Down About Woodvilli*. i on Grave Creek, after spending carnival K Mr. mui Mr». V. W. Birdseye vi»ite*ition together with hi» wife', after a at tin- latter. short wedding trip. M udge < »wring* of Wrxalville and Je*** Findley of Grunt* Pa»» goto Cote* Poorman» Creek Item». Calif-, today (Friday) to visit friend* for Mr*. Frank Ankeny of Sterling was in several day*. Jacksonville Saturday. Nina Robinwon, who for the j*i*t ■ Henry Schnilier ami J. F. Trusty went several week» h i«, la-en in Grant» Fa»», to the Sterling mine Sunday. ha» returned and i» reaiding with her »la­ Jacob Buck lice of Griffin creek re­ ter, Mr». W. Hiatt. Hr. mid Mr». R. O. Gale of Jackson­ turned to Poorman'« creek Tuesday. John Margrciter, the pioneer farmer, ville visited on Birdseye Creek Saturday ami Sumluy, the guest* of Mr». Gale’» »pent Saturday in Jacksonville purchas­ ing nuppliet. grain!mother, Mr». C. S. Birdseye. Canby Buck of Jacksonville paiuied Anna Norton ami Edith Caley, former residents of Woodville, but at present through Poorman’»creek Sunday enroute from Central Point. visited in Wtxxlville to Sterling. the la»» of the week the guest of Mattel Rolx-rt Ray and Bert Bostw ick of Ruch Schindler. «pent Sunday afternoon on Poorman'» Roy Evan» who for the j»ast »evcral creek fishing. months ha» been at the Grceiitmck Mme Viola bunfor-’ am! Ixrtia Hooks of Jacksonville s|xnt a few hours on Poor­ man's creek Sunday afternoon. Mi»» Inez Kitchin, who has been teach­ ing the Poorman’« creek school, returned to her home in Ashland Friday. Herman ami Edd King ami Arthur Steven» from the mill s|»eiit Saturday night and Sunday in Jacksonville. Jas. Cantrall, road supervisor, who has been putting the roads, in condition re­ turned to his home on Little Applegate I Friday. Miss Anna Margrciter returned to her home Sunday from Jacksonville where | »he has been dreesmaking with Mrs. B. E. Haney. i Little George Margrciter met with i quite a serious accident Monday, by fall- ' mg from a porch and badly dislocating ' one of his ankles. Walter Hoag and Art. Poe of Medford ami Mias Emma Kassahafer of Jackson­ ville said helio to their many friends on Poorman’» creek Sunday evening. SHOES SHOES Leggings and Miners’ Shoes of the best maKes CRONEMILLER General Merchandise Store MEDFORD SHOE SHOP E. F. WINKLER Fim- Shoe Work and Repairing a Specialty. Work for Jacksonville patrons received by morning train ami finished to be returned on the evening train. Shop on I street, opp. S. P. Depot. First-class Groceries our Specialty. W. L. ORR &, CO. MEDFORD 0. K. OREGON - Barber Shop Wm. Puhi, Prop. L'p-toDatc Shop Three Fine Chair» Good Workmen. Two fine Bathrooms with the best tubs cleanest towels, etc. ICE CREAM You will always find the 1»est of rich, flaky icecream in my store, LEMONADE that is lemonade. Cigars, Tobaccos, Fine Confectionery, Fresh Fruits. Young People, Old People and All the People w. h . c W. Coulter CHRIS ULRICH Painter Store the best of M c D aniels Will find at the Ä CO Ice Cream Confections Summer Drinks Fresh Fruits Canned Fruits and Oysters Stationery, Cigars and To­ COR. ORECON AND CALIFORNIA bacco. Fine Billiard Parlor Miller at the Postoffice hardware store carries all kinds of miners tools and supplies and his supplies and prices are right. No matter how dirty we can clean them. Cleans, re­ pairs and press your clothing in the latest style, Ladies skirts ami jackets made to look like new. We call for and deliver promptly. Fashion - T emperance R evival A t E agle P oint —But a few months ago Eagle Point was a storm center in the liquor business ami now the temperance people arc having their innings to the serious depletion of the followers of Bacchus. Last Sunday Mrs. Helen I). Harford of Newperv, president of the Oregon State W. C. T. U. was in Eagle Point ami con­ ducted a series of meetings which were CARRIAGE, largely attended ami which were the SIGN AND means of adding 3K memliers to the HOUSE WORK Eagle Point Union making its member­ ship 51. Among those taking the pledge ana putting on the white ribbon are I Jerry Heckathorn and James Baker, First-class work guaranteed and j Monday Mrs. Harford came to Medford, at prices that are right. accompanied by Mrs. J. A Jonas, ! president of the local Union, ami Mrs. A. II. Peachy, Mrs. Alice Cook, Mrs. A. M, Thomas ami Mrs. Metta Martin where she addressed a meeting held by the Medford Union. STREETS. Steam . . . Cleaned Clothes The SHOES From the finest Ladies wear to the heaviest Loggers’ shoes at a price that will meet all competition. For Men Women Girls and Boys all kinds Cleaning J. R. Lucky ® Geo. Bingenheltner, Co. ASHLAND Jacksonville Agency at Loarnod's Boss Confectionery DIRECTORY. JACKSONVILLE-APPI.KGATK STAGE H inkv WENDT, Driver—Leaves Jacksonville daily except Sunday at 7 a. m.. arriving at Ap­ plegate at 11 a tn Leave Applegate at­ riving at Jacksonville at 3 p. tn. Close connection made with stage to Steamboat and stage to Kubli and Davidson. JACKSONVILLE COPPER MINES STAGE. j mix R W ilson , Driver Leaves Jacksonville at 7 a in Mondays, Wednesdays anil Fridays for Ruch, Uniontown, Purcel, Watkins and Joes Bar. returning on the following days. PLUMBING TINNJJfG and general repair work done promptly and at a reasonable price M odoc R eturn to O regon —Chas. Hood, a Modoc Indian, and family, with seven others, arrived in the city Tuesday from Indian Territory where they were removed bv the government, at the close of the Modoc war. This is the first of the 7 th St. Shop Medford migration of the Modoc» to their old hunting grounds, but many more are ex­ pected to arrive soon, as they hope to Home-cooked meals, 25 cents at Mrs. have their children participate in the allotment of the lands on the Klamath Flory’s in the brick boarding house reservation—Klamath Falls Republican. | second block north of the Court House. E. S. WOLFER