Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, July 24, 1903, Image 5

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    Io Improve Ihe Appiedile Rotili.
<'•■unti Survi-vor Garl ì Ione*, Peter
Applegate ami I | K< Illiev illc Viewer»,
ami John Reliant ami <»u* Mitchell tlie
chinimeli returned Saturila! from the
1 1’1* ’ A|||||| pate whi ri lllev II.ni bei II to
li» ite a < bangi- in the county r>>ail along
that «tre.ini. a |<e>i'ion for which wa» pre
m ntril at rii«
la ,t timi •■• the county
court liv th e settler* of that locality.
Dii pil l ili count! road up Applegate
i ro-M » that stream four time* ami il I*
to oltiia'c the (II I I ssltv of )>l|l|i||llg four
bridges that tills change in the road has
Inin made
Ihc new route follows the
east bank of tin river all the wav tip to
tin • oiilitv line m .¡r Jia s I!ar. I lie gr ide
is fierfi i t. la mg a tltllfi rill grade for the
• nine di t on e to that of tlic river. Coun-
tv Sii'vcvor Jones r< ports that the o|s n
mg of tin- road will not be so evp usivi-
as was generally supposi d.
I'or the
greater part of the distaine the route is
along the drv level land on tile river
bank where the cost of o]a-nilig will la
verv light, tn fact sonic putts of tin
route is along the present travel« I road,
lino arc blit two trluccs where riK'k
W' rk Will bi- 11'1 ess.irv < Hl till si si-i lions
there will Li- alarli! looil vard* di-dative
ot -.o):d roi k to blast ‘>it ami alaitlt loot!
vards off whe h loost rock has to la- r-
movtd. Jhe rmk w<>rk will bean casv
matter as the bluffs face the river and
/ have on hand a full line
of household and kitehen
furnit are.
I do funeral direct ing anti
uudt i taking as a special
feat arc
D. Li N N
Jacksonville. •
l-’iue Shoe Work and Repairing
a Specialty.
Work for Jacksonville patrons
received bv morning train and
finished to be returned on the
evi ning train.
Shop on I street, opp. S. I’. Depot.
tile blasts will semi the rock ch ar of the
roadway. Mr. Jones is now making up
Ilin estimates for siibmi»«ion with hit» re
|»orI to the lountv court at the /August
term and it is understood that the county
will h i tin work of oja-iiing the road out
bv contract, which will lx done early
this fall.
The early o|M*ning of this road in a
very neci ssary thing for so s<x>n as the
r uns set in fording the Applegate is very
dangerous ami should a team be lost or
some jxrson lx drowned while fording
tin- rivi r theiounty would be liable to
a damage suit.
And then there are
times wli'-n the road IS impassable for
• lavs at a time when there is a flood in
the river
To put in the four bridges
would cost the county fullv
<M»l w hile
but a few hundred dollars will ojien the
road along the new route.
This road
isa gnat public necessity a» it is the
onlv wav by which the copper district
call lx- ri ached bv team
As the Apple­
gate • opp r d:s‘ ru t promises to be one of
the leading tax paving a ctions of Jack-
soli county, it wall be a profitable invest-
mi-nt for the county to assist in oja-ning
up that district.
J. M Boyd of the l ite firm of Bovd K
Conklin, furniture dealers of Medford,
left Thurxlay with ’dr
Boyd for l’.i-i
dc'ia, Califonia. where tln-v wiil here -
after reside. Mr. Bov d will engage in
tin- fruit business, hiving bought one of
the finest orchard tracts in the Vicinity
of 1'as.idi na.
Mr* T.C. Norris rev-ived word Satur-
<1 iv cvemi g that her aunt. Mr
E. II.
Brow II of Table Ro<k. W as quite sick
from bhsxl poisoning caused by a pin
running into her finger.
Sumlav Mr.
and Mrs Norris drove down to Mrs.
Browns wlnu tln-v found Mrs. Brown
miu h better, the phvsician. Dr. Chris-
holm, having « becked the disease and
the patient has at list reports .about re­
covered from tin effect' of tin- disease.
Mrs. Nunatl and her daughters, Miss
Nun in and Mr -. Russell and her son,
Donald, left Tuesdav for Klamath Hot
Springs w in-re tin v w ill sjs-ml a month
camping on Shove) creek.
As Mr
Nunatl is aw.iv too Chas. Nunan is left in
soli- charge of th< home, and it is con­
fidentially ref»irted that Charlie is now­
putting III hlsspire time at till store jot­
ting down memoranda for a lxxik that he
will shortiv publish on “What I Know
About Hous« keeping.
Ch is Basve left Tuesday bv Wendt's
st ige f .r Missouri Flat where he will lx-
joint d bv his mother, Mrs. W. II. Basye
md his daughter, Cora, w ho went there
list Wednesday, and thev will go to
Waldo for a visit at the home of Mrs.
1 i.ivid Slagle, a sister of Mr. Basye's.
Mr. I'asvc will return to Jacksonville
in almut a month by which time he ex-
peetsthat his broken leg will have gained
its usual strength so he can resume work
1 in his blacksmith shop.
Pourman I reek Items.
Mrs. R. Crump and her son, Harvey,
wen- ill Jacksonville Monday.
M. J. Donaldson-Selby was in Jack­
sonville Saturday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ankeny returned
to Sterling from Engi ne Monday.
Adolph and Walter Schultz from
Valley were on this creek Sunday.
^^hat is it
J’rojxrrtionate in price that has given you more
lasting satisfaction than
A Fine Portrait
The pleasure derived from most possessions is temporary
but a |x»rtrait is a human document and is often the only
means by which you are retneni Iteteli.
BEALL makes 'em at the
3 Mile« Northeast of JacKsonville
W hite & T rowbridce
Il e ha ve the largest and best list in Southern Oregon of
Fruit, Alfalfa, Dairy and Stock Lands, Timber Lands,
Mining Bargains and Town Property.
Dealers in
Sewing Machines, Lime, Cement
We buy wool and mohair.
The IOWA ....
117// fill an order promptly for one board or a
million feet of lumber. Rough and dressed lum­
ber, mouldings, door and window frames and
casings, dimension timbers—everything com­
plete furnished for a house, barn, bridge or any
other wooden structure.
Our dressed Lumber is equal in quality and finish to
any on the Pacific Coast
Shipments bv car to any point in the United
States promptly made. Highest market [trice
paid for lumber from any mill in Southern
Jacob Buck dee and John Margreitir.
Jr., tarried a few hours in Jacksonville
Born—<>n Poorman creek, July 19,
1903, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Deminer a
Jix-Gcmtt of Sterling spent a few
hours in Jacksonville and also on Poor­
man creek Sunday.
AAutkins Items.
Leggings and Miners’
Shoes of the best makes
General Merchandise Store
Watkins nine .will play l’rovolt next
Mis. Rvndols is visiting her sister
Mrs. E .C. Faucelt.
A. E. Collings made a business trip to
Jacksonville last Wednesday.
Geo. Culv of Steamboat was a guest
at Mr. Watkins last Saturday.
Dave Dorn was down last Sunday to
spend the day with his parents.
Mrs.’W. Louden has been verv ill for
the past week, but is improving now.
Geo. Wait and Mr. Smith called on
Mr. II icker and Mr Collings last Sumlav.
T. Bvrne has returned home from a
long visit with his daughter Mrs. E.
< »'Brien.
Frank Zell just arrived from Prineville
where lie has been spending the past two
years with fi lends and relatives.
I James Culp has purchased a beautiful
vSteam . . .
Cleaned Clothes
No matter liovv dirty we can clean
pairs and press your clothing in the latest style,
skirts and jackets made to look like
and deliver promptly.
J. R. LucKy '¿2 Geo. Bingenheimer,
We call
Jacksonville Agency at Learned’s Boss Confectionery
horse. It is supposed to be one of the
swiftest race horses on I pper Applegate.
Mr. Armlol lias moved his family upon
Elliott creek.
Where Mr. Arndol will
mine for a couple of months. He has
a very rich copper claim.
Knox Mel.ov was up from Little
Applegate looking after Mime ofhiscopp-
er mines on Middle Fork. He has struck
a rich trace on Little Applegate. He
said if it would hold out he will not hande
| the shovel many more days.