Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, July 10, 1903, Image 3

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C harles M esi
hvi -
E oitiik
The Jacksonville Sentinel has made application
for entrance in the poste'ffice* of Jacksonville.
Jackson County. Oregon, as second-class matter.
StKSCRifTtoN R ates
One year
Six months
Three mouths
.... .
1'RtAt. St nscRiiTtoNS The Jacksonville Sentinel
will lie sent to any address at any postothci in
the United States, tor tour weeks free ot charge.
All subscriptions, tegular or ti tai. will be piompt
ly stopped at the date ot expiration, unless a re­
newal is received.
July !O,
The Southern Oregon Chautauqua
management have undertaken a new
departure in the program for their as­
sembly for this year and have set aside
Monday. July 20 as a fannersand good
roads dav. For this day the admission,
both forenoon and afternoon will be free
and the exercise will be made of special
interest to the fanners and to others
who look to good roads and more pro­
gressive methods of farming as tile im­
portant factors in the upbuilding of the
agricultural resources of Southern Or­
egon. Among those to make addresses
on that day will be Dr. Janies With-
vcomb, director of the experiment stat­
ion at the State Agricultural College
at Corvallis: Judge J. H. Scott, of Sal­
em, president of the Oregon State Good
Roads Association and II. B. Thielson
of Salem, the xvell known civil engineer
and road expert. These men are among
the ablest Ulen in the state along their
lines of . thought and their addresses
will be well worth hearing and the
people of Jackson County should give
this meeting a large attendance.
A Box factory for Jacksonville.
The IiAva Lumber Comp my has de­
cided to put in a box factory here in
Jacksonville and work xvill be com­
menced at once to erect the building
which will be adjoining the planing
mill, 'flic machinery has been ordered
and it is expected that the factory will I
be turning out boxes by the first ot Aug­
ust. file Iowa Lumber Company now
emplov about 85 men and this addition
to their plant will add about 12 imn to
their payroll. The Company lias a large
quantity of dry lumber on hand suitable
for box material and they xvill be able to
till an order promptly for any number of
The engine in the sawmill which
broke down last week has been repaired
by the Ashland Iron Works, and Mon­
day morning it xvill be started up again
with a full crew of men. Tin lath mu- t
chine, which xviis recently placed in the
mill, xvill be run to its full capacity._each
night and lath both for the local trade
and for car orders will be kept in stock.
Since the Company's office was moved
from California street to their new office
building at the planing mill the plant
has been without telephonic connections,
but the telephone linemen got the tele­
phone moved Friday anil connections
made with the Jacksonville local and the
long distance lines. The Company have
a telephone line from their office to the
mill, with telephones at the mill and at
the lumber yard. Among the other im­
provements that are being made by
the Company is the erection of two large
sheds in the planing mill yard to be used
to store moldings, pickets and dressed
In the seven weeks since the planing
mill was started it has not been stopped
even one dav for repairs or for any other
cause and it is expected in the near fu­
ture to have the saw mill put in a jk r-
fect condition so it too can be run with
out the bother of break downs and re­
Dates to Remember.
Wednesday, July 15.—Convening of tin
Eleventh annual Assembly of t le
Southern Oregon Chautauqua Associa­
tion at Ashland.
Saturday, August 15— Good Roads Con­
vention at •Jacksonville in Court House
park at 7:30 p. m.
Address by Judge
J. H. Sc<>tt, president of Oregon State
Good Roads Association.
Saturday, August 15—Fruitgrowers con­
vention in Jacksonville under auspice s
of Rogue River Fruitgrowers Union.
Program tor all day and exercises to be
livid in Court Hon e park. Address by
professors from State Agricultural col
lege and by prominent truitmvn of the
Mondav, Julv 20—Farmers and Good
Roads Dax at Ashland Chautauqua 10
a. tn. and 2 p. m. Admission free. Ad­
dress bv Dr. ] is. Withveombv, of State
Agricultural College; Judge J. H. Scott,
President of Oregon State Good Roads
Association; 11. B. l'hielson, civil etigin-
er and road expi rt.
