Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, August 07, 1903, Image 4

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The enterprising firm of Carter & Duf­
field have lx>uglit from J. W. Pratt of Med­
ford. the two buildings .it present occu­
pied by \. E. Kellogg's furniture store
L Harvev’s hardware More. These
building* will lx- torn down and a brick
Roy Ulrich and Harry Thrasher left building 50x70 erected. The contract
Wednesday for the Pursel honieon Upper has I hcii let to Win. Childcrsthc Medford
Applegate where they will spend several brick layer, who will commence work at
Manufacturer of
day*fishing anil enjoy ing an outing in once and
the hills.
rection and indicate* that Gold llill is
One of the injured in the Morrison coming to the trout in u substantial way.
Street bridge disaster in Portland last —Gold Hill News.
Each made of the best selected grain and guaranteed
Friday was Frank Guerin, son of James
Mr. and Mrs Reuben Robinson went
Guerin, former resident of Jacksonville. to Medford early Monday morning and
the purest on the market
Mr. Guerin was badly hurt in one leg but took the 4:10 passenger train north.
not *o se'ions! v a* to endange r the loss They went to Junction Citv near where
of the limb or a permanent injury.
Mr. Robinson's jurvuts reside, they h iv­
Mrs. W. H. McGowan, who has lx-eii ing a tine farm five miles west of that
conducting a crockery and glassware place. Mr. Robinson on the re]>eated re­
Dealer in
store m Medford, carrying a stock that quest ot his parent* Ins given up work­
was a credit to the town, h is closed out ing in a saw mill and goes home to help
her business and sold h< r stock to Jack hi* father care for Ins big farm.
Morri* of Ashland, who ha* removed the Robin*.til* a Jacksonville raised girl,
being the daughtcrof Mr. and Mrs. S. R.
goods to that place.
Taylor and Mr. Robinson has resided
Miller at the Postoffice hardware store­ here for some time, each having a
carries all kinds of miners tools and large number of friends w ho wish them
supplies and hi* supplies and prices are- well in tlu-ir new- home.
Jay Wade has named his cigar factory
Hon. T. Cameron returned Sunday tin- Spanish Cigar Factory and it is
from Walde. where he had lx* n for a nutuIx-r 00 on the list for Oregon of the
few davs looking after his mining in­ United States revenue de(xirtment. Mr.
terests. lie being one of the owners in the Wade is turning out cigars at a lively
Simmon* Cameron placer mine of that rate now ami he has a boy to assist him
district. Mr. Cameron states that their in preparing the tobacco Several of the
clean-up. whi h they recently made, was local business houses arc now handling
a very j rofltable one. They are having Mr. Wade's cigar* and they are meeting
their hydraulic elevator moved to an­ with very giMwl success in introducing
other new 1 cation and are doing other them, considering the smokers are
Real listate Dealer
necessary work to get the mine in gixxl usually slow in taking up a new cigar.
working < rder ready to start up this tali Mr. Wade's assistant. Johnnie Sh ump,
as soon as the fall rains set in.
is making gixxl progress in learning the
first work of the trade ami the boy m.iv
Try City Drug Store for Soap.
yet make a first class cigar maker.
The dining room service at the U. s.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Tungate of Big
Hotel hasbeen discontinued and n«»w on- Butte were in Jacksonville Monday and
ly lodging is given at that hotel, Land- Tuesday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norris.
lord S. P. DeRobaum gives as his reason While here Mr Tungate Ixaight Mrs. Al­
for closing the diningroom the too len Mathews' house on Medford Avenue,
great competition of restaurants which the price being $07 ».00. Mrs. Mathews will
■ • • i r
re OI
No M
made the meals an unprofitable part of move this fall to Grants Pas* to reside So. I
Rogue River lottom land, nil fenced,
OOx 120 feet each.
the hotel service and so great ha* been with her children, who live in that citv.
good house, burn and other building*. No. JU is acre* well improved, house,
the patronage of the hotel this summer Mr. Tungate will move to Jacksonville
1 he balance, alxxit 250 acres, g.»xl for
barn and other out building*; one-half
that Mrs. DeRolstum and the women of about tile middle of September, at which
timber and pasture. This place is sit­
in voung orchard; near Phoenix.
the hotel have all the work they can do time he will give possession of his farm
uated on Rogue River, near town.
caring for the rooms.
at Big Butte t»> B. C. Harris, to whom he
The land is of fine quality. Price tier So. II An HO airc faun seven miles
sold it some time ago. Mr. Tungate
TIMBER LAND AC 1 JUNE 3 1*7* NOTICE decided some time ago to retire from act­
from railroad, level land, good soil. 15
No. 2
acre* cleared anti fenced, 2*1 acres in
ive firm work and after looking over ad­
1200 acres g«xxl alfalfa land; a stream
pasture, remainder easily cleared.
