Jacksonville sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1903-1906, May 29, 1903, Image 8

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    Work Progressing on 0. & P. R. R.
County Court Soles.
County court will convene next Wed­
Both crews of the Oregon & Pacific
nesday. Other than the ordinary routine ra liront I survey were in town Sunday re­
and the auditing of bills, three road ceiving the first payment for work dune.
petitions will lx- up for consideration. The line southward", up to Saturday last,
One is for a road leaving the county had been run seven miles, reaching the
road three miles east of Medford at the summit lietween the beadwaters of the
north-west coiner of W. W. Taylor’s south branch of Mill creek anti a small
place, thence running in an easterly stream ¡lowing westerly. The survey in
Has now come and you are doubtless in
direction, crossing the ridge aliout a mile several places crosses the long inland ;
south of Roxyann butte, to a terminus curves of the dow n coast wagon road. It
need of many things with which to replace
on the Ashland-Antelope road on the was the intention to drop back this week
place of Win. Myer. This road will lie and set grade staks over that portion that
old and worn out furnishings.
about seven miles long and will have a iwrlitninarv work has lieen done. The
grade over which a loaded team can grade is fair, as shown by the leveling in­
easily travel. It will lessen the distance struments. Work has been somewhat re­
more than one halt tor the residents of tarded on account of the great difficulty I
Climax vicinity in coming to Medford of getting through the dense growth of
and Jacksonville, and it is a road that is redwood trees, and over the numerous
a necessity to all the upper Antelope large fallen timbers.
The crew running northward has also '
Another road to lie asked for, over lieen in heavy timber, and not until the
Large variety
which there has been some controversy south end of Smith River Valley is reach­
in the- past, is to lie on the east side of ed will they have open country. Through
Bearcreek, beginning on the Medford— the \ alley andon northward, thedifhcul-
Eagle Point road at J. G. Hodges’ place tv of heavy timlier will be avoided to a ;
aliout three miles north-east of Medford great extent. Both crews started in aliout !
and running in a north-westerly direct­ 7 miles eastward of this city. The line
ion to a terminus on the Central Point— southward will jiass through the heart of
Eagle Point road near the Central Point the redwood licit, extending to Trinidad,
cemetery. This road will give a short Humlioldt country, and the work of
connection between two of the main | course will lie slow. Aliout 15 years ago
highways of the county and also give an a partv representing Villard, one of the
And all seasonable articles for the renova­
outlet to several fanners, who heretofore liest known railroad promoters of the
tion of your dwellings. Inquire at
have had to pass over private property i time, passed over almost the identical
to reach a county road.
route now being run by tne Oregon &
An extension of the Elk creek road is Pacific, southward.—Crescent City Rec­
asked for. The new road will begin at ord.
the present terminus of the Elk creek in
Dates to Remember.
section 23, township 32 south, range 2
east an<l extend in a south-easterly direct­ Friday. May 29—Grand Democratic rally
ion about eight miles to the D. Pence
at Medford. Addresses by Hon. A. E.
Jackionvillei Oregon
cabin in section 18, township 32 south,
Kearnes and Chairman Sain White.
range 2 east. This road is given an out Friday, May 29—Commencement exer­
let to a large number of homesteads on
cises of Jacksonville High School at
Upper Elk anil it will be of much benefit
U. S. Hall.
in opening up that part of the county.
Saturday, May 30—Decoration Dav.
Another petition to lie acted upon by Sunday. May31—Servicesat M. E church Young People,
Old People
the court is one'from Central Point ask­
Jacksonville, at 11 a. tn. Memorial
ing that Robert Williams lie appointed
and All the People
sermon by Rev. Edwin B. Lockhart,
constable for Central Point precinct.
entitled, "Silent Eloquence.”
June j—Election in First district.
G. A. R. Censures Medford Enquirer.
Tuesday. June 2—Meeting of Jackson­
Will find at the
ville city council.
At a meeting of Chester A. Arthur Post
No. 47, G. A. R., Dept, of Oregon, the Tuesday, June 2—Medford city council
will hold meeting.
following resolutions were offered and
Wednesday, June 3—Regular meeting
passed by a unanimous vote:
1 have on hand a lull line
for June of county court.
W hereas , the Enquirer, a paper pub­
of household and kitchen
lished in Medford by Horace Mann, did
cises of Central Point High School at
puublish in its issue of May 23, 1903, an
furnit are.
Brick hall.
article, the trend and substance of which
was evidently to tielittle, vilify and de­ Friday, June 5—Display of art and fancy
work at St. Marys Academy.
grade, so far as in the power of the writer
to do, the character and standing of the Monday, June 8—Special school meeting
/ do funeral directing and
at City hall, Jacksonville.
chief executive of the nation, the Honor­
undertaking as a special
able Theodore Roosevelt; and
ing in all school districts of Oregon.
W hereas , this slanderous article ap­
peared not in the heat of a political cam­ Tuesday, June 16—Entertainment bv
pupils and friends of St. Marys Acad- j
and Oysters
paign. but while the President was on a
rm y at U. S. hall.
friendly visit to our country and state,
and was without any provocation what­ June 17—Thirty-first annual reunion of
Pioneer Association at Portland.
ever; therefora tie it
17-20—W. O. W. Street Fair and Stationery, Cigars and To­
R esolved that, while we are not a
Carnival. Grants Pass.
partisan or political body, but old soldiers
and sailors who helped to defend this Na­ Wednesday, June 24—Meeting in Port­ bacco. Fine Billiard Parlor
J< k ksonvllle.
land of Western Division of Oregon
tion against its armed assailants, we do
State Teachers Association.
most emphatically denounce this and all
sued language being applied through the
pressor otherwise to our Chief Executive. IJ Real Estate Activities.
R esolved that these resolutions lie pre­
sented to The Mail and Southern Oregon­
ian with the request that they publish the f M Hauer to Miltie F Schaemfele. lot 3 blk
28. .Medford, .Mar 7, 19n3 . ................................
A J Iiaily et ux to Albert H Feachy; lot» 8
F. M. S tewart ,
C. R. A ndrcs ,
and 9 blk 7, Eagle Point . <lct 1.
Commander. Philip R Slanel't . to Albert II and N 1
Acting Adj’t.
A $7000 Stock
Special School Meeting.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voters of the School District No I of
Jackson County, State of Oregon, that a
special school meeting of said District
will be held at the Town Hall in Jack­
sonville,Oregon, on the 8th day of June,
1903. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for
the following effects: To authorize the
directors to issue negotiable interest
bearing warrants to the amount of #550.-
00 and fix the time of payment of same.
Dated this 20th dav of May, 1903.
T. J. K enney ,
Chairman Board of Directors.
Attest: J as . M. C ronh . miij . er ,
District clerk.
for Sale.
Three new mowers and one rake for
sale, cash or trade. Going out of the
business and will sell cheap.
C hris U lrich , Jacksonville.
Peachey; n% of nwj{; sw^ nw% “»‘1
nwk of aw‘4 aec 31 tp 3> a. r 3 e .May 4,
11»« ............................................................................
Nathaniel .Mangell et ux to Albert Gang-
wich propei ty in Jacksonville, .May 21,
J H Haun et ux to Max Weis. lota 1 and 3
blk C K R add Ashland. May 19, H»«..
Isaac N Brotherton et ux to Helen D Scott;
lot 27. Mount View add, Ashland. Mar 23,
D -M Warden et ux to Mary <> Martin land
in sec 7, tp 38 a, r 1 w..........................................
Ed Cardwell et ux to .Mrs Laura McClen­
don. lot 16 blk 27, Gold Hill, Nov 8. 1902.....
Louis Werth et ux to Roy Hargrave et ux.
liond for deed, property in Ashland. .May
19 191«......................................................................
H R Root et ux to Joel Mootnan land in
d 1 C 39 sec 35 tp 3-’> s, r I w..............................
Jerry M Heckathorn to Isabella Hecka
thorn; property in Eagle Point, May 25,
G W Mitchell to J F Wilson; % int ill q m c
Wagner Creek mining district, Jan 13 1!»«
T K Bolton to W F Wooden, lot 19 blk K,
R R add. Ashlatiq, Dec, 26, 19UÜ.....................
John W Cunningham et ux to T K Bolton;
same, Mar 14, 1902...............................................
of Household Furniture
.Assures an assortment and quality that utill enable
buyers to find just tvhat they want for the Parlor,
Library, Sittingroom, Bedroom, Diningroom and
Give us a call and let us show you our stock and
give you our prices
Medford, Oregon
The House Furnishers
James Terry and Bruce Buck; q m c Watkins
mining district, .May IS. 1903.
R .M Lewi», p m c. Steamlaiat mining district,
May 14, 1903
A M Scott, p m C, Steam boat milling district,
May 18, 1903.
W S Lamme, p inc, Steamboat mining district,
.May 18, 1903.
A ,M Scott and W S I.amme, water right, Steam
boat creek, May 18, 1903.
Il W Kuntzen, water right. Thompson creek,
May 21, 1903.
J Terry, q m c, Applegate mining dial, May 18,
Bruce Buck, q m c. Applegate mining district,
.May 10, 1903.
40 inch mount vemon draper duck,
wagon cover duck, 50 inch black enamel
carriage duck for sale at Nunan’s, Jack­
C. M. Buck has completed arrange­
ments for putting on a daily stage line
from Jacksonville to the copper mines.
He will have two rigs and three good
teams permitting one to rest each day
Miss Rose Buckley of Applegate visited
and he proposes to give a prompt and
last Saturday with Miss Ulrich.
satisfactory service to his patrons.
Union Livery Stables
Rigs on short notice for timber cruisers, com­
mercial men, mining men, sawmill men, all
kinds of men or parties. Horses fed at rea­
sonable rates.
Geo. N. Lewis, Prop., Jacksonville