Saturday, July 25—Meeting at Medford
at 2 p. ill. of Rogue River Fruitgrowers
Villon. All fruit nu n invited to attend.
gone bv with the old timers, though be
was the gm st ot S. P. lotus, who like
himself x\as a driver on the Oregon and
California stages in the '50s and 'tii>s.
Mr. Wright is noxx living at Roseburg
and he is vet a hearty, well preserved
man. In addition to his being one ot tin
most expert and populat stage drivets
that ever guided a team ovei tile track,
bx courtesx called a road, that traversed
tin- mount.Hus ami fouled the streams ot
Southern Oregon, Mr Wright served as
sheriff of Douglas county and hi- also
kept a saloon at Central Point, Grants
Pass and Roseburg.
M. M. Scott, ot Evans Creek, was in
Jacksonville bringing with him Chas.
Frank, a feeble minded boy, who had no
otii-to care for him, his father, F. Frank
having coinmited suicide last spring, and
his mother having elieel several x ears ago
All oldet brother and this box lived fol 1
axvhile m a cabin on their lathers claim
Some time ago the btothci went oft to
xvork leaving tile box, xvlio is but 12
years old, alone.
Mr. Scott and tin .
other neighbors eared foi him aw hili'
but hi" xxas not a box that xvas agreeabli
to have with children, and tile countx
xxas asked to care for him. Tile State
having no school tor the feeble minded
Judge Prim had him sent to the- St.
Marvs Orphans Home at Beaverton,
near Pen t land. ami Wednesday W. J.
Pipmale left for the hemic with the box . i
'John T. Miller, Jacksonville ’s efficient |
of Mr. N'unan's incorporating xxas to take-
in his sou Charles ami Mr. Tavlor inte>
the active m magvtm nt ot his store. t< r
his busim ss has groxx n to such an extent
that to care tor all the- details of tt was
too great a task tor Mr. Nunan, ami as
he has been in the- xvork steadily tot d.'i
xe.its lie- tell that In- should take some
respite from his eluties. Another reason
is that Mr. Nunan wishi-el to give gte ater
cnee litagenient to the box s ami to rexxarel
them tor the ir lielelit x te> his interests.
Mt. Tax le>r has been with Mr. Nunan for
the past 13 xi-ais, ce>mme ncing with «lev
mg a boy s woik e»t sxve e-ping and gene-
tal utility, ami lie- lias scarcely misscel a
day m the- ste-re since, aelvaneing sti-aehlv
bx his imlusti x ami integiity until lie-
lias be-e-n admitted to partnership. Chas.
Nunan has se-rviel his apprenticeship in
the stole- iti xvhieh he- is m>xx to be- a
|aitne-r, bx cenmimg eggs ami ele-ing
othe r xvork that testvel his pe t xe rane e-,
ami his attention te» business mvllmels.
Feet the- last te xx x ears he- has been axxax
at sclloed. spe-tleling three- years at St.
Marx's Collcpe-, ami then graeluating
freun lle-aleps Busmess V olh ge in Sail
Francise-e», making ami ave iagveit '35 in
his studies. file te- will be- m> change in
the manage tm lit e>l the- store- next in the-
transai'tieni of the- business. I he- e usteiin
e-ts edd and ne-xx xx dI have- the n orelcis
tilled with the- same- promptness and be-
ai'e'ended the- same eeiurlesies th it they
have hetelofote- hail.
A Letter of llurnks from Heppner.
M. M. Tavlor h;is received the follow­
ing letter from lion. Frank Gilliam,
tnavor of Heppner, acknowledging the
receipt of the jilt) contributed by the
citizens ot Jacksonville for the ri lief of
the H< ppner tlood stiffen rs:
Heppner. Oregon, July •>, llipo.
Mr. M. M. 'fax lor, Jacksonville, Ore
ge*n, Dear Sir:—We are in receipt ot
yottr letter of 2nd inst. enclosing draft
tor the sum of 140, donated by tin- peo- i
pie of Jacksonville for the relict oi the
people of Heppner.
