Canned Frxiit Never .Spoils in the Poorman ( reek Items. Harvei Crump was a business visitor to Jacksonville vesti rdax Misses Mollie and Gliidy s Rax visited the county svatSattirdav. No Jar on thè mar­ \ •« k prici s. Ot Saturday enroute to Medford. thè hundreds of jars J. hn M.i’greitvr St . was in Jackson ile '«'Id last iear no vide last Thursday on business. compiami has l>een E King went t<> Medford Saturday evening to s,s n I S tnd.ix at home. made t h a t t h e y Mrs \\ Laurence who has been quite broke iasili or lct ill for the |Kist week is improving now thè fruit spoil. l'.orn—On Poorman creek. Julv 22. I**'.”> to Mr. ami Mrs |oe Buck a daughter. Mr. .".ml M’s Laurence of Jacksonville were at the mill this wnk billing lum ber Miss. Anna Margrviti r has returned from a fortnight's absence in Jackson­ 1 lamlmadv anti soldered without ville. acid m > fruit cannot lx- |H>isotied. Chester Arthurs of lluncom was a pleas o:t caller at Margri tier's Mondai evi mug. F mina K issahfer ami Lota Fiorii of Jacks nviiic wi re at the mill one dai last w eik Hardware iht ■! Hiring jwirtx given at Ruch Sit urd.ix night was wi ll attended and ell- Origon jox cd bx" all. Mediord, Mr. Wi'cbcr and son of G’ittin creek w is on I'oormatis i rt i k Sunday visiting Jacob Ruckbee. Mr. r d Mr*, (ho Walter of Humbug ‘crick vsited a few davs this wick with M -s Blcechcr. Mr. Stephans of Phoenix came down Wc with a load ot vegetables and returned w: th lumlrer. J. Cantrall, road sup« rvisor of Little Applegate Jack'. Ill ¿11« . Will and Iti Stevens from the mill spent Saturday and Sunday at Ashland visiting relatives living there Mi»s Olive Crum; , who has Lun 'til­ ing in jackMitivilli for some time, return­ THREE TRAINS to the EAST ed to her home on Poorman creek. 've (ilota* Self Scalino huit , Jar ; TIN FRUST CANS D. H. Miller O regon S hort L ine ano U nion P acific D.AIU from PORTLAND Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Smith of Forest Creek hive moved to the mill whe-e Mr Smith will work for a few months. Henri S'hnider, who ba* been in tin- mount mi' for two wick*, h is returned and is ag nil at work fi r H H Blcechcr. Mr. and Mrs. W. IL M itiltbv from Medford ami Mrs. Robt Hile of San l-’ramisco p«sscd through lu re Sunday cn route ’.<> St« r ing on a outing trip. T ime S cheth i . i s A rrive B. C. Bi 'twich of Ruch was on Poor­ Fn tn Portland. FROM mans creek and also in Jacksonville Stindav evening. lie says that lie will St.! I.tki Ik: ‘|vT. s x»n leave for Cinnabar where he w ill Ft. \\ ortll. < 'til ilia. Kansas Citi. St. 4:.‘ïO p tn '|x-nd a few months. 1.«>tt;s. Chicago ar.d Camp stoves and utensils for camping East. at Boyden’s. Henrv Ries who his Lien doing min­ > .it I. ike 1 '< n Vi r ing work in this vicinitx started for the Ft. Worth. < 'maha. Kansas Cite, St. a tn North by Thursday ’.* train on a business 1.« ui'. Chicago am! trip. East. M A. I>iltn< r win > his liei n associated with J. W. Opp for the |>.i't nine tn nth', \\ alia Walia, law- left Thursday afternoon for Cottage 1st. 11. Sjskiiie. i »rove on mining business. Wallace. Pullman. Minneapolis St 7 :.’>5 a m The Grants Pass <>>>'• rver report* wild Paul. Duluth. Mil- blackberries very plentiful on L »use Waukee. Chicago creek and some other sections of Jost- and East. phine county in fact more abundant than t»»r several yearspist. Through Pullman standard and Tourist site; ng < irs dailx t^> Omaha. Chi >g Spkii.e. tourist sleeping ears daiiy to Kansas City ; through Pullman tourist sleeping ear» jer» nally conducted' weekly to Chicago. Kansas City , reclin­ ing chair cars scats free to the Last daily. I >E1*ART FOR k Imago Portland S; ecial '» 2“ ] ni. via Hunt- ington Atlantic F. x pre ss s : > ; ni. via Hunt- ington St 1’ ni l Mail •» p. m. via S; < rie 70 Hours PORTLAND to CHICAGO No Change of Cars. Mrs T. H. Brown, of Table Rrnk, who was s-riouslv ill with blood poison­ ing from an injury t • her hitir!. is stead­ ily re .«wring from her illness and will She is Tickets Eact via all rail, or and rail '■s»n l»e tn her usual health. now in Jacks nville stopping with her via Portland. neb Mr*. I . C. Norris, for a week or ten lais. FROM PORTLAND. Three buggies and two wagons for sale. Wagons almost mw. buggies in firstc ass rcjsiir. At <»eo. N. Lewis, liv Ail sailing dates ' p. ni. suLject to change. 4 p. tn. eri 'tai !e, Jacksonville. For San Francis«, o- Miss Effie Weiss will close a four sail every five days month* sell» ol in dist. N< . 2*> on Evans Ocean and Riser Schedule Daily ex. C olimbia R iver . 4 p. m. Sunday except > p. m. To Astoria and Sundav Saturila y w ay landings 10 p. m. A. L. CRAIG. Gen. Pas. Agt . Portland, Oregon T. 11. Brown and T. C. Norris left for Big Butte Thursday , where they will spend several days on lami business. Accotnpantngthem w.i' ?dr*. B. H. Harris w ho wt nt to join her husband, w ho i* spending a short time at his farm in that locality. creek « n Friday of this week. Mi" Wc" ha- given such '.iti'f .-tion to the patrons ■ f her school that she has bn n engaged by the lioard to teach the fill ti nn of school in that district. Mi" Wei" will s; end vicati««n with her j ar- ents who reside on Griffin creek. Mr'. T. C. Norris, who was at Mrs. Ellen Nutc’s place, near Coker Butte, Tuesday, states that thy l lg Nllte or­ chard is loaded with fruit this season, even the {»each tri is. of which there are several hundred, l«eing full of fruit. The apple ami apricot trees are heavily loaded. Mrs. Nute is now shipping apricots to the Portland market and she is realizing good prices. *. QUALITIES THE BEST - - PRICES THE LOWEST RYAN’S Jacksonville Union Livery Stables k’ijjs <>n short notice tor timber cruisers, com­ mercial men, mining men, sawmill men. all kinds of men or parties. Horses led at rea­ sonable rates. Geo. N. Lewis, Prop., Jacksonville STEEL DAVENPORT LOUNGES The latest tliinij in the Bed and Lounge line. Come and inspect. I also take orders for Harness and Saddles Timber Call and see my Stock. Land Wanted T. C. NORRIS MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO MtltfOM) HUNCH II. I. IWI.IN, Mgr. Largest Stock of farm Machinery in South­ ern Oregon. Complete Line of Vehicles, embracing farm and freight Wagons, Spring Wagons, (ar- riages. Buggies, tic. Haying and Harvesting Machinery. Horse­ forks and Wire Rope. A FULL LINE OF CENERAL SUPPLIES - — Semi the Sentinel to vour distant rein- tives ami friends and let them know that the old town has awakened from its dreamsand is now on e more upon the map as one of the growing, hustling towns of Southern Oregon. I i,n,l 'Its. Edgar Hater, who have cn gm st* at tin Taylor Hous«, have dccidi ! t<> trx I ioik ke< piny and hav< t‘ken a suite of r ><>nis in the residence “I Mrs. Ellen Kubli, where they will M”" •** “t home to their friends.