase tne payroll ot Jacksonville ami tributary territory by securing the es­ Constitution and floc tien ot Officers tablishment of till industries possible; Committees Cppointed and Work Out­ Membership, to hustle early ami late lined In President Outlook Good. until the board of trade has on its roll ever» citizen of Jacksonville and vicinity On last Friday evening an adjourned Reception, to extend the hospitality of meeting of a previous one held to organ­ the IsKurd and the city to strangers who ize a b-ml of trade for Jacksonville was may visit the city and to give them such held at the Citi Hall. Owing to the ab­ information as they may desire and to -poker- and other prominent sence of the chairman. Dr. J. W. Robin­ see that shakers son on .ivcount of sickness in his family, visitors 1 to public meetings held tu this Judge II. K. Hanna was tua lc chairman. town are pro|wrly received ami inter- After the minutes of the previous meet­ tained; Civic Improvements and Public ing had lieen read by the secretary, W. Meetings, to work for a betterment of the J. Plymale. the report of the s|x*cial com various public utilities of Jacksonville uiittee on constitution and bylaws wa- such as the improvement of the water inade by the chairman. A. E. Realties. service and fire protection, ami cleaner, The constitution with a few minor better streets, the removal of the olrk for a at #L payable quarterly. The officers spirit of pride in the citizens of Jackson­ are to be a pre-ideut, vice-president, sec- I ville that will cause them to make it the retary and treasurer, and are to serve handsomest town in Southern Oregon tor -ix months, elections to Ixr held at This committee will also secure the meet­ the first regular meeting iu April and ing in Jacksonville of all public gather* October of each year. The regular nit et­ ings possible and arrange for such i i con- ings of the board are to lx- on the second venienccs as may be needed to make the M nday in tach month, but special meet­ meetings a success. After the committee assignment ha: I ing- may lx- called by the president or on jx'iit.oii by live members. Following the I kcu made President Meserve calleil at adoption of the constitution the election | tention to the fact that a fruitgrowers of officers to serve until the regular elec­ I convention would t><- held in Jacksonville tion in October was held, which re-ulted on Saturday . ScptemU r 5. and that the in Charles Meserve Ix-ing elected presi­ reception and public meeting committies dent and Dr. J. W. Robinson vice-presi­ I attend to such duties m connection with dent, T. J. Williamson secretary and this convention as the hospitality of Short ad­ Cha-. Nunan treasurer. Short addre—. - Jacksonville-hail require. were made by several of the m< tnfx-r- dresses that gave proof that the speakers after which the meeting adjourned to meant to do their full part in miking a meet again Monday. Tin re was a large success of the efforts of the Board of and representative attendance of the bus­ • Trade were made by a numla-r of mem* iness men and leading citizens c‘ Jack­ tiers, after which an adjournment was sonville ami a spirit was manifested that had to meet again on Monday evening. gave proof that a determined effort was August 24. The n>emt>er-hip of the Board cm- going to lie made to push to the front every line of endeavor that would con­ braces the following persons, but there duce to the upbuilding of Jacksonville 1- every reason to ex|* cl that the m< m- 1 k r-hip committee will lx- aide to run the and adjacent country. The txxird met again Monday when, list up to '>0 or more: Chris I'lrlch, after the minute- ha<■<>.N. announced the assignment of the mem­ Lew’s, Dr. R. G. Gale, Geo. F. Nrulier. bers to the various committees, as follow-: T. J. Williamson, C. W. Conklin. T. C. Finance—John F. Miller, Jas. Crone­ Norris. A. E. Rcamrs, Judge Silas J. Dav, C. L. Reames. Dr. T. T. Shaw, miller and Wm. Deniff. Press—\. E. Rennes, W. J. Plvtnale F. Dunford, Jay Wade. C. J. Nunan. and Dr. T. T. Shaw. Charles Meserve, Wni. Puhi, M. M. Transport ition—T. J. Kenney, John S Taylor. John H. Renault, John Lyden. Dr J. W. Robinson, Win. Dcniff, Jas. Orth and Judge S. J. Dav. Advertising—C. W. Conklin, Chris Cronemiller. A. Learned. W. J. Plymale, Prof. E. E. Washburn. J. Nunan. Patrick L’lrich an 11:15 ............ Roseburg................... ............ Orant* Pa—... . ............. Gold Hill .............Central Point.... ............Medford....................... 1 12 3:<)0 10 M) .>:2.'> 4 50 4 29 4 19 1J. 15 L 15 "rJ!0 5 ¿4 4:72 A four room house with or without stable. Apply to I’. J. Ryan, Jackson­ ville, Oregon. - (io TO ’*Pv> RYAN’S JACKSONVILLE, - OREGON FOR 'c Table Linens, Napkins Towels and Crashes Also stamped and plain linens for fancy work QUALITIES THE BEST PRICES THE LOWEST RYAN’S Jacksonville 8 STEEL DAVENPORT LOUNGES I he latest thing in the lied and Lounge line Come and inspect I also take orders for Harness and Saddles Timber Land Wanted T. C. NOURIS (till dnd see my Slot k. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO MLWORD BRANCH I). I. LAW TON. Mgr. Largest Stock of Idrm Machinery in South­ ern Oregon. Complete Line of Vehicles, embracing farm and Freight Wagons, Spring Wagons, Car­ riages, Buggies, Etc. Haying and Harvesting Machinery, Horse­ forks and Wire Hope. A FULL LINE OF H. C. MACKEY PFioto Gidlery Sick Headache. Second Floor, Adkins Block, “For several years my wife was troubl­ ed with what physicians called sick head­ op|>osite Postoflice. 12.02 ............. Phoenix ............... 4:10 I il ache of a very severe character. 11:2« She 11:38 12:12 ............Talent............................ 4.o<; 4 :v- doctored with several eminent physicians Medford Ore and at a great expense, only to grow 3:;g» 12 35 12:55 ............. Ashland .................... 1:21 worse until she was unable to do any 4:28 ............. Montague................... 12:03 12:20 4:25 kind of work. Abont a year ago she be­ gan taking Chamberlain's Stomach and lì :.i0 5:10 ............. Sacramento ............. 10:50 5:10 Liver Tablets and today weighs more M:05 7:55 Ar......San Francisco. Lv 21 .'22 Hine Photography a Specialty. 8:55 than she ever did before and is real well," Tickets sold to all points in the United States Special attention given to posing says Mr. Geo. E. Wright ot New London, sleeping car reservations made on application. For sale by City Drug of children. J/H work guarani F reight house opens at 8 a. tn. and closes at 1.20 New York. Store. p. ra. W. V. LIPPINCOTT, Agent teed. Prices reasonable. CENERAL SUPPLIES MEDFORD SHOE SHOP E. F. WINKLER Fine Shoe Work and Repairing a S|x cialty. Work for Jacksonville patrons received by morning train ami finished to lx.- returned on the e vening train. Shop on I street, opp. S. I’. Depot. Mrs. A. L. PEACHEY Professional Carpet Weaver llnsnnrw Flying Simin, !.,„,m miri u pl < parrel ir, do strictly hist Claaaw.rk on ,ar|„ i, a„j EAGLE POINT - - OREGON