United State* Land office.
vantagesuf the various towns of the \ alb v
running through it of 150 miners'
Roseburg, Oregon, June 17, 1903
I »welling house well finished. Coat ov­
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
inches of water with which the whole
$500. Bearing orchard; line well
the . rovi»ions of the act of Cong-e-' of June
1200 acres can lx- irrigated. The other
and springs; is sub-irrigated, and can
1*7* entitled An Act for the sale of Timber lightful summer weatht r ami general at­
320 acre* i* higher ground, which is
Lands in the States ot California Oregon Neva­ tractiveness suited himself ami Mrs. Tun­
lx- made one of the best small farm» of
da and Washington Territory
as extended to
well situated for reservoirs and feed
county. Is owned l»y a non-
all the public laud sales by act of August I. 1*9.'. gate and that they could make it their
This tract i* situated in
resi<lent who will give ;i bargain in or-
Andrew V. Rock of JackLm County State of Or­ permanent home. There is nearly an acre
Klamath county, alxiut 20 miles from
egon. and a resident of the town of Applegate, of
•ler to sell quick.
said State ha*thi* day filed in thi- office his in the property they purchased and they
Klamath Falls, a county road running No. 33 15 • j acres, all in cultivation;
sworn statement No >.351 for the purchase of the call have a fine garden ami plenty of fruit
bv it ami a railroad now within alxiut
hou*e, bam, etc., hear Phoenix; will
SW',4 of the NWt; of Section No • in Township and keep some hens and a cow so they
50 miles and building rapidly toward*
No. 9 South. Range No. I West and will offer
b< sold all together <>r divided.
proof to show that the land sought is more valu­ will have many of the advantages they
it and is certain to pits* near by it, or No. 34.
11500 acre« all improved.
able for its timber or atone than for agricultural had on their farm.
cross it in the near future. A gixxl
Fine Ixittom land. Rogue River run­
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land
The rain in Northern Oregon nearly
farm house- and barn and corral* on
before the Couuty Clerk of Jackson County. Ore­
ning through it;
acres under irriga­
gon at Jack-onnlle Oregon, on Saturday, the ruined the cherry crop by causing the
the place. One of the best bargains in
watered. Gixxl
29th day of August 19»»3.
cherries to crush open and spoil on the
all Southern Oregon. Price |x-r acre
building« anti other improvements; *rx
He name* a* witnesses:
James W Mee of Applegate, Oregon: George
miles from railroad; near postoflice ami
A Culey, of Applegate Oregon. W alter Miller, to send the price of cherries up so that So. 1 - House and
n Phoenix.
school, Fine alfalfa, fruit or garden
of Applegate. Oregon: Fritz Ruch of Applegate. F. Webb, a firmer of Eastern Multnomah
land. I Is the cheajwst land in Ja< k*oi<
county. Price |x-r acre............. . $ JO
Any and alt persons claiming adversely the county was able last week to sell a So. 4 — 201 a> res of gixxl land, all
above aescrilxrd land* are r--que*ted to fit- their wagon load of cherries, consisting of 40
fenced and in cultivation. A g«xxl No. 36
1743 acres of pasture land on
claims in this office on or before said 29th day of boxes of 50 pounds each to a Portland
farm house anil barn. A No. I farm.
Rogue River, . Will I m - sold at a bar-
August MOB.
4-2», M-2S.
This ton of cherries were from trees that No. N—55 acres, house and 2 barn*. 12
tif) acn
N00 m m of it fun­
TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE .3, 1*7* »NOTICE grew on a little more than a half an acre
acres bottom land, the balance, 13 ac­
plow land; al) well watered by fine
of land. The area of ground planted to
res, all g<xxl land, *^-mite from de|x»t;
creek and springs. Large part undi r
United States Land Office. Roseburg Oregon wheat or potatoes would have brought
12 acres under ditch at the head of the
cultivation and all under fence. Will
May _’*th 1903.
the farmer about $2») with more than
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with double the labor to produce the crop than
lx- sold in tracts to suit purchasers.
No. 9 loo acres, within four miles of
the provisions of the act of Uongre*- of June 3rd.
