Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, August 14, 1903, Image 5

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    M usk . Ira« hiiiq by Improved Methods. are burned and charred for quite a <li*t-
Mrs. Susie T. Nell has returned from ance around the body. Part of the form­
Dallas, Texas, where she graduated from ation is of a puminice like texture
the Landon Conservatory in June last. while one side is of glassy like lava and a
She bus taken ti thorough course in the few places are similar to very hard burnt
famous Mason Touch and Technic, in­ brick.
cluding M-venil new and valuable touches
(Idles to Remember.
not yet published.
She also took a
course in the new touches used by the Monday, August 24—Sjiecial meeting of
great pianists hi chord, octave anti melody
Jacksonville Board of Trade at City
playing, with their artistic application
Hall at H p. in.
tor the delightful effects heard from the Thursday, Septeinlx-r 3—Annual Re­
platform, mid u complete course jn Phras­
union of Southern Oregon Pioneer at
ing and Expression. While there she at­
tended i valuable course of Lectures on Saturday, Sept. 5—Good Roads Con­
the Pedagogey and P*y<liol<»gy of Music
vention at Jacksonville in Court House
Teaching, md the Round Table Talks
pirk at 7:30 p. in. Address by Judge
on how the difficulties occuring in a
J. II. Scott, president of Oregon State
music teacher's work are best met anti
Good Roads Association,
overcome. But of particular interest to Saturday, Sept. 5—Fruitgrowers con­
parents is the fact that she took a
vention in Jacksonville under auspices
of Rogue River Fruitgrowers Union.
thorough and comprehensive course in
Program for all day nn<i exercises to I m -
Musical Kindergarten, and is now pre­
held in Court House park. Address by
pared to tea* h children this fascinating
method The musical results of this
professors from Stati Agricultural col­
method arc said Io lx- mai veloll*, and its
lege and by prominent fruitmen of the
value in character building is great.
fact it is said by jMircnts who have sent
Curtain* are trimmed to fit your wind
tin ir children to good teachers of this
course that it makes musical enthusiasts ow* without extra charge at C. W. Conk­
of them, and there is no trouble to get lin's.
them to practice, for music study is a de­
H. M. C om , of the Coss piano house
light to them
of Medford and Ashland was in Jackson­
It is entirely evident that her patron* ville Tuesday. Mr. Coss will close up
will now have the advantage of the best,
Ins Medford store next week but will
late ideas in the fust advancing art of
retain hi* Ashland store. He will con-
illume t< aching, and of the far more rapid tinue to reside in Medford and will
learning ami mqxrior results coining
from these improved methixls. She has make his headquarters in Ashland.
also an extensive list of the lx-st music,
Calling cards, the latest in style and
each piece with a charming story or de­ printed so neatly aa to resemble copjxrr-
This greatly increases the plate work at the Sentinel oilice.
pupils interest iii music study and makes
The new furniture store is getting quite
the piece* far more enjoyable to all. up to date and Mr. Conklin is getting in »
Not the least value to Iler patrons will lie
stock of goods that would I m - well in place
the satisfaction of knowing that their in any of the larger towns of Southern
children are studying the l>e*t new ideas Oregon. Sinoe opening up two weeks
and )iel|>s in the art of music teaching ago Mr. Conklin lias received three fine
ami study.
bills of goods and a big order will lie
Mrs. Neil will begin her class very in within the next few days that will
•mm, and her pupils will also have the
make his stock complete in every line.
advantage of regular recitals.
We con­
Prospector», canijK-rs, timberland cruis­
gratulate our niuaical public U|x>n hav­
ing a teacher who is progressive enough ers will find our stock of staple and
to prepare herself for this improver! and fancy groceries qu te complete, and
.ulvanced work ami is so up to the % .le- prices always the lowest at Nunan-Taylor
Co.’s, Jacksonville.
mauds <>f the time*.
Peter Wilson of Spikenard was in
tear hers I ximiinotion.
town last Monday.
Mr. Wilson is run­
The semi-annual examination of teach­ ning a lumlx-r and shingle mill on Mor­
ers for county and state paper* begin at rison creek and is doing a nice business,
the Court House Wednesday morning. as he turns out first class material at pop­
Sujicrintendeiit P. II. Daily is being as- ular prices. While here he was awarded
tsled by Prof. E. E. Washburn, principal the contract for furnishing the lumber to
of the Jacksonville school, Prof. N. L- I m - used in the Carter & Duffield brick.
Narregan, principal of the Medford —Gold Hill News.
school ami Prof. A. J. Hanby, principal
Mr. and Mrs. O. I). Owen, of Med­
of the Central Point school.
The following persona are being ex­ ford, were in Jacksonville Wednesday
amined for county pajiers: Misses Kate afternoon the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Broad, Gertrude F. McDaniel, Helen Conklin. Mr. Owen recently »old out
MacTavisli. Etheivn his interest in the grocery business of
Wait, Christens
Agues Moore. Brown & Owen to Carl Crystal and lie
Mamie Rippey, Harriet F. Ganiere, has vet made no new venture. There is
Martina i Thiele, May Curry, Fannie a possibility that he itiay come to Jack
I lewes, Viola PhsictcT, Lillie Hewes, sonville and take up another line of
Jessie Wilson and Meadatuea Mary business.
Peter, Sarah A. Dunlap, Nettie Thomp­
Miss Effie Weiss will close her summer
son. and Mr. E. E. Smith.
Those tak­ vacation this week and Saturday she will
ing the examination for state pa,M-rs leave her home on Griffin creek for
in- —Misses Eva E. Storey, Minnie Evans creek where she will begin next
Gowlar.d, Maynie McWilliams, Docia Monday a two months term of school in
Willi's Ha Myers, Olah E. Mickey, and 1 iistrict 27. This fall term is the complet­
Mr. G. R. Carlock.
ion of a six months term in that district
The attendance is somewhat less than Miss Weiss having taught a months
that of the summer examination for spring term, giving the best satisfaction
several years past. The jirobable reason to the patrons of ths school.
for tin* falling off in the number of ap­
Joseph McKee, who formerly resided
plicants is that teachers wages have not
Forest creek near Logtown, where he
advanced as have wages ill other vocat­
ions in recent years to correspond with was engaged in mining, passed through
tile increased cost of living.
Then an­ Jacksonville Monday on his way to Little
other cause for persons not caring to Applegate on a visit to his brother, Deb.
leach is the shortness of the school McKee. Mr. McKee came by team from
year in a great many of the districts in his home near Granite in Grant county,
Jackson county, many districts have but having two rigs, and he was accompanied
three or four months term, while the by his son, Georgs, and their families.
majority do not exceed seven months. They camped on the trip and had a pleas­
With other vocations bidding for help at ant time during their 500 miles journey.
higher wages it is little to la* wondered Mr. McKee is engaged in stock raising
at that there is >i scarcity of applicants for and in mining in Grant county. A new
minerai claim he recently located has a
teachers certifiicates.
six-foot ledge of ore that runs fK.OO to
the ton. George McKee has a stock
Down About Woodville.
farm as a side venture, but his principal
A surprise |>arty was given at the home business is lumbering, he having a saw
of Miss Addie Jones last Saturday, in mill and a fine boilv of timber.
honor of her cousin, Anne Birdseye.
Mrs. O.P. Randall who went to Eastern violent Attack of diarrhoea Cured by Cham­
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Oregon for the benefit her health some
Remedy and Perhaps a Life Saved.
weeks ago is not on the improve, we are
sorry to say.
•‘A short time ago I was taken with a
There has been more smoke in the at­ violent attack of diarrhoea and believe I
mosphere in this vicinity for the last would have died if 1 had not gotten re­
several'laysthan lias been known for lief," says John J. l’atton, a leading
citizen of Patton, Ala. "A friend recom­
several years.
M. Morris discovered several weeks ago mended Chamberlain's Cholera and
in the mountains a few miles from here Diarrhoea Remedy. I bought a twenty-
on what is known ns Rocky Gulch, a met­ five cent bottle and after taking three
I con­
eor of quite large size. The mass has doses of it was entirely cured.
fallen sometime in the last few years and sider it the lie st remedy in the world
was at the time it fell intensely for bowel complaints. For sale by City
hot for the small trees upon which it fell Drug Store.
all kinds
From the finest Ladies wear to the heaviest
Loggers’ shoes at a price that will meet all
First-class Groceries our Specialty.
W. L. ORR &, CO.
0. K.
Barber Shop
Puhi, Prop
Lp-to-Date Shop
Three Fine Chairs
(jood Workmen.
r wo
fine Bathrooms with the
best tubs cleanest towels, etc.
You will always find the best
of rich, flaky icecream in my
store, LEMONADE that is
Cigars, Tobaccos,
Fine Confectionery,
Fresh Fruits
M c D aniels
h .
Young People, Old People
and All the People
Will, find at the
W. Coulter
Store the best of
à CO
Ice Cream
First-class work guaranteed and
at prices that are right.
Summer Drinks
fresh Fruits
Canned Fruits
and Oysters
COR. ORECON AND CALIFORNIA Stationery, Cigars and To­
bacco. Fine Billiard Parlor
Furniture, Stoves, Hardware, Bed­
ding. Notions and a hundred and
one onds and ends. Anything for
the house or farm at the lowest
pri ces.
- -
and general repair
work done promptly
and at a reasonable
7th St. Shop
Special line of new Cookstoves
All Good Cookers and at Bed­
rock prices.
Home-cooked meals, 25 cents at Mrs.
i Flory's in the brick boarding house
second block north of the Court House.