Semi the Sentinel to y«»ur distant rela lives and friends and let them know that the old town has uwakemd from its Kindling W ikm I—j I. till a load at card ' dreams and is now once more upon the or delivered. Iowa Luuilier Com pain . map as one of the growing, hustling towns of Southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Han- of Central Point Fred Puhi, who is working for G. E. were in this city Tuesday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Swagvriv. N’eitls-r ane lle irge Wait a’ their copm-r i claims on Suu iw creek, came in Tnc»‘l tv Mrs. G»o. F. Reynolds his lieen quite morning to bring in a horse Ixtlongitig to »ick but she is now convalescent and Mr. \< nls-t that had he< n shot and luidlv i will soon In- enjoying her usual health. wounded fn some careless hunter». The There will be the usual services at the entered the ile»h on the rear part of Presbyterian chur h next Sunday even j the liiu hip and md evidently ranged i up mid ror comfortable smn- mg conducted by Rev. Si H. Jones, to lodged in the flesh making a Uid wound, Canned Goods of every kind but m>t laming the horse. It was evidently which all are cordially invited. iner wear the Negligee > a s|n-nt ball. The horse was in a (xisttire fresh and first-class stock Through a slip of figures it is stated in i at the time at which it w is shot,and had Shirt beats ’em all. another column of thi» issue that the bond lieen down several days Iwforr it was issue for the Jacksonville district is jilt». found Monday, as condition of wound Groceries and Provisions UUU, when the fact is the amount i» jS, Vindicated. The horse, which is one of ' oUO. Mr. Neulier's (test animal», will mmhi re- best quality anj lowest price F. L. Findlay, whose home is in Ash­ | cover from the wound. land but whose territory of work ex­ Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Gale and County tends from Yreka to Eugene, was in Clerk J. S. Orth and wife returned Sun Men’s Outinq Suits. Shoes Jacksonville Thursday and Friday tune- dav from their outing at Whiskey Peak. tng pianos at which he is an adept. and d complete line of I They all report a delightful trip, the cool bracing air of the Coast mountain* ami Teachers examination for Jackson D ry Goods county will l>e held at the Court House I tin- outdoor life giving them a vigor to next week by Su|x rinteudent Daily lol i enjoy the rugged exercise of the days Wednesday *»>e refn shing »hep of the nights comm nee at !• o'clock \.... Fish innumerable were in their game list morning ami continue three days which also included two hue deer. Dr. Mrs. John F. Miller and Miss Maude Gale shouting one and Mr. Orth the oth- Prim lett Sunday for Bybee Springs, er. A fiear would have I k - vh among where they will join their mother. Mrs. their tronbies, bnt his twarship was en­ Judge Prim, who with her father, Win sconced behind a chaparral thicket and General 'Merchandise Store I Bybee, is camping at that place. not coming out to greet his visitors, nci- j ther the doctor nor the countv clerk, !«• Jesse Huggins had a dose call tlli mg socii t v men and punctilious as to eti­ ' week from blood poison in his hand, quette rule» ami not having larrii | which t>ecame greatly inflamed front an perlv introduced, they would not go in ' injury and when he came to Dr. Gale it t<> call on Mr. Bear. Sc there was m> ‘ ! was so serious that the doctor had to meeting much to the regret of th«- bold I lance it. hunters Dr. Gale reports that Mrs. A. B. Chas. Pursel was in Jacksonville Sun Best Bargains ever offered in 'Pierce, residing on the Applegate road • lay to buy a new housekeeping outfit, W. F. ISAACS I just beyond the Bamlen House, is i quite ; his resilience and its cmiii nis having Jacksonville in Millinery Goods MEDIORI) ill of typhoid fever, but that a turn i for burned down the day previous. Tin fire I’honc Main SS.I. I Fine line of Velvets, Buckles I the better has taken place with good pros- occurred Saturday morning as the family Feathers, Ribbons, Laces Mulls I peel» of her recovery. were preparing breakfast «ml caught from Palin-Bod^c Block J Chiffons. Etc. The birthday of Mr. and Mrs. John a defective Hue, aud tn a moment ill« en Hufler, Jr., is on the same day and that | tire up|<-r part of the house was a sh< ct Hats, trimmed and untrimmed, ■ •( tiame Mr. and Mr». Pursel were not event taking place Wednesday _______ thlt ' evening a niinikr of the friends "of the at home at the time, they hiving spent at BEDROCK PRICES. Canned F ruit Never yonng couple gathered at their home the night at their sawmili. the first time Spoil* in the tbit froth of them had lieeli away at lllghl and had a most delightful time, games, music anil conversation in iking up the and only their three children wen at MISS HOOVER’S evening diversion», which closed with an home, gluts., the eldest, is lit wars of j appetizing lunch. age, and Esther and tieorge. They No Jar on the mar­ MILLINER PARLORS Wedding stationery, the latest out, at worked bravely and removed some of the ket cun equal it. things fn m the front room, among them the Sentinel office. Jaiksomille Oregon being an organ and a clock. The loss to Easily sealed, never Rev. S. II. Jonts arrived home from Mr. Pursel | was VI»»-» III.Ill* nearly jllNM) »111 and f ills bn aks, almolutely his trip north on Monday i we— ‘‘nstoffice were made that th e v Prof. E. E. Washburn, who has been also burned. broke easily or let ’ attending the summer school of the L’ni- the fruit sjxiil. After living in the furniture business versity of California, in a letter to the The Best Home-cooked in Jacksonville for 49 year*, David Linn editor of the S- ntinel, states tint he and Mrs. Washburn will leave Berkeley 11 is retired from business and will devote 1 Meal in Jacksonville. Eat Thursday evening and expect to arrive his time to his fruit farm. Mr. Linn be- I a meal and judge for in Ashland Friday evening, where they gan the furniture business in Jacksonville will spend some time with relatives, un­ in IX»4 by putting upasmall factory near yourself :: :: til they can have tpossession of their resi­ the present de|s>t of the Ja ks *nvi!le r/.¥ FRUIT CANS dence in Jacksonville, now occupied by railroad. Business prosjs red w ith linn amt I Lindmade and soldered without Mr. Newbury's family and such is the he soon enlarged it etnploving a number acid so fruit cannot la- |x>isoned. scarcity or houses that Mr. Newbury can­ of v<-ars 4<> tr> .'Hi h inds in his factory ami not readily secure another on-. Prof. in a sawmill that he had up Walker creek. Washburn will come to Jacksonville In later wars the factory burned down Tuesday to assist Supt. Daily in the and the railroad having been built East­ ern furniture was brought in ata lower teachers’ examination. t price than he could make it for. so he Calling cards, the 1 itest in style and did not rebuild. Since then lie ha car- printed so neatly as to resemble copper­ ried on only a retail business. Mr. Linn ’s Hardwurn plate work at the Sentinel office. successor, C. W. Conklin, junior rm m William Schoeflin died at his home on ; : der of the firm of Boyd Kt Conklin, who Mndtord, UNDERTAKER OrEgon South Oregon street Wednesday night ' were in the furniture business in Med- EMBALMER and Thursday his remains were given i ' ford, took posM ssion Monday and will at burial in the City cemetery, there being, once inaugurate a clearance sale so as to by his request, no pubic funeral services. make room for the new stock of goods MRS. C. W. CONKLIN, A s »,» t * st Mr. Schoeflin was severely injured by a that hr- will shortly put in. Mr. Conk­ bull three years ago and since that date lin is a hustling furniture man who has AND he has been an invalid and he being | Ire. n in the business since his b >vhoo