Please accept for yourself and convex
to the i tlier members of the rtdief com­
mittee and to y our citizens in general,
lames Box e e‘, Mis, Box e'e and Mis.
our sincere thanks for their kind and postmaster, w ho also conducts a harel • I Re-tta Tax lor, of Muniee, Indiana, ar
generous remembrance of us in this j ware stein-, has m>xx- added stock raising rived in Ja>-ksonx ilk- Wedne-sel.ix alter­
to his vocations ami it is now a frequent ne >e»n on a brie-f visit to their tricmls. Mi.
time of sorrow and need.
sight in tin- early hours e>f the- morning ami Mrs. T. |. Williamson ami Mr. ami
Very respectfully,
to see our spruce looking post ma st er ca | Mrs. J. W. Myers. Early fhurselax- nioru-
F rank G illiam .
vorting along the stree ts on a wild broil nig Mr. Williamson and Mi. Mxe-is e ii
i-lio, going lo tile hills at the head e»f gaged a four In t-e- tallxlmat Lewislive-tx
Plioeinx Items
Jackson creek to see how his cattle- are
Miss. Gussie Kleinhammer tarried in getting along. Sherrill’ Rader, who is stable-, and with their wive-A, took their
frie-mls tor a elrive-ovet the valle x , Ihe-x
Medford a short time Friday.
something of a cattleman himself, and going up l>< xoml Photiix as far as < apt,
Mrs. ly. Grezey.who lias been visiting xvlio holds that a cattleman should look \’e>e>l hies' big orchariL the lle-e- eleexvn tile-
her parints, Mr. ami Mrs. F. 1'oxvne, for a cattle-man, has ordered a pair of sliaps, valle x as I ir as C< ntral l’ednt, giving tile­
the past few d ivs, returned to her home a broad sombrero hat and a pair of huge visitors a splemliel eqepentumtx io se c the
jangling Mexican spurs for Mr. Millet tnanx big orchatejs, 'im- altl.il l fields ami
in Montague Tuesday.
ami seion that wild mannereel gentleman I
'flic fruit prospects in the many or will be a fierce looking eow-bov. Mr the- handsome- henm-s lor xxliich this Vai
cliards of this vieinty are good, and in Miller took out a small band of cattie lev is miie il. 1'hv visitors were delight­
several orchards large forces of men are Tuesday to his range-, which lie- had ed with the- handsome appearance- id the-
valle x, the be-autiful scenery of flu stir
engaged m thinning the fruit.
bought of Mrs. J. N. T. Miller xxliich rounding hills and tlu-x would have
H. P. Hargrave, the xvcll known phy­ now makes him about It) head.
been glad to have- remained lemge t he re
sician contemplates moving to Medford ¡
Contractor 11. Snooks completed the but pre vious arrange lm nis made- it im
in the near future, flic Dr. will be great- : brick work on the- Jacksonville school
lx- missed as it xvill leave this vicinty house Weelnesdax- i veiling ami that e x peissilde for them to remain longe r, mid
(he x le ft bx the atte ruooii train Wediies
without aux- physician.
cuing he sent his brick lax ets to Grants dax f< r McMinnville-, where- they will
Pass to begin work upon a big brick m ike- a x isit with a daughte-r ol Mr. mid
school house that he has the contract f< r Mis. Box ce who re-sides the-ie. Later
in that city.
