CRASH CRASH C R AS H Down they go! 20 Per Cent Discount On all Summer Shirt Waists and all crash skirts Bargains in All Other Summer Goods H. B. NYE & CO. Medford, LOCAL NOTES. self out of line with the majority of the Democrats of Jackson county, ami to add to his difficulties he made an unwarrant­ ed, anarchistic attack upon President Roosevelt, bringing upon himself the wrath of all classes of citizens with the result that he lost so much patronage that he was forced to suspend his paper. Mr. Mann hasgone to California to seek I a new location, his wife remaining with her relatives on Griffin creek for the time being. There is a proltability that the plant will l>e txiught up by some Demo­ crats and re-established under another name. Highest market price in cash paid for wool. We have wool Iwgs, fleece twine, sheep dip for sale. Nunan, Jacksonville. James M. Matney of Central Point was in Jacksonville Thunulav to sign up his tiension vouchers before Judge Silas J. Day, U. S. Commissioner. Mr. Matney received this week his first remittance on his (tension as an Indian War Veteran ami he also receive«! a service allowance of JUH S7. Mr M.itnet *U 1*4 Sergt. ill Company G, Cant. Miles M. Alcorn. 2nd Oregon Moutite«! Infantrv, being uius- ' tered in on October 10, 1855, and served in the Rogue River Indian War until the following year w hen he secure«! a leave of absence ami returned to his home on account of urgent private business. Judge Dav also serve« I tn Capr. Alcorn’s command serving as onlerlv sergeant, and Wednewlay receive«! his pension and service vouchers from the government disbursing officer at San Francisco. Mr. Matney tlmugh almost 82 tears old is quite hearty and strong and drove his own team from Central Point to Jackson­ ville. He expects to leave next Mondav for Klamath Palls on a two weeks visit with his son, John H. Matney, who has a stock ranch near that place. He will lie accotnjwnie«! by Chas. Adams ami family who go there to reside. Miller at the P«*stotfice hardware store carries all kinds of miners tools and supplies and his supplies and prices are right - - Oregon Poorman Creek Items B. C. Bostwich of Ruch was a recent caller on the creek. A. Wise was over from Griffin Creek Tuesday on business. Arthur Stevens and Ed. King spent Friday afternoon in Medford. Chas. Gutches of Griffin Creek called on his many friends Thursday. Geo Andrews from the Iowa Mill was on Poorman Creek Monday afternoon. John Bohl and family of Applegate vis­ ited on Poorman Creek one day last week. Chas. Adams and Dave Bruely of Poor­ man Creek was in Jacksonville Friday afternoon. Lizzie Margreiter and brother John were visiting friends in Medford Friday afternoon. R. F. Yocum and family spent the Fourth at their former home on Poor­ man Creek M. J. Donaldson-Selby of Sterling was in Jacksonville Monday and also on Poorman Creek. Mr. E. King with his son and daught­ er spent Saturday ami Sunday at their home in Medfora. Mr. A. J. Stevens and family from the mill spent a few days at their home in Ashland last week. Dave Jonas and wife of Runcorn pass- e«l through Poorman Creek Friday en route to Jacksonville. Tims. Margreiter who is employed at the Voorhies orchard spent Saturdav and Sundav with home folks. The picnic given on Poorman Creek the Fourth was well attended ami enjoy - ed bv all that were present. Vai Haskins who is employed at the mill took in the celebration at Palmer Creek and reported a goo«l time. H. C. Shearer am! family, Mr. Matoon and daughter Agnes spent Saturday and Sunday on Little Applegate fishing. Adolph Schultz, a rustling young fanner of the valley, spent Monday on Poorman creek looking after his interest. Box factory f oreman Wanted. An experienced man is wanted to take the foremanship of the new Jacksonville box factory. I owa L umber C ompany . Surprise egg whips, liest on the mar­ ket at Boyden’s hardware store, Medford. Calling cards, the latest in style and printed so neatly as to resemble copper­ plate work at the Sentinel office. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Colvig, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Reams and Mrs. B. Haney will leave the 19th for Portland where they attend the State grand lodge of the A. O. U. \V. and the Degree of Honor. S. P. R. South-B‘ nd Traina. R. TIME CARD. Stations. No 15 No 11 North-B nd Trains No 12 No 16 p.m M 30 10:83 a m M 30 11 «KÌ ............ Salem 11:35 p tn 12:30 a in 1:15 2-0B ................. .......... Albany........................ Eugene p.m 7:1X1 4:34 a.m 7:45 5:40 3:16 4:40 1 42 3.<10 a tn 10 40 5:25 4 50 4:2» 4 19 p.m 11:45 6:15 5:30 5:04 4:10 4 06 111 1 H 1 55 10413 10 31 10:57 11 10 5:50 ........... Roseburg 10 43 ............ Grants l'a«« 11 14 Gold Hill 11 36 ............ Central Point 11 45 Medford................... 11 28 11 38 a in 12.02 12.12 p m 12:35 4 25 12:55 ............ Ashland 4 28 Montague 3:35 12.-0« i 24 U IB a tn 5 10 R » p tn am 5 10 ............ Sacramento ........... io so Ar San Francisco I.v 24:22 p m 11 0 sas i J. W. Hickel, Jacksonville'* jeweler in arcuring considerable work anil he is so incourged that he thinks he will make a success of his venture here. Elder M. Brownrigg, who has had charge of the Christian church at Phoenix has accepted a call to the Christian church at Silverton, Oregon, and last week he moved to that place ami Iwgau work in his new field. Soap from Ac up at the City Drug Store. Terry Brvne from Watkins was in Jack­ sonville Thursday greeting his old-time friends. Hr is a miner of 42 years rx- Iierience in various jrarts of the West ami ir thinks the Applegate cooper district will vet prove to lie one of the richest in the United States. Janies Elliott and Phil Gleve went to Little Applegate Wednesday on a fishing trip of several days. Uncle Jimmie is Senior Oracle of the Ancient and Hon­ orable l’n varicators and during his ab­ sence that oldest of Jacksonville socie­ ties is having a recess from its daily ses­ sions. P. T. I Irish, one of the stenographers in Reams \ Kearnes law office ami liook- kceprr for the Jacksonville Gas Company has l»een taking a lav-off from his duties tor a couple of «lavs tills week, to enable him to give more attention to the cutting of a wisdom tooth. While considered by hi* friends to I k * a pretty bright young man. vet he anys that if he gets athlrd wisdom in pn»|H>rtion to the uproar that this one tiaith has created in Ins mental faculties that wheiihe gets his three other Hisliom teeth he will have all the wisdom of a Solomon, or an alderman. The Medion! Enquirer has cease«l pub­ lication, leaving but three papers in tnat town, the Democratic Times, the South­ ern Oregonian and the Mail. Horace Mann, the editor, while conducting the Enquirer as a Democratic organ, got him - Phoenix ......... Talent ....................... 4:W Ticket» »old to all points in the United States Sleeping car reservation» made on application Freight house open« at S a m and close» at 4 20 P m W V. LIPPINCOTT. Agent.