Convenient to market anil in gixxl
1R7K. entitled “An Act for the Sale of Timber it took to raise the cherries. Cherry grow­
Medford; is a fine farm, well improved
Land- in the states of California Oregon. ing in the Rogue river valley, where
good building*, small orchard; the best
Nevada and Washington Territory.’ as extend­ rams or other causes never ruin the crops,
bargain for a farm in Jackson county. No. 49. 2'z icn *, thrci fourth* of n
ed to all the public land sales by act of August 4,
mile from Medford. Goixl ganlcn
1.392. Charles J. Nunan of Jackson county state could be made a profitable crop.
Price per acre...................................... $10.
ef Oregon, and a resident of the Town of Jack­ all parts of the valley grow good cherries No. 10 — 23 acres all fenced anil m
land. (>ood ixix house................ $150
sonville. of said State has this day filed in this it has been proven that the coves and
40 .'10 acre*, on a < reek aflording
office hi* sworn statement No 2.V>2. for the pur­
chase of the South-half of the South-West quarter ravines of the foot hills produce the
50 fruit trees just coming into bearing.
plenty of giHxl water; good soil and
and West (^)lialf of South-East quarter of Sec­ largest and finest flavored cherries to be
mil« s from town. Price..... $1,000.
fine fruit land. Three acres in alfalfa,
tion No. 4 in Township No. 39 South: Range No. had in Southern Oregon.
The cherry- No.ll—145 acres on Butte creek, 25 acres
good buildings; near good school and
1 west, and will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for it* timber oi stone trees grown in the valleys back of Jack­
in cultivation. 25 acres more to put in;
other advantages. $1500, one-half cash
than for agricultural purposes and to establish sonville were loaded this season with
all fenced, fair buildings, Jackson
balance on time. Is a big bargain.
his claim to said land before Silas J. Day, U. S cherries that were a marvel for beantv
county, Oregon. A bargain.
Commissioner of Jackson County. Oregon, at
No. II. 4000 acres of choi« <- land select­
Jacksonville Oregon, on Saturday, the Sth day and flavor and the yield was so ureat that No. 12 204 acres, all under fence, good
ed in an early •lay. Will I m .- sold in
of August. 1903.
the trees bent under their load.
5-room house, good spring, water con­
tracts to suit. Will make a dozen or
He names as witnesses George Hoffman of time is not distant when there will lx- a
veyed to house by pijie, 2 gixxl barns,
Applegate, Jackson Co. Oregon T. R Rock of
20 fine farm*, I hi* is an op|M>rtunity
Applegate. Jackson Co. Oregon: Marvin M. Tay­ car load of cherries shipped each season
215 acres of choice land in cultivation,
to secure a home i ill the best part of
lor of Jacksonville. Jackson Co. Oregon; George from Jacksonville from orchards back in
gixxl for all kinds of grain, 30 or 40
the Rogue River valley.
tv. Winetrout of Applegate. Jackson Co Oregon. the hills adjoining this town.
acres would produce g(x>d alfalfa. This
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
is one of the best farms in the valley, No. 43. |0 acre* of unimproved land.
fnd of Bitter fight.
Ha* some good fir, pin« and oak. Most
Claims in this office on or before said *tli day of
2J4 miles from Phoenix. Price per
August 19»«.
J- T. Bridges.
of land can lx- easily cleared; g«xxl
6-5. 5-7
soil, plenty of water; half a mile from
fight w ith an abscess on my right lung” No. 14 — 400 acres, 0 miles from Medford,
school and church. Six miles from
writes J.F. Hughes of Du Pont.Ga. “ami
a gixxl house, 2 barns 100 acres in
Bybee bridge. Price per acre......... #10.
gave me up. Everybody thought my
cultivation Phoenix.
No. 45.— Over HO acres of good alfalfa
The undersigned is the duly appointed and
land; fit) acres Bear creek bottom land
acres of as good land as any man could
qualified executor of the estate of Joseph Hiatt, I)r. King's New Discovery for Consump­
late of Jackson County, deceased. Persons hav­ tion. The benefit I received was strik­
with a large irrigation ditch. Two
wish for. 2 No
’ improvements.
. ,________
ing claims against said estate are hereby notified ing and I was fin m v feet in a few days,
first class hous«-s, two good barns and
acres of it could be made ready for the
to present them, with the proper vouchers at­
a fine spring house. Adjoining land sell
plow with 1.5 days labor.
Price. ..$500
tached. to me or to my attorney. Wm. Colvig at Now I've entirely regained my health.”
ing for $200 an acre. Price per acre $130
Jacksonville Oregon, within six months from It conquers all Coughs, Colds ami Throat No. 22— House and barn in
the date hereof
and Lung trouble*. Guaranteed by City
47.—City property, 2 acres, tin«- new
Dated this 1st day of August, 190C1.
Drug Store. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial No 25— House and 3 lot* in Phoenix, lots
house, good well and barn. Good land.
C olvig tk D i rham ,
l>jttle free
00x120 each; gixxl house well finished.
4 bio« ks from ventral school....... $750.
H iv Want« 1—A car hud of lulled hay-
wanted at -nice by the Iowa Lumlxir C o .
Jacksonville. Orc.
Ohris Ulrich
Ground Barley, Cracked
Wheat and Other Feed.
______________ J