JACKSONVILLE > SENTINEL Vol. I JULY Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon. Friday, July IO, 1003. KO III IN IlilS VALLEY. So Celebration at la ksun ville lisch Ball Ganics the Chid local t ulertaiiiineiit.— Intensive Celebration and Great (Tossii at Gold Hill- Sotes I rom (liner Haces. George Force and Frank Silva thev do­ ing tile greater part of tin labor of pre­ paring for the day, but they were hand s> niely rewarded as their ice cream and confectionery stand was so well patron­ ized that they cleared j5S on their in­ vestment. KN INTERESTING PROGRAM. Ladies and ¿7* Gentlemen's No, Q g 11 OCS < g WCl 1 Perfect Fitters and Long Wearers Jacksonville did not celebrate this year A very successful celebration was held having given celebrations the two pre­ at the Lost Creek school house grove on vious Fourths and it was thought by the south fork of Little Butte creek on For Ladies For Gentlemen rights Medford should have the celebrat­ the Fourth. Rev. Kenney delivered an ion lor this year,but as that town was un­ oration which was an able address, and in plain able to gel Up oils the middle valley had Mis-, Donna Bell read the Declaration ot to < oiitcnt tin nisclvi s with other diver­ Independence in a manner that was a toes are very stylish. sion*. Many of the M-dtord jieople credit to the young ladv. are very nitty. Some ' h went off on quiet picnic excursions, and ing selections ware rendered by lhe some ssi ill to the (»old Hill celebration, school children under the direction of but tin greater number of the residents Miss Anna Dodge, teacher in that dis­ Crossett’s Shoes that make life’s of that town spent the Fourth in Jack­ trict, ami it was largely through her ef­ sonville, where they picnicked in the forts and those of John Terrell, president walk easy are all made with Over Weight, White Oak- Court House park ami in the shady gro­ ot the day, that tile program was so well ves about this toss n, having a delightful in ide up ami carried through w ith such Soles. World heaters for Stvle and Durability. • lay ot quit t recreatiolf. The Mcdioid satisfaction to the audience. There was High School Band had la-en engaged by a large crowd present ami they fully en­ the I mm I m II manager ami the boss gave joyed themselves in a genuine old-fash­ some pleasing selections at noon in the ioned way. During the afternoon and Court House Park and in the afternoon evening an enjoy aide dance was had oil nt the liascltall grounds. During tin a platform in the grove. afternoon a game ot baseball was played ON BIG BETTE CREEK. for a purse ot <2IM> lx tween the Roseburg The settlers on Big Butte creek in the and Jacksonville mm s. The game was' Medford, not very exciting as the Roseburg boys vicinity of tile Tungate school house wvic no mail h lot then op|M>nciits and held a picnic at the Big Springs on the nwwwi the gaim close<1 with a score of only 4 Fourth. A vary plesant time was had foi Roseburg while Jacksonville had hi and in the afternoon a dance was given by to their credit. A dance in the evening Ira Tungate and Al Boardman on i plat­ stream and the water from it will be used pay dirt and have plenty »>f water that it is closed the das's festivities, Orths lull form in the grove that was an enjoyable as a by wash. The pipe for the feed head will conn- under a sluing head. to the giant was hauled . by team to their plan to rush their work and be being crowded with young people from affair for the young |teoph . Steamboat and there cut into eight foot piping within two months. all jstrtsof tile-country, fin music was sections and packed in on horses over the The Carbary Creek Mines. l lierc is quite a Medford colony on bs Mg. Holla's orchestra and was quite | up to till high standard of that famous j F. (). Hurd, su | m rintendent for the sewn mile trail from Thompson creek to the Carburv this summer, among them orchestra. Sunday afternoon another OroGrande Muting Company . the com Carburv creek. So soon as the hist gi­ being Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitman, Mr. game was played, tilts game being lie-j panv that was lecintlx organized and ant is in operation Work will be begun and Mis. J. D. Heard, Mr. ami Mrs. \V. twee ii (»rants Psss and tile Jacksonville which is putting in the big hydraulic on a big diti h that will be three miles II. Rickey, and 1*'. O. Hurd. Di. Silent The teams, lhe Grants Pass boys won out plant on Carburv crick, a tributary from long and which will carry 3000 inches of i r spends much of his time there. in a score-of 12 to !»in their favor. Mark the west to the Applegate and which water for two No. I giants and will have families will return to Medford early in Horn of Hornbrook, was umpire for empties into that stream near Watkins, a head that can supply water under a tre September so that the children will be readv to enter school. both g imvs and his ruling gave satisfact­ came in Saturday bv Wendt's stage on mvtidous pressure. nis way to Midford to have sonic repairs The Oro Grande Mining Company, ion to both aides. made to a broken pin e ot iron work f< r w hich is a Medford corporation of w hich GOL.I» HILL CK1.KBRATION. Real Estate Activities. a saw mill whieli tin v an putting in at J. D. Heard and J? A. \\ hitman arc the Tile largest crowd ever seen in Gold their mine. Mr Hurd states that they principal stockholders, has four miles of Hill was that which gathered last Satur­ will have their sawmill, which will bv placer ground that has been prospected I I. Arnold to XX II Xlooie, lots >, blk Is, day to celebrate liiciidcnee Dav. It run by water power ami be tilted with a Medlord ....................................... f binu and has proven very rich ami there is ev­ Ella Arnold lo XV II Moot, , dom i ftilciest is estimated that at least 2300 jieople sashsaw . in operation bj the last of the er'- prospect that the company w ill make ill same ............... I ve< re present. The- program began by week, whin it will l>. run early and late I1- W Hutchison to Katherine Ehwigen; some money out of their investment. the usual sunrise salute ot 21 guns. to cut lumber for (hunt s and tor houses pi op in Medford ,... . A00 One mile below the camp ot the Oro During the morning the Grants Pass ' as they are living in tents and shake Grande company the Missouri Mining Aitimi It Scott to || tune XI l atti lots .'I, I and >. blk 3, Cottage add, Medtoril In band entertained the large throngs of shanties. Company, also a Medford organization of Num i XI r uminoli-, to A Xtel.eod, lots 'll, jMOplethat continued |xiuring in until j The Company has alxiut 2D men at which Dr. Shearer and \V. II. Rickev 32, Liu J. R R add lahland MB about the time the S. P. passenger train work putting in 'wo ditches. Tile main are leading stockholders, have several Elizabeth A Smith to Kalt V I'.iamgii lot I blk Ashland Nd arrived bringing ilxiut 500 jieople from one is 214 rods long ami will supply wa­ men at work getting their camp in order Win Ray el al to The 1’ubliv; Right ot wily tin north. At 10:30 the people gathered ter under a good head through an S inch readv for a full force of men, when work lot public road in tp 3M, s r :< w ..... 7.'> at the pavillion and the following ex­ pijre for a No. 2 giant, which will I e in­ will be begun on installing a big hydrau Geo Iti Itz i't iix to Ilei lutili C Tintili, prop 111 < I I < ■ : i p 3. -, i .’ w si « i ercises were caraied out: stalled in about thn c weeks, when pip lie plant similar tq that of the Oro ■ lancisi; I'lyinrile to |am I'lyinale. lots 7 Selection, < »rants Pass Band. ■m.I s i,ii , 11 Medford i ing w ill be I h gun. The lesser ditch is of Grande Company. The Missouri com Address of welcome—J. II. Beeman, 100 rods length ni'l comes from another panv have several hundred acres of tine I Jolt It S I'lvtllale el al to Jane Ply mule. rame .................. l president of the day. I OCA I ION NO I ICI s Selection, Grants Pass Band. Win Eaton. <| m e Waunci milling district Song •‘Columbia"—13 girls represent­ Chas Ripp< \ II II Reed, E I-, Boob'll, I. I, Hut liehl, tptai I z mining claims ,ec .III, tp 311 h , r 3 w ing tile 13 colonies. Declaration of Independence—Miss Dissolution ol Partnership. Cora Greniger. S»lo- "Star Spangled Banner",—Miss Notice is hereby given that tile firm of Mabel Jones. Boyd & Conklin, furniture dialers, Selection, Grants Pass Band. has been dissolved bv mutual consent. Oration—Hon. A. E. Realties. All |>etsoiis owing the firm or having Song "My country 'Tts of Thee—Aud­ bills against the firm arc lien by notified ience. , | to settle with or present them to J. M. Immediately after dinner the Cali- Boyd. thunqxan parade composed of several Medford, Oregon, July <1, lUil.'i. comical monkeys paraded the streets J ,M Ihtvii, ami marched to’ the platform where a Half gallons $1 2Ö per Doz C. W. CllNKI.lN. very amusing performance was given. Ounrts 1 00 “ A tug of war ami several other feats I or Sale. took up the time till the ball game be- Pints 80 “ Three new mowers and one rake for g.m lietween Medford and (»rants Pass for sale, cash or trade. Going out of the Porcelain lined a |50 purse. The game was won by the business and will sell cheap. latter, the score being Grants Pass 14, • :aps 25 ‘‘ C hris F i . ru h , Jacksonville. Medford 11. The Bloomer girls vs. the Small Boys W. Estill Phipps, one of the leading player! a game of ball which was very in­ attorneys of Medford, w.ts in the county teresting and won by the boys. In the seat Thursday on legal business. evening the usual fireworks were dis­ Mrs. Dav arrived home Tuesday much placed and the day closed by a ball at to the Judge’s delight, for he was getting each of the halls. somewhat anxious ns lie had made two 111(1 CROWD OX APPLKGATK trips to Medford to meet her and be had The people of Applegate had an enjoy­ the house in scrupulous order that her able day on the Fourth at Palmer Creek home coming might have no unph i-ant grove. No regular celebration program features. Mrs. Day had a delightful was carried out but various diversions time on her visit to her relatives and her were added to the social features of the friends. dav that made the time pass pleasantly Charles JlofFt. ope of the h illing men to the picnicers. The chief interest cen­ of the Lake Creek country, was hi Jack tered around a game of bast ball for the Prices always the lowest, sonville Monday looking up some tax championship of the Applegate valley matters on some land that he had lately lietween the Watkins and the Ruch purchased .Mr. Hoftt states that cattle nines. The game was hotly contested are doing wa ll on the range and that and closed with the score standing 9 for there will be the usual big bands of fat Watkins and 7 for Ruch. A dance was cattle for shipment this fill, a. little had on a platform in the grove that was niatti r that makes the cattlemen as c<«n well attended by the young people. placent of mind as a bond holder. \ The promoters of the celebration were | Booth's Ideal kids Stacy Adams’ $5.00 Corona Patents $3.50, $4 and $5 WS. Mason’s Fruit Jars Caps and Rubbers 4 4 . 4 < 4 4 Special Prices on Large Lots Large assortment of Crockery, Glassware, i Wood and Wil low ware. NUNAN , Jacksonville