Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, June 05, 1903, Image 3

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    Death of A Young I ady.
; year: Pre»., Geo. Engle; Traes., C. C. prospere«l moie than has the livery ami
The death took place in this city Mon­ Beekman; Sec., Silas J. Day. The transfer business carried on by George
day night, at the residence of J. W. Opp, regular annual reunion will be hel«l at Lewis. In fact so large has it become
that he has found it impossible to proper­
of Mi»» Ixittie Reis, aged 22 year» ami ; Ashland on Sept. 1, 1908.
ly attend to both and to enable him to
valid with stomach trouble and last fall hi» decision in the ease of Frank H. Ray give more attention to his livery busi­
ness Chas. Dunford now has the transfer.
C mamlkm M kmknvic
KlMTO« she came from her home at H«xxl River, v». Scott Griffin and wife, in which he
to Jacksonville, to gain a change of air gave judgment to M t . Ray for the value In addition to doing the drayingbusiness
he will also deliver the mail ami express
Thr J mc U mhi villr KrnUnrl B am made application ami water. She gained at first materially of 14 ton» of alfalfa hay and ma«ie per­
lot ciitraiH C til the |M»»tofli<r of Jacksonville. but recently »he was taken with brain manent an injunction previously issued to ami from the trains. Mr. Dunford is
J im kM'ii County. Oregon, ma m - coik I < I mm matter. fever and »<x>n sank from its effects. against the defendant Griffin from pas­ well known to the residents o' Jackson­
While in Jacksonville Mi»» Rei» made turing certain meadow land. The suit ville, for he has for the past eight years
K i & mihhiom M aim «
her home with her sister, Mrs. J. W. was Ix-gun last fall and was tried at the been in the employ of Mr. Lewis as a
Otic year..................................................... •
|1.50 Opp, ami by her <|uiet, winning way she March term of circuit court before Judge teamster, and the caieful attention ami
Hix month«
.75 had made many friends, who deeply re­ Hanna.
The cause of the action was the promptness that he gave to his work
Three mouth«
gret that her young life should end so that Mr. Griffin had sold Mr. Ray an al­ tog«-ther with his courteousness has made
him many friends among the business
rxiAl KthMJMll'TioN* The Jacksonville hmtinrl M>on. Her mother, Mrs. Annie Reis, and falfa field, he retaining the crop. Griffin
will I m * »mt to any achlrcMi, at anv
office in brother Erank Rei», arrived Sunday ami mowed the field three tunes last season men and he will lie quite sure to secure a
I hr t’tihed H lairs, for four werk« free of charge. were with her during her last hours.
ami proceeded to pasture the land with liberal patronage from them.
Al! mi I nk riplioii«, regular or trial, will I m * prompt
The funeral services were hei«l Wed sheep. Mr. Ray claimed that by the
The first board to be sent through the
ly stopped at thr date ol expiration, unless m re
nesday aftermxm at the Catholic church, terms of sale Mr. Griffin was to have but planer at the Iowa Lumber Company’s
nrwMi is received
the last rites of burial lx-ing conducted one cutting of the grass and ha«l no right planing mill was done on Wednesday
by Rev. Father Murphy. A large con­ to pasture the laml at all.
of last week ami Geo. Neuber
Friday, June 5, 1903. course of friends of the family accom­ T. J. Pierce, of (»old Hill, and J. S. afternoon
had the honor of placing the board in
panied the remains to the Catholic Howard, the well known civil engineer the planer and he now has is as a souv­
cemetery, where the interment was of Medford, were in Jacksonville, Tues­ enir in his place of business, as the first
High School ( ommencrmenl.
made. The flower offering» were m«»st day on business connected with the prtxluct of Jacksonville's leading factory.
The commencement exercise» of the lavish and in Ixrautiful designs.
Jacksonville High School were held xt family deeply appreciate the sympathy High Line Ditch Company, of which Mr. During the past week all the machines in
the I’. S. hall loat Friday evening and ami many acts of kindnes» shown them Pierce is president an«l manager. Mr. the factory have started up and over a
Pierce states that a resurvey is to be car load of lumber is now dressed each
the event was one of the moat «ucce»»ful by the jx-o|»le ol Jacksonville.
made for their ditch, to secure a route day. The first car of dressed lumber was
ever held in Jack»onville. The hall was
that wili eliminate the high trestling loaded last Saturday ami st.rted on its
crowde«! to ita utmoat ca|>aeity by rela­
More Honors for Jacksoneille
across the small streams that empty into journey to Council Bluffs, Iowa; and a
tive* and friend* of the ncholar* and they
the Rogue river along the north side, ' car load has lxten shipped each day since.
fully appreciated the varied and enter­
taining program that wiu rendi-red. The txtuied by their son, Herbert, arrived over which the ditch is to cross. It is Everything is starting off in first-class
klage wa» handsomely decorate«! with ev­ J home Sunday from San Francisco. The the plan of the company to bold a meet­ sha|x: about the planing mill and so soon
ergreen», vine» and flower», together Judge and Mrs. Hanna went to California ing at Indianapolis, in the near future as the details are fully arranged from
with draping» of pink and green bunt­ recently to attend the commencement for the purpose of re-organizing ami of two to three car fomls of lumlier will lie
ing. The initial* of the achool, “J. if. exercises of St. Mary's College, in Oak­ largely increasing the capital stock, sent through its machines each day. In
S.,” made of pink bunting, apjarared to land, at which place their son Herbert with a view of taking up the work in addition to hauling the lumber from
gtxxl effect on the bank of evergreen at was a graduate, he having been a student the near future of constructing their their own mill this compsny is using
i of the college for the past five years. ditch.
much of the output of other companies.
the rear of the »tage.
Mrs. T. Cameron an«! Miss Amelia
The program opened with a chorim by Mr. Hanna won first rank in his language
E xpert M achinist R eturns H ome
the school that was very well rendered. studies and he graduated with high Britt left t«xlay (Friday) for Portland,
The invocation bv Prof. Washburn fol­ honors. Of a prize which he won for where they go to represent Adrial Chap­ 1 —Ixw Wentworth, who came to Jack­
lowed, after which came a piano duct by |>roficiency in hi» language studies the ter No 3 O. E. S. in the State Graml sonville with President C. Hafer of the
Mr». (Jus Neubcrry and Mi»» Delia Reu­ San Francisco Examiner, of May 2H, has I.<xlge of the Eastern Star, which con­ Iowa Lumber Company to put in the
venes in that city on Monday next. Mr. machinery for the new planing mill being
ter that was given a hearty encore by the the following to say:
was the Cameron will also go to Portland, but erecte«! by the Iowa Lumber Company in
The first oration was bv
Itcrtha Ione Prim and her theme wa» on address made by Herliert K. Hanna, the owing to business matters detaining this place, will complete his work to
the Ix-nefit of invention» to the lalxmng first speaker of the evening. Mr. Hanna him he will not leave until Saturday. morrow and will leave Sunday for his
man. Mi»» Prim made her points well . entered the college from Jacksonville, He goes to attend the Masonic graml home in Omaha. Mr. Wentworth has
ami clearly showed the various inven- i ()r. and was awarded the degree of liache- l«xlge, which convenes on next Monday. been just four weeks at his job from the
tiona, though the earlier one had been lor of art». Through his industry and Mr. ami Mrs. Cameron return home at day the first work was done upon the
oppowed by the lalronng men, had abrlity he succeed in winning the Justin the close of their respective graml lodges, building to the time when the last of
brought better condition» and better pay Gold Medal given by the clergy of this but Miss Britt, who is president of Jane the twelve different machines with which
McCully Cabin N. D. of O. of Jackson­ the mill is fitted, was in successful opera­
to the wage earners. Mary Emma Grime» city for excellence in languages."
ville, may remain in Portland to the tion which is a remarkably short time
described in an interesting manner the
Work Lpon the School House.
Grand Cabin of the Native Daughter of considering that this is one of the large
characteristics «»f the Germans «luring the
Middle Ages. “The Philippine Islands"
Contractor Harmon Snook is having Oregon, which convenes in Portland, on planing mills of Oregon. That Mr.
Wentworth is a thorough machinist is
was the topic of George Otis Henry and work pushed with vigor upon the new June 15.
he gave a gotxl description of those Is­ sc I kki I, The grading for the basement
Clyde McMurtrey passed through proven by the fact that every machine in
lands, the people amt an interesting his­ was complete«! last week by Geo. Hamil­ Jacksonville Monday on his way from the factory, when the power was turned
torical sketch ol this new poaaeaaion of ton and the work of putting in the con­ his mine on Forest creek to Medford, on, started up without a hitch.
the t’nited States. Jcsae Carr Applegate crete foundation was begun at once and where he was going to vote. Mr. Mc­ jx-rfect is the linement of the shafting
gave a clear statement as to the advan­ Mr. Evons, foreman for Mr. Snook, now Murtrey has a fine quartz ledge on his and belting and the setting of the ma­
tages thr Panama or Nicaragua canal lias the foundation walls up about two claim that is rich gold-bearing rock, the chines that when the factory is in full
would de to this coast. Jessie Beulah feet ami he will have them completed in gold Ixfing well distributed and not in operation there is scarcely any vibra­
Wilson gave a sketch of the history of alxmt tw«> weeks. The brick of which pockets, and which gives about J>50 per tion, all parts running as smoothly as
Jacksonville that was highly interesting , there will lx? 150,000 are furnishe«! from ton. He has been doing considerable | a new sewing machine. Be it to Mr.
to both th«- pioneers and the late comers, ! Childers Bros, yanl at Medford and Geo, prospecting work upon his claim and | Wentworth's credit this planing mill is
and it is given in full in another column Hamilton now lias three teams hauling now has four tunnels run of a combine part of the Iowa Lumber Company’s
of the Sentinel.
the brick to the schoolgrounds. Mr. distance of over tMM) feet. Mr. McMurt- plant that will neither have to be re­
The presentation of the diplomas to Hamilton also is hauling the gravel used rey expects to return in a couple of paired nor rebuilt.
the five graduates of the High School in the concrete, he getting it from the weeks to his former home at Omaha, ac- |
ami to the two graduates «»f the Eighth , tailings in Jackson creek.
companied by his mother and sister, to
H enry W endt , Driver—Leaves Jacksonville
Grade was made )>■• Prof, Washburn who
Mr. Snook placed the contract for the spend the summer. Hs will return next daily except Sunday at 7 a. m., arriving at Ap­
while doing so expressed his apnrecia- j lumber for the building, which will re­ fall, when he hopes to have arrange­ plegate at 11 a m Leave Applegate at 11:15 ar­
at Jacksonville at •'< p. m. Close connection
tion of the manner in which he ha«l been quire over 75,000 f-et, with the Iowa ments made to work his mining pro­ riving
made with stage to Steamboat and stage to Kubli
treated bv the pupils of his school, by I.umlier Company ami the mill teams perty.
and Davidson
the board and by the jjarenhs and the j are now delivering it at the school
With the substantial prosperity that ' JACKSONVILLE
R WiixiN. Driver—Leaves Jacksonville
citizens of Jacksonville. He also gave ground.
has come to Jacksonville, within the I at J 7 ohn
a tn Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays for
the Ixtys and girls some timely advice.
past year, business of all kinds has Ruch. Uniontown. Purcel, Watkins and Joes Bar,
The class address was made by Prof. J.
shown a great increase, and none has i returning on the following days.
Percy Wells, and it was an exceedingly
practical and sensible talk to the scholars
and there were many wholesome
Miss Jennie Wilson went to Pursel,
thoughts expressed that were helpful to Monday, where she will spend a week
parents as well. Prof. Wells cautioned with friends.
the boys and girls that their education 1
Home-cooked meals. 25 cents at Mrs.
was really but begun though they might
not again study within a school, and that I Flory’s in the brick boarding house
they must continue to improve their ■ second block north of the Court House.
minds, thus fitting them the better for j Miller at the Postoffice hardware store
their life duties.
carries all kinds of miners tools and
A restful change was given to the pro- I supplies and his supplies and price« are
gram by several musical selections. Wil- ' right.
liam Muller gave a piano selection that
Rev. E. B. Lockhart will conduct ser­
was well rendered ami Miss Margaret E.
Krause gave some vocal solos that fully vices at the M. E. Church in this place
sustained the reputation of this gifted next Sunday at 11 a. tn. and H p. m.
ladv as one of Jacksonville’s best singers. The public is cordially invited to attend.
The exercises closed with a well sung
E. S. Wolfer, the Medford plumber has
chorus by the school.
been at work with two men assisting put­
ting in the pipes to the blower at the
Hon. B. B. Beekman Jr., a prominent i planing mill. It is quith a large job as
attorney of Portland, formerly a Jack­ there are several huudred feet of piping
sonville bov and a graduate of the Jack­ to connect the blower to the various
sonville High School, is spending a few machines, and thence to the furnace, the
«lays this week with his parents. Mr. and shavings lx-ing carried by an air current
Mrs. C. C. Beekman, and in renewing , and blown into the furnace for fuel.
the acquaintances with the friends of his
Prospector«, campers, timberland cruis­
boyhood days. The air of bustle ami
modern life about the old town was ers will find our stock of staple and
something of a surprise to Mr. Beekman, fancy gnx-eries qu te complete, and
yet he expressed himself as confident prices always the lowest at Nunan's, Jack­
that the new conditions that have come sonville.
to Jacksonville, will, if properly utilized,
On Thursday the annual election of
make it a prosperous, growing town, officers of the Southern Oregon Pioneer’s
such as it was in the days past.
Association was held at Judge Silas J.
A bright, strong boy wanted to work Day's law office at which the following
in the Sentinel office.
officers were elected for the ensueing