CRASH CRASH =---------- C RASH ~~ — Down they go! V I 20 Per Cent Discount On all Summer Shirt Waists ali crash skirts Bargains in All Other Summer Goods H. B. NYE & CO. Medford, = = = Oregon from the mill spent Sunday evening in Phoenix Locals. Ruch Correspondence. Section Foreman I). O’Toole left for Jacksonville. Martin Perm 11 ot lower Applegate was Portland Sunday. Harry Johnson of Grants Pass and at the county seat Tm -day. Mary and Anna Margreiter visited George Engle of Ashland spent a few Laura Dorn visited Sunday afternoon with home folks Wednesday evening. with Miss Ina Tlire, of State interred in the Phoenix cemetery Wed of Ruch, made a flying trip to Jackson­ Agricultural College; Judge J. H. Scott. nesday. She was the daughter of W. President of Oregon State Good Roads ville one 5 •.......... Eugene ................. ............ Roseburg............. . ............ «'.rants Pass.............. . ..<-.1.1 11:11 ......... ...Central Point.......... ............ Medford........................ a lit l> in Id Hl II 1. 5.25 >. 1 . I H) ft 31) 1 ■ (M 1 III 4:52 ......... ............. 1 10 4 :06 4 II 1 3'35 12 <13 121 12.20 pill a in 5:10 ............ Sacramento ............. Ill'S) 7:55 Ar.. Snn Francisco l.v 21:22 p III 11 50 M 05 Tickets sold t<> nil |K>mts in the I'nited Sintis Hleeping car r< M-rvntions made on n ppi lent ion freight house open* nt Ha.m and closes nt I 21) P W. V. LIPPINCOTT, Agent.