Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, August 07, 1903, Image 7

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    B kj Sticky Noles.
C. E. Gaddis, of tin- Medford creamery,
win calling on the farmers Inst week.
Job i Dairy, of Eagle Point,
llvcriii j birm noii Sticky lust
was de-
Miss Lizzie Wolgamott, of Medford,
is s|H-mling a few weeks nt Supt. Morns’
Miss Huttie Cingcade ami Curl Kinger
were guests nt Supt. Morris’ ranch hist
Miss Em...a Oglesby, who has la-en at
Igcrna, California, since July 5th., return­
ed home Juisda«-.
II. D. Austin, of /Anderson creek, was
in Jacksonville Tuesday to consult with
Attorney A. E. Realties in regard to a
water right over which he is in a law
suit with J. K. Anderson.
James Gregory
Medford w as
Most of the f.irim-rs out our way have ; in Jacksonville Monday with a load
finished heading ami arc now waiting of supples which he was hauling to Steam
lor the thrv hers.
boat for the Missouri Mining Coni]«atiy
Miss Fear) Wcadon, of Ashland, is for their camp on Carbury creek.
spending a few wi-i ks with her grand­
Chas. Brown. who has la-ell farming
mother, Nirs. W. J. Gregory.
near Beagle. has sold out and moved to
Miss Wilev, of Medford, visited several \ Jacksonville and with his family he is
homes in our neighborhood lust wick, now <K-cupying a house on Fourth near
She is canvassing for a work oil Elixu- Fir street Irelonging to Mrs. Herslx-rger.
t ion.
Arthur Ellison and Peter Anderton,
who are each holding down a good job at
Supt. Morris of the Big
a big salary on th- construction work at
Ixrtight a quantity of hay of J
the Ra; »lam,were in Jacksonville last
ton of Table R<x*k ami has
trumó hauling it over to his residence on Sunday- on a visit to their friends and per­
sonal friends at that.
Service was la-gun last Saturday on
Charles Turpin ami family ami his
brother Nye have gone to Fort Klamath the rural free delivery route in the
to spend the summer. Nye came back section of country to the southwest of
in a few days and took out a load of Medford with Will Warner of Medford
as carrier, fins route will serve nearly
supplies for Asa Fordver.
a hundred famis ami it will I h - a great
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gall ami Mr. and convenience to them.
Mrs. Short, all of Sams Valley, spent a
Prospectors, campers, timlx-rlaml cruis­
night with Mrs. Gall's mother, Mrs. E.
J. Rid/crts, while ou their way to Lungcll ers will find our stock of staple and
Valiev where they go tosjiend the sum­ fancy gnx-eries qu te complete, and
price s alw.it stile lowest at Nunan-Taylor
Co.’s, Jacksonville.
Mr ami Mrs. Chas. Hvimroth were the
Superintt ndeiit P. H. Daily has re­
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al Turpin last
Heimroth, who was ceived a letter from State Su|x-rintemlent
seriously ill a few weeks ago, is still ill J. H. Ackerman acknowledging the re­
]«H>r health and is contemplating a trip ceipt of the annual sc 1 i > m >1 report from
Jackson County ami stating that it was
to Southern California to recuperate.
well gotten up and very full as to the de­
Down About Woodville
tails required by law that county Supts.
Anna Birdseye of Ashland is visiting re­ shall furnish the state as to the schools in
latives and friends in Woodville and vi­ the county.
Dr. ami Mrs. Gale will lx- at home in
their own home by Monday of next
The Savage thresher left for the valley
wc< k for by that time they will have the
this week to begin the season’s run which
cottage, lately erected by Mrs. Miller,
will not I m - as large as usual.
cquip|x.-d for
C. A. Cl.irk ami son Ed. have gone to housek« eping. Their cottage is quite
Cottage drove in search of a location. well arranged as to rooms and lx-ing
Mr. Clark for the jmst two years has had well located will make a desirable resi­
the old Birdseye place rented.
Vance Colvig who has I m - cii visiting his
grandmother for several weeks returned
home to Jacksonville last Friday.
Geo. Merritt of Central Point was one
of those who visited the noted summer
resort at Bybee Springs a few days ago.
I). C. Cameron ami family of Gold Hill
have moved to Foots Creek. Mr. Camer­
on has tak< n a contract of cutting wood
for the Christian Dredge Compuiy.
A social dance will I m - given at the
Brick hall in Gold Hill next Saturday
evening. The proceeds are to I h - used for
the purpisc of purchasing instruments
for the girls band at that place.
The large quantity of lumber w hich is
Ix-ing haulerl from the several mills on
Evans Creek to Woodville and which is
living loaded on cars at that place is
mostly shipped to the Sugar Pine Door &
L iiiii I m r Co.at Grants Pass. A small quan­
tity is shipped to lm-rc distant points
Watkins Items.
Geo. Faucett is visiting friends here.
Mrs. Wilson sjx-nt Sunday with Mrs.
Fred Law ami Elmer Crippen are
pros|xcting here.
S. S. Jolly made a business trip to
Jacksonville last week.
James Culv was a pleasant callerat Mr.
Watkins last evening.
Sam Jolly caught several large fish last
evening, the largest being alxiut twenty
three inches long.
Bruce Buck and J. P. Sullivan went to
Cinnabar. Mr. Sullivan has been sick
for the past week.
Terry & Langley will move their
quartz mill farther down the river.
They cannot get enough water to run the
mill now.
We can fill orders promptly for
fruit boxes in any quantity from
one hundred boxes to a carload.
Made from best quality seasoned
Retail and wholesale, rough or
dressed. Shipments made tc any
part of the United States.
Saw Mill, Planing
Mill and Box Factory,
Raymond Robinson, who gave up his
position as yard foreman som>- time ago
with the Iowa Lumlx-r Coni|>any and
went to Coles to work fora lumber com­
pany at that place, Ix-ing offered his,
former position by the Iowa Lumber i
Company came back to Jacksonville
Sunday and lie is again in charge of
the yard.
Ravmond is a steady, in­
dustrious young man and Ix-ing thorough­
ly competent in his work he is never at
a loss for a job.
Tuesday afternoon two young English­
men (Kissed through Jacksonville bound
north each riding a horse and having
their camp outfit on a pack mule.
I xjvs , for they were only about 20 years
old. from their language ami dress were
evidently of families of some standing
back in Old England and they were out
on a lark to see the world.
They said !
they had come on their horses from San
Francisce and were lx>und for the Sound.
They seemed to I k - enjoying the novelty
of their trip, but not like the average
young English bloixl out to take in as
much of the world as possible, the Ixivs
seem to give some heed to their expense
account for one of them remarked that
they were disappointed in finding no
grass tor their horses, “this bkxitning
drv country is breaking us up you know
in buying horse feed.” In
I pioneer days
travelers through this section of Oregon
found plenty of grass for their stock but
all the lx-st grass land is now fenced and
the little outside range is pastured close
by loose stock, so travelers have to de­
pend on feed from the farmers for their
I found nothing better for liver de­
rangement and constipation than Cham­
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets —
L. F. Andrews, Des Moines, Iowa. For
sale by City Drug Store.
Wc have the largest and best list in Southern Oregon 01
Fruit, Alfalfa, Dairy and Stock Lands, Timber Lands,
Mining Bargains and Town Property.
Dealers in
Sewing Machines, Lime, Cement
We buy wool and mohair.
Sick Headache.
Camp stoves and utensils for camping
“For several years my wife was troubl-
nt Boyden’s.
ed with what physicians called sick head-
ache of a very severe character.
doctored with several eminent physicians
Huron Wi-.NiiT, Driver Leaves Jacksonville and at a great expense, only to grow
daily except Sunday at 7 a. in., arriving at Ap­ worse until she was unable to do any
plegate at II a. in Leave Applegate at lt.1i ar
riving at I.icksonville at 3 p tn. Clone connection kind of work. About a year ago she be­
made with stage to SI cam I «»it and stage to Kubll gan taking Chamberlain’s Stomach and
and Davidson.
Liver Tablets and today weighs more
than she ever did before and is real well,’’
J oilN R Wll.HON, Driver Leaves Jacksonville
nt 7 a in Mondays, Wednesdays and Eridays for says Mr. Geo. E. Wright ot New London,
For sale by City Drug
Ruch. Uniontown, I'urcel, Watkins anil Joes Rar, New York.
returning on the following days.
W hite & T rowbridce
Special attention given to orders from a distance for
Mining Camps and Mills. Meats shipped promptly and in
first-class condition.