Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, July 03, 1903, Image 1

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Jackionville, Jackion County, Oregon. Friday, July 3, 1903.
No. 8
Vol. I
The parlors were handsomely decorated
in white ami green while in the dining
Ladies and
room pink ami green were the colors
Roque River Union Met in Reqular session
that gave a most pleasing effect. The
nt Medford lost Srturda>. I nrqe At­ bride carried a handsome cluster of white
tendance Much Business Irunsacted. carnations. Following the banquet the
young couple t<x»k the train for Portland
Perfect Fitters and Long Wearers
The regular meeting for June of the and they will s|a-nd alxzut two week at
Rogue River Fruitgrower* Union was various northern points, #,» nding a
held hi J. A. Pcrry'it warehouse office in part of their time at Junction City, where
Medford last Saturday afternoon. Th» e Mr. Robinson's parents reside ami where
For Ladies
For Gentlemen
wiu i large attendance of fruitgro r* , they will attend a reunion <4 the Robinson
present and much interest was taken in family who are among the pioneers of
the work of the Union.
President S. L. Oregon.
Booth’s Ideal Kids in plain Stacy Adams’ $5.00 Corona
Bennett presided over the meeting and Mr. and Mrs. Robinson were the recip­
after the minutes of the prrviuii» meeting ient* of many valuable presents from
toes are very stylish. Patents are very nifty.
had been read l>y Secretary W. fl. Nor their friend#. They will make their
crows, a ballot whs taken mid l>. R. home in Jacksonville. Mr. Robinson is
Andrews. C. M. Phcialer, E, It. Bjerre- * the tallyman for the Iowa Lumber Com­
Crossett’s $3.50, $4 and $5 Shoes that make life’s
guard’and V. A. Broadbent were admitted ' pany and as a young man he is known to
la upright and industrious ami he has a
to memliership.
walk easy are all made with Over Weight, White Oak
The question of placing a contract for successful future before him.
the fruit I mixch that the memliers of the Robinson is a Jacksonville girl who has
World beaters for Style and Durability.
Union would require for this season we» ' a host of friends who wish her the hap­
discussed but no definite action was j piness that comes to a truly wedded
taken on the bids that were in from life.
the Grants Paws and Ashland Ixix fac- j
W orkmen H onor St preme O fficer
tones, the Union deciding to wait a short
time and give the Iowa Lumla-r Com- ' —H<>n. Wm. M. Colvig arrived home
pan v of Jacksonville time to put in a bid Sunday from St. Paul, where lit- had la-vii
should they deckle to (jut in a Ixix fac-; to attend the national gram! lodge of A.
torv. The wording of the brand to la- O. U. W. To show their appreciation of
put ti|x>n the fruit boxes was decided the honor conferred ujoin Oregon by the
upon. The brand is to la- placed ujmiii supreme lodge in electing Mr. Colvig
the end of the lx>x ami the wording will supreme overseer, the Portland Work
lie “Rogue River Apples,” or whatever men lodges, on Mr. Colvig arriving in
fruit the boxes contain, "Packed and that city last Friday, met him at the preme lodge no man is ¡nit in as overseer
Shipped by Rogue River Fruitgrowers; Union ili jxit with a delegation of nearly who is not fitted to preside as Master
Union. Medfonl, Oregon.
Grown by 100 memlx-rs and a brass band and plac­ Workman, and when a man is elected
.....-■ . The blank space being for the ’ ing Mr. Colvig in acarriage escorted him overseer that ends the contest for the
grower to put on with a rubber stamp his j to his hotel ami then in the evening they higher chairs, tor his promotion follows
name ami postoffice address. The object escorted him to the l<xlge room, where in regular order. Next year when the
of having the growers name on each lx>x they held a reception in his honor. supreme lodge meets at Atlanta, Georgia,
is for a double purpose.
It will enable Monday evening Mr. Colvig's home Mr. Colvig will be made supreme fore­
an orcliardist, who grows a superior - hxlge held a reception at which, in addi­ man and the following year he will at­
article of fruit, to secure the benefit of tion to the Jacksonville members a dele­ tain the highest honor in the gift of
his extra care, for buyers who are es­ gation of Phoenix members were present. Workmen, that of supreme master
After the regular lodge work was com­ workman. To have a citizen of Jackson­
pecially pleused with the fruit of a cer
tain grower can specify whose fruit they pleted and C. II. Dutton, J. E. Randles, ville one of the highest officers in one of
want the Union to ship to them, and Firmin Crump ami John Eaton had lxM:n the strongest secret orders in the United
then it will enable the Union to identify taken through the first degree, an in­ States is an honor the people of this town
the pucker of any fruit that may la- lx-low formal reception was held and a lunch fully appreciate anil their congratulations
grade, poorly packed, or is short weight, was served, Mr. Colvig making h short to Mr. Colvig were many and hearty.
ami have the loss made good to the address, telling of his experiences in the
East, ami of the work of the supreme
A L and T rouble T hat I s N ot
It was devilled to at once la-gin kx»k- gram! lodge ami of the splendid growth S ettled —Owing to the absence of
Mr. Colvig’s Justice Plymale a Jacksonville case was
ing up the market prospects by seeking j the l<xlge was making.
buyers in all the leaning markets of the i election to the third highest place in the taken to Medford Monday for trial
Fast mid of Europe ami the secrerary, I supreme grand Icxlge was not gained ex­ la-fore Justice Purdin. The case grew out
W. II. Norcross. was made business cept after a sharp campaign, in which he of a land dispute between W. J. Boosey
agent of the Union to arrange for sales of had as opponents Colonel Orendorff of and Arthur Nicholson, the land in
fruit. The matter of securing a ware­ Illinois anti Chas. Hinds, a leading man question lying about three miles north
house mid mi expert {dicker to inspect of Minnesota, It was a contest la-tween of this place. Mr. Nicholson had built a
the packing done by the various growers, the East and the West and Mr. Colvig fence on what he held to lx: the line be- what he held to be the line, which was
whose fruit the Union will handle, and went into the contest with the solid sup­ tween his land and thatof Mr.Boosey. Mr. 10 feet over on the land claimed by Mr.
of sujierint« nding the |xicking done by port of the delegates of all the states Boosey took exceptions to the location Nicholson. Nicholson had Boosev ar­
the Union ami the loading of the cars west of the Missouri river and after a of the fence and at 4 o'clock last Thurs­ rested for trespass. At the trial Monday
In the su- day morning he moved the fence to District Attorney A. E. Reames appeared
was left for the next meeting. J. A. hard fight the West won.
Perry offered to rent his warehouse to
for the state vyliile Judge J. R. Neil ap­
the Union and the matter was left to the
peared for the defendant. The case end­
Ixxird of directors for their action.
ed in Mr. Boosey being fined #10 and
Charles Mcserve on la-half of the citi­
the cost amounting to #23, which he
zens of Jacksonville invited the Union to
paid. This does not end Mr. Boosev’s
hold a fruitgrowi rs convention in Jack­
trouble for Mr. Nicholson is going to
sonville on Saturday, August 15. The
bring suit against him to regain posses­
invitation was accepted by a unanimous
sion of his land, and another neighbor,
vote and President Bennett in expressing
Mr. Clark, announces that he too will
the apjireciation of the invitation on lie­
I bring suit against Mr. Boosey to com-
half of the Union stated that the mem­
pell him to remove a fence that Mr.
bers of the Union would co-operate in
Clark claims Boosey has built upon his
every wav- possible with the citizens of
I land.
Jacksonville to make the meeting a suc­
cess, which he knew it would lx: for he
A Bl’SY M f . dford M an —E. S. Wol­
Half gallons
$1 25 per Dot
had never known Jacksonville to do
fer, the Medford plumber, has put in an­
i *
things by halves. President Bennett and
other busy week in Jacksonville. This
Quarts ...............
1 00 A A
all tile members expressed their determi­
week, with P. J. Halley to assist him,
nation to secure for the Jacksonville
he has put in the pipe connections from
meeting the largest attendance jiossible
the Jacksonville Gas Company’s mains
Porcelain lined jar
of fruitgrowers from all jiarts of the
to A. E. Kearnes' residence for a gas
A *
A «
Rogue River Valley.
range and water heater and he has done
The meeting adjourned to the date of
the same work at George Neuber’s resid­
the next regular meeting, the last Satur­
ence to connect up a gas range and water
day in July.
heater that Mr. Neuber has had put into .
Special Prices on Large Lots
his house. He has put in piping at Mrs.
Robinson-lay lor Nuptials.
Lyden's new restaurant for both lighting
and for a gas range and heater. Mr.
On Sunday last the marriage of Miss
Wolfer has also put in pining in the new-
Lillian Taylor and Mr. Reulien Robin­
house Mrs. Mary Miller is having built
son took place in the parlor of the Tay­
on Fourth and Slain street so that it can
lor House, the home of the bride’s |>ar-
be lighted by gas as well as have the
ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Taylor. The
stoves supplied with gas, Mr. Wolfer has
ceremony was that of the Methodist '
had about all the work that he can do
Episcopal church and was performed by
this spring in Jacksonville and he has
Rev. Edwin B. Lockhart, of Central
prospective jobs ahead that will keep
Point. At 1:30 p. m. the minister took
him fully employed for the remainder of
his place and to the strain of the wed­
the summer.
ding march played by Mrs. E. E. Gore of
Prices always the lowest,
Medford, the groom, supported by Mr.
for Sale.
Raymond Robinson stepped beneath a
1500 pound draft horses suitable for
beautiful canopy of flowers when he was
hauling heavy freight. Apply to Matt
at once joined by the bride, escorted by
Calhoun, Phoenix, Oregon.
her brother, Mr. M. M. Taylor and her
~----------- ---------------------- —----- ■■
bridesmaid, Mise Gladys Rose. Follow­
Surprise egg whips, best on the mar­
ing the ceremony an elaborate dinner
ket at Boyden’s hardware store, Medford.
was served in the dining room.
Swell Shoes
Mason’s Fruit Jars
Caps and Rubbers
Large assortment of Crockery, Glassware,
Wood and Willowware.
NUNAN 9 Jacksonville