COLVIG& DURHAM THE CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Resignations of City Marshall and Street Commissioner Accepted.—W. G. kennev Appointed Marshall to fill Vacanct.— Sew Bridge Accepted- Bills Audited. Will practice in al! the Courts ot the State. W. M. Calvlf. Jackwavllic. lie». It. Durkan, Orasti Pus. The Jacksonville town council bv rea­ son of a lack of a quorum did not hold a meeting on the date for its regular ses­ A—-' DENTIST sion last Tuesday, and adjourning to Fri­ All work equal to the best to be had in day evening again failed on a quorum, Portland but they tried it again Monday evening Crowns. Bridge work and Artificial Teeth when ilayor Britt succeeded in gather­ on either rubber or celluloid plater. Jacksonville - - Oregon ing up enough councilmen for the legal transaction of business. Besides Mayor Britt there were present Councilmen J. S. Orth, J. H. Huffier and T. J. Kenney, Recorder Henry Dox and Marshal G. M. r)R. T. T. SHAW JOHN S. ORTH UNITED STATES LAND COMMISSIONER Thrasher. 15 witter rent collection.............. 2 70 Henry Dox, recorder fees............ J. M. Myers, bridge and approach es across Jackson creek.......... 136 (Ml E. Britt, motley advanced for making fill at Jackson creek 2 (M) bridge approach...................... City Drug .... Store Eighth Grade School Graduate*. The following are the eighth grade graduates from the schools of Jackson County for the spring examinations for tin ven 1908: Jacksonville—Grace Raypholtz, Clam Elmer. Talent—May Buchanan, Kate Beeson, Edith Stone, Ina Oatman, Lydia Sleppy. Phoenix—Bert Stancliff. Central Point—Glenn N. Pleasant, Cordie O. Gillmorv, Mary M. Yocum, Ans getting into listless, vision­ ary 1 habits that prove their undoing. A full line always on hand of Box Stationery Tablets Fancy Soaps and Perfumery Fine grade of C KIA RS The resignation of G. M. Thrasher as marshal was accepted and W. C. Kenney handled appointed to the position. Jacksonville Oregon Under committee reports Councilman Kenney reported that his committee had Special attention #iuen to been unable to secure a suitable location Prescription* for a pound. As the necessity for a pound is quite urgent owing to the num­ • T.AU-VKR lawyer ber of stock that roam the streets, the J. W. ROBINSON M. D. committee was authorized to secure the Proprietor, Office opposite Court Houte. most available place and enclose with a strong fence a space 30 or 40 feet square. Jachionvile, • Ore The application for a renewal of li­ Jacksonville Oregon cense by Dunnington & Deneff was granted, they having paid the #21)0 fora A. E. Beanes C. L. Beanes six months license and given the re­ quired bond signed by T. Cameron and D. Linn. When the bill of J. M. Myers for build­ * ' ATTNRNEYS-AT-LAW ing the bridge across Jackson creek- on A. E. Reames, district attorney, Oregon street came up for auditing there J st Judicial District. was some discussion as to the manner in which the bridge was built and the cost Oregon Jacksonville, of it. The original contract price was #125 but the bill was for #135, the extra #10 being for putting in a longer approach at the north end than was at first | for Sale. planned. The railing to the bridge was PWVSrCIAN anrl * > • PHYSICIAN and SritC.RON SURGEON. 1500 pound draft horses suitable for A fine line of Knives, not satisfactory to some of the council­ Office in Orth's Building. Razors, Etc., have just men. Councilman Huffier said the one hauling heavy freight. Apply to Matt been receiver!. Satisfac­ rail was entirely too high and that it left Calhoun, l’hoenix, Oregon. Hours: 2 to & and 7 to 8 p. m. tion guaranteed. such a wide space below that children William Eaton left Sunday for Me- Oregon might fall off the bridge into the creek. Jacksonville Mayor Britt said the railing had been Cloud where he will work in a sawmill. put high to prevent loafers from sitting 44) inch mount vernon draper duck, on it, but thought there was too much wagon cover duck, 50 inch black enamel Of all kinds found in a space below for the safety of small chil­ carriage duck for sale at Nunan's, Jack­ • JEWELER first-class stock. dren. Councilman Kenney contended sonville. Watches and clocks repaired that there was no danger of children fall­ Miss Emma Wulf, after a visit with promptly and all work guaran­ ing off the bridge and that one rail up Ashland and other friends, is back as teed. high was sufficient and that a second rail Office opposite U. S. Hotel. below would be good only for a foot rest head clerk in the Boss Confectionery Bamboo Poles, Lines, store. Miss Wulf states that her sister, Oregon for the feet of loafers sitting on the top Miss Nellie, recently in Ashland is now Jacksonville, Flies in great varieties. railing. Councilman Orth favored the additional railing and it was ordered at Colestin. put on. By a recent letter from her husliand, The application of W. H. McDaniel William Healey and her son J. B. for permission to erect a sign post at the Wetterer, who have been at Nome for curb in front of his place of business was the past three years niinin", Mrs. refused, as the council expressed a deter­ Healey of this place, learns that they Proprietor mination to allow no more sign posts have good prospects for a profitable Veterinary Surgeon. y along the streets. mining season this summer. They have Application by John Simmons for per­ received a water right, that will give mission to mine for gold under the them an ample supply of fresh water was refused. from a lake back on the tundra ami this 9 Oregon streets Medford, Mayor Britt brought up the matter of year they will carry on deep placer min­ having the street and road work all done ing. Last year they were greatly hand­ lie fore the rainy season sets in. In ex- icapped by lack of water, having only First-class Quality plaination he stated that he bail inter­ seawater punqied by a gasoline engine viewed Street Commissioner D. Force Mr. Wetterers health has beeu very g«xxl and a reasonable some time since in regard to the matter but Mr. Healey had a slight sick sjiell price, my specialty and Mr. Force had stated that he had so this spring, but now he is alright. The much farm work to attend to that he letter states that the spring has Ixren could get no time to work on the streets very colil and disagreeable in Alaska and Fresh fruit and vegetables and he wished to be relieved from the they could do no work at all until after duties of the office. A general discussion the first of June. They also state that followed as to the necessity of the work there has been a big rush at Nome this Highest price paid I make all my own being done at once and of collecting the spring, the 12 vessels arriving there in for farm produce Candies and keep delinquent road-poll tax. As to a new June bringing over 5000 j • i ÍPOSTO EF I C EÌ HARDWARE STORE CUTLERY ¥ fi W. H I C K E L Miners' Supplies fishing J. H. Messner, Tackle JOHN f. MILLER GROCERIES THE BOSS for homemade candy T. J. GOODWYN DIS CHAS. DUNFORD A. LEARNED JACKSONVILLE TRANSFER