Mr. Snook also went te> on Mis. Tavlor will return te> Jackson
Grants Pass Thursdax te> look after his ville and spe-ml the full with Mr. ami
Try City Drug Store for Soap.
work in that city and until lie- ge ts his Mrs. Mxe-is.iml Mr. and Mrs. William­
Lost, a brooch pin with enameled set- . contracts in the two towns i-ompli ted son. Mr. ami Mr--. Ifoyee- will go on to
ting in Jacksonville on the Fouitlt lie- will divide Ins time- b< -tween Jackson their home, Mr. Boyi-e- having large-
Finder leave at the Ssntinel office and ville ami Grants Pass. flu- work on the business inf-rests that makes his early
Jacksonville se lmol building will be- till return nei-cssarv, Mt. Boyce- is one- of
receive reward.
tier the charge of M. L. I.vons, who ha-- the big capitalists of Indiana ami In- is
Bi n Beall, who lias a fine farm near bee n a fore-man for Mr. Snooks fen sex­ the man,
who did mote than
Central Point and who is one of the larg end years. The upper ami lower joists one-else- t<> push Muniee from a quiet
est corn and grain growers of the county, ate- now all in ami the carpenter force, town of >INM) to a plae e- of ."ed.lHlt) popilla
was in Jacksonville on legal business which numbers seven men, will begin at tioti and
to one ol the- most pros
with Judge Day this week.
once placing 'he roof timbers.
So soon pe-rons towns in Indiana. At the time
Camp stoves and utensils for camping as tin- roof is in place the flues xvill be that Muniee- be gan to groxx in the e .alx-
built and tin- phistcn is will begin the ir Sil's Mr. Box ce- was a small prope-rtx
at Boyden’s.
At the rati- Mr. Snooks is holder, but lie- put his e ve r\ cm rgx into
James C. McCully, a Jacksonville box pushing his xvork he will have tin se hoed boemiing his town and no piiqiosition
and one of the most efficient fort st rang­ building d »ne early in Sept., in ample was pre-se-nte-d that would add to the de-
ers in this district was in Jacksonville time fot the fall term of selmol.
ve-lopme-ilt of Muniee but what he- lie-ad
Tuesday and W ednesday visiting ri la
One of the olde st ami largest mercan­ cd the list to give- it a In Ipillg to ge I
fives and friends. Mr. McCully for this tile establishments in Jm ksonvilk- has started, he-e ven giving as high as JI(HM)
summer is stationed in Klamath county undergone a change of name and instead as a bonus to get some- addition to the
ami has his camp and headquarters at of J. Nunan it is now- the Nunan, Tavlor i 11\ pax ioil. I or I'Ve i x dollar hi pu'.
Seven mile creek.
Company and it is an incorporate d com in In- gets back ten bx reason of the in
Wedding stationery, the latest out, at; pany of which J. Nunan is president, i reuse- m piopert x valuatii me and busim ss
The- niithod that changed
M. M. Taylor vice-president ami Ch is. activity.
the Sentinel office.
Mnnicc from a slee-pv old town wi ighte d
Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Martin came up
down with 5fl ye ars of stagnation to one
Saturdax- from Portland for a visit at the article s of incorporation were- prepared of the widest awake towns in the I nittd
home of Mrs. M irtin’s mother, Mrs. A.
St ill s, would do the same lot old Jae k
Helms. Mr. Martin is head salesman filed with the secretary of state at Salem
soli ville-.
<>f the John P. Sliorkey Company harness
and saddle manufactory in Portland and
being unable to be away from his duties
but for a short time he had to return to
Portland Tuesday.
Mrs. Martin will
remain in Jacksonville for three or four
.Surprise egg whips, best on the mar­
ket at Boy den's hardware store, Medford.
Uncle William Robinson returned
Wednesday from Junction Citv where he
had been for a week atten 'itig a reunion
of tile Robinson family. < >f his brothers
an<l their family's there were present
Milton ami Solomon W. Robinson, of
Junction City. George D. Robinson of
Dallas and Jatnes A Robinson of Paleuse
Wash. They are all pioneers of Oregon,
Uncle Billy coming to Jacksonville in
Soaps for millmen and mechanics at
the City Drug Store.
Jim Wright, one of the all-around
Southern Oregon pioneer characters, ar­
rived in Jacksonville Wedmsdax after­
noon and remained until Thursday after*
(noon renewing memories of the days
Headquarters for
Photographers’ Supplies
All the be st makes of CAM ER \S, including the
the thing to take on an outing trip.
MOUNTS, and eve rything e-lse that the proles
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Special Orders Filled